Forced Bonds (The Bonds that Tie Book 4)

Forced Bonds: Chapter 8

We get transported back to the Sanctuary in two blocks, the guys take Giovanna and Riley back first before coming back for Gryphon, Nox, and me. We have to go back for the rest of our gear and it’s while we were hiking back through the trees that I felt it.

Eyes on us.

Neither Gryphon or Nox seem to notice it, both of them staying focused as we make our way back to the camping spot, and my bond doesn’t take over completely, but it takes notice.

It stills in my chest and just… waits. For what, I have no freaking clue, but it waits and watches and is poised, ready to take over if anything happens.

Except it doesn’t.

We get the extra packs right before the Transporter arrives again to take us back. I’m about ready to climb out of my skin with nerves, so freaking ready to be out of the woods. The moment our feet hit the ground, Gryphon wraps a hand around one side of my neck to stop me from puking, but when his Gift finishes up and he moves away from me, probably to find North and debrief with him about the mission, the feeling of unease is still lingering inside me. It’s definitely not the motion sickness. Nope, it’s something else entirely.

Nox stares at me.

Directly at me, no sneering or snarling insults at me for once, and it also makes me want to climb out of my skin. He does everything he can to avoid looking at me or being near me, so to have him just standing there and taking me in is just… so deeply unsettling.

I swallow roughly and just stare back at him like an idiot until his eyes narrow. He steps forward, towards me, and then glances back over my shoulder as though he’s going to see anything but TacTeam personnel buzzing around. “What is it? What’s happened?”

I think it’s the carefully considering tone he’s using, but I don’t just brush it off for once. I could, and I probably should, but I feel as though he’s actually seeing me for the first time as his eyes still roam over my face.

I step in closer to him, still careful about leaving a gap between our bodies but ensuring that none of the personnel around us will overhear. “Do you feel like we’re being watched? Like there’s… something keeping tabs? I can’t shake it, and while we were out, I felt it again.”

He looks back up and scowls around at everyone surrounding me. “Why the hell didn’t you say something sooner? Riordan could have been with us and followed us back with the jump.”

My stomach drops.

The sneer he always wears just for me settles back over his face and he snaps, “I need to find Benson. Come with me now.”

He pushes past me, not waiting for me to agree, and I follow him because I’d once again forgotten about the Resistance’s invisible, virtually undetectable man. Fuck. I should have spoken sooner.

I also should know better than to mention that to Nox though, because when I do, his reply is scathing. “Yes, you should have. Your bond is more experienced and more keenly aware than anyone else’s, and if you’re not going to actually listen to it, then you’re a liability and as good as a spy yourself. Stop hoarding information and start talking, Poison, before you get us all killed.”

I let him berate me.

We pass Gryphon at the edge of the group though, and he isn’t so keen to let the scolding go on for long. “Hoarding information? You’d know nothing about that, would you, Draven?”

There it is again.

I can’t stop myself from asking him, Are we going to talk about it now?

He glances over at me and shakes his head a fraction, before eyeing Nox’s retreating back like he’s thinking about stabbing him. I need to speak to North about it as well, preferably together. Don’t worry about it, Bonded.

Nox’s savage mood doesn’t ease up, not even when we get to Sawyer and he can’t find any evidence of Riordan being with us, no matter how he heat maps the video footage. The guilt is still eating me alive because deep down, I know Nox is right.

I could’ve led the Resistance back here, given them the keys to get a spy in here, and that does make me just as bad as the rest of them.

Can you come with us? If you’re not busy. It’s a cop-out, but I don’t want to know what Nox’s sneering will turn into if we do find Riordan in any of the footage from our return. I’ve been so adamant about dealing with Nox on my own, but I was also so goddamn sure I could get through this mission without fucking up.

And here I am, fucking it up.

You didn’t. You should remember that you saved his life back there, you reacted before even his shadow creatures could, and you’ve done nothing wrong. Even if Riordan came back with us, that’s not on you. I didn’t even notice the bad feeling you felt, that’s on me. Neither did Nox, that’s on him. Ease up on yourself, Bonded.

I can’t though.

I can’t because… fuck, because it would’ve been so damn easy to just say something, and I didn’t. There’s a whole heap of reasons they might have missed the eerie feeling, but I felt it, and I should have said something about it.

Gryphon plants one of his big hands on the base of my spine and directs me out of the room, getting us on the path towards the security room after Nox. Instead of letting it drop away, when the mid-morning sun hits us both as we get out into the fresh air, he slides his palm around my hip to pull me into his side. He’s not usually this hands-on in public, especially not with his TacTeam around, so I must look freaking miserable right now.

I need a goddamn distraction.

“How did you know shooting Riley would work to get Giovanna out of his head?”

Gryphon shrugs. “A lucky guess. He was already almost tapped out, thanks to Giovanna’s fucking around in his head. I didn’t think his body could handle the pain and the power use. I’ve dealt with another situation that was pretty similar, so it was more of a calculated guess, really.”

I nod and try not to cringe as Nox barges his way into the security office to harass Sawyer because of me. “And if it hadn’t worked?”

Gryphon scowls at Nox but answers me all the same. “I’d have aimed for his chest next. The mission is never going to be more important than you. Remember that, Bonded.”

Sawyer can’t find any evidence of anyone following us back.

Even when he checks up on the body cam that the Transporter was wearing, he can’t find any evidence of anyone else being in the woods with us. Nox doesn’t believe him and Gryphon has to intervene to get him to back down, and I can’t meet Sawyer’s eyes while they stand off against each other. I’m sure he just wants to make some joke about it, something awkward or sexual, but I just don’t have that in me right now.

Or he’s going to berate me for not having found something yet to get Sage out of the confinement she’s currently in.

Gryphon gets called away to deal with something big within his TacTeam. He drags Nox out with him, leaving me alone with Sawyer. Well, he leaves me, but only after he makes me swear on our Bond that I won’t move from here until Gabe comes to get me. It doesn’t matter that I still have weapons strapped to me or, you know, a killer bond lurking inside me with a Gift that never freaking runs out.

I still need a Bond guard, apparently.

But I do as he says and slump into a chair next to Sawyer, the night of subpar sleep catching up to me. It takes exactly the amount of time required for Gryphon and Nox to leave the security office and get out of earshot before Sawyer turns to me with a stink eye.

“Why are you looking at me like you’ve killed my mom?”

I snort at him and shrug, rubbing both of my eyes so I still don’t have to look his way. “I still have nothing. I got Giovanna and Riley back here, but there was nothing else there, no signs of anything other than that bitch being a traitor. I feel fucking useless and guilty over the whole thing.”

Sawyer scoffs and I listen to the sound of his fingers flying over the keys as though it’s a freaking lullaby. “I wasn’t expecting you to find a giant billboard with an explanation out there in the woods, Oli. Were you?”

I kick my feet out a little wider. “I mean… it would’ve been nice. I need her out of there. I need something to explain this shit. Have you been to see her yet?”

“North won’t let me. I was pissed at first, but Gray pointed out that I’m of more use to her up here at my computer, and she’s with her Bonds. I made him go down there though, and he said she was a mess. Absolutely fucking devastated that she might’ve killed someone, even though she knows she didn’t actually do it… like, mentally. Physically, she for sure did. I know she did because I’ve tracked her every movement and there’s no manipulation on the video. I’ve been so freaking thorough with it all.”

I nod and finally look at him.

He looks like shit.

The same as I feel, really.

There’s dark circles under his eyes and the pile of empty energy drinks around his desk tells a pretty clear story of how hard he’s working to get his sister cleared of this shit. There’s a fine dusting of fair stubble on his cheeks too, which seems far too ‘grown up’ for the sarcastic, cheeky asshole that I know. When he catches me looking, he snaps, “I’m aware I need a shower, Fallows. Thanks for pointing it out.”

I scoff and throw a dismissive hand in his direction. “I was imagining you with a beard, if this keeps up for much longer, and I just can’t cope with that. I need to find something and get you the fuck out of here.”

My bond warms in my chest right as there’s a knock at the door. Sawyer presses a button under the table to let Gabe in. My Bond looks as though he’s come straight from one of the building sites, his work clothes still covered in a fine layer of dust, and a good, clean sweat still shining on his skin.

It makes my bond perk right the hell up.

“Gross, stop giving him those eyes in front of me. I don’t have time for all of the pent-up sexual frustration you two give off.”

I roll my eyes at Sawyer’s sass. “Usually, you’re signing up for front row tickets.”

He points at the door and snaps back, “Not when I’m trying to work. Go be young and horny and in love somewhere else.”

Gabe scoffs at him even as he holds out a hand for me to take, helping me out of my seat and tugging me into his side securely. “Good to see you too, Benson. Found anything yet?”

I shake my head for the both of us, my mouth tightening up as my throat closes over. Gabe frowns down at me, leaning down to give me a quick peck on the lips. His skin is warm and inviting, the empty space in my chest that belongs to him aches, and I lean more fully into his strength.

He smiles down at me, his eyes soft as he traces over my face. I hope I’m not covered in dirt or something from the trip. “Let’s leave Sawyer to his creeper ways, Bond. I have something I want to show you.”

We leave together to the sound of Sawyer calling out, “Spoiler alert! It’s his dick!”

I roll my eyes and Gabe flips him off behind our backs as we get out of there, the fresh air a relief even as the midday sun is warm against my cheeks. I take a second to actually look around a bit and find that the town center has been cleaned up a lot in the last day or so while we were out on the recovery mission.

There’s still a lot of damage, dozens of destroyed roads and buildings can’t be fixed overnight, but the rubble and debris has been cleared away and patches have been put in over what could be shored up. We don’t have enough finished houses to just move people out of buildings if there’s a few broken windows, but the fix up is well underway.

There are groups of men and women everywhere with building supplies and good attitudes as they get to work on it all, and the sense of community has my chest tightening up.

This is what we’re really fighting for.

We’re fighting for these people, even if they’re wary of my bond. I mean, that just says they’re smart enough to know when there’s a predator living among them. I’d never put someone down for that.

“Here, we’re taking the ATV over,” Gabe says, pulling me over to the vehicle he’d driven over here for us both. The last time I was in one was with Atlas, the two of us heading out to the perfect night in a cave by ourselves and then the harried trip back the next morning while everything turned to shit, but it still brings a blush to my cheeks.

“Where are we going? Should I get changed first?” I say as he helps me in, my legs still a little sore from the hiking, not that I’ll ever admit it.

“You’ll see, Bond. Just let me surprise you, for once.”

I huff at the smug tone he’s throwing at me and cross my arms over my chest, a joking sort of tantrum that he sees through immediately. He grabs one of my hands and tugs at it to link our fingers together, resting them on his thigh.

I settle back into the seat and look out at the houses and buildings we pass, taking in just how big the Sanctuary actually is. North and his family have put in so much money and time here, completely altruistically. They could have just built themselves a bomb-proof bunker, but instead they’ve created something that really earns the name it was given.

The Sanctuary.

At the outskirts of the town, up a small incline and surrounded by piled-up building supplies, is a mansion. Gabe pulls up and parks the ATV in front of it, killing the engine and gesturing at the palace in front of us.

Okay, it’s probably classified as just a big house, but it’s at least four times bigger than the house we’re currently hunkering down together in.

“Welcome home, Bond,” Gabe murmurs, kissing the back of my hand.

My mouth drops open and I give him a shocked look, probably looking like a complete idiot. He grins back at me, sliding out and walking around to help me out, and slings an arm around my shoulders as we pick our way through the piles of supplies and walk up the steps together.

“This is ours? Well, North’s, I guess.”

Gabe shakes his head at me. “No, you were right the first time. It’s ours. North and Gryphon picked the spot together so that we’re somewhere a little further away from everyone else and easier to keep secure. I’ve built it, and Atlas has been helping since he’s learned how to put his strength to good use. Nox… has mostly made demands about how he wants his office and library done, but I guess that’s still input. North picked out most of the details. I told him he should get your opinion on it too, but… again, he’s a Draven. There’s only so much I can get out of him.”

I grin, because that’s true and something I now appreciate about him. There’s something really fucking hot about a man who takes control, leaving none of the weight of decision-making on me. Now that I have some autonomy back, I have more than enough decisions to make in a day. I really wouldn’t want to be arguing with anyone about paint chips or tile choices right now.

Gabe walks me right up to the front door, stopping there as I peek into the window. “Can we go in? Is there enough done to go in?”

He grins and takes my hand gently to lead me through the house, dodging the tools and piles of flooring that is still waiting to go down. It’s all in beautiful earthy tones; the colors go with the dusty, remote desert that we’re now living in. Although the house is, at most, a fifth of the size of the Draven mansion, it still feels huge compared to the little temporary house we’re currently holed up in.

It feels like home already.

“I’ve been camping out here. I spoke to North about making this place a priority for us. I was focusing on the housing for the other families because there’s so many that are sharing but… after everything that happened, it’s a security issue to get you into this place. Our other house isn’t as secure and… you’re always going to take priority.”

I open my mouth to answer him, though I’m not really sure what I’d say, when he stops and pushes open one of the doors, tugging me into a huge bedroom and closing the door firmly behind us.

It’s stunning.

The room is huge, bigger even than my room back at North’s mansion, and not only is it completely finished, it’s also furnished. There’s a giant bed, easily the size of two Cal Kings pushed together, with a TV on the wall and a desk in the corner with a laptop sitting on top. There are curtains and plush carpets on the floor and… it’s perfectly finished.

“How did you do this? How did you get it all done… just for me?”

He grins sheepishly. “I told you; I’ve been camping out here. North picked most of the colors and furniture. I’m just the one putting it all together. I wanted to get you out of that house.”

I scoff a little and roll my eyes, self-deprecatingly. “I don’t think there’s anything ‘just’ about building a whole freaking house, Gabe. Thank you. I feel guilty as hell about this being a priority when there are people who need it more, especially when you see the damage in the town, but… I’ve been feeling burnt out. I needed this.”

He nods and tugs me into his chest again, kissing the top of my head as though I’m some deeply precious thing to him. I know that, of course, I am precious to him, his Central Bond, but it still feels like an honor.

“I wasn’t going to let you waste away in that house. Plus, some soundproofing will be nice too. If I had to keep hearing you coming, I might’ve gone insane.”

I blush and duck my head, ignoring him when he bursts into laughter at my embarrassment, because I don’t feel all that bad about it either. If I shut my eyes, I can still feel North’s hand closing around my neck and holding me down as his bond fucked me raw. I’ll never be able to feel bad about that.

“Look around, Bond, get yourself comfortable.”

I walk through to the ensuite bathroom to check it out, practically drooling over the huge bathtub and the shower with the built-in bench seat and four massaging shower heads. It’s like the upgraded version of North’s shower back at his mansion, and I’m eager to climb into it.

There’s a door at the other end of the ensuite. When I open it, I not only find my closet, I also find my bags sitting in there with all of my clothes and shoes packed up, everything I’d come here with.

I’m already moved in.

I turn back to Gabe and whisper in disbelief, “We’re staying here tonight? It’s done enough for that?”

He grins and nods back. “Your room, your bathroom, and the kitchen are done. My room just needs the lights to be wired. North’s room is waiting on flooring. Gryphon’s is being painted today, and Atlas has been working on his bathroom. Nox’s is done, he likes everything to be simple and plain. But, yeah, we’re here tonight, Bond.”

It’s the most romantic thing any man has ever said to me, I swear to God.

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