Forbidden Queen

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Five – She Finally Arrives


We have just been informed that Emma, has reached the capital and is being escorted to the palace. I am so excited. It has been weeks since I have seen her, and I have missed her so much.

Alex smiles at me. “Not long now, and she will be with you.”

“I can’t wait. We have never been apart for more than a night before this.”

“I know, it has been hard on both of you, but you will be able to make up for it soon.”

“I hope so. My royal duties will mean that I will not be able to spend as much time with her as I would like. I don’t want her to suffer because of it. She has lost so much already.”

“Between us we will be able to make it work.”

I know that he is trying to reassure me. I just hope he is right I don’t want her to suffer any more than she has already.

I suddenly hear a squeal and realise that Emma has arrived. I rush into the entrance hall. I see her standing there, holding Mrs Wilson’s hand as she stares round

entranced by her surroundings.

I am not surprised by her response, I felt much the same. It is very different from the small house we grew up in, in the Lunar Eclipse pack.

“Emmy” I shout rushing towards her. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly. “I have missed you so much.”

“Me too. Is this where you live now?”

“Where we live now. This is your home too.”

She nods. I don’t think she is fully taking it in.

I turn to Mrs Wilson. “Thank you for taking such good care of her Mrs Wilson”

“It was a pleasure your majesty. I love spending time with Emma.”

“Hello Emma” Alex says giving her a quick hug. “I am so pleased that you are finally here. I have to go to work now but we will catch up later.”

As he walks away, I say to Emma and Mrs Wilson “Follow me and I will show you to your rooms. Once you have freshened up, I will take you to meet the royal household.”

I have arranged for Emma to have the room next to Alex and me. Mrs Wilson has been given a room next to her. I can tell that Mrs Wilson is in awe at how luxurious her new room is. It is grander than the alpha’s rooms in the Lunar Eclipse packhouse, never mind anything that any of the servants live in, but I wanted her to be close to Emma and for her to realise how much I appreciate all that she had done for both of us.

I stay with Emma and help her get washed and changed into a nice new dress, that I had bought for her. I have spent the last two weeks making sure that her room is filled with the things that she likes, pictures of our parents, toys that she would enjoy playing with and the best art materials I could obtain so that she could continue to draw and paint.

My next step is to introduce her and Mrs Wilson to Aaron. He has agreed to meet us all in my private drawing room for a light tea.

When Emma and Mrs Wilson are ready, I take them to my rooms. Aaron is already there waiting for us.

“Hello” Emma says to him. “Do you work for my sister?”

“Yes…. Miss.” I could tell that Aaron was struggling to work out how to address Emma.

“Miss” Emma says giggling. “My name is Emma.”

“Yes, please call her Emma, Aaron. This is our good friend Mrs Wilson.”

“Mrs Wilson” Aaron says with a nod.

“Emma, Aaron has arranged for you to attend school, at the palace. He is going to introduce you to the children of the wolves that work here, so that you can make some new friends.”

“Thank you” she tells him shyly.

“I will take you to meet them after lunch” he promises.

She doesn’t say anything she just clings to my hand tightly.

“I will come too Emma. I don’t have to work today. I am going to spend the rest of the day with you.”

She smiles, and nods at Aaron. “I would really like to meet the other pups that live here.”


I spend the rest of the day with Emma. She starts to open up to Aaron, and I can tell that he is already charmed by her.

We meet the pups of the royal household. At first, they are overawed to be in my presence, but they soon forget that I am the queen as they get caught up in playing games and getting to know Emma.

I am so relieved that she has started to fit in already at the palace.

Once she is tucked up in bed, and asleep I leave her to catch up with Alex. He has been busy all-day training with the royal guards.

“How did it go with Emma?”

“Really good. I think she is going to fit in here. She got on well with the other children Aaron introduced her to.”

“She will do, she is a bubbly outgoing little girl. Tomorrow while you have to work, I will take her to the forest. There is a little playground which all the pups use, it will get her out, and give her a chance to meet more of the kids.”

“Thank you.” I say gratefully. With Alex’s help I think we will be able to make this work.

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