FOREVER KNIGHTS: #17 Marked As Mine

Chapter RHYERS - About The Mark

Rhyers Hall, Mane Country


“I didn’t intend it!” Rhyers defended.

“Then why’d you do it?” Deragan asked. “It’s not as if we accidentally mark a mate. Not really in you to accidentally make a woman immortal and bound to you.”

“Well it wasn’t quite that simple.” Rhyers said guiltily.

Sebastian standing next to the Captain, glazed over a moment and Rhyers realized he wasn’t listening.

The Captain looked at him as well. “Who’s talking to you?”

“Teverius.” Bast answered.

“What’s he saying?”

“He’s coming here. He needs to talk to you about something.”

“What?” Rhyers queried.

“Well, twice in the last sevennight I sensed a marking.” Deragan gave an impatient groan. “You’re the only one whose sought me out so alarmed. He’s the second. So, if I had to make an assumption…”

“He marked someone too?” Rhyers queried.

“Lot of marking going on.” Bast commented.

You’re not helping. Rhyers gave Bast a dark look.

“He marked a woman as well, yes.” Deragan shrugged. “That’s my belief anyway.”

“I wanted to talk to you alone.” Rhyers objected.

“Yes, well, so does he apparently…” Deragan’s jaw ticked. “I can only be in so many places at a time. In-fact, I should be back at Rosewynn now.”

“What have I done?” Rhyers mourned. “How can I right it?”

“You know what you’ve done.” Deragan chastised. “You’ve lent her your immortality for as long as you and she live. You’re mated in spirit. You’ve bound both your bodies. When one is hurt so shall be the other. As it’s been written in her ‘Book of Immortals’.”

Rhyers winced. Mindful of his tone he said cautiously. “But she can die, and you do not.”

Deragan tipped his head reprimandingly. “You know The Fallen and I, are the exception to the rule!”


“Because she is the origination of the power, I assume.”

Rhyers was pacing his Parlor restlessly. Wind blew in the line of windows. Tossing the filmy curtains and making the globe on that side of the room twirl.

“That would be Tev coming.” Rhyers’ slumped. “Here already.”

“He is quick.” Deragan agreed.

“Yes,” Bast contributed. “he says he’s here.”

Tev pushed the handle and entered the foyer nodding to Rhyers. “Might I borrow, The Captain?”

“As you need.” Rhyers tossed his hand. Turning away but still able to hear them.

I want to know if Deragan was right about Teverius making the same mistake.

“What happened?” Deragan asked.

“I marked her.” Tev caught Deragan’s elbow and began pulling him to the opposite side of the Parlor.

Apparently, it was.

“As you said.” Rhyers blurted to Deragan.

Tev gave him a stern look. “I didn’t mean to. It was an accident.”

Deragan gave Rhyers a sardonic look.

“Oddly, that’s what Rhyers said.” Bast interjected helpfully.

Uncalled for.

“And what would you have me do about it?” Deragan tossed his hands helplessly.

“Tell me how to take it back!” Tev said urgently.

As I had. Rhyers had a pang of conscience.

Even as he thought it, Deragan made an exasperated noise. “You two have done this. You’ve made your own mess. This is not for me to clean up!” He stepped back to look from one to the other like a disapproving father.

“Hash this out. There’s really only one truth. What’s done is done. Honor the promise you’ve made these women! Now meet me in WaterRose. I’ve something we will discuss.” Without a word more he turned and left. Slamming the door.

Both pairs of eyes turned to Bast.

“Oh, no…” He held his hands out to ward them off. “I’m no part of all this.” He gestured to encompass them both. “I lived with a woman I found highly desirable for three decades and didn’t mark her.”

“Could you get close enough?” Tev queried skeptically.

Bast scowled at him.

“It’s not the same.” Rhyers defended.

“I rather think ’tis.” Bast argued. “This,” He pointed from one to the other. “is on the both of you…”

Bast left as soundly and Rhyers found himself staring at Teverius.

Both of us looking equally as shamefaced.

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