Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 107

"A star-studded charity event in Greece turned scary last night when America's pint-sized princess, Kas Mason, co-owner of 'Patisseries de Loup Magique', and wife of security mogul Bronx Mason, was attacked by a disgruntled server."

"The casino themed event was thrown by Santoro Enterprises for Katherine Santoro's personal charity that provides fresh water resources for people around the world. The Masons made a rare public appearance together, attending the event with a group of Kas's friends, who walked the red carpet with her."

"Bronx looked swoon worthy in a Tom Ford tuxedo. His new, realistic prosthetic green eye highlighted the secretive stunner's handsome features.

But ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you, Kas, who is known for her signature silver hair and violet-colored contacts, really stole the show ina curve-hugging black, open back Givenchy gown, giving the world a peek at the burn scars. She has spoken about them before in interviews, but I, for one, gasped at how severe those scars actually are."

"The altercation with the server began when the ill-advised employee approached Kas and offered her a glass of champagne. Now we know we have not seen Kas drink alcohol in the past, so naturally she politely refused a drink from the man. Eye witnesses claim he became enraged and grabbed her by the wrist, threatening her, unprovoked."

"They say Kas stayed calm, cool, and collected while her ever present security guards came to the rescue and subdued the man. But the really juicy part of the story begins when Bronx got involved and tried to strangle the attacker in front of everyone. A source tells us Kas was able to calm Bronx down and convince him to let the man go, letting event security take over the situation. Makes you wonder what he's like at home, doesn't it?"

"The Masons immediately left the event after the incident. Witnesses later saw the couple canoodling by a nearby fountain, where they spied Bronx with his hand on Kas's belly. While the couple hasn't announced a pregnancy yet, maybe he was just being an overprotective daddy-to-be? Make sure you have alerts set on our social media accounts, because we'll break that news as soon as we hear about it!"

I feel the spoon drop out of my hand, into the bowl of oatmeal. The reporter from the tabloid news show grins broadly as the professional video clips of Bronx and I smiling on the red carpet switch to me turning to show everyone the open back of my dress, then to Delilah, Musu, Carly, and Diane posing beside me to a cell phone video of Bronx dangling Dionysus in the air by the neck. Finally, a grainy picture of Bronx sitting on the side of the fountain with his hand clearly on my stomach.

"Ashley, I don't care what time it is there, get the PR team to deal with this NOW" Bronx bellows into his phone as he comes out of the bedroom of our hotel suite, "I'll be waiting." I

"Bronx people recorded you," I hear myself say.

"Yeah, I know, Kas. You don't have to worry about it. This is my problem, not yours," he says, pacing and rubbing his hands on his face.

"Media outlets think I'm pregnant," I can feel tears in my eyes as I turn toward him. I rarely let tabloids bother me, but this is too personal.

"Kas, I'm going to handle this," he continues to pace, not paying attention to what I'm saying, and mumbles under his breath about hating public events and cursing Saint for his bad temper.

"I'm going to lie down. Hopefully, when I wake up, this will all be part of a bad dream," I don't even stop to give him a kiss and he's too distracted to notice. I just make my way to the bedroom and crawl under the covers.

"Lex, please tell me you have some words of wisdom to help Bronx and me out here," I sigh, trying to hold back tears. I feel so stupid being upset by a stupid tabloid report.

"Well, I'm not gonna say he hasn't pulled a trick like that in the past but it was way before cell phone cameras were a thing," she admits, "I think you both just have to lie low until it blows over."

I groan and pull the covers over my head, blocking out the world. I let myself close my eyes and try to meditate, but my mind is racing. There's no way I can relax enough to clear my mind. I consider calling Delilah to come hang out with me, but I don't want to trouble her with this. I decide to let a nice hot shower wash my troubles away.

Imake my way to the bathroom, turn on the water, and get undressed. While I am testing the temperature of the water,

I feel a shift in the energy in the air. I turn around to see a purple portal forming in the middle of the bathroom. "Kas? Are you alone?" Leticia peeks her head out from the purple light.

"Well, if I wasn't, we'd both be screwed, wouldn't we, Leticia," I drop my arms to the sides, remembering I have no problem with her right now, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. What's up, darling?"

Leticia climbs out of the portal with a hop and looks around the bathroom, "This is a hotel? Fancy."

"Leticia, I'm not trying to be rude, but if Bronx finds you here, he's going to kill you. So please keep your voice down," I say, shaking my head. I reach for a towel to cover myself.

"Wow, Kas, has anyone ever told you how bad those scars are?" she asks, her violet eyes staring at me with worry. She shakes her head, forgetting her

concerns and moves on, "Oh and Bronx can't kill me. He has to protect me, just like he does for you. I thought you knew that."

"Leticia, my patience is already running thin today. I don't want to snap at you because you have done nothing wrong. Please tell me what you need or get out until lam in a better mood," I say, trying to be mindful of her fragile emotional state regardless of my temporary aggravation.

"I have everyone gathered at the apartment and I have your meeting confirmed. Two human weeks from today," she beams at me proudly.

I stop messing with the towel and absorb her words. Holy crap, there is no backing out now.

"Oh, Leticia, you're a lifesaver," I breathe out heavily, "What is the meeting going to cost us?"

"The dagger," she says nonchalantly, smelling a bar of soap that was on the bathroom counter.

"The dagger? You mean the dagger? The one you used to..."

"Yeah, that dagger. There's just one minor problem. Well, three actually."

"What's the problem?"

"I got the tip they removed years ago, but we need the three pieces that are still in Bronxy's liver. Otherwise, the dagger isn't complete. Not as powerful. She'll know as soon as she looks at it if all the pieces aren't there."

"Okay. When do you need the pieces so we can reassemble the blade? I don't know what kind of curse is on it. How long it will take to fuse everything?" "Hmm, three days before the meeting will be enough. How are you going to get them?"

"Leave that to me," I dismiss her concern. She doesn't know I removed the silver from Bronx's liver and she doesn't need to. I just need to get them out of the safe in the packhouse's dungeon with no one noticing.

"Fine. Just get me those pieces of the blade tip. Our combined power will be enough to reassemble it," Leticia says resolutely. She pauses for amoment as her demeanor changes from serious to hopeful, "D- do you want to come visit everyone? They're so excited to see you."

"Right now? Leticia, I'm in a towel," I run my hand down the cloth for effect.

"Oh, they don't care. Come on, Kas. Come, give them your best rally speech. They haven't seen you in so long," she begs, hopping on her toes with her hands clasped over her heart. It reminds me of when pups want to open their early presents during Winter Solstice.

I think about it for a moment. I do want to meet the rest of the Mavri Magea. Now's as good a time as any, I suppose, but I can't just leave. Bronx will freak out if I'm suddenly gone and track my necklace.

"Hey Lex, wanna cover for me?"

"Cover for you? How?"

"Shift. You get to hang out here while my human spirit goes with Leticia real quick. I'll be back soon."

"You want me, a giant black wolf, to hang out in a hotel bathroom so you can go see the Mavri Magea?"

"The water in the shower is already nice and hot," I say in a sing-song voice,

"Don't you want a little pampering? Better than running through the freezing Blood River, huh? What do you say?"

"Mmm, I guess," she says hesitantly.

"And if Bronx comes in, you get to spend time with him until I'm back," I say, trying to entice her to go along with the plan.

"I get to spend time with our mate?"

"Yeah, I don't see why not. If he comes in here, you can spend time with him. When I get back, we can shift back like nothing happened, I promise."

"Okay, you got a deal," she says happily. I can sense her tail wagging at the prospect of getting to see Bronx in person.

"Alright, Leticia. Lex is going to shift. Once she is in control, I will release my human spirit from her body and meet you at the apartment. I don't have long though, okay?"

Leticia throws her arms up in the air and does a dance before she jumps back through the portal. I watch the portal fade away and turn my attention back to Lex.

"Okay, Lex, you're in charge. No parties while I'm gone. Enjoy your luxury bath time and I'll be back soon," I giggle at her excitement as I feel the familiar itchy skin and cracking bones of transitioning to wolf form. I let my consciousness fall back, making it easier for me to extend myself into the universe and find my way to the apartment.

I look down and find I'm not naked. I'm wearing a simple, light pink dress in the apartment building's hallway. The doorknob vibrates with energy when it recognizes me, and! easily turn it and open the door. Happy squeals and cheers fill the room as I am tackled with hugs from all sides.

I thought holding Amari's hand gave me a sense of satisfaction. The first time I touched Leticia, I truly felt complete. I thought being held by Cora gave mea sense of fulfillment. But I was wrong about all of it. The energy and forces of these nine women combined make those experiences pale in comparison.

As they all embrace me, laughing and crying, telling me how much they have missed me, images of memories I was never meant to recall come flooding back.

At first, assume they are all mine, but my mind slowly processes that I'm also sensing my sisters' memories because they are touching me. I concentrate and

force myself to separate it all out as they come to me. The longer my sisters hug me, the more I remember. The memories help fill in the gaps of my own fragmented mind. I gasp at the explosion of emotions forced to the surface all at once. Amari and

Katherine had said their memories fill in over the course of a few years during every new lifetime. Mine were just filled in a matter of minutes.

I let the tears stream down my face as I take each one of them in my arms, "I'm back, my darlings. Everything is going to be okay now. I'm going to take care of you. I'm going to make everything right again."

I let their dark energy permeate me and feed the parts of my soul that I didn't know had been urning for attention. I'm finally with my Mavri Magea. I'm where I am supposed to be.

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