FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter Transporting Artifacts

Rhyers stayed close to him. Keeping him in view. And paying little attention to his surroundings.

They heard the first thudding and branches cracking on the left and when a Targue jumped from leafy coverage. Bast caught it with his arms wrapping its neck and used its momentum to swing it a full circle and slam it along a hearty trunk. Smashing it. He dropped it limp to the ground. Its black bark coating already melting away into human skin.

They ran as a group.

Two more Targue rushed out at Tev.

Rhyers skid to a stop to await them as Tev drew his spinning hatchets from his waistband, but both animals veered around him and Rhyers and between Acharius and Bast, heading for the back.

But the purple haired woman was grinning wildly. Her face alive with excitement. Her dagger in hand as she launched herself up in a high leap. Whooping as she did. The brush exploded into life as four big Targue smashed out. Pinching the two attackers against each other as they ripped into them.

Serdephe landed on the backs of her quarries as they stumbled into each other. She stabbed in a flurry of her swinging blade.

The Demon Dogs were a surging wave of growling and teeth. Tossing bits of black skin and dark meat into the trees. Managing to hack the two enemies apart while efficiently missing Serdephe’s exposed legs draped down their sides.

I’ve never seen anything like that. Rhyers’ gut sank. Wondering how much more they were going to run into before reaching the stronghold.

“I don’t like this plan!” Rhyers tossed over his shoulder. His dark hair streaming out behind him as he tucked his legs to clear a high trunk. Landing smoothly on his barefeet and doing his best to keep pace with Teverius who was a blur swerving through the trees ahead of him.

Rhyers had long ago learned the best tactic was to keep the long white hair in view. It swung like a banner revealing Tev’s direction.

“Quit complaining lad!” Acharius roared. Sending down a rainstorm of arrows over Rhyers’ head. Between he and Tev as a line of Nonis emerged to try and cut him off. “And run!”

Bloody hell! What does he think I’m doing? Rhyers picked up the pace. Hearing the precious artifacts tinking at his back as they jangled together.

Don’t break. He prayed.

Rhyers hopped along the side of a trunk and leapt to another before leaning the opposite way to land back on his feet on the forest floor. Seeing another Targue’s head jut from the brush, he slid his heels and scattered rocks on it as he switched directions to avoid its path.

“Keep moving!” Bast called. Slamming a shoulder into the Targue’s neck and sending it reeling. But continuing on to remain at Rhyers’ side.

I hate this plan.

Why did I come up with this plan?

Because I thought someone else would be running them. Rhyers was already envisioning the Captain’s disappointment, or worse, rage. If I lose this damn bag.

Rhyers’ hands reflexively moved to fist the ropes along his chest. Holding them there so he could get through the rougher terrain where he knew the trees got tighter. We’re going to have to go up.

I hate up.

And Tev was heading up. There was a series of low branches and Tev ran them like a staircase.

Rhyers, a short distance behind him, blew a heavy breath. Heading up after him.

A Sarabi descended through the tree canopy but Acharius had three arrows in it before it could touch either of them. It crashed through the branches as it went limp. Landing on a pointed branch as it turned into a human body. Piercing through its chest. It dangled face down. Eyes open and motionless.

“Well, that’s disgusting.” Serdephe commented from below.

She doesn’t miss a beat. Rhyers thought in admiration. Pleased that she was no squealing delicate.

A bit like Ebony instead.

The rest of their journey was no better. They kept the breakneck pace and Rhyers was pleased he stayed so surefooted.

Their next obstacle was the NetherRunnel Bridge.

Looking as precarious as ever. Rhyers fingered the ropes crossing his chest and peered over the edge. Seeing the flurrying current raging fast. The green hued water rolling in wild waves.

Unpleasant as hell.

“We could fly over.” Rhyers suggested hopefully.

“Too many of us.” Acharius called over the surging of the river. “We’ll have to go it on foot.”

The bridge looked far too narrow.

And there are bound to be more Cimmerii on the otherside. Rhyers worried.

“If we go up,” Acharius warned. “Sarabi will spot us and we have no idea how many there are.”

Rhyers swore.

Tev stepped up next to him. “I don’t like it any more than you.”

Rhyers gave him a quick look.

“Chavias caught me here once.” Tev explained.

Bast shot him a sympathetic look. Remembering that day.

“When was that?” Rhyers asked.

“The day I lost the map.”

“That’s why you went into hiding?”


“Come on, you two.” Acharius walked by them to take the narrow bridge. “I am no favorite of water either.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Tev asked.

“Vikings sail. Not float.”


“I’m too big to swim. I simply sink. Let’s go. If I can do this you can. Now pray the bridge don’t crumble under my weight.”

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