FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter To WaterRose

Bridge was a strong word for it.

It was merely planks of wood strung over the river and bound on each end by one huge boulder holding each edge. One had to shimmy around the boulder, steady themselves and then take the rickety boards while clinging to the rope’s strung across as railings.

I’d rather be flayed alive. Rhyers thought. Staring at it askance.

Acharius crossed quickly. Stepping around the boulder on the other side and scanning the trees as he strung his bow. Arrow to the ready.

The woman, Serdephe, scooted passed him and giddily skipped across the bridge. Hopping on it as though it were a grand game.

She’s insane. Rhyers stared, jaw agape.

“Go.” Tev gave him a light shove.

“Touch me again and I’ll break your hand.” Rhyers threatened darkly over his shoulder.”

“Then quit being a lady and go.”

“I’m going.” Rhyers grumbled. Flexing his fingers around the ropes and ensuring they were taut before moving on. Clutching the swaying ropes in a death grip he walked the swinging boards quickly.

Wishing to be anywhere but here.

Once over he leaned over and braced his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Whooshing air. Once he’d calmed, and Tev had made his way over to join them, they finished their way.

They heard the bridge creaking behind them.

“Something is following us.” Rhyers announced.

“The dogs.” Tev said.

“My babies.” Ser agreed.

Far from babies. Too big and ugly to be babies.

The Demon Dogs were plodding over the precarious bridge. One after another.

When an occasional Targue or Noni intercepted them, Serdephe happily pushed through them to attack the demons.

Relishing the hunt.

When she tired, Acharius took over as they made their way along thew twining roads through Grier.

And when he tired, Tev drew his hatchets and led the path.

As they drew near the valley of Meadow Mountain, Acharius gave a hoot.

The signal to scatter. Only Rhyers and Bast stayed the course toward WaterRose. Weaving over each other’s scent as they went opposite ways before cutting off toward the stronghold.

Acharius, Tev, and Serdephe scrambled the scents by rushing in every direction and rounding in circles before they all took different routes back toward Meredith House.

We made it alive. Rhyers thought as the bridge lowered and they entered WaterRose’s bailey.

As they walked into the stronghold though, Rhyers realized something had changed.

“Why is it so quiet?” He blurted before realizing his insensitivity.

“Not many come here just to visit or gather anymore.” He sighed. “Not since she left.”

“She did give this old castle some spirit.” Rhyers admitted.

“I even miss her yelling.” Bast held his stomach as they entered the parlor where he began untying the knots holding the bag to Rhyers back. “Your feet are bleeding.”

“Shit!” Rhyers dropped onto the divan and lifted one to examine it. “I’m going to need my serum.”

Letting his foot fall to the floor he slumped and looked at Bast.

Bast looked a bit deflated.

And exhausted.

“How soon?” Bast asked.

Ready to go retrieve it for me.

“Not soon. They’re tiny scratches. But I’ll have to wear your shoes out or my blood will lead them straight here.”

Bast nodded. “I’ll get some.”

Rhyers noticed that just since entering the castle Bast was moving slower. Written with sorrow.

Bast was nearly to the stairs when Rhyers called through the doorway. “She’ll come back to you.”

Bast paused. Staring at his boots on the stairs. “I’ve thought much on it. And unfortunately, I can’t conceive a single reason why she’d ever do that.”

“But she-” Rhyers started but realized Bast was already gone.

Too weary to listen to hollow reassurances. But Rhyers didn’t feel like they were hollow. I do think she’ll come back.

She loves him every bit as much as he loves her. She just may not know it yet.

He twisted trying to tug the sack of his back. Now how do I get this thing off?

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