FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter She Begins a Siege

“You’re always conniving, Alazar. I’m the one that knows that, remember? To marry me would mean you’d not be executed tomorrow for the lives you’ve taken tonight.”

“You seem to be under the misconception,” His voice darkened. “that with your consent, is the only way I could take this castle.”

“Don’t threaten me, Alazar.” She rolled to her knees and stood. Throwing the bloodied rag in his face.

He gave her a stern study. “Wrong. Do you truly think that’s what I’ve wanted from you all these years?” He tipped his head back and eyed her down his nose. “You know better.”

“You’re forgetting, I know you’re always planning how to achieve your next goal.”

True. He was quiet a moment.

“The answer is no. I don’t wish to rule your realm. I wish you’d do so justly.” His sadness seemed nearly overwhelming.

I don’t want to hurt her. In any sense.

She’s forcing my hand. He reminded himself for the hundredth time.

“Ha!” She scoffed. “Is anything I do ever good enough for you?”

That’s not what this is about!

“Ri!” He sat up. Wincing at the pain and clutching his rippled abdomen. “Are you jesting?”

Surely you know better.

“Not in the least.” Her gorgeous green eyes flicked to him in the shadow of candlelight cast from those on the mantle and framing her massive bed.

“You’ve perfected everything I ever showed you how to do. What do you think I see as deficient?”

“Everything.” She shrugged. “You’re always chastising me about something.”

No. Only your people. I was trying to save you.

“The only thing I’ve ever chided you for is how you manage your realm. Peasants are dying and though you preach caring you’ve done perilously little to stop it! And though I’ve told you the cause countless times you refuse to even consider the possibility! Yes, I’m certainly frustrated with that aspect. But nothing else!”

“You’re upset because Charles is my affianced.”

“Not in the least.” He grated out. “I’m upset because of what he does. And I’m not rehashing this when I know well you’ll not listen!”

He won’t be much of anything to you much longer. Soon he’ll be gone. Alazar vowed it to himself.

“Please, be my mate, Ri.” He tried one more time. Not even looking at her. His chorded throat working with emotion as he stared at the fire tossing in the grate.

For once soften toward me, on just this one thing.

Her head shot up and her eyes widened. “You’ve never pleaded for anything!”

No, I haven’t. It should tell you all you need to know.

“I’m not one to ask for anything.” He agreed.

“I always thought you just took whatever you hungered for.”


Then I’d have taken you for my mate along time ago. You’d be scarred with my mark now.

“You think Charles is wrong?”

I know it.

“He controls you with an iron fist. Where all I’d want is to set you free. He wants to steal from you. I want you to flourish.”

“You’re merely angry,” She stood over him. “that he opened my eyes to your Dreadcraft!”

“What Dreadcraft, Riaura?” He shook his head at her sudden attack.

My magic, she means.

Damn her! He wanted to blow up. Beyond frustrated that even now she wouldn’t listen. He watched her back as she stalked from the room and slammed the door behind her.

Furious with me.

The moment the door closed, he was up off the couch. Pacing like a caged lion. Eyes so luminous they were fair on fire. An animalistic snarl escaped him. I’ve given her every opportunity to relent peaceably!

Torture me? He growled.

She thinks to hold me prisoner? He laughed. A cold dry sound.

“The queen that held Alazareth Bodane in her dungeon. The queen that took his head.” He was huffing. Temperature climbing as fur pushed through his pores along his shoulders and face. He shook his head to tamp down the beast trying to rise.

Making the fur retract and his skin settle as he made his decision.

His rage inciting him to new heights. She thinks to best me?

Perhaps its time I win this foolish game. I’ve tried to be placating. No more! Making the decision, he stormed to the torch hanging on the wall.

His throat coated in shimmering silver scales. Heating to a glowing orange before he huffed a flame to light the straw coating. Stomping to the window he waved it angrily.

Afterward he let it drop to the floor in her chamber. Heedless of the drapes near the window slit catching afire behind him.

He walked to the door and rotated just as he reached it to stand along the wall behind and wait. Shirtless and barefoot.

And ready to do battle.

His siege on Nightway Castle had just begun.

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