Forbidden: Part One (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 1)

Forbidden: Part One – Chapter 58

Ben closed the door and I watched Sam and Gerald pull out of the circular driveway, keeping my eye on them until their car was out of sight. A lump formed in my throat at having to say goodbye, but I also felt a hopefulness that I would see them soon… and maybe the world would be a different place then.

I turned away from the window and saw Ben leaning against the wall, his heated gaze on me. I raised my eyebrows and a smile spread across his face. He pushed off the wall and stalked towards me, a gleam in his eye.

“We have some unfinished business to attend to, gorgeous.”

A thrill shot through me as I realized Cam and Theo were also closing in on me.

Oh my god, is group sex about to happen?

I tried to keep my expression and tone nonchalant.

“Oh? I’m not sure we do,” I said, shifting away from the window.

“I guess we need to jog your memory,” Ben said.

Before he moved into arm’s reach, I took off running. Laughter burst through me as my alphas followed after me. I knew they could catch me in a second if they wanted to, but they were toying with me, and I was ready to be their prey.

They kept almost catching me, their hands brushing up against my body, leaving me breathless with arousal. They corralled me from room to room until they closed in, cornering me in the dining room. My skin was heated, my hair damp with sweat, and slick dripped down the inside of my thighs.

Cam lunged for me and I squealed. I turned to run away but ended up caught in Ben’s arms.

“It’s cute you thought you could get away,” Ben said, his voice low and sultry.

He held me tightly from behind, pinning my arms to my sides. I pressed my legs together. At this point, I just needed to throw out my underwear and skirt. I wasn’t sure they could ever recover from the amount of slick gushing down my legs.

“Good work catching her,” Cam said, his eyes heated and nostrils flaring as he scented my arousal. “We have a naughty omega to punish.”

Yes, please. I craved their hands on me, trusted them with whatever they wanted to do, but I wasn’t going to let on quite yet.

“Punish?” I asked indignantly, fighting against Ben’s hold.

“Mmm, yes,” Ben said, nipping at my ear. “I seem to recall a certain bargain you made last night.”

My butt tingled and excitement bubbled in my chest.

“And she needs punishment for making us listen while she and Theo fucked right here,” Cam said, staring pointedly at the corner where Theo had taken me against the wall.

I bit my lip to suppress a smile and locked eyes with Theo. His cheeks were pink as he winked at me.

Cam closed the distance between us, gripping my neck and kissing me deeply. All I could do was surrender—to Ben’s tight hold, to Cam’s tongue dancing with mine as he devoured me. Cam’s hands moved under my skirt and he groaned.

“Fuck, she’s drenched. Fuck!” He gripped my thighs hard, holding my legs apart. “Are you wearing this skirt to tempt us?”

“Is it working?” I responded coyly.

Cam and Ben locked eyes over my shoulder, and then, as if by silent agreement, they moved at once. Ben pushed down my skirt and Cam threw me over his shoulder.

By the time I registered what had happened, Cam was already striding to the stairs.

“Let me down!” I yelled, flailing as I tried to steady myself. Cam simply banded his arms tightly across my legs and smacked my ass before running his nose along my bare thigh.

“You smell so fucking good. I need to taste you, be drenched in you,” he groaned.

I grew wetter at his filthy words. Goodbye underwear, it was nice knowing you. 

I looked down at Cam’s butt, covered only by a loose pair of gray sweatpants, and an idea sparked in my head.

I locked eyes with Ben and Theo, who were following behind us. They both grinned and gestured for me to do what I was already thinking. I reached down and squeezed Cam’s butt cheeks as hard as I could. Holy wow, talk about buns of steel. I squeezed them again. How do you even get a butt this muscular?

Theo and Ben choked with laughter, and I realized I had said that part out loud. Cam groaned as he muttered, “Fucking hell.”

I couldn’t help but burst out in giggles, Ben and Theo joining in.

“That’s going to add to your punishment,” Cam growled, opening the door to my bedroom.

“Not fair! Ben and Theo told me to do it!” I cried as he flipped me onto the bed.

“Likely story,” Ben responded.

I glared at him. He simply tapped me on the nose, unbothered.

“I think Theo should have to stay back and just listen to us pleasure our omega,” Cam said to Ben, moving onto the bed next to me.

“That’s mean,” I said, my lip jutting out in a pout. To me and Theo. I was feeling greedy and wanted all their hands on me.

Cam chuckled. “Never said I was nice, baby girl.”

“Too bad. You are,” I responded. “So sweet, just a gooey cinnamon roll of sweetness.”

Cam growled, flipping me onto my stomach and landing a few heavy smacks on my ass.

“Sweet, am I?” he asked.

“The sweetest, like a marshmallow explosion of sweetness. Like cotton candy martini levels of sweetness,” I squealed between my peals of laughter as Cam kept spanking my ass. Finally, he stopped, his chest shaking with laughter.

“Fuck, I love you,” he said, gripping my hair so he could turn my head and kiss me. “Love your sass, your brattiness. That doesn’t mean you’re getting out of your punishment.”

“Speaking of which,” Ben said, “Thanks for getting her into the right position for me.”

Ben held a bright pink object in one hand and a bottle of lube in the other. My butt cheeks clenched in anticipation. I wasn’t sure I would like anything up there, but the idea got me so hot I knew I wanted to try.

I faced the other way and saw Theo sitting in the chair in the corner, his eyes hungry and his hand cupping his cock through his pants.

I turned back to Cam, chewing on my lip. “Are you actually mad at Theo?” I whispered.

Cam’s eyes softened. “So fucking sweet.” He ran his hand down my hair in a comforting gesture. “Of course not, baby girl. We’ll let him play. Just want to torture him first.”

“Don’t worry, love. It’s no hardship to watch,” Theo said with a reassuring grin.

My cheeks heated, but I felt more settled. I wanted to make sure everyone was happy and taken care of.

“What do you say if anything gets to be too much?” Cam asked, his tone serious.

“Yellow to slow down, red to stop.”

“Good girl. You use them if you need to, for any reason.”

“Yes, alpha.”

Cam leaned down and kissed me tenderly on my cheek.

“You know what I think?” Ben asked.

“What’s that?” Cam responded.

“Our little omega is wearing far too much clothing.”

I squeaked as they stripped me, my heart racing at the thought of all three of them seeing me naked at the same time.

“Look at this body—how sexy, how utterly tempting,” Cam said, digging his fingers into my hips.

“Perfection,” Ben said, his heated gaze raking down my body.

I propped myself up on my elbows and tugged at his shirt. “Too much clothing,” I whined.

“It’s cute she still thinks she can make demands,” Cam said, landing more quick spanks on my butt.

Every stinging slap built my arousal until I was practically writhing on the bed with need.

“Please,” I cried out.

“Does our omega need to come?” Ben asked innocently. To my delight, he quickly stripped off all his clothing.

I nodded furiously.

“Too bad we have something else to attend to first,” he said, mock sadness in his tone.

I growled, moving my hand towards my clit. My body was on fire and I needed an orgasm now.

“None of that,” Cam growled, capturing my wrists. “You get pleasure when we say you do and not a moment before.”

Cam placed a pillow under my hips, lifting my ass in the air, and moved his hands firmly up and down my back.

Ben parted my butt cheeks and I flinched as he touched my hole. “Just relax, precious. Tell me if anything hurts or doesn’t feel good,” he murmured.

Cam shifted so he was lying next to me, stroking my hair. I relaxed into the bed as Ben gently rubbed lube at my entrance before slipping in his finger. I clenched automatically and he stopped, but after a few moments, I relaxed and he eased the rest of his finger in.

“Good girl,” he murmured.

The sensation was weird but not painful. I pressed back against him, wanting more friction, more something.

“Fuck, that’s so hot. You’re doing so well, baby girl,” Cam said, his voice a low growl.

“I’m going to insert the plug now, beautiful. Take a deep breath for me,” Ben said.

I felt the pressure of the plug against my hole. It stung a bit as it went in, but once it settled between my cheeks, I moaned in pleasure.

Every nerve ending was on fire.

“You took that so well for me,” Ben said. “Feel okay?”

Okay was not how I would have described it, but I nodded.

“Good,” he said. “Can’t wait to take you there someday soon. Now, you want my fingers or my tongue?”

“What?” I squeaked out, looking over my shoulder to see Ben’s carefree smile, his eyebrows raised seductively.

Cam pressed himself against my side. “Are you going to let Ben lick your beautiful little pussy, baby girl? You want him to lick up all that slick you’re making for us and play with that cute little clit of yours?”

Oh. My. God. They were going to kill me.

Ben leaned in close to my ear. “Just so you know, I haven’t stopped dreaming about the delicious taste of your pussy on my tongue. I’ve been craving more.”

I inhaled their scents, sinking into the feel of them around me, allowing my body to relax fully. My inner omega took over when I nodded my agreement.

“I want your tongue,” I said.

“Fuck yes,” he responded, wasting no time flipping me onto my back and spreading my legs wide for him.

Cam grasped my wrists again and pinned them above my head. I struggled against his hold, but I loved it. The lack of control, the surrender to what my alphas were doing, reminded me how much I trusted them.

I sighed as Theo lay down beside me, sliding his hand over my waist, gripping tightly before leaning forward to suck on my nipples. Tension I didn’t realize I was holding released now that I had all three alphas touching me.

“Did you like watching?” I asked Theo, nuzzling my face against his.

“I like everything to do with you. Every little sound you make, your expression when you come. Everything about you enchants me,” he said, kissing tenderly down my cheek.

“Damn, Theo. Maybe I need to read more romance books. That was smooth,” Ben said.

Theo flipped him off and rolled his eyes before returning to my nipples.

Ben teased me, his stubble rubbing against my skin as he kissed, licked, and bit my thighs until I was begging him to lick my clit. He finally gave me what I asked for, licking firmly up my slit and circling my clit with his tongue. His grip on my thighs was bruising as he devoured me. Cam captured my cries with his lips, licking into my mouth with consuming kisses. As Ben spurred me higher, I clenched around the plug. The sensation tipped me over the edge, and I cried out as my orgasm washed over me.

“So delicious, so sweet for us,” Ben said, his lips glossy with my slick. He sat up, firmly running his hands up my body until he cupped my breasts. “Now, I was promised a blow job, but I want your pussy instead,” he said with a wink.

My cheeks flushed and my sex clenched, wanting desperately to be filled. My alphas flipped me over again, pulling me onto my hands and knees. Ben positioned himself behind me and slid in, my copious slick meaning he met no resistance, even with the plug still in. I arched back with a cry, needing more.

“That’s right, such a good girl taking my cock,” Ben said. “Nothing hotter than seeing your tight little pussy stretch around me.”

Ben’s dirty talk took my breath away with its filthiness. And then his hand was on my clit, and my noises became increasingly incomprehensible.

Cam gathered up my hair. His firm hold made me whimper, my eyes fluttering. He fed his cock into my mouth, guiding my head in a steady rhythm since I had lost any ability to move, to think. Then Cam pulled out, but before I could complain, Theo’s hands were on me as he fed his cock into my mouth. I moaned at the sensation of being controlled by them. All I could do was feel as each of them thrust into me in an alternating rhythm.

“That’s so hot,” Ben groaned. “Look at you taking all of us.” He shifted one hand from my hip and rubbed my back reassuringly, as if he knew I needed something to keep me grounded.

Theo shifted me back around Cam, and I moaned around his hard cock as another orgasm washed over me. I wasn’t sure how many that was, but I was so sensitized I felt like I would come again if they just breathed on me the right way. I was overwhelmed with pleasure, with the exquisiteness of their love and care. I never wanted this moment to end.

Tears streamed down my face. Cam pulled out of my mouth, causing me to whine with indignation.

“Where you at, baby girl?” he asked, wiping my tears.

“Green,” I whispered.

Theo kissed my cheeks. “You are absolute perfection,” he said, his voice hoarse.

The next moments passed in a blur. Each of Ben’s thrusts pushed me deeper onto Cam and Theo’s cocks. My jaw ached and my breaths became labored, but I resisted each time Theo or Cam pulled me off them. I needed their taste in my mouth, was desperate for more. I hollowed out my cheeks, sucking hard, reveling in their low groans and swears, in Cam’s stinging hold on my hair and Ben’s grip on my hips.

“I’m going to come, baby girl. You going to swallow me down?” Cam asked, a low growl at the edge of his voice.

Instead of answering, I sucked harder, trying to take him deep down my throat. My eyes watered and I gagged but kept going. I was rewarded by Cam cursing as he came, his cum shooting down my throat. It tasted like fucking frosting.

I licked him, cleaning up every last drop of cum. Cam caressed my face, his touch tender.

“Thank you, sweetheart. That was incredible,” he said roughly. He ran his hands through my hair as I caught my breath.

I eyed Theo’s cock, hungry for more.

“You don’t need to if you’re feeling tired,” Theo said, lifting my chin so I met his gaze.

I scrunched my nose in indignation. My omega was creeping in, taking over, and she didn’t like her alpha depriving her of cum. I made a displeased noise before opening my mouth and taking Theo’s cock to the back of my throat in one swift movement.

“Holy shit,” Theo gasped, wrapping my hair around his hand.

Ben’s knot rubbed against my clit and I whined with the intensity of the pleasure.

“Fuck, angel, I’m going to come,” Theo groaned.

I wiggled happily as his cum filled my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could, but some dripped out.

“You are fucking incredible,” Theo said, cupping my face with both hands and wiping away the cum on my chin. I opened my mouth and sucked it off his thumb. He chuckled.

“Love you, angel,” he murmured.

I sighed happily, lowering my arms and resting my cheek against the bed. I felt exhausted and energized at the same time as Ben continued to thrust into me. I cried out as he played with the butt plug, pulling it out slightly and then pressing it back in.

Theo and Cam stayed close, running their hands over me as Ben continued to move. He grasped my hips tightly, shifting our angle so he was hitting my pleasure spots. I never could have imagined having a pack of three alphas who loved me so well, who I trusted enough to let go like this. My heart felt like it was going to burst with love.

“That feels so good, Ben,” I moaned, arching back to meet each movement. I felt overstimulated but still craved more.

“God, precious, you feel like heaven. How did we get so lucky?” I could hear the emotion in his voice, and it made me crave feeling his emotions through a bond.

Ben’s knot pressed up against my entrance.

“Can I knot you, gorgeous?” Ben asked, his voice strained as he dug his fingers into the curve of my hip.

“Please,” I cried out, needing to feel the stretch.

Ben swore as his knot slipped in, feeling even larger than I remembered. I screamed with my orgasm, panting quickly. The pressure of his knot combined with the butt plug was more than anything I’d ever felt. It was tight and squeezing and wonderful. Euphoria overtook me like I was floating out of my body.

I was beyond words. I had never felt this good before. It was a free-fall of sensation, my awareness only registering my alphas’ gentle touch and deepening scents. I was out of control but didn’t panic, knowing my alphas wouldn’t leave me. They were here, protecting me, comforting me, loving me.

When I returned to my body, I was in our massive bathtub. Ben’s knot had subsided, and I was cradled in his arms. His face was pressed to my hair, which they had gathered up in a bun at the top of my head to keep it from getting wet.

“Back with us, precious?” Ben asked, kissing me on the forehead.

I nodded, running my nose down his throat and breathing in his scent.

“You’re a responsive little thing,” Cam said, his hand firmly on my neck. “How’re you feeling?”

“Really good,” I mumbled.

“Just rest, love; we have you,” Theo said. I closed my eyes, knowing it was true.

“Are you asleep, angel?” Theo asked once we were back in bed. He skimmed his nose down the back of my neck.

“Still awake,” I mumbled, shivering at his touch. We were a tangle of limbs, and I had achieved that level of cozy where I was the perfect temperature and every muscle in my body was perfectly relaxed.

“We had something we wanted to talk to you about,” Theo said hesitantly.

Well, there goes my relaxation. I popped my head up in time to see the three of them exchange a nervous look. I bit my lip, scared of what they were about to say. Even now, sandwiched between them after the world’s greatest group sexy time, I was still worried they would say they were done with me.

“Okay,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady as my heart rate picked up.

Ben caressed the side of my face. “We haven’t been together long, but the three of us can’t imagine our lives without you.”

“We knew the moment we saw you that you belonged with us. We wanted to make sure you knew that whenever you’re ready, we want to make it official,” Cam said, his arm tight around my waist.

My breath caught, and tears pricked at my eyes.

“You want to bond me?” I asked, sniffling.

“Of course, we do, angel,” Theo said with a frown. “Why are you crying?”

“I’m crying because I’m happy,” I sobbed.

My alphas wore expressions of bewilderment and relief as they gathered me up in their arms, kissing me and murmuring sweet words.

“I love you all so much. You make me happy,” I choked out.

“Does this mean you want to bond us?” Theo asked, vulnerability in his gaze.

“Yes,” I said, trying to wipe away my tears. “I just… I’m not sure I’m ready quite yet. Is that okay?”

Part of me wanted to just bond them now. I loved them and trusted them. But bonding was forever, and while the past couple of weeks had been better than anything I ever could have imagined, there was a part of me that was afraid it was all too good to be true.

“Of course, love. There’s no rush,” Cam said with a gentle kiss.

I snuggled into them, running my hands down their bare skin.

“It’s like I’m getting everything forbidden to me—love, pleasure, the freedom to choose the life I want. I’m scared it’s all going to be taken away,” I confessed softly.

All three of them tightened their hold on me, but it was Theo who spoke up.

“You’re not alone now, love,” he said, gripping the back of my neck and bringing his forehead to mine. “We’re going to do whatever we can to make sure you have the life you deserve, filled with happiness and love.”

I shuddered, soaking up his words as I leaned into his touch. I wanted his words to be true, but I still carried with me the fear that the government or my fathers would do something to separate us.

Cam reached over, grabbed a tissue box off the nightstand, and started wiping my tears, his expression serious.

“You alright?” I asked, running my thumb over his lips.

“Don’t like seeing you cry,” he said.

“They’re happy tears,” I reassured him.

“Still don’t like it,” he grumbled.

Ben and I made eye contact and had to keep from laughing. Our sensitive alpha.

I pulled Cam in close and kissed him on the cheek.

“You make me happy,” I whispered in his ear, planting more kisses up and down his jaw until he broke into a smile.

“We’re going to make it special for you,” Cam said. “Whenever you’re ready.”

Theo’s hand moved down to cup my ass. I pushed back into his touch. If he kept doing that, I would be ready to go again soon.

“I’ve already decided where I want my mark. Right here,” Ben said, pointing to a spot high up his neck. “That way, everyone will know I belong to you.”

I snuggled closer to him, leaning over and sucking on the spot he’d indicated. He groaned, pressing his erection against my leg.

“You’re so sweet,” I said. “That line was almost enough for me to tell you your scent.” I licked a long stripe up his neck.

“You vicious little omega,” Ben said with a grin.

“That’s my girl,” Cam said as Theo laughed.

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