Forbidden: Part One (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 1)

Forbidden: Part One – Chapter 59

“Let’s just get an assortment of desserts for the table,” Poppy said, putting down the menu and signaling the waiter.

“Poppy, that’s too much food,” Westin said with a laugh. I eyed her carefully. She looked pale today and was quieter than usual, but she brushed off my concern when I asked if she was alright.

“Nonsense, we have to sample it all,” Poppy said.

A young beta waiter with messy brown hair appeared, his eyes wide as he took us all in.

“Hi, cutie. We would love one of everything, please,” Poppy said, giving him a thousand-watt smile. He nodded and fumbled as he gathered up the menus, throwing awed glances at Poppy over his shoulder as he walked away.

“You’re shameless,” I said, smiling as I took in the baby blue and gold decor of the French bakery Poppy had suggested. The design felt a little stuffy, and the chairs were uncomfortable. If Ben and I opened a place together, I would make sure we had cozy chairs and flowers on every table…

“Now he might throw in some free desserts,” she responded, a twinkle in her eye.

“Don’t let your alphas catch you flirting,” Westin said.

Poppy just grinned. “Maybe I want them to catch me. I love when they get all possessive.” She leaned to the right, trying to see out the window. “I bet anything they’re standing by the entrance with your alphas, Josie. Such stalkers.”

“Probably,” I said, a smile tugging at my lips. “Ben was all grumpy when I told him where I was going. He said he didn’t want me to eat anyone else’s baked goods.”

Cam and Theo had lectured me about safety during the drive, while Ben worried I would prefer the café’s pastries to his.

“Oh, I bet he doesn’t want you tasting anyone else’s goods,” Poppy said with a sly smile.

Clementine choked on her coffee.

“You’re the worst,” I said with a laugh.

My smile quickly faded when I saw three alpha police officers emerge from the back of the bakery. I quickly averted my eyes, not wanting to draw their attention, but they were already headed our way. My heart pounded, and my stomach churned with nausea.

“Shit,” Westin said when she spotted them.

“Good afternoon,” the largest officer said as he came to a stop right next to our table. He stood between Clementine and Poppy’s chairs, looming over us. Their uniforms were almost identical to the ones the DA guards wore. I crushed my fingernails into my palms, trying to stay in the present and not let dark memories drag me under.

Poppy cleared her throat and then smiled up at the alpha. “Good afternoon. What can we help you with, officers?”

Her tone was clear and pleasant, and relief washed through me that she was here. I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt Westin’s hand brush against mine under the table. Without a word, I took it, clenching her hand tightly.

“I’m Officer Kennedy. This is Officer Lee and Officer Tucker. We’re just visiting the neighborhood to ensure everything is in order. We noticed your table and were concerned to see four omegas, alone and unprotected.”

Clementine met my gaze. They hadn’t noticed she wasn’t an omega. I didn’t know if that was good or not. Probably a good thing since the Designation Government liked to keep omegas segregated from society.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Poppy said, a little giggle slipping out. “Our alphas are waiting for us just outside. We needed a little girl time to ourselves. You know how it is.”

She batted her eyes in the best fucking acting performance I’d ever seen.

Officer Lee stepped forward. His eyes were focused on Westin, his expression hungry.

Fuck. Westin couldn’t help but stand out with her silvery white hair and supermodel looks. I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb in a way I hoped was soothing.

“So, you’re all bonded?” he asked, still staring at her.

Poppy hesitated for a moment. “The two of us have packs,” she said, gesturing to me.

“And you?” the officer asked Westin, openly leering.

“I’m ineligible,” she said, lifting her chin slightly.

“Doesn’t mean you’re ineligible for a good time,” he said, licking his lips.

Officer Tucker, who had been standing back, cleared his throat. He looked almost embarrassed by the other officer’s behavior. “We just need to see your identification.”

We all reached in our bags and got our IDs. I clenched my jaw when I realized I hadn’t gotten a new one since joining Pack Ashwood. Of course, I wouldn’t be able to update my ID until we were officially bonded.

We handed them over to Officer Kennedy. He held them up, inspecting them one by one before fixing his eyes on me. “Your ID doesn’t say you’re bonded.”

“My alphas are outside. I just haven’t updated it yet,” I said, hating how timid I sounded.

“That’s a citable offense,” he said.

“Oh, that’s not necessary, right?” Poppy asked.

She had pulled her phone out of her bag with her ID, and I knew she was ready to text her alphas if needed.

Officer Kennedy pursed his lips, turning towards Clementine.

“What’s a beta doing with omegas?” he asked.

“I work at the Designation Center,” she said, her tone cool and unbothered. “I help facilitate pack interviews for omegas, so that’s where I met them.”

Officer Kennedy was about to say something when his radio went off, a request for backup coming through the static.

“We need to go,” he said, jerking his head at the other two cops. He turned towards me. “Next time, it’s a citation. Fix your ID, omega. You would all do your best to remember the dangers of being out without supervision.”

And with that threat lingering in the air, they left out the back, Officer Lee giving Westin one more hungry look before turning away.

I let out a shuddering breath. My body trembled and everyone in the café was staring at us.

“For fuck’s safe,” Poppy said. “They’re going to have to get used to omegas existing out in the world soon.”

“Poppy,” I hissed, terrified someone would overhear her words as support for the Alliance.

“Sorry,” she mouthed, glancing around.

I’d been in such a good mood since Sam’s visit and so hopeful about life and the world. Now, I felt thrown back into my life before I met my alphas. A life where I was afraid to move around, terrified of being picked up by the police.

“Are you okay?” Westin asked, putting her arm around me.

I glanced up from where my eyes had been fixed on the table.

“Do you want me to get your alphas?” Poppy asked, her voice gentle.

I did want my alphas. I wanted them to cuddle me and tell me everything was okay. But I knew if my guys saw me like this, they would insist on bringing me home, and I didn’t want to let the officers ruin this.

“No,” I said finally. “We need to see if this place is any good.”

Before I could figure out how to lighten the mood, my phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my bag.

Cam: Police officers just left out of the back. U ok?

Josie: They talked with us for a few minutes, but all good now.

“They must have seen the cops leave,” Poppy said. “Mine are texting me, too.”

“How many seconds until they’re in here?” Clementine asked with a small smile.

“Less than thirty sec… oh wait, here they are,” Westin said with a chuckle.

Cam stormed into the bakery, a furious expression on his face. He was followed by Maximo, one of Poppy’s alphas, who looked equally angry.

Cam came to my side, crouching down so we were closer to eye level. “What happened?” he asked, taking my hands in his.

“They just asked us some questions,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “But then they were called away.”

“How fucking dare they harass you? It’s not illegal for you to eat out,” Maximo said, jaw clenched as he leaned over Poppy.

Cam’s nostrils flared as he took in my scent, and his eyes immediately softened.

“You’re scared,” he said, cupping my cheek.

I leaned into his touch, letting his scent wash away those of the cops. His thumb ran across my hand and he frowned, looking down at the indentions on my palm.

“Josie,” he said disapprovingly.

“I know,” I said. “I’m okay now.”

“Do you want to go home?” he asked.

I bit my lip. “I’d like to stay.”

Cam didn’t say anything, and I knew he was stuck between needing to keep me safe and wanting to make me happy.

“Okay. I’m just going to stand right there by the wall. You won’t even notice I’m there.”

I snorted, laughter bubbling up in my chest. I looked over at my friends, who were grinning.

“I won’t even notice you?”

“What?” Cam asked, looking around.

The table next to ours was filled with teenage beta girls who were openly gawking at Cam and Maximo.

“Cam, you’re an enormous, hot alpha. I’m pretty sure people will notice if you’re standing against the wall, glaring at everyone,” I said, smiling. “Why don’t you go back with the others? We should be fine now.”

“Yes, no boys allowed,” Poppy announced, giving Maximo a little shove. He looked about as amused as Cam.

Cam growled and gripped my chin. “You will call immediately if something happens.”

“I promise.” I ran my hand through his hair, which he’d kept down today, and his face softened again.

He huffed out a quiet sigh. “Fine.”

But before he left, he pulled me in for a kiss. I thought it would be a light peck, but he deepened it, gripping my face in his hands. I surrendered to it, forgetting where we were until Poppy cleared her throat.

I broke away from Cam, my cheeks burning.

He smirked. “Now everyone here knows you’re mine.”

He trailed his hand through my hair before leaving with Maximo.

“Whew,” Poppy said, fanning her face.

“I was going to ask how things are going with your alphas, but I think that’s all I need to know,” Westin said, her eyes dancing with humor.

“Fuck that,” Poppy said. “I want to know everything.” She raised her brows suggestively.

“Everything’s going really great,” I said primly, taking a sip of my chai latte.

“Come on, Josie,” Clementine said. “I’m living vicariously through you. Give us more details than that.”

I bit my lip. I had been looking forward to meeting my friends today because I needed their advice.

“Well, yesterday they told me they wanted to bond me,” I said slowly, my voice drowned out by excited squeals.

“I’m so happy for you,” Clementine said.

“They said they’ll wait until I’m ready, but it’s what they want.” My face heated as flashes of last night flitted through my mind.

“Girl, I see that blush. Now I want to know what you were doing when they asked you,” Poppy said.

I shot her a dirty look and she just laughed. Damn her for being so perceptive.

“Just as I thought,” she said. “While I always say the more alphas the better, three really is a great number. No one is left out—you have one for every…”

“I swear to god, Poppy, if you finish that sentence, I’m going to dump this water on you,” Westin said quickly.

Poppy just smiled and winked. My face was seconds away from going up in flames.

But also… she wasn’t wrong.

“Ignore her,” Westin said. “I’m so happy for you. You deserve this, Josie.”

“Thanks.” I bit my lip and fidgeted with the napkin in my lap. “I just… how do I know if I’m ready?”

“Why wouldn’t you be ready?” Clementine asked. “You love them, right?”

“Of course,” I responded. “But I haven’t known them that long and bonding is a forever decision.”

My unspoken fears danced through my head: What if they changed their minds? Realized they’d made a mistake? Met a better omega and cast me aside? I felt so secure in our relationship when I was with my alphas, but doubt pricked at me the moment we were apart.

“Josie, those alphas are obsessed with you. That won’t change,” Clementine said, reaching over to squeeze my hand. “Poppy, how did you decide it was time to bond your alphas?”

Poppy looked thoughtful. “My process was a little different because my alphas courted me for a month while I was at the DA. I felt a connection with them right away because we’re mates. But honestly, when they asked me to move in, all I could think about was getting out of the fucking Academy,” she said with a grimace.

The briefest bolt of jealousy went through me that she had only spent two months at the DA, but I quickly shoved it aside. I didn’t want anyone to suffer like I had, least of all Poppy, who I loved.

“Once I moved in, we still had a couple weeks until my heat. We ended up bonding during my heat, which was, like, the hottest experience of my life. But yeah, we had known each other longer than you’ve known your alphas, Josie. You’ve also gone through a lot more than I have.” Poppy’s voice was unusually soft and sincere as she reached over and squeezed my other hand. “I’m so confident you’ll love being bonded to them, but you get to take all the time you need.”

“Thanks,” I said, touched by her support.

“I didn’t realize your alphas are your mates, Poppy,” Clementine said. “I guess it really is more common than the government says.” She whispered that last part, glancing around the small café to make sure no one overheard.

“I wish I could feel it,” I said, scooting closer to the table and keeping my voice low. “My alphas said they knew right away that I was their mate, but I can’t feel it yet.”

“Do you think they’re lying?” Westin asked, her voice sharp.

“No, I don’t,” I admitted. “But it would be helpful if I could actually feel it myself. And besides, fated mates just means we’re biologically a perfect match, right? It doesn’t necessarily mean anything about actual compatibility.”

“I’m not sure,” Westin said. “I think fated mates go deeper than that. I don’t know of any fated mate packs that aren’t also emotionally compatible, you know?”

“I agree with that,” Poppy added. “What I have with my alphas goes much deeper than physical compatibility.”

We all stared at her with amused smiles. Poppy had already told us one graphic sex anecdote before we even sat down at the table, and I was sure she would have told us more if she wasn’t trying to ply me for information.

Poppy waved her hand dismissively. “I mean, the sex is really good. But they’re my soulmates in every way.”

“Okay, think of it this way,” Westin said, turning towards me. “Imagine your alphas bonding with another omega…”

I let out a growl before she even finished her sentence. The idea of them bonding with another omega, touching another omega, filled me with unspeakable rage.

“I think we got our answer on that one,” she said with a smile. “Now imagine yourself bonding with another pack.”

My chest tightened and my stomach churned with disgust at the thought of being with any other alphas.

Westin, Poppy, and Clementine all grinned.

“That doesn’t mean I’m ready to bond them,” I said, scowling at my friends.

“I didn’t realize you were having such big doubts,” Poppy said, twirling her hair.

“I don’t have doubts about them,” I snarled.

“Oh, so you are sure of them,” Clementine said with a smirk.

I covered my face with my hands. “You all are impossible.”

Clementine put her arm around me. “We’re just teasing,” she said soothingly. “I know it’s a lot of change at once. You’re doing great.”

Just then, the waiter came with a massive tray. He blushed as he arranged the desserts in front of us.

“Is there anything else you need?” he asked Poppy.

“Oh no, cutie, that’s all,” she said with a wink. The waiter turned tomato red before scurrying back to the kitchen.

“You think he’s back there hyperventilating?” Westin asked dryly.

Poppy just tossed her hair as she picked up her fork. “Enough serious talk. Josie, what I really want to know is which one of your alphas has the biggest dick. Because I think it might be Theo. It’s always the quiet ones.”

I averted my eyes, taking a bite out of a berry tart.

“I knew it!” Poppy squealed.

I cleared my throat. “I can neither confirm nor deny. But… there might be a piercing situation.”

Ohmygod,” Poppy gasped. “I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me. Is it good? Is there a piercing shop near here? Which one of my alphas can I convince to get one?”

Poppy pulled out her phone and started typing away. My face felt hot, and I hoped Theo wouldn’t be upset that I’d mentioned his piercing. Suddenly other parts of me felt hot as I thought about how his piercing had felt inside me…

I cleared my throat, needing a distraction before I abandoned the pastries and jumped my alphas.

“Has anything happened between you and Dave?” I asked Clementine, taking a bite of a slice of cheesecake.

“No,” Clementine said, biting her lip. “He’s flirted with me and looked out for me since I started my job, but he’s never made a move. Lately, I’ve been working from home, and he isn’t responding to my texts. The last time I was in the office, he dropped me off at my house after work, and I totally embarrassed myself.”

“What happened?” I asked, furrowing my brows.

“I ended up just asking him why we weren’t together and if he wanted an omega instead of me. He was kind of evasive, but then he finally said an alpha’s health declines if they can’t knot their partner, so unless I can practice stretching to take a knot, it would be impossible for us to be together.”

Dave had been so kind to me when I was going through the interview process, but now a red-hot rage stirred in my chest. How dare he say that to Clementine?

“That’s not true,” Westin bit out fiercely.

“She’s right,” Poppy said, scowling. “That’s total propaganda. Alphas enjoy knotting, but it’s not a requirement for their health. What bullshit.”

“None of my alphas had knotted anyone before me,” I said. “And I don’t like that he’s making it seem like you’re not good enough for him.”

Clementine sniffled. “But alphas are happier with omegas, right? Betas don’t fit into packs.”

“Why not? You’re so incredible and kind and beautiful. If he can’t see that, it’s his loss,” I said. Now it was my turn to grasp Clementine’s hand.

We sat in silence for a few moments, and it struck me how hard life was for women of all designations.

Eventually, Poppy saved us with light-hearted small talk as we tried and ranked all the pastries.

“None of them live up to Ben’s baking,” I said. “Maybe once things settle down, we could have you all over.” My throat tightened and I suddenly felt vulnerable. What if they rejected my invitation? I had so little experience with female friends.

“That’s so sweet,” Clementine said. “I would love that.”

I looked up to see my three friends smiling at me, and the lump in my throat vanished with the realization that maybe we all needed each other.

We finished up our food and Poppy insisted on paying for us. The guys had given me my own credit card tied to their account, but I wasn’t sure how I felt about spending their money.

I pulled Clementine aside as we made our way out of the café.

“Hey, I was wondering if you got the go-ahead to do the pack inspection.” I was antsy to have it over with.

Clementine looked unsure. “I’ve been meaning to talk with you about that. Things have been pretty scary at the DC. They keep changing rules and procedures. We tried to schedule your home visit, but they keep blocking it for some reason. Amirah doesn’t want me in the office anymore for my safety, but I’m more worried about her safety.”

“How worried should I be?” I asked, my chest tightening.

“I don’t want you to worry yet, which is why I didn’t say anything. I mean, there’s a chance they’ll just forget about it and approve your pack.”

I raised my brows skeptically. That seemed too good to be true for the life I’d lived.

“I mean, slim chance, but it’s a possibility,” she said. “The government is starting to fall apart. It can’t happen soon enough.”

The fear I’d often felt that the DC’s downfall wouldn’t be fast enough for me returned. What if we bonded, and then the government took me away from them? I hadn’t heard of them separating a bonded pack, but I wouldn’t put it past them.

I took a deep breath. “You’ll keep me in the loop?”

Clementine gripped my hand. “We’re going to figure this out. It’s one tiny hurdle before you’re official.”

I forced myself to take a deep breath, willing my scent to be relaxed. I didn’t want to stress any of my alphas, especially since I didn’t know if there was anything to be panicked about.

“I’m sorry I don’t have better news for you.”

“It’s okay. Like you said, just another hurdle.”

I forced a smile as I pushed open the front doors.

My heart leapt as I saw my alphas standing next to Poppy’s pack. Poppy threw herself at one of her alphas with long hair. He picked her up and his eyes widened as she whispered something in his ear. I turned away to hide my laughter, pretty sure what she had asked him.

“Did everything else go okay?” Cam asked, pulling me into a tight embrace.

“Yeah,” I said, giving him a soft kiss.

“Did you have fun?” Theo asked, kissing my cheek.

“It was great,” I said, leaning into him.

“How were the desserts?” Ben asked, scowling at the café.

“You know, it was rather disappointing,” Clementine said loudly.

“I agree,” Westin said, catching on. “Just average.”

Poppy joined in. “Josie was telling us how everything you’ve made is so much better, Ben.”

Ben puffed out his chest, a huge smile spreading across his face. “Is that right, precious?”

“Of course,” I said, giggling as he twirled me around.

“Fuck, I love you,” he murmured against my ear. “I’m feeling hungry for that sweet pussy of yours.” I shivered in pleasure. His heated gaze met mine as he stopped spinning and I slid slowly down his body, feeling his hardness.

“We’ll have to have you all over soon,” Ben said, turning to the group.

Poppy’s alphas did a bro chin-lift in acknowledgment. I caught Westin’s gaze, and we both rolled our eyes. Alpha posturing was so ridiculous.

As I looked at Westin, I realized she looked unsteady. “Westin, can we give you a ride?” I asked.

“Oh no, I’m fine. My aunt’s place is just around the corner.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes and her scent was stressed.

Part of me wanted to push her to tell me what was going on, but I also knew what it was like to feel vulnerable and need to protect yourself. “If you ever need anything, I’m here for you.” I pulled her into a hug, surprised at myself for initiating physical contact. Westin’s smile looked genuine when we pulled away.

“Thanks,” she said. “See you soon?”


My alphas ushered me to the car and I slipped into the back with Ben.

“Do you actually think my desserts are better or were you just saying that?” Ben asked the second the car door was closed.

“Yours are definitely better,” I said, snuggling into him.

“Of course they are,” he said, kissing me on the forehead as Theo pulled out of the parking spot and headed home.

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