Forbidden Queen

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Six - Setting the Trap


We are putting the first part of our plan into operation today. I am going to meet Karen and ask her to arrange our visit to the northern territory with Philip.

Alex is going to speak to Ruth, to request that she contacts the alphas of the allied packs that border the northern territory to inquire if they would be prepared to meet us while we are there. Ostensibly this is to give them an opportunity to meet their new queen, but also with Jordan spreading lies about what happened to his father we want them to hear our side of the story too.

Joseph will speak to Aaron and ask him select servants to accompany us on the journey. He will be asked to ensure that we are packed and ready to go.

I have asked Karen to join me in my office at 10:00 a.m. She arrives promptly.

“You wanted to see me your highness?”

“Yes, please come in and make yourself comfortable.”

She takes a seat in a chair across from my desk.

“After the successful visit with the Royal Betas, I feel it is time that I journey to each of the territories. I am keen to get to know my kingdom better. I would like to start with a visit to the northern territory in two weeks’ time.”

“Of course, your majesty, but…” she hesitates. “Is that wise after the recent attack? Are you not worried that Lucius may attempt to ambush you again?”

“He may do, but he has proven that he is prepared to attack me in the heart of my capital only a mile from the palace. I am not sure if I am safer here than I would be anywhere else.”

She doesn’t seem convinced by my argument; she looks as though she wants to say something else, but I plough on before she can.

“Besides, I am not going to be trapped in this palace to afraid to venture out. The people need to see their queen.”

“Yes, your majesty.”

“We are making stringent arrangements for my security. Alex and Joseph will accompany me with a squad of the royal guards.”

“Will a squad be enough?” she asks.

“Yes, we will travel quicker that way. The trip will be kept a secret, to ensure that the details don’t fall into the wrong hands. Information will be shared on a need-to-know basis. Please don’t share what I have told you with anyone else. Not even the other advisors.

“Of course, your majesty. I will send a message to Philip now. We have a secure method of communication, and I will impress upon him the importance of keeping your visit a secret. We don’t want the northern pack to do anything that would alert Lucius.”

“Excellent, thank you” I tell her.

“Do you require anything else your majesty?”

“No that is all thank you” I say, as she walks out the door.

Phase one is complete. Karen knows that we are planning the visit to the northern territory. In the next week I or Alex will let slip what our route will be. If Karen is the spy, then she should tell Lucius.

There is so much that could go wrong with this plan. The advisors could speak to each other about the trip and realise that we have told each of them different, conflicting information. The spy might not think that it is worth the risk to notify Lucius of our plans. Or Lucius might decide that he doesn’t want to use this opportunity to attack us.

Fortunately, none of the advisors socialise with each other, and only see each other when I arrange a meeting with all my councillors. We are making sure that there will not be an opportunity for them to meet on official business before the trip. Joseph has also assigned guards to secretly watch them.

Whatever the risks this is still the best chance we have to uncover who has betrayed us to Lucius.


By 6:00p.m. I am shattered. It has been a long day. I have been making detailed plans for the trip to the north, and I have arranged the funeral for the wolf who died in the attack. It is the least I can do.

I can’t wait to see Alex, and rush to our rooms. It isn’t long before he joins me there. He pours himself a glass of whisky and takes a seat beside me on the sofa. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me gently on the lips. Even this light touch is enough to send tingles down my spine and for the air to feel electric. I don’t think I will ever get used to the pull of my mate and I don’t want to.

He deepens the kiss before moving to my neck. His lips find my mark, which he starts to bite and suck. I moan with pleasure; I can’t help myself I feel as though I am about to explode.

He moves his mouth away, and I whine.

“As much as I love your body, we need to talk about today.”

“And then you can finish what you started?”

“Oh yes.”

“OK then. How did it go with Ruth?”

“I have made her aware of the trip up north and she is going to contact each of the Alphas. I caught up with Joseph as well, and he has spoken to Aaron”

“Good, I met with Karen, and she is going to contact Philip. Now everyone knows about the trip.”

“I also have the completed artist’s sketch of the wolf who contacted Anna. Joseph doesn’t recognise him, so he certainly isn’t one of the Royal Guard. He could be a servant in the household, but not one of the senior ones. We think that is unlikely though, it wouldn’t give him the right access. Instead, we think that he might have an accomplice who helped him get into the palace.”

“That makes sense. He must know that if Anna talked, we would search for him, and if he worked here, we would find him.”

“Yes, he wouldn’t have wanted to blow his cover by contacting her directly if he worked here. It makes for a bigger problem. Not only do we have to find him, but we also need to search for his accomplice.”

I give him a hug. I know that our inability to find Lucius’s spies and the lengths he is going to, to keep me safe are wearing him down. Not to mention the problem he faces with his traitorous little brother trying to blacken Alex’s name and reputation. He is not going to stop until he is caught.

“We will find them. We are in a better position than we were before. At least now we know that there are definitely spies at the royal court. We have narrowed down who they could be, and we have a plan to catch them.” I say trying to reassure him.

“I hope so. Let’s forget about this tonight and go to bed” Alex says lifting me up into his arms and taking me to our bedroom. I want to forget about all of this and think of nothing but you.”

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