FOREVER KNIGHTS: #17 Marked As Mine

Chapter Questions For My Mentor

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border

Savage was back in the tree a long distance away from Radix’s lair. Watching as he’d been for a few days now. Waiting for him to leave.

It’d been bothering Savage that Elsabet was still so angry at Sebastian and that she admitted to recently being in the stronghold. Meaning she verified it was still operational.

Still the heart of the Forever Knights. Their main hub.

The fall of WaterRose would mean the fall of Sebastian Bodane and who knows how far the knights would make it from there… That made him nervous.

And Savage didn’t like feeling nervous.

So he’d decided he’d have another little chat with the valkyrie.

Finally, on the afternoon of the third day, Radix left the lair with a swarm of Sarabi.

Intent on killing someone.

Hopefully me. He found that idea immensely amusing. That Radix might be out hunting him while he was sneaking into Radix’s lair.

Covering himself in the same mud and feces as before he crept through the dark dripping dollops of dark substance.

Reaching Chavias’ chamber found him waiting at the bars as before. “Hello, My Lad.”

“Greetings, Chavias.”

“You’re wasting your time today.”

“How so?”

“She’s not down here any longer.”

“Elsabet?” Savage queried.

Where has she gone?

“The dark winged woman, if that’s her name.” Chavias supplied. “He’s keeping her Danbury’s Holding in MidGale.”

“Charles Danbury?” A slow smile crossed Savage’s face.

Anything that frustrates him becomes more fun.

“Yes. That’s he.” Chavias nodded. “He’s on Radix’s board.”

Savage’s head tilted in interest. “You’ve seen it lately.”

“Been waiting for you.”

“Who’s on it?”

“A maid Libby is currently somewhere in the Paladines. The Rebel Leader, Garix Trembath, but you already knew that.”

Savage tipped his head the other direction in acknowledgement.

“Danbury in MidGale. King Metriossis of the Paladines. King Devlin of Igonox. He did have Queen Marod of Nightway…”

“She’s dead.” Savage said tonelessly.

“I heard.”

Savage shrugged. “Who else?”

“Nierwae of Battling and…King Ocnomad.” Chavias watched him intently.

Because he knows.

“I’d believed that a certainty. Sourthern Vale?”

“Far as I can tell he’s been unable to get any foothold there.” Chavias said.

“I’d thought so.” Savage looked to the ground mulling it over before asking in a voice barely above a whisper. “And Meadow Mountain?”

Chavias gaze on him sharpened. He was quiet a long while. “You know?”

About WaterRose.

“I do.”


Savage decided to return to the subject of Elsabet. “He’s keeping her in MidGale so between here and there they can begin pinching in on Grier.”

“I’m certain of it.” Chavias agreed. “It’s the biggest country.”

“He wants it the most.”

“But there’s not much time. He intends to send her to the Isle of Wight soon to help him find a foot hold there.” Chavias warned. “If you have any sway over her you need to get to her.”

“I have none, but I know who does. I know what her weakness is.”

“Then market upon it if you can.” Chavias suggested.

I intend to.

“I’m not sure it’s possible. She has a low response level to weakness.”

“Perhaps one day, that’ll be in our favor.”

“I hope so.” Savage murmured.

Savage hadn’t thought Charles Danbury had a holding. He’d thought he owned a mere house. Now I know why.

The structure was still receiving the final touches. And from the stink of the workers he could tell what they were. Firoque.

And the miniature fortress was too elaborate to be designed by Danbury and Radix would have no idea how to build a fortress like this.

Only Chavias would. Savage realized.

He hadn’t mentioned that. Because I didn’t ask. Savage knew instantly. He hadn’t thought it was relevant or I’d have questioned him when he’d call it a holding.

He knew then that if Chavias had designed this then he’d have made a back way in. Savage strolled the outer perimeter inspecting it. When he found the cave that would’ve permeated the foundation without the builders even realizing they’d constructed it over the small entrance.

However, the entire area around it was filled with brown creatures filling the trees. Hanging upside down from them.

As Elsabet had been when I saw her at the NetherRunnel Crossing.

These are all like her. He realized.

And they’d moved their wings to peer at him.

There has to be two dozen guarding this entrance. And without knowing what they could do he was unwilling to test their strength. He suspected that if he could see this many, there were likely more he didn’t yet see.

I’ll have to find a different way in.

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