FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter DERAGAN - Help Her Believe

Rosewynn Manor, Outside Meadowbrook, Grier


Deragan was waiting all day to see her. Beyond the window it was already getting dark.

But she didn’t enter the Dining Room until evening.

Entering the dining room as Marcus was yawning.

The others already stretching and muttering sleepily.

She unfolded the heavy volume from under her arm. Setting it on the Dining Room table nearest the fireplace. Lighting two candles from the flame to illuminate the pages as she skid the chair in to read.

Deragan couldn’t help his gaze being magnetized to the precious book. Her book.

The Book of Immortals.

She flicked through all the worn pages, beyond those that appeared immaculate. White. New. Skimming them until finding the last page with writing.

Deragan My Love,

I fell to save your condemned knights. With my last breath I gave you all immortality, making you my Eternal Guardians, enemy of Cimmerii, those soulless things living in darkness.

For centuries you, Captain Black of the Forever Knights, have been the only thing feared by Cimmerii. You’ve fought the root of evil driven by your purpose and vengeance. Stay relentless.

You know well the darkest evil is preparing to take everything. Your Forever Knights, I and mine are the only hope for salvation. Together we’ll change the tide of evil.

I, The Fallen, am the key to everything. The others will come.

Like wolves you and I can never accept another in each other’s stead. You’ll always be able to find me, whoever I am.

Do whatever it takes. And forgive me for forgetting.′

Horrified she read it again. And reread it. Several times.

Deragan watched her from the corner of his eye. Knowing she was reading his letter.

Putting my name together.

Deragan Black. He wondered if she would put it together.

“Are you any relation to a Deragan Black?” She didn’t even look up from the pages. But he could feel her confusion.

“What are you reading?” He attempted to dodge her question.

“I think it is a love letter from long ago. But it’s so sad.” She was rubbing her forehead.

Massaging some pain there. Looking at her caught the glisten of tears streaming her cheeks.

Is she feeling what she did then?

There’s so much emotion in those words.

“What does it say?”

“I’m reading about the ‘Bringers of Dawn’.” She slid the book to the crook of her elbow and tossed through the pages.

“Ah, I’ve heard the lore.” He commented. Leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “A group of players created by the lower realm of angels, those closest to man. To protect the Fallen from mankind and Cimmerii alike.”

“Yes.” She looked up in surprise. “Almost a direct quote. I didn’t realize the mythology was so well known.”

“The Fallen was among them.” She read. “The ‘Watchers’.”

“Yes. And when she left them, their love for her was the construction of the ‘Bringers’. A sect born to mortals. Driven to protect her via their extraordinary abilities.’

She gave him a fast look before her gaze returned to the book. Her finger trailing over the words.

She’s catching up. I was getting ahead of her.

“They’ll be identified by the animal totems flocking to them as they come into power.” She read with a flourish. Rubbing her temples in a circular motion.

“Yes. And the ‘Watchers’ would be recognized by their ability to see through deceit, to know magic, and the ability to have visions.”

“Yes!” She said excitedly as she found confirmation of what he spoke of a page back. “As a lingering symptom of their divinity.”

“To know one is to know love.”

“I don’t see that here.” She frowned.

“I’m sure it’s there somewhere.” He stood and offered her a hand.

Hers shook as she took it. She met Deragan’s penetrating stare. Mesmerized by the strange swirl of blue and green in his eyes. Seeming like a whirlwind in the iris. His fitted breeches revealed the long length of his legs. A black belt cinched his waist where the flowing black shirt was tucked in. Molding well-formed abs and arms. The rolled sleeves exposing chorded brown forearms and thick wrists. A beautiful, corded neck led to a square jaw. His face was currently smooth. Black brows bridged over those vibrant eyes. Shining black hair waved from his face back to his collar. A few stray locks curling over his forehead as usual.

“How do you know all of this?” She burst out.

Can I tell you? Are you ready for the truth? Tilting his head slightly he gave her a long look. His thumb still lightly massaging the back of her bare hand.

“Are you connected to all-all this? These Forever Knights, who turn into wolves, their like-like-” She gestured toward the window.

You’re catching on. But is it too early for me to confirm?

“Tell me something then! Something that might…might…”

“Might what?” He blinked at her.

“Might make me think you’re not involved.”

But I am.

“Involved in what?”

“I don’t-I don’t know…” She rubbed her forehead quickly. “I think it’s just this headache. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

You were so close to a revelation…

“If it’s all true. I’m not crazy.”

“You’re not crazy.” He said slowly. Staring hypnotically into her pretty blue eyes. The firelight dancing over her face while casting him in shadows.

“Then tell me something to make me believe it.”

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