Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 106

Delilah and I chat and comment on how beautiful everyone's dresses and suits are as we walk around. Occasionally, we shake hands with people who recognize me. By pure chance, everyone we make physical contact with wins big in their next game.

"Amazing luck people are having this evening, isn't it?" I quip as I watch

Delilah pat a man playing cards on the back. He draws a king card and lays down a royal flush.

"Oui, lucky indeed," she muses.

We get to a roulette table and I look around, realizing we lost our guards and Musu, Carly, and Diane. I rub my fingers over my forehead to hide my eyes.

"Marco? I'm sorry, we weren't paying attention. We lost you guys," I apologize through a mind link, "We are at the roulette table."

"We've got eyes on you. I'm only ten paces back. You're fine," he responds. I look back and see Marco towering above the crowd, "Tyree is with the other ladies."

"Excuse me, monsieur," Delilah says to the man running the game, "How do you play?"

He patiently explains the rules. It sounds like there's a lot of luck involved and no one else is at the table, so Delilah insists we should play. We lay a couple chips down on different numbers and the man lets Delilah drop the ball into the wheel. We watch the ball circle around until it slides into a numbered slot.

"Does that mean I won?" Delilah chirps.

"It does indeed, mademoiselle," he grins, handing her another chip. He hands me the ball bearing, "Mrs. Mason, care to take a turn?"

"I would love to!" I place a chip ona different number on the felted table. Delilah places her chips as well.

I drop the ball and watch it swirl around the wheel until it lands in another numbered slot...which just happens to be where Delilah placed one of her chips.

"Another winner," he announces, handing Delilah another chip. As we continue to play, people gather around, hoping to hop on the winning streak my best friend and I are on. The man switches out our chips for a higher denomination until our chips are worth one hundred thousand dollars each.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Marco watching carefully. Musu is standing next to him with Carly and Diane ata blackjack table nearby. Tyree is positioned on the other side of us, watching intently as well.

"Delilah, I think this will probably be the last game, then we should go find Bronx. Make sure he hasn't gotten himself into too much trouble," I scrunch my face up at her.

"Well then, we should go all in," she smiles at the surrounding people.

Lex suddenly perks up in my mind, " Kas, danger, but it's not Leticia."

"Ladies, can I interest you in a drink?' a server comes up behind us, hastily. When I turn around, Dionysus is standing with a small tray of champagne flutes and wine glasses. He is standing uncomfortably close to me, handing me a glass of champagne.

"D-Deon? What are you doing here?" I ask, quickly shifting my eyes to Marco.

"Mrs. Santoro hired me for the event, Mrs. Mason. She said to take care of VIP guests, so I brought a glass of our best champagne, just for you," his eyes betray his smile. He barely contains the anger behind his expression.

"I appreciate the gesture, but no thank you. I don't drink," I shake my head and hand the glass back.

"Mrs. Mason, I insist," he says through gritted teeth. His expression darkens as he glares at me. I shake my head at him silently and brush my fingers against the side of my neck, signaling to Marco that I need him to step in.

Originally, I thought Dionysus was working for Zeus, but if Katherine was really the one who asked him to be at the event, does Zeus even know

Dionysus is here? I don't need to question it. From the smell of the contents, if I drink whatever's in that glass, I'm going to die. You would think the God of Wine and Ecstacy would doa better job of hiding poison in his own creation.'

"Drink the fucking wine, Kas!" he quickly becomes unhinged at my resistance, grabbing my wrist, and yanking me closer. Instinctively, I put my other hand on top of his and let heat course through, burning him and ready to throw him over my shoulder before I remember humans are surrounding us. I pull the heat back, but don't move my hand. Dionysus freezes when he realizes Marco has a gun pressed against his temple and a large hand squeezed tightly to his shoulder. The tray he is holding smashes to the floor as Tyree grabs his other arm and twists it behind his back.

Out of nowhere, Bronx steps in front of me and grabs Dionysus by the neck, lifting him off the ground with one hand. Marco and Tyree both take a step back, putting their hands out to stop other people from getting too close.

Over Bronx's shoulder, I see Dionysus looking at me, his eyes bulging out of his head, with Bronx's hand tightly over his neck.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I hear Saint's voice growl from Bronx, "You think you can put your filthy hands on my wife?"

"Oh my Goddess, he is so damn hot," Lex coos.

"LEX! Now is not the time. We need to get him under control before Saint shifts in front of all these humans," I scold.

"Fine, but wow, it's so romantic," she sighs as sends me extra strength to match Saint's level.

People pull out their cell phones, getting pictures and video of the altercation, when six security guards come running up. I move around and put myself in front of Bronx, hoping no one notices his dark eyes. I gently place my hand on his chest and catch Saint's attention.

"Sweetheart, I know you're trying to be a saint right now, but you need to put the server down," I say as calmly as possible, emphasizing the word saint, "The security guards will deal with him." "TI fucking kill him. Snap his neck like a dry twig," Saint's voice rages as Bronx's whole body shakes in anger. I put my hand on the elbow of the arm holding Dionysus and very carefully press down. He lowers Dionysus to the ground, but doesn't let go of his throat. I don't turn around, but I can hear him gagging and struggling against Bronx's vice like grip.

"Bronx, let him go. It's going to be okay," I say in a soothing voice, trying to keep as still as possible. If I move too quick, Saint could go off the deep end, "Come on, Sweetheart. Please don't hurt him. Let security deal with it. You andl can go for a walk. Get some fresh air? Just the two of us. Okay? Please let him go." I see the color of Bronx's eyes lighten as he eases his grip on Dionysus. The event security guards immediately sweep the god away.

"Come on, Bronx, let's get out of here. I have to give this roulette ball back to the nice man, first" I drop the ball into the wheel while I collect my purse.

Marco and Tyree distract Bronx while they wait.

"Um, Mrs. Mason?" the roulette man says.

"Yes sir, what is it? I really need to leave,” I say, taking Bronx's hand to step away.

"You just won two million dollars," his face looks pale.

"Carly, please have the money wired. And make sure Katherine holds up her end of that commitment?" I ask asl pull

Bronx away from the throng of people who have gathered around at the scene. I watch as they continue to hold their cell phones up, recording us as we leave.

"Marco, we're going to walk back to the hotel. I think we need to give Saint a chance to cool down," I send a mind link to the team.

"Right behind you," he replies, "James will escort everyone else back to the limo."

Bronx and I make our way through the crowd until we are outside and halfway down the block from the event venue. I look back and see Marco and Tyree tailing us twenty paces behind us. Anger is still rolling off of Bronx as we enter an open square with a fountain in the middle. There's only a few people milling around. I lead him to the fountain and sitting him down on the edge.

"Are you okay?" I ask, standing between his legs while he wraps his arms tightly around my waist.

"That guy put his hands on you," he growls into my midsection, still not completely himself.

"And that's why I have guards, Bronx. So you and Saint don't have to threaten to kill anyone," I explain, "Marco and Tyree had it under control."

"Ican't help it, Baby. I couldn't stop Saint," he looks up at me, still gripping my waist, "All I could think about was stopping him from hurting you."

I see Marco and Tyree on the perimeter of the square, keeping a close eye but staying at a distance. A few people stroll past us, blissfully unaware that my mate almost killed a Greek god a few minutes ago.

I lower my voice, "Bronx, he wasn't a server. That was Dionysus."

"That was Dionysus? What was he doing there?" he gives me a concerned look.

"I'm pretty sure he was trying to poison me. All I Know is, I'm not eating that chocolate he gave me," I shake my head, "And I'm also not sure that Zeus is the one giving him orders."

"Kas, we can talk about it later," Bronx sighs, uncharacteristically dismissing me, "I'm just relieved that you're safe. Please sit with me."

He pulls me onto his lap and holds me close. He closes his eyes and puts his hand on my belly, "How am I going to keep you safe when you are pregnant?"

"Th-that's what you're worried about?" I pull away slightly, "Bronx, we don't even know when that will be!"

"I know, but we know it's going to happen. Trying to explain it to Saint is like trying to nail pudding to a wall," he sighs.

"Let me speak to him, please," I request.

"R-right now?" He looks around, then back at me.

"Yeah, let Saint come forward. Please. I know you two love me and want to protect me, but there needs to be some ground rules like, you know, not trying to kill people who upset him. Sol want to talk to him about it," I justify.

I watch Bronx have an internal argument with his wolf before Saint comes to the surface. Bronx's eyes turn onyx black and Saint grumbles at me.

"He tried to hurt you," Saint says defensively, before I have a chance to scold him.

"Saint, thank you for trying to protect me, but we both know that the situation was more than under control with Marco and Tyree there. What's really going on?"

"I know what you and Lex are planning. I don't want you to leave. What if you don't come back? What if Cora doesn't get to be born?"

"Saint, I'll be back. I promise you. I'll only be gone as long as I need to be, then I will be back as soon as 1 can," I take Bronx's face in my hands and look into Saint's eyes, "Does Bronx know?"

"No, and I won't tell him or else he's gonna do something stupid," he grumbles in his rough voice, "Kas, things are so different this lifetime. Lex told you, right?"

"Yeah, she told me, Saint. But listen, if things are always the same, how can they ever change? This lifetime being different is proof that now is the time to take action. We all have to be brave. It won't be much longer before I have to go, which means it's that much sooner for me to come back."

"Fine. You can go, but you have to keep your promise. You have to come back," he brushes his fingers across my cheek. I nod with a sad smile and let him pull me down for a rough kiss before he gives Bronx control back.

"What was that about? He wouldn't even let me listen in," Bronx searches my eyes for clues.

"He and I just had to have a little heart to heart. That's all, Sweetheart. Everything is going to be okay."

"Well, he already feels calmer than he has in weeks, so whatever you said worked," Bronx shrugs.

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