Forever Golden: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 3)

Forever Golden: Chapter 22


“Blue!” Scar screams.

“Shit!” That little gem came from Shane.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me, Scarlett! I thought someone took you!” Before she can spot it, I hide the gun behind my back.

She doesn’t answer as her face reddens and she scrambles to find her clothes. I’m not sure if I’m more angry or relieved to find that those footprints were just my dumb-ass sister sneaking around with Shane.


Luckily, they were hidden behind a stack of boxes, so I’m not assaulted by images of his junk while he pulls up his pants. They even set up a heater to keep warm while they… did their business, which means they put thought into this. Planned it. Guess that explains the extension cord underneath the door.

Realizing the only thing to fear here is the contagious stupidity, I discreetly tuck the hidden gun in the back of my shorts.

“I want you both inside. Now!” I say sternly, glaring at them because are you fucking kidding me? Again?

Crunching snow beneath my feet, I take my frost-bitten ass back inside and put the gun away before heading to the living room.

“I’m pulling up,” West says through the speaker, reminding me I have him on the line. With my sister giving me the shock of a lifetime, for the second time in my lifetime, I’d forgotten.

“Unlocking the door now. Just let yourself in.”

We hang up then and I unlatch the door before dropping back down on the couch and shooting Ricky a text.

Blue: You up?

Ricky: Yeah, I’m still out. Everything good?

Blue: Not exactly. You should get over here. We have a problem.

Ricky: What is it?

Blue: Your brother’s here…

Ricky: Shit. I’m on my way.

I throw my phone down on the couch and I’m seething with anger when the two offenders finally waltz in through the back door. Not even ten seconds later, West comes in through the front.

“Sit,” I snap, aiming the words right at Scar and Shane.

They do as their told, settling beside one another on the carpet. West doesn’t say a word as he lowers to the cushion beside me, warming my freezing cold thigh when he sits close. Shortly after that, there’s a knock at the door and I don’t need to ask who it is.

“Come in.”

West peers up after I speak, looking to see who else decided to join this impromptu powwow. When Ricky walks in I take note that there’s slightly less disdain in either’s eyes when they meet one another’s gazes. But then, as if I haven’t had enough shocks tonight… they nod at each other? As in, they kind of greet each other?

What the hell is that about? When did they start being cordial?

While thoroughly weirded out by whatever these two have going on, I’ve got bigger fish to fry. My gaze whips back to Scar and Shane.

“What the hell were you two thinking? You’re fifteen years old!”

“And you were, what, sixteen when you and Ricky started screwing? What’s the difference? Where do you think I even got the idea to go to the garage? I used to hear you guys out there all the time!” she yells, clearly trying to make this as awkward for me as it is for her.

Really, Scar? In front of West? Thanks.

I ignore the personal jab and stay focused.

“The difference is, I didn’t have a big sister ready and waiting to beat my ass over it! I didn’t have someone looking out for me, telling me to slow the fuck down, but you do,” I remind her. “So, slow the fuck down, Scarlett!”

“You think you’re so perfect,” she hisses, crossing both arms over her chest.

I don’t even justify that with a response. She knows it’s a lie. No one will admit their flaws more readily than I will.

“You gave me your word you two were done with this,” I remind her. “When did a promise between us stop meaning something? What changed?”

She breathes deep and eyes Shane before speaking.

“What changed is… he’s leaving,” she reveals. “He just told me tonight.”

I don’t miss how her voice breaks a little while getting those words out.

Now, I’m wondering if I was wrong. Maybe Shane’s distance wasn’t that he was into someone else, but rather that he was starting to pull away from Scar because he knew he’d be gone soon. I could relate. The thought crossed my mind when I got spooked by Vin.

My gaze flits to Ricky and I’m not sure what to think or say. Naturally, I assume he’s leaving too, and then I’m left wondering why I’m only hearing about it now. It’s possible that my heart may have even sank a little. He’s always been here, not just in this city, but he’s always been here for me. It’s hard to imagine life in this city without Ricky Ruiz—one of the best friends I’ve ever had. Hell, our friendship was so strong it even weathered our breakup.

“You’re leaving?” I ask, hoping West doesn’t misread the emotion in my voice for something it isn’t, but I’m a little confused right now.

Ricky shakes his head. “Not me, just him. Aunt Carla’s heading back to Puerto Rico for a bit and I asked her to take Shane. It’ll only be for a little while,” he adds.

“Too long,” Shane mumbles under his breath, prompting Ricky to lower his gaze when I can only guess guilt sets in.

“There’ve been a lot of changes lately and I just think it’s best,” Ricky explains. “I don’t want him getting caught up in anything.”

Oh, the irony. It’s as if he’s inside my head, staring at my plan for Scarlett.

The last thing he said bordered on cryptic, but I probably know more about the hidden meaning behind those words than he thinks. All because of something Tommy clued me in on the last time I saw him. He mentioned a new family working their way into Cypress Pointe’s underworld, and he also mentioned that things were becoming more volatile because of it. Without realizing, Ricky just confirmed what I feared—he’s in deep and he’s scared. At least for Shane.

I suppose I could relate to that, too. And, like me, Ricky chose to send his brother someplace safe since protecting him seems impossible.

“He’s known for a few weeks. I told him not to say anything, but I guess he felt Scar needed to know,” Ricky adds.

He doesn’t seem pissed that Shane told, just a little uncomfortable. Like it was supposed to stay a secret. From everyone.

I’m finding it hard to be angry now that I know what fueled this late-night garage rendezvous. Especially knowing I’m taking her away for a week. Do I condone my fifteen-year-old sister having sex? No, but I know what it’s like to be in love—to feel like you can’t breathe if you can’t be with someone.

I’ve been there.


“Just… go to bed. We’ll talk about this more later.”

Swiping tears, Scar gets to her feet, passing a glance toward Shane that breaks my heart a little. He’s still clinging to her hand and I think it shocks us all when he stands and pulls her to his chest. They hug like they’ll never see each other again and, in a bold show of affection that even takes Scar by surprise, he kisses her. Like no one else is in the room. Like no one else exists.

It’s in this moment that I realize they’re not kids anymore. Sure, they have a lot of growing to do, but… what they feel for each other is real and I’ll never take that away from them.

“I’ll call every day,” he promises. “And I’ll come back to visit whenever I can.”

Scar nods and the tears flow faster as her hand lingers in his. Then, she’s gone. Shane’s stare stays trained down the hallway long after Scar disappears. Maybe sensing his brother’s need to escape, Ricky holds out his keys. Shane doesn’t hesitate to take them, then heads out to the car.

With them both out of earshot, I turn to Ricky. “When’s he leaving?”


Before Scar makes it back to say goodbye. Now, I feel extra guilty.

“He hates it, but it’s for the best,” Ricky reasons with a shrug. “He’ll understand one day. At least, that’s my hope.”

I feel his anguish, see him questioning whether he’s made the right choice.

“Anyway, I’m gonna take off. I should make sure he’s okay.”

Knowing I need to go do the big sister thing myself, I nod. “Thanks for coming by to help.”

I follow him to the door and let him step out onto the porch.

“Sorry you had to deal with that,” he says. “I thought I put the fear of God in him that last time.”

“Apparently, it’s going to take a whole lot more than fear to get through to these two,” I joke. “We’ll talk later.”

He nods and I close the door when he turns to leave.

West stands, towering over me and I peer up. “I should take off, too. Pretty sure Scar needs you.”

“Yeah, guess I’ll sleep sometime this week,” I tease, leaning into his chest when he pulls me close. “Thanks for rushing over. Sorry I scared you.”

“As long as you’re good, I’m good.”

My arms squeeze him tighter and, despite the crazy circus tonight’s turned into, he makes me feel comforted.

“See you in an hour,” he says with a laugh. It’s a joke, but he’s not too far off.

“Text me when you get in, so I know you made it safe.”

He promises he will, then he’s gone, leaving me to deal with my sister and her vat of emotions. I set the alarm, turn off the lights, then prepare myself for a sleepless night, because Scar needs me and… that’s what sisters are for.

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