Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 55

He pulls out a little blue velvet ring box and opens it. Inside was a beautiful ring. The giant purple, sparkly stone in the center is square with rounded edges, down the sides of the band are little white diamonds. I gasp and put both hands up to my mouth. I feel my eyes getting wider. I look from the ring to Bronx and back again. A purple aura starts to glow brightly around me. Bronx puts his hand on my knee and starts to glow too.

"...Bronx,," I feel so flustered, I can't form a sentence. Tears start pooling in my eyes, threatening to spill over. I manage to pull one hand away from my mouth enough to point to the ring and whimper, "Where did you get that?" : "I stopped in Paris after my first visit with you at the coven and had it custom made. It's a purple diamond. Like, it's a real diamond that's purple, something to do with minerals in the earth. I had no idea diamonds came in colors," he chuckles a little, "The sales guy at Harry Winston told me they're super rare. I told him I knew just the person for a super rare purple diamond. So? What do you say, Kas? Will you be my wife? Will you marry me?"

I'm full on ugly crying now. I hear my voice squeak as I nod yes. I couldn't speak actual words if I tried. Bronx pulls the ring out of the box, takes my left hand away from my face, and slides the ring on my finger It fits perfectly. I stare at my hand in shock.

The air feels thin. I sit down to catch my breath as I stare at my hand with the giant diamond ring securely in place. I feel an odd pang in the back of my mind, but I ignore it. +

"I was going to do this at the Solstice party tomorrow, but this felt right. Just us, not a huge audience," he says as he wipes my tears away. Without warning, I throw my arms around him, crashing my lips onto his. Surely he had to know this was going to get him laid, right? Well if he didn't he does now. 2

I wake up the next morning tired but in a completely blissful state. I just got engaged and now it's the winter solstice. Not only that, I get to join in on the festivities. But first I have to get out of Bronx's clutches. I swear he has the arms of an octopus.


I finally get him off of me, I roll over and look at my hand. The engagement ring is still there. Last night was real. Oh my Goddess, I still can't believe it. I look out the window with a huge smile on my face. It's gently snowing. Oh, man! I feel a twinge of sadness because I know if Lex was here, she would have loved to go for a snow run with the pack.

"Wake up, Sweetheart. It's Winter Solstice! Come on. Let's go meditate," I shake his sleeping form.

"Uugghh, Kas, you wore me out last night. I'm a weak old werewolf, whose wolf won't even talk to him, let me sleep."

I know he is only half-joking. He always teases me since I'm seven years younger than him, just barely old enough for us to be allowed to have a relationship by werewolf law.

"You can go back to sleep after we meditate," I whine while I helplessly pull on his arm.

"You go set up, I'll be there in a minute," he waves me off with his face smashed in the pillow. I let go of his arm with a huff as it plops back onto the bed. 2

I go to the living room and pull out the yoga mats and light some tea lights. I pull the curtains closed to dim the room. Just as I'm finishing up, Bronx comes out of the bedroom wearing gym shorts but no shirt.

"Uh, Baby, are you gonna meditate like that? Because I don't know how you expect me to be able to concentrate if you're naked," he looks me up and down. He has a smirk on his face with his eyebrows raised. I look down and realize in my excitement, I forgot to put on clothes. I giggle as I run to the closet and put on comfy yoga gear.

Bronx is already sitting cross-legged when I get back. I sit across from him, start a relaxing song on my phone and take his hands. We have found it is easier to concentrate when we are touching. "How much longer do we need to keep this up, Baby?" He whines a little.

"Until Saint and Lex are back in our heads where they belong," I say resolutely.

"Okay," he sighs, sounding a bit defeated.

We close our eyes and reach our minds out.

"Kas? Is that you?" Her voice is faint but clear.

"Lex? Where are you?" "I'm lost, please find me!" She sounds so scared.

"I'm trying, Lex. Follow my voice. You're almost home! Come on!"

"I'm tired, Kas. I'll stay here and rest. Come find me later."

"No, Lex. You're not making sense. And you didn't let me give up when I thought I wanted to go back to Silver Moon. I'm not letting you give up now. You always tell me you're a warrior. So prove it. Get up and fight for your life. Follow my voice. Right now. Let's go!" I never thought I would have to be the one using the 'tough love' tactic on my wolf, but here we are.

Reaching out to her is really draining, but I'm not going to give up now. It feels like forever but I sense her getting closer and closer until I can envision her beautiful black fur. I can practically feel myself being able to wrap my arms around her.

"Kas? Is that really you?" she cries out, "I thought I was lost forever. I thought I was dead. I missed you. I thought I would never see you again, like my spirit finished its journey."

"It's me, Lex. Oh my Goddess. I'm so happy I could cry. I've missed you so much! I have so much to tell you. I have to tell Bronx you're back. Saint was missing too. He is back, but he won't talk to Bronx. Bronx says he feels like Saint doesn't how to speak and we're not sure how to fix it." :

"Okay, Kas. I need to rest, but I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere," she sounds weak, but she's right back where she was supposed to be. My heart is pounding with happiness. "Lex, I have some big news to tell you," I smile at her.

"News? What happened while I was gone?" she asks, sleepily.

"We got engaged last night," I cheer.

I sense her wagging her tail and her mood lightens, "Oh Kas, that's so great! I am so happy to hear that."

"I love you, Lex."

"I love you too, Kas."

I popped my eyes open to see Bronx was staring at me like he's in shock, "He's there, Kas. I spoke to him. Saint is back!" +

"Lex too! She says she's tired but she's back!" "Saint thought he was dead and that's why he wasn't talking to me. He thought I was a figment of his imagination. He didn't believe me that he was just lost and the Moon Goddess helped him find his way back. My little goddess, we did it! Haha!" He cheers as he pulls me toward him, peppering me with kisses. We both laugh and cry tears of joy, feeling more complete than we have in weeks.

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