Forced into Fantasy

Chapter 24 - Trust


I still couldn’t wrap my head around it all. How was it even possible? That the rulers of two enemy Guilds could become bonded with one another – it made no sense at all!

If Ivy was indeed the missing heir to the Sage Guild’s throne as we now suspected, I was in a lot of trouble. Serious trouble.

It would make her my mortal enemy and therefore my opposition.

Her, the woman who melts my heart and makes me feel things I have never felt before with anyone else. The woman whom I am now linked with on a mystical level.

I have never been more confused and afraid than I am right now.

And worse still, I don’t know what I should do next!

A part of me goes into strategical mode and tells me to have her arrested for treason immediately, before anyone else learns of her existence. If I take out the heir to the Sage Guild’s throne, then I can take her army and link the two Guilds together as one more powerful than any other.

I would become unstoppable!

But I can not ignore a twinge of ache coming from my heart at the thought of causing her harm. My Ivy… Could I do that to her? To someone I care so very much about?

And what of our bonding? I can practically feel everything she feels, as if she is with me all the time. Could I truly deal with losing her for good, merely for more land and power?

My answer was simple. I had already decided.

But first I would need to speak with her.



My mind is swimming with confusion and disbelief. Adomis is my apparent sworn enemy? The leader of the Fire Guild?

I didn’t know how to react to this new information, or what to say as I now stood out on Zarkin’s balcony in silence, staring off blankly into the distance of such splendid scenery. The concerned Mage had followed me out just after telling me about Adomis being the Fire Guild’s Overlord. Needless to say, I didn’t react too well to this and suddenly needed air.

I had so many questions beginning to form, of my kidnapping, of my arrival in this world, all of it. But I couldn’t formulate any of it into words. I closed my eyes for a moment, noticing the strange warmth of the air as it gusted past my face.

’Why did Ronaar want me to marry him?′

‘Why would he want to marry his enemy?’

‘Did he intend on killing me once we were married?’

But something else seemed to stand out more than all of these unanswered questions, for some unknown reason and I focused solely on it, squinting my eyes in an attempt to remember.

“The amulet…” I spoke aloud, alerting Zarkin who began to listen in as I spoke my thoughts.

“What amulet?” he queried, coming to stand beside me at the railing.

“The one that brought me here. To this world…”

I turn to face him now.

“I was wearing it when I went to sleep in my world, and then awoke here in yours. But I don’t remember… I haven’t seen it since.”

“Tell me Ivy, what did this amulet look like?” he seemed interested now.

It’s strange, but I can remember every detail of it and I begin to list them aloud.

“It was this big…” I show him using my fingers, “…and round. I think it may have been made of silver or some kind of metal. On it there were five silver rings and in the centre of those was a large ruby that glowed. I remember because it looked like it was on fire when I first touched it.”

Zarkin was smiling now.

“Does that not sound familiar to you?” he urged.

It hit me and I gasped.

“It’s just like the marking I have on my back.”

He nods.

“I’m not sure how it managed to come into your possession, but that amulet was the doorway that led you here.” he explains with excitement. “And you have no idea of its current location, I assume?”

I shake my head and reply, “No. I haven’t seen it since I arrived.”

He nods, letting out a soft sigh, as if disappointed.

“That’s a shame.” he speaks softly, as if only to himself as he appears to think for a moment.

“Why?” I ask, now intrigued by his interest.

He looks up at me suddenly.

“With something as powerful as that amulet, there are no ends to what I could do. To the incredible levels of power I could summon up…”

“Sorry, wish I could help.” I shrug.

“It’s fine.” he fakes a smile and comes across to put his hand onto my shoulder.

“But for now we must focus on your next step. With Adomis now aware of your birthright, I can not predict how he may react or what he might do.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, my brows furrowed with fear.

“You are the ruler of an enemy Guild, Ivy. Therefore, you are a threat to him and our entire Guild.”

“But I have no intention of harming anyone. I had no idea about any of this!” I insist. “Honestly...”

“I know, I know… but we must consider the worse possible scenario here.”

“Which is?”

“Well, he may have you arrested for treason. You will be taken down to the dungeon and tortured. And eventually…” he trails off purposely and I fear what he will say next.


“WHAT? He wouldn’t do that to me!” I insist, stepping back from the Mage. “He wouldn’t!”

“Are you certain? Do you know him well enough to make that call?” Zarkin enquired.

I swallow nervously, looking down towards the ground as I silently deliberate on his question.

Yes, we have feelings for one another and I know he cares for me a lot. But would that be enough for him to cast aside something as important as an ongoing feud between our Guilds? One that has so far lasted several decades? Or will he simply choose to label me as his enemy and in turn take my life and my Guild?

It’s actually quite simple – it all comes down to which one he craves more than over the other; power or me?

And the truth is, I don’t know and that worries me. I hope he would choose me.

I am terrified and my body begins to tremble.

“What should I do?” I ask him in desperation.

Zarkin lifts his hand up, rubbing the side of his neck where he has several tattoos on display as he thinks to himself for a moment.

“There’s only one option to ensure your safety until we can know for sure what his intentions are...” he announces.

“I’ll have to hide you away, somewhere safe. And I’ll speak with him myself.”


As I make my way back inside the castle, I reach into one of my pockets and grasp at it. The strange amulet I found when I first met her.

Lifting it up to get a better look my eyes narrow in on the intricate detail of the fine silver rings carved into its surface. The ruby is glorious, larger than any I have ever seen before.

It’s no coincidence that this strange artifact suddenly appears at the same time she does. Perhaps she will know more about what it is.

I need to speak with Ivy. I have so many questions that need answers before I make my decision.

It is at that moment that I begin to make my way back in search of the woman I am bonded with.

I need to hear the truth from her own lips.


It is time to put my plan into action. To retrieve my Moon Princess.

I stand before a newly created doorway which glows an ominous purple shade as it hovers in place, in the middle of the room. With a confident smirk I step through it and feel my body tingling from head to toe from the magical effects as I am transported.

Less than a second later I am stepping out into an entirely different location, having travelled by means of magic. I am now in a darkened corridor lit by several flame torches. There is no one in sight and I work quickly in silence.

Waving my hand across the brick wall in front of me I create a glowing orb which hovers in the air above me. A tracker.

I give it my command.

“Lead me to her.”

And off the orb goes, wisping through the darkened air down the length of the corridor, with me following along closely behind it.


Zarkin walks in front of me with a flame torch held in his hand. He leads me down a spiralling staircase towards the sub level of the castle.

I have no idea of where we are going but I don’t seem to care. I am more worried about being found by Adomis after learning of my true lineage and that we are apparently enemies from opposing Guilds.

I am torn by the idea that Adomis may now hate me. And all because of my title, one that I had no knowledge of until only recently. One that I have no interest in taking back.

Finally we turn a corner and there is a single wooden door located at the end of the corridor. We make our way across to it and he opens the door, leading me inside.

The room inside is quite dark, but using his powers the Mage lifts his hands and all of the flame torches surrounding the room suddenly spring to life. As the flames ignite they cast the room into a dull light and I can see that he has led me into a room filled with old books?

“What is this place?” I ask him, looking around.

“Our ancestry records are stored here, among other things. No one ever comes down here, so it should be safe enough for me to leave you here until I return-”

“-Wait, what? Leave me here?” I question with concern. “Where are you going?”

He faces me and smiles.

“To speak with Adomis. I need to inform him of everything we have spoken of. Perhaps it will help convince him to spare your life.” Zarkin explains.

“No.” I shake my head.

“I can’t stay here. What if he doesn’t agree with you and comes for looking for me? I’m basically trapped down here.”

“Relax, as I said no one comes down here. This will be the last place anyone comes looking. I will return shortly to fill you in on our discussion.”

I reach out and grab his arm as he turns to exit. He stops and turns back to face me with a frown on his face. I am breathing short and shallow breaths now as my chest heaves in and outwards.

“Just try to relax. I won’t be long, I promise.” he calmly assures me.

I have no choice but to comply as he moves out of my hold and exits the room, closing the door behind him with a ‘thud’.

Now I am alone, in a strange sub-terannual room filled with shelves of old dusty books.

‘How the hell did you get yourself into this mess Ivy?’


I can’t find her anywhere. My patience is beginning to fade as I once again come across an empty room with no signs of Ivy whatsoever.

Has she done a runner and tried to escape from the castle again?

With an angered huff I turn and march back down towards the next place I imagine she would go to. On my way I come across Captain Khalan and I abruptly stop him.

“Captain, a word…”

He comes to stand in front of me attentively.

“Yes Overlord.”

“Have you by any chance seen Ivy? I can’t seem to locate her.” I announce.

Khalan thinks for a moment before shaking his head from side to side.

“No sire, the last time I saw her was back in the Council Chambers during our meeting. She and Zarkin were the last ones in the room when I left.” he reports.


“Thank you, you may continue.” I command and he bows his head, then marching off to complete his assigned task.

I need to find my Mage.

Strangely enough I soon run into him marching along in the opposite direction down a central corridor. As soon as he sees me he calls out.

“My lord, I need to speak with you urgently.” he announces.

“Where is she?” I demand sternly.

“Please, you must first listen to what I have to say-”

“-WHERE!” I practically shout in anger over his words.

I can feel my blood beginning to boil with liquid hot rage.

“I warn that if you withhold information from me, Mage I will have your tongue removed.”

Zarkin’s expression changes upon hearing my threat and he eventually nods his head as he speaks his suggestion.

“Very well, I will take you to her. But on one condition. You hear me out along the way.”

My eyes narrow at his audacity, but I know this man well enough. I know he is loyal to me and would have a good reason to have her hidden away like this.

“Fine… start talking.” I command as he begins to lead me back down the corridor in the direction he had come from.


I am getting close; I can feel it.

The orb’s glow has only brightened the closer we get to Ivy and I know I will find her soon enough.

The floating orb begins to lead me down a dark and narrow spiralling staircase, and I follow along after it down the stone steps one by one.


It feels as if I have been down here for hours, though I know that’s not true. There are no windows down here so I can’t tell what time of the day it is. The room is subterranean after all.

But my nerves have begun to eat away at me, fear that the man I have feelings for may indeed turn on me and order me executed. I could feel my stomach churning with the anxiety I was experiencing and sat myself down for a moment.

Focusing on each of my breaths, I slowly breathed in through my nose and back out through my mouth.

Over and over I repeated the process, calming myself and steadying my pulsing heart from bursting out of my chest.

I had learned so much in the past hour or so, of my past and of my true identity. Even though it still made absolutely no sense to me at all. It sounded so crazy! Traveling to different worlds and magical portals through time.

It was the kind of thing you watch in fantasy movies or read in those kinds of books.

It couldn’t be real… right?

I am pulled from my thoughts as I hear the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching the door from the outside and I quickly stand, preparing myself mentally for whomever should happen to walk through that doorway.

The door opens and a glowing orb slowly enters the room, hovering above in the air.

I feel instant relief upon seeing the magical orb, believing it to be the only person I know in this castle capable of using magic like that. I let out a sigh of relief.

“Zarkin, you’re back.” I announce with a smile. “So what did he say?”

But the voice I hear speaking to me sends chills up the base of my spine as I freeze in place, my eyes wide with fear.

“Ah, there you are my dear.”

Ronaar steps into the open doorway, a large sinister grin spread across his face as his arms remain crossed in front of his chest.

I suck in a sharp breath as he steps inside the room and closes the door behind him, trapping us both in the same room together.

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