FOREVER KNIGHTS: #17 Marked As Mine

Chapter No Mercy

“You have no mercy!”

“Don’t I?” He rounded to face her.

Making her retreat a step.

But he caught her waist and hefted her down from the plank onto the FireStar. “Pull the planks. Let her go.”

The crew obeyed. Withdrawing from the WindStorm to send it on its way.

“You can’t do this.” She whispered to him.

“What is this?” Boy sauntered up. Catching her upper arm and spinning her about. “A prize?”

She faced him. Swinging up her leg and catching him in the groin.

Grunting he fell to the deck, cradling his wounded manhood.

Another sailor came over. “Quite pretty. Surely you’ll share, Cap? Can’t keep her to yourself.”

“What if I wish to.” Bast said boredly.

“You know the rules of the sea!” The sailor objected. “You created most of them! And you’ve always said we always share our take.”

“You’re right.” Bast sighed. “I’ve never broken my word to you.” He started to turn away but Elsabet’s hand gripping his shoulder stopped him.

“Wait!” He rounded and saw her eyes the size of saucers.

“You can’t give me to them.”

“But spoils at sea are shared by the crew.”

“You can’t!”

He looked at her thoughtfully. Lifting his hand to caress her chin. “You should really stop saying that. We’re at sea. I can do whatever I wish.”

“Then don’t let them touch me.”

“Why would I do that?”

She cocked her head at him. “Guarantee me safe passage and I’ll be your spoils.”

His head lifted in interest. “Would you now?”

She met his look levelly.

“Not this one lads.” He caught her shoulders and turned her to face them. Taking a deep inhalation of her hair as he held her before him. “She is mine.”

But they knew that before we boarded the ship. And they understood they wouldn’t be touching her.

But Boy and Tommy had agreed to help him with the ruse.

And it worked perfectly.

Bast led her below deck. Barely able to keep a pace and not drag her down at a run.

Once in the room he turned her and pushed her against the door. He turned the key and dropped the chain it hung from over his head. It overlapped the dragon’s eye amulet he wore.

He drew a key from his breeches pocket and undid the shackles. Letting them drop to the floor with a clatter. He caught her wrists in one hand and held them over her head against the door. His other stroked over her body. Fondling as he went. Feeling her skin heat and encouraged by her pleased moans and her writhing hips. Working to get closer to him.

“You vow to remain willingly aboard this ship as my spoils?” He whispered near her ear.

“Yes.” She moaned. Her neck arching back. “As long as you promise safe passage.”


“Yes?” She blinked drowsily at him.

“You’d have had safe passage. I’d never have let them harm you.”

She grunted. “I figured as much.”

“If you had more faith in me, you’d not be so easily gamed.”

“What’s to stop me from just stalking up there, and refusing to bed you now?”

“Nothing.” He shrugged. “Except I’d now for the rest of eternity that you cannot be trusted as a woman of your word. And I’d believed you were.” He said disappointedly.

She’ll know I’m toying with her.

And her black look indicated just that.

She’s not falling for my guilt game.

But nonetheless she sighed and remained where she was.

“Ah, so now you’ll play the dispassionate victim to my advances.”

“I’m considering it.” She admitted.

“Are you?” His voice rose intrigued. “Why don’t you attempt that.” He whispered against her mouth before taking her in a kiss that bordered on violent. Dropping her wrists to wind his hand in her red hair. Deepening the kiss even further. When he stepped back she followed.

He backed up toward his narrow cabin bed and she matched his step. Moaning into his mouth.

Meeting me heated caress for heated caress. And she was warming him to the point he felt his eyes turn gold and knew a few stray scales were rising along his neck. The black markings swirling over his back.

“Why do you keep hunting for me?” She leaned up so he could lift her skirts. Then waited patiently while he undid the laces at the front of her purple dress.

“I will always look for you.”


“Because I’m madly, wildly in love with you.”

“Why?” She paused with shoving his shirt up to give him a surprised look. “Why would you love me?”

He grunted. “The reasons are too numerous to name. You’re an amazing, strong woman. I’d change nothing about you.”

“But?” She lifted a brow.

“There is no ‘but’.” He reassured. “But one of the things that makes my liaisons with you unique is that you respond to me not because of my animal magnetism or my Voice of Persuasion, but because of your own desire. I can’t tell you how that touches me.”

To be wanted for the man I am and not what I am.

“But it is only a small part of all the reasons. I could spend hours speaking of your merits.”

She nodded thoughtfully and finished pushing his shirt over his head.

All hot passion now.

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