Forever Golden: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 3)

Forever Golden: Chapter 23


Our plane lands exactly two and a half hours after takeoff, and I slept nearly the entire time. My late night with Scar meant I lumbered around like a zombie this morning, trying to get ready and look at least semi-decent for the flight. If you ask West, I’m gorgeous as always. If you ask me, I look like death warmed over.

Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, I guess.

Whatever I look like or feel like this morning, it’s worth it. Being up all night gave me a chance to speak candidly with my sister, which I soon realized we both needed. For instance, I am now aware that she and Shane never stopped screwing around, they just got better at hiding it. Perhaps, I was naïve to ever think they ended it, but she swears they tried. Only, that resolution didn’t hold up very long. I’m certain the only reason she and Shane will be exercising any measure of restraint is because he’ll be a thousand miles away.

All the drama aside, I’m sorry he’s leaving. His absence hurts two people I care about deeply, but considering my own circumstances, I don’t fault Ricky for sending him away. Sometimes, the plight of the older sibling is that we get stuck doing the dirty work. Especially those of us who must also act as our siblings’ parents.

We exit the plane and West seems to sense that I’m a bundle of nerves. He keeps a tight hold on my hand while we make our way through the crowded terminal, down to the baggage claim, then out to the sidewalk to wait for the ride he arranged—a party bus that will fit all six of us, plus our luggage. While we wait, I finally have a moment to turn my phone back on. The new one, that is. At first, I’m leaning on West’s shoulder while I scroll, but pop back up at the sight of an unexpected text.

Roby: Just an update. I’m following a couple new leads, but won’t get my hopes up until I have something solid. Try to enjoy Christmas break without worrying too much. I’m working hard to put this thing to bed.

Blue: Thanks for keeping me in the loop. I’ll try.

I flash the screen toward West, so he’s up to speed. He reads it, then releases my hand to drape an arm around my shoulders.

“He seems like a good guy. You were smart to get him involved,” he assures me.

“I definitely hope so.”

Pulling me deeper into his side, he kisses the top of my hair. “With him working to help us, and once I talk to my grandfather, I think we’ll be one step closer to fixing this shit.”

Taking in a deep breath of warm Louisiana air, I exhale and let West’s words comfort me. This is a vacation, so I’m gonna start treating it like one.

Scar’s standing close, laughing at something Sterling must’ve said. My guess is that West filled his brothers in on what went down last night, so they’ve been trying to keep her spirits lifted. She spent the flight seated by Sterling, so most of that burden fell on him, but he’s great with her and Lord knows she doesn’t hate having his attention.

But I’m not the only one seeming to have a hard time leaving my troubles back in Cypress Pointe.

Joss has barely smiled all day. With all the tension I imagine there to be in her home right now, and how strict I hear her parents are, I’m guessing things may have gotten a bit heated when the guys arrived to get her this morning.

After West explained that X unearthed a secret about her family, I went snooping through the app to read the update. While I probably should’ve left well enough alone, the suspense was killing me. Now, I know what everyone else does—that Joss’s father’s been unfaithful.

Dane seems to have happily taken on the task of cheering her up, but it hasn’t been easy. She teared up a bit while we waited to check our bags and he swallowed her up in the biggest, tightest embrace and for a moment, it was like she wasn’t ever sad. It came back, of course, but he’s working double-time to get her smiling.

I don’t know if these two see it, or what reason either one has for fighting it, but… they belong together. I’m talking soulmate-level shit.

My gaze is lured away from the should-be couple when our ride pulls up. The driver steps out and insists on loading all our luggage himself, so Sterling climbs in first and offers his hand to me, Joss, and Scar, helping us up the large steps. West and Dane board last and my entire body shifts when his massive one settles as close as he can possibly get. Then, just like before, he has my hand.

He swears he’s never done this ‘boyfriend thing’ before, but he could’ve fooled me. There’s never a missed opportunity to be perfect, and I love that about him. Love that my happiness is so high on his list of priorities.

We rock and sway when the bus takes off. Then, within five minutes we’re barreling down a long stretch of highway.

“Ok, tell me what to expect so I can brace myself,” Joss speaks up, wearing a smile that’s the most natural of any she’s given all morning.

“Well, for starters, everyone on staff at the manor will wait on you hand and foot, but we’ll have to fend for ourselves Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Grandpa doesn’t believe in working people on holidays, keeping them away from family,” Dane explains.

“Wait, did you say manor?”

He nods. “It’ll make sense once you see it.”

“Geez. It’s gotta be huge,” Joss adds, earning herself that wicked grin Dane’s wearing now.

He holds her gaze, never blinking. “First of all, that’s what she said. And second, yeah, it’s fucking huge.”

Are we still talking about the house? Knowing Dane, that’s a no.

My head tilts when his comment makes me wonder. Are triplets identical in every way, or just in the looks department? Because if it’s an all-encompassing sort of deal, the guy isn’t lying.

Joss’s face reddens, then she smiles just enough that I’m certain Dane knows he’s gotten inside her head. She rolls her eyes in that way that always seems more flirty than annoyed.

“You’re so nasty,” she scoffs.

“Oh, you don’t even know the half of it,” he mumbles to himself.

His eyes stay trained on Joss long after she turns to stare out the window again, and I’m sure I’m not the only one choking on their sexual tension. Needless to say, she stops asking questions then, probably fearing what Dane’s answer might be if she says anything else.

We finally exit the highway onto a two-lane road we seem to ride forever. But just as I’m starting to get restless, we make a sharp right turn. It’s another two-lane street, just like the last, but this one feels different. The trees are denser, closer together than before, closer to the road than before. Some so tall and broad they arch over the pavement, creating a natural tunnel as we drive through.

Every now and then, I spot the sharp edges of a pitched roof, setting manmade structures apart from nature. But each one is spaced so far from the last, I wonder if whoever lives in them can even consider themselves someone’s neighbor. It’s so different from the city, where I can literally peek out the bathroom window into Ms. Levinson’s kitchen.

The tree line is even thicker now. So thick it appears as if there’s nothing more than a dark abyss behind them. I spot a small clearing up ahead where the sun glints off shallow water. It isn’t deep, but it’s completely saturated the tall grass. But right in the center of it, sits a house no bigger than mine. It’s on short stilt-like beams to keep it off the ground, with a short bridge connecting it to dry land. We’re definitely not in Cypress Pointe anymore, and with how my head suddenly clears, I’m starting to think this change of setting is just what I needed.

The scenery’s kept me so engrossed I hardly notice another twenty minutes passes. It isn’t until I spot a sign that reads ‘Landry Manor’ that I snap out of it.

“This is it?”

West meets my gaze and nods. “It is. Nervous?”

That may have been the case at first, but my mood has definitely shifted. “Honestly? I’m kind of excited.”

He smiles and I quickly turn to stare out the window again, not wanting to miss anything when we turn into what I thought would be a driveway. However, I soon realize it’s more of a private road. There’s still no house in sight, just more of the big, towering trees that form a canopy over us as we creep along slowly.

Beside me, Scar’s just as intrigued as I am. She’s even stopped texting Shane for two seconds to gawk at how the rough foliage has gradually transitioned into well-maintained landscaping with high, wall-like shrubbery. Hidden within what almost looks like a maze, tall wrought iron lampposts are strategically placed throughout. I’m imagining how this must all look at night. Incredible, I bet.

A broad, black roof comes into view above the natural walls and that’s when I take in the breadth of what West said when he mentioned his grandfather having more than enough room for us all. From the looks of it, this place could function as a hotel if the family wanted. There it sits, a sprawling estate with a porch on both stories that appears to do a complete wrap-around. The impressive white columns are decorated with green garland and large red bows along the railing.

Our bus stops at the apex of the circular drive and I breathe deep.

“Welcome to the Bayou, everyone,” Sterling announces, smiling big as he stands from his seat. I nudge Scar with my knee, which gets her to smile a little.

West, still with his fingers laced between mine, leads me to the exit. He stretches as everyone else hops off, belting an easy laugh at another of Dane’s off-color jokes. I can’t help but stare up at him, convinced he seems lighter here. Honestly, all three of them do. Like not being bogged down by the usual Cypress Pointe bullshit suits them well.

“Here goes,” Joss sighs.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she’s more nervous about the impending introduction than I am. Maybe because she’s secretly just as concerned about what the family will think of her.

Maybe because… she’s more into Dane than she’ll ever admit?

Just a theory.

I smooth my hands down my ponytail and hope there aren’t dark circles under my eyes due to the lack of sleep.

“Stop worrying. You’re fucking beautiful,” comes a deep voice in my ear.

When I turn and meet West’s gaze, he’s checking me out hardcore, not bothering to hide it even when I catch him.

“Thanks, perv,” I say under my breath, which he interprets as an invitation to grope my ass while no one’s looking.

I don’t stop him, of course.

Unlike how I’m feeling today, he looks sexy as ever, which is nothing new. His light-wash jeans are stylishly faded with distressed seams and spaced-out rips down each leg. It’s far warmer here than Cypress Pointe, but it’s far from hot. He’s got on a gray hoodie and white sneakers, topped off with a diamond in his ear that catches the sun just like the ones on his watch.

I guess this is how the rich dress down.

“Ready?” I turn to ask Scar, and she forces another smile when she nods.

I still feel horrible that she’s missing her last week with Shane, but it couldn’t be helped. Before last night, I had no idea he was leaving. If I’d known, I might have at least talked to West about arranging to head back home sooner than planned before he bought tickets.

Scar trudges toward the back where the driver’s handing off our luggage. She hikes her duffle bag up her shoulder then stands off to the side. I see she’s trying to be a good sport about this, but it’s hard. I get it.

Sterling must notice I’m concerned, because when I catch his gaze, he moves in on Scar and drapes his arm around her shoulder to lead her toward the porch. Something he says has her cracking up, like nothing was ever wrong. The triplets really do have this surrogate big brother thing down to a science, despite not having any practice before Scar came into their lives. She needs this, especially with Hunter not being around.

We trudge up the steps with all our bags and I take in the full scope of this massive house, recalling the word Dane used for it, the word on the sign at the end of the road—manor. It’s as grand as it is intimidating.


I’ve just made it up the last step when the massive double doors swing open, and we’re met by the smiling face of who I can only assume is West’s grandfather. He looks nothing like I expected. Mostly because my dumb-ass could only picture him as Colonel Sanders for some stupid reason. Who I see instead is a man I can tell was pleasantly handsome in his day, although I see none of West or his brothers’ looks mirrored in his. They’re spitting images of their father, but luckily inherited nothing else from that prick.

Mr. Landry is at eye level with West, which means he’s well over six feet, and his bald head appears to be a style choice, as opposed to nature’s doing. He’s fit for a man his age, which is easy to see with the nice button-down he’s wearing tucked neatly into his khaki slacks. Looking him over as he first takes in the sight of his boys, I note that the gray goatee is about the only thing Colonel Sanders-esque about him.

“Well, aren’t you three a sight for sore eyes,” he belts out with a smooth southern drawl. Dane’s already in this giant’s arms, enduring what looks like a painful bearhug.

“I missed you too, but my ribs just healed from last time,” Dane jokes.

“Aw, suck it up, boy,” Mr. Landry counters, shoving Dane aside to grab Sterling this time, squeezing him the same way.

Beside me, Scar grins behind her hand.

“Good to see you,” Sterling says with a groan, drawing in a deep breath of relief once released from his grandfather’s grasp.

“Your turn, kid,” he greets West, bringing him in for the same rough hug.

“Mom sends her love,” West says once he’s free.

“Next time bring her with you,” Mr. Landry replies. “But you know my rule. Don’t bring your—”

“Slick-ass daddy to this door,” West says in unison with him. “I know, Grandpa.”

Apparently, this is something West hears often.

Now, Mr. Landry’s attention is on us girls.

“What on God’s green Earth are three pretty little things like yourselves doing with these knuckleheads? You boys bribe em’?” he asks, turning to his grandsons then.

“Grandpa, I’d like you to meet Blue and Scarlett Riley,” West says, placing his hand at the small of my back.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Landry,” I say.

“Call me Boone,” he insists, correcting me with a wave of his hand. “And the pleasure is all mine.”

He places a light kiss on the back of my hand and Scar’s, instead of the bear hugs we witnessed a moment ago.

“And this is Joss,” Dane says next.

Boone looks her over. Not in a creepy, ‘what’s on the menu?’ sort of way. Just a general glance as he takes in how gorgeous she is. She’s taken her braids down since I last saw her, choosing to rock her natural, spirally ringlets for the trip.

“Pleasure meeting you, too, sweetheart,” he says, kissing her hand in the same manner as he did with me and Scar. “You must be something special if you managed to tame this rascal.” He points at Dane then, which has Joss scrambling.

“Oh, we—we’re… not together,” she stammers, which seems to confuse Boone.

When he shoots Dane a look, I’m certain he’s about to get called out.

“If you haven’t locked this one down, you’re either blind or dumb. Even West managed to get himself a lady.”

“Thanks, Grandpa,” West says with a laugh.

“Well, you know what I’m talkin’ about! Just a month or two ago you pissed a girl off so bad she vandalized your uniform. Now, look at you. You’ve got yourself settled down.”

West and I share a look, trying not to laugh. “This is, uh… the same girl,” he confesses.

That look of confusion returns to Boone, but then it morphs into a grin.

“I knew I liked you,” he says, while wagging a finger at me. “West needs someone who’s gonna put the fear of God in him. At least we know you can hold your own.”

West’s brow shoots up when he agrees with a nod.

“Now, y’all get inside before you have my neighbors thinking I’m a bad host.”

The man doesn’t have a neighbor for miles.

We step in onto a large, fancy rug, and I have to pick my jaw up off the floor. Beautifully polished wood floors, a vintage chaise situated beneath a large, gold-framed mirror, painted portraits I guess to be family, a chandelier the size of a Buick hanging over our heads. It’s a lot to take in. In a good way. A phrase comes to mind—old money.

“Misty should be around here someplace. She’s supposed to see you kids to your rooms,” Boone says distractedly, peering around a corner, seemingly in search of this Misty he speaks of.

“It’s cool, Grandpa. We know the way,” Dane chimes in.

“Well, I suppose you do. Just make sure you put the girls in the white room. It’s the best we’ve got.”

“On it.”

“And don’t dilly dally when you get done, either. Duke’s dropping off a few sacks of crawfish for tonight’s boil. That man’s back’s about twenty years older than he is, so I told him you boys would be here to help,” Boone explains.

“Of course, you did,” Dane grumbles.

“Damn right, I did! What’s the point in running that football up and down the field if it ain’t earned you some muscles! Not only will you help him, you’ll do it with a smile on your face. Now, get flip with me again and I’ll knock your ass into next Tuesday. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

Despite Boone’s harsh tone, it’s clear he isn’t serious, which is why Dane takes the threat in stride, laughing as he grabs Joss’s things. He leads the way, ascending the staircase. I reach for my own luggage, but West intervenes, using his solid arm as a barrier between me and my things.

“Sterling, mind taking Southside’s and Scar’s bags up for me?”

“No problem.” Sterling doesn’t question why West seems to be hanging back, but I’m curious.

“Southside? What the hell kind of pet name is that for a woman?” Boone mumbles to himself, slipping into another room through a set of French doors.

Now that it’s just the two of us, I grip West’s hand and meet his gaze. “Not coming up yet?”

He nods once toward where his grandfather just disappeared. “In a few. Figured I’d bring him up to speed first, see what he thinks should happen next.”

For a little while, I’d forgotten the trouble we left back home, but West clearly hasn’t. Being a protector by nature, I shouldn’t be surprised he decided to take immediate action sooner rather than later.

It’s hard not to feel like my heart’s in a vice when I stare at him, knowing he’s carrying the same weight I am.

When I squeeze his hand once before heading upstairs, he knows what it means.

Even when I’m not at his side, I’m with him. Because come hell or high water, we’re in this together.

@QweenPandora: What have we here? It looks to me as if TheGoldenBoys and their entire crew—whom I hereby dub TheGoldenCrew—are boarding a plane to beat the winter blues.

Where on earth are you six off to?

I’m certain you took special care to keep your destination under wraps, but CP won’t be the same without you. Who else will we gossip about while you’re gone?

Later, Peeps.


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