Forced into Fantasy

Chapter 25 - Taken


“Ronaar… what are you doing here?” I ask, hearing the obvious fear in my voice as I walk backwards slowly and cautiously.

He takes purposely slow stalking steps as he circles around the outside of the room. His eyes are locked onto me, hungrily as if a predator would eye its prey.

“Why I’ve come for you, of course.” he replies confidently. “To rescue you from your oppressive captor.”

My eyebrows lift as I speak.

“Rescue me? Don’t you mean kidnap me again? I know you plan to kill me, Ronaar.”

He fakes a frown, acting as if he were hurt by my comment.

“I would never harm you.”

“You can cut the crap, Ronaar! I know who you really are and what you want with me.” I snap.

“And what do I want with you?” he asks.

“You want the Sage Guild and it’s army. You seek to hold power over others, especially Adomis.”

My words seem to surprise him and he smiles.

“I’ll admit, I’m impressed. You’re smarter than I thought. It appears that you’ve learnt quite a lot since we last saw one another.”

He begins to close the gap between us and I feel my back come into contact with one of the large book shelves. I only then realise he has me boxed in and try to restrain myself from panicking.

“Now that you know who you are and what it is that I want from you, I’m sure you’ll be wise enough to come along with me quietly, without a fuss.”

“Not a chance.” I quickly snap back at him, shaking my head as my hand reaches to grasp at the closest book to me.

“You can’t possibly think that I’ll come along quietly knowing full well that you intend to kill me.”

He stops and lowers his head, closing his eyes for a second as he lets out a sigh.

“That may have been the plan, initially.” he admits, lifting his head and meeting my gaze once more. “But let’s just say, things have changed since then.”

Now it’s my turn to frown.

“What do you mean? What’s changed?”

“All this time I had no idea of just how enchanting you were, my dear… How lovely.”

He begins to continue closing the gap until he is standing right up in front of me. I am looking up into his dazzling emerald-green eyes with the book in my hand hidden from view behind my back.

I can feel his warm breath across my face and the warmth radiating from his body which is almost pressing up against mine.

“And from the first moment I saw you I had already decided to make you mine. That you would rule by my side as my loyal wife and future Queen.” he continues softly.

I flinch as he lifts his hand up to cup the side of my face, adoringly.

The moment his hand touches my face I shiver from the strangely cold temperature of his skin. He brings his face in closer towards mine and I feel unable to escape as I contemplate using the book to smash him in the face and make a run for it.

“You see Ivy, we are bonded you and I.” he announces.

Upon hearing the word ‘bonded’ I recall that I had been told the same thing from Zarkin about Adomis and I earlier on. As I recall the Mage told me that Adomis and I were bonded to one another, but what did it actually mean?

“Bonded? What the hell does that mean?” I ask ignorantly.

He smiles as his lips are right there in front of mine.

“It means that you are mine for all eternity.”

‘Nope, I don’t like the sound of that!’

With that he presses his lips up against mine ever so gently, igniting a kiss which I have no intention of participating in. I decide now is the best time to strike, while he’s clearly distracted.

My hand flies up swiftly through the air with the book in hand, aimed directly for his head but he is already onto me and reacts instantaneously.

His hand grasps tightly at my wrist as he pulls away from me, never once breaking eye contact with me. He turns to see the book in my hand and then returns his gaze to me.

“Now that wasn’t very nice.”

I can tell by his tone that he is taunting me now.

Suddenly before I can comprehend what it is that I am even doing, my body reacts and goes into auto-pilot mode. My free hand darts across, slicing down against the arm gripping mine and separating his hold on me in a flash. I then punch him hard in the chest and cause him to stumble backwards about a metre away.

I look down at my hands and notice that they are held in a defensive pose, as if I am prepared to fight him?

‘What the hell? Did I just do that?’

Ronaar grunts in pain as he holds the area of his chest where I made contact with my closed fist. I am stunned by my actions, though also glad there is once again space between us.

“Enough talk.” he snaps angrily. “You and I are leaving now!”

With that he reaches in underneath his shirt and pulls out what appears to be an amulet, quite similar to the one that brought me here. The only difference is this one is made out of gold and has a glistening emerald nestled in the centre of it.

My eyes fixate on it as I notice his eyes begin to brightly glow a terrifying neon green colour.

I realise that he is activating this amulet’s power and I have no idea of what to do to protect myself from him now.

And then I make the foolish mistake of meeting his glowing gaze.

From the moment I do, his eyes send me into a strange hypnotic-like trance and my entire body quickly relaxes calmly.

Ronaar commands a single word, his voice seems to echo deeply as the amulet’s power surges throughout him.


For some incredibly stupid reason I instantly obey and begin to walk across towards him. I can feel as the book in my hand slides out from my grasp and drops to the floor with a ‘clunk’ sound.

As I step up in front of him his hand snakes possessively around my waist and he begins to lead us both towards the doorway.

Luckily, we are both stopped by the two figures who have suddenly emerged from that same open doorway.

It is Zarkin and Adomis!

“You!” the Overlord unsheathes his sword at the very sight of Ronaar.

“Miss Ivy!” Zarkin calls out with concern.

The moment I see the Overlord I am instantly broken free from my hypnotic state and scrunch up my eyes, shaking my head as my vision returns to normal.

But Ronaar is far too quick for me and he quickly unsheathes a dagger. Pulling me in against his chest he then presses the blade up against the soft skin of my exposed throat before I can think to fight back.

“No, let go!” I command through gritted teeth.

I struggle against his hold but he is much stronger than he looks and the edge of his blade begins to sting as it slices through a thin layer of my skin. I grunt softly, my brows furrowing from the pain.

“I wouldn’t Adomis!” Ronaar warns his adversary. “Not unless you want to see this beauty bathed in her own blood.”

I have to admit, that freaks me out a little.

Only a while ago Ronaar was promising that he wouldn't harm me and now he is threatening to open my throat!

“You coward. Release her!” Adomis commands angrily. “This is between you and me.”

“Your command holds no sway over me, Adomis. Don’t bother wasting your breath.”

“My lord?” Zarkin questions, as if enquiring about what they should do from here.

I can see the uncertainty and the apparent fear swimming in Adomis’ eyes as he stares helplessly at me.

He is concerned for me.

I realise in that moment that he does care about me and it causes me to give a soft smile in appreciation, even with the blade being held against my throat.

“Tell me what it is you want?” the Overlord finally asks Ronaar, cutting to the chase and sheathing his sword.

“Oh, I already have what I came for.” Ronaar snickers from behind me.

“And if you try to follow us I will make sure that her death is slow and incredibly painful. You have my word on that.”

I frown at his comment.

Suddenly the air around us begins to change into a thick, green smoke and within mere seconds Ronaar and I are totally engulfed in it.

I watch helplessly as both Adomis and Zarkin disappear from my sights entirely and I call out for him in desperation.

“Adomis! Adomis!”

Suddenly I feel strangely light-headed and then the next thing I know everything turns black as I fall into some sort of a heavy unconsciousness…

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