Forced Bonds (The Bonds that Tie Book 4)

Forced Bonds: Chapter 9

The joy on my Bond’s face makes the long hours working on this place worth every exhausting and frustrating second.

She heads straight into the bathroom to wash up, and I go down to the kitchen to fix us both some lunch. When North had called to say that Oli and the guys were on their way back, I’d gone down to the dining hall to shop through the kitchen there, grabbing whatever supplies I could get away with, thanks to the chef following me around and grumbling the whole time. Not that he cared about the actual food leaving his kitchen, he’s just pissed that he’s not cooking for the Dravens as much.

The man has a lot of pride tied up in his work for North.

I already know that my Bond is easy to please when it comes to meals though, thank God. A loaded sandwich with all of the trimmings has her beaming at me as I kick her bedroom door shut behind me. She looks fucking adorable sitting in the middle of the giant bed in one of my old football jerseys from high school and an old pair of sweatpants that she’d squirreled away from Gryphon.

My voice dries up in my throat.

“Oh, I freaking love bacon in a sandwich! I could smell it cooking when I got out of the bathroom, and I’ve been drooling ever since.”

I smirk at her and walk over to hand her the plate, careful not to brush up against the clean linens. I’m still covered in dust and God knows what else, and I’m not going to disrespect her space like that.

The whole point of getting her in here is so she feels respected and more in control of what her life looks like. There’s not much I can do to help with that, especially when I agree with all of the extra security North and Gryphon are putting on her, but I can give her this little haven. I know how badly she needs her own space, even when she’s craving her Bonds.

“Are you going to sit with me or just stare at me while I make a pig of myself?” Oli drawls, her sass a little muted now that shit has hit the fan with Sage, but it’s still there.

I grab the chair from behind her desk and drag it over to sit beside her. “I’m covered in dust. I’ll grab a shower after I’ve finished eating. I didn’t have time before Gryphon called.”

She nods and takes another huge bite of her sandwich, a little of the sauce dripping out of the corner of her mouth, and I grin at her. This version of my Bond, the one who has let down all of her barriers and walls, is my favorite one. I’ve never been happier in my life.

“You should’ve just jumped in with me. We could’ve made the food together afterwards.”

I almost choke.

I put a lot of time and effort into not making a complete dick of myself around her, thanks to the small fact that there are four other Bonds in my Bonded Group to compete with. I manage to keep my shit together, though I swallow too soon and it’s a little dry going down my throat.

“I didn’t know that was on the table. You definitely haven’t said that it’s an option.”

She tilts her head to the side as though she’s thinking and nods slowly. “That’s true.”

We fall back into silence, only the sounds of us both tearing into our food to be heard, and when I set my plate down on her side table to go grab that shower, she clears her throat. I stop and look over at her, raising an eyebrow at her, but she just shakes her head back at me like she’s changed her mind.

I’m not pushing her.

I never have and I never will. I don’t think that I’m a fucking saint or anything, but I want to know for sure that when I complete my bond with her, it’s because she wanted to, not because of some other stupid reason. I never want to have a doubt in my mind that she was just as desperate for me as I am for her.

So I head to the bathroom, rolling my shoulders back and groaning a little under my breath as the bones there crack. I’d gotten up before the sun this morning to lay the carpets in Oli’s closet, the last thing that was needed for it to be done, and hauling the rolls into the house by myself wasn’t the easiest thing to be doing. I’ve been slacking on my workouts and, man, does my body feel it.

I get the door open before Oli calls out, “Gabe? It’s on the table.”

I turn back and find her staring over at me, no signs of her bond taking over and forcing decisions onto her, just those crystal clear blue eyes looking back at me, as sure at the sunrise in the morning.

Well, fuck.

It’s impossible to shower without a rock-hard dick now. The scents of her soaps and lotions and girl shit just makes it worse, like I’m marinating in all things Oleander Fallows, until I’m about ready to nut myself.

Would jerking off right now be taking things too far? Fuck, here I was thinking how fucking good I am at respecting her shit for not getting dust on her sheets and ten minutes later, I’m thinking about spraying her shower screen with my cum because she said four little words to me. Four words that in any other situation are not a fucking turn on.

Jesus Christ.

I get the fuck out of there before I disgrace my family name, grabbing a towel and quickly drying myself off. My bond pulls and tugs at my chest to get back to Oli, but I force my body to just stand there and get a hold of myself. I’m not about to make a dick of myself. I’m not about to freak her the hell out by charging in there and… fuck, okay, I can’t think about the shit I want to do to her right now while I’m trying to calm down.

I wrap the towel around my waist and walk back into the bedroom, planning on grabbing clothes from my bag that’s waiting for me there, but as soon as I lay eyes on my Bond, I’m done for. She’s sitting on the bed, her knees pulled up to her chest, and the ravenous look in her eyes as she takes me in stops me short.

I wonder how she tastes.

I want to know what her thighs feel like around my head or how her face looks when she comes or, fuck, what happens when her bond comes out to join in.

Weeks of living in close quarters with her mean I already know what she sounds like when she comes. I want to know if she’ll make those same noises or if I can draw some new ones out of her. I want to know what edges I can push her to and which ones are worth tipping her over into a pool of writhing bliss.

My bond rages inside my chest for her, pushing and snarling like a rabid beast, and I can feel the urge to shift beating down on me. I need to be the predator, to wear the skin of what hides inside me, because she’s always been the ultimate prey for me.

I make it to the bed in three steps and Oli rises to her knees to meet me, her hands sliding into my wet hair without hesitation as she drags my lips to hers. I’ve kissed her a hundred times before, every make out session I could possibly fit in around the chaos of our lives while she was getting her feet here, but this feels different.

There’s nothing to stop us from being together.

I feel like I should say something, ask her one last time if she’s sure, but when she breaks away from my lips, it’s only for as long as it takes her to tug my jersey off, all of her perfect skin on display, and then she’s kissing me again as she shoves the sweatpants down her legs, moving awkwardly to let them fall away.

I unhook my towel with a rough tug, glad that I don’t need to think about buttons or zippers right now because they’re beyond my capabilities.

Fuck, she feels so good.

I push her back and climb onto the bed, right on top of her, without breaking the kiss. Even with the frenzied motions of her hands as she maps out my back, she’s not in a rush to break that connection between us, and I use it to my advantage.

Mostly by telling my dick and my bond to calm the fuck down.

It takes me a minute, but once I’ve wrestled my bond back into submission, I move to kiss down her neck to the delicate skin of her shoulder, sucking and biting as I listen to her breath hitch in her throat. The more slow and careful attention I give her, the more languid but pent-up her body becomes.

It’s fucking addicting.

I work my way down her chest, fighting with myself over whether to savor the moment or just rush to get to where I really want to be. Which, for the record, is between those perfectly creamy thighs of hers, with her ankles locked somewhere around my ears.

When I get to her hips, nipping at the bones there and licking the little indentations I’m leaving behind to soothe the ache, she stills for a second, her legs tensing up. I stop, glancing up to see what’s spooked her so I can murder it because I do not want to be stopped right now. Not when I’m this goddamned close to finally tasting this pussy I’ve dreamed of.

She gives me a rueful grin and shrugs. “I’m just telling my bond to go to hell. It wants out to play with you, but I want this first.”

Oh, fuck yeah.

I like that a hell of a lot.

“Tell it ‘maybe next time’. Like, about ten minutes after this time is over.”

Her laugh is like music to my ears, all breathless and excited, and I wait until she relaxes back down against the pillows before I duck back down to finally get what I want, to eat her out the way I’d promised her months ago when I’d first shown her my shift. Fuck, and it’s everything I always wanted.

I don’t know if it’s because she’s my Bond, but I can read her like a book, testing out every little movement and swirl of my tongue against her clit until she’s writhing and moaning loudly enough that I’m glad we’re here alone.

I don’t want anyone else hearing this moment between us—it belongs to me.

My own groans of pleasure vibrate through the very center of her body and she begins to pant, her hands rough as she fists my hair and tugs at me like she’s trying to get my face even closer to her core.

As her body begins to shake, I feel her bond come to the surface and coax mine out. Our Bond isn’t complete yet, but the process is starting. I can feel it come alive in every inch of my body. I have to bite the inside of my cheek until I taste blood so I don’t ruin everything right now. The sensations are almost too much, like I should have waited to make her come until I was inside of her first, but the sounds she makes and the way she moves her hips against my face is fucking addicting.

I want to die like this.

“Gabe, please, I need more. I can’t… my bond needs more,” she gasps, and I pull away from the soaking mess I’ve made of her pussy to look at her again. Her hair is spread out over the pillows like a silky, silver fan, and her cheeks are flushed beautifully. Her lips are red from where she’s been biting them, pouty and abused in the best way. I want to remember this moment for the rest of my goddamned life.

I aim for a confident tone, but the dry rasp of it probably gives my own desperation away as I reply, “I can give you what you want, Bond.”

And that’s how I find myself living out my second biggest fantasy with my Bond as she straddles my thighs and rides my dick like a fucking pro. Fuck, she feels like a dream as she takes every inch of me and her nails dig into my chest as she gets a good rhythm going.

I might’ve been talking myself up, but with Oli’s ass bouncing against my thighs as she slides that perfect pussy up and down my cock, it takes a lot of concentration to not just blow my load. She’s fucking perfect, perfect, and my bond is glowing under my skin at finally having her.

It was worth every second of the wait.

Just when I’m sure I’m going to come, too soon because I never want this to end, I get a handful of each of her thighs, lifting her up off of my dick and dragging her back up my body until she’s straddling my face.

She makes a gasping sort of noise, a mournful and shocked sound, and when I speak, my words are right at her core. “One more time. Come on my lips one more time, Bond.”

She hovers there for a second until I tug her back down, seating her sweet pussy against my mouth properly, and then I eat until she’s screaming my name, thighs trembling and hips grinding out her orgasm.

I drink down every drop of her cum and groan at the taste of her honey.

She waits as long as it takes for her thighs to stop shaking, and then she crawls back down my body, turning to kiss me and lick away her wetness from my tongue.

I can’t lie there anymore, as much as I love her taking control.

I flip us both over and push back into her, my dick still achingly hard and ready to blow. She makes the most incredible sound, a gasping sort of squeal, and then a string of curses and praises fall from her lips.

“Yes, fuck, please… God, more, I need more, Gabe, fuck!”

The bonding feels like finally, finally, coming home.

There’s no other way to describe the flood of euphoria that spreads through me as my own orgasm nails me in the back of the head and renders me fucking useless. It’s as though I’ve been wandering the plains of the earth on my own for a thousand years, but now I’ve finally found where I belong.

Oli’s eyes shift to black underneath me, but only for a second before those beautiful baby blues are blinking back at me again. It was just a small moment, her bond checking in with the connection we’ve just made.

When I finally roll off of her, conscious of my weight, I drag her along with me so we’re not actually separated. I want her skin against mine for at least the next week, bare minimum.

My chest is still heaving, but I have to say something to fill in the silence now that there’s no longer the sounds of our skin slapping together as I’d pounded into her. “That was definitely what I dreamed it would be.”

She snorts and buries her head in my shoulder, hiding her face as though she’s shy about it now that she’s not actually on top of my dick.

“The bonding, sex in general, the whole nine yards.”

She freezes for a second and then rears her head back. “What do you mean ‘sex in general’? It hasn’t been that long for you.”

I grin at her, smug as hell to hear that. “You didn’t guess? Clearly the years of porn under my belt have done the job.”

She blinks up at me and my grin widens. “You’re not the only one who decided to wait. I didn’t— I couldn’t stand the idea of touching anyone else. I’m not saying that to throw all the others under the bus, it just wasn’t for me. When North raged about Gracie and what she did, that you’d been a virgin and your bond had acted without your consent in retaliation, I couldn’t believe you’d waited as well. It made me even happier with my decision.”

She swallows and glances down, looking unsure for a moment, and her voice is thready when she says, “All of the girls at Draven were acting like you’d slept with half the campus.”

My grin shifts into a smirk as I shrug. “Yeah, they all thought that once I met you and you hated us, I’d change my mind. I couldn’t, even if I wanted to. My bond got one look at you and I was done for, even if I wasn’t already sold on you. Which I was, by the way. I think the reason I was so fucking angry and spiteful toward you was because I knew that I’d never want anyone the way I wanted you. I never have and I never will.”

She looks at me like I hung the goddamn moon for her, and I’m so completely in love with this girl, no truer words have ever been uttered.

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