Forbidden: Part One (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 1)

Forbidden: Part One – Chapter 51

I bounced happily on the couch, feeling much more settled than earlier. I’d rolled my eyes at Cam’s comment about getting my hormones regulated, but he was right. I still felt messed up after my heat. Or maybe this was just what being an omega felt like—needy, emotional, and vulnerable. A small smile tugged at my lips when I realized the thought didn’t immediately fill me with hatred for my omega. We were learning how to get along.

Theo sat down beside me with a little huff. He threw an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side. He was wearing a soft black t-shirt instead of his usual button-down, and it made me want to rub myself against him like a kitten.

“Are you sure we need to watch this?” he asked, eyes crinkling with a smile.

My heart skipped a beat. I wasn’t sure there was anything more beautiful than Theo when he smiled.

“Yes,” I said, leaning into his side. “Twilight is essential education.”

Cam walked into the den, setting down the Chinese takeout containers on the coffee table. He sat down on my other side and laced his fingers with mine.

“How’re you feeling, baby girl?” he murmured.

“Good,” I said, kissing the side of his neck. “Thanks for taking such good care of me.”

Cam had been so attentive and patient with me, and I loved it, but I was a little worried I was being too needy. I bit my lip. Maybe he would decide that sex with me was too high maintenance.

“It’s my pleasure to take care of you,” he said with a hint of a growl. “It fulfills a need inside me, so whatever you’re thinking, stop.”

His words loosened the tension in my chest. “Yes, alpha,” I responded, running my nose down his stubbly jaw.

“Alright, are we all prepared for some complete and utter garbage?” Ben said with a gleam in his eye, bringing in the rest of our food.

“Hey!” I responded. “Complete and utter entertaining garbage.”

“Next time, we’re going to watch something good,” Cam grumbled as he dished up large portions of everything we’d ordered.

“Oh yeah? Like what?” I asked, looking around for a plate.

“Like The Godfather,” he said as he handed me the food he’d plated.

I locked eyes with Ben, who pursed his lips to hold in his laughter.

The Godfather, really?” I asked. “How old are you?”

Ben guffawed, and Cam narrowed his eyes.

“Young enough to spank your ass,” he muttered.

My body heated, my butt tingling from the spanking I’d received the night before. I broke eye contact with Cam before I spontaneously combusted and looked down at my plate.

“This is for me?” I asked incredulously, staring at the heaping portions.

“Yes, and you’re going to eat it,” Cam said sternly.

“What he means is, eat as much as you want,” Theo said, kissing me on the cheek.

“No, that’s not what I fucking mean,” Cam responded. “She’s barely eaten all day.”

I should bristle at him for telling me what to do, but I was too busy reveling in the warm feeling of someone wanting me to eat.

I picked up the fork and took a bite of lo mein. “I’m not sure why you’re assuming this movie is going to be bad,” I said. “Maybe it will be your new favorite.”

Cam simply shifted closer to me on the couch until our bodies were pressed together.

“Good girl for eating,” he murmured, playing with my hair. “But I’m still going to punish you for calling me old,” he said with a wink.

I bit my lip to stop myself from whimpering. Now all I could think of was getting a repeat of last night—for him to throw me over his lap and spank me for being naughty and then fuck me for being his good girl. But what about Theo and Ben? Would they watch? Join in? My body was on fire and I took another bite of food to distract myself.

Ben’s nostrils flared and he cleared his throat. “Are we going to watch this movie or have an orgy?”

I almost choked on my bite of chicken.

“Movie,” Cam said, his voice deep and heated. “Our omega needs to eat to keep up her strength.”

The thought of being with all three of my alphas at once sent a thrill of nervousness and lust through me. Luckily, the movie started before I had time to overthink it. Soon I was laughing and quoting the movie, loving Cam and Theo’s outraged commentary. Ben settled between my legs on the floor, and I played with his hair. Cam kept scowling at Ben, and I wondered if he was jealous. I was itching to play with Cam’s long hair. It was currently up in his signature bun, and I wanted to pull it down and run my hands through it, preferably while he was on top of me…

As the credits started playing, Cam said, “I thought there were werewolves in this movie.”

“Oh, just wait for the later movies,” I responded.

“Wait, how many are in the series?” Cam asked, his eyes wide.

“Umm, five.”

I giggled at Cam’s groan, snuggling up to him.

“Admit it,” I said, my lips skimming his ear. “You liked it.”

“Did not,” he snorted.

“You liked it, right Theo?” I asked, leaning to give him a kiss.

Theo cleared his throat. “It was an experience.” He grabbed the remote. “I want to check the news.”

Theo switched the TV input. Chills skittered down my spine as I heard Glen Jacoby’s sneering, condescending voice. My stomach churned with nausea as I turned towards the TV. Glen stood at a podium, flanked by Jericho on one side and Marshall Whiteburn on the other.

“I want to thank Director Marshall Whiteburn for doing such an exceptional job with the Designation Academy and our legislators for passing a generous funding package to expand DA services. It brings us closer to our vision of every pack finding the perfect omega. The funding will quickly be deployed to create the Pack Cohesion program, an innovative alpha/omega matching service…”

“Shut up,” Ben muttered, grabbing the takeout containers.

“What an asshole,” Theo said, muting the TV.

My guys bustled around me, cleaning up the takeout containers, but I barely caught anything they said. Dizziness overtook me, and my stomach churned. I realized I was going to throw up. I managed to keep myself upright as I stumbled to the bathroom, getting there just in time. Tears streaked down my face as I threw up everything I’d had for dinner. My throat burned, my scar screamed in pain, and I wanted to disappear.

I curled up on the bathroom floor, grabbing one of the towels under the sink to throw over myself. I was shaking from the cold and shock. I’d been so careful this past year to never turn on the news, to try to forget that Glen Jacoby existed. Now I felt like he had infiltrated my safe space with my alphas.

“Josie, are you in there?” Ben asked, knocking lightly on the door a few minutes later.

I couldn’t let them know how messed up I was. I had to hide it. The cruel voice in my head kicked up again. Once they know how defective you are, they won’t want you anymore.

“I’ll just be a minute,” I called out, relieved at how steady my voice sounded.

I picked myself up off the floor, my muscles screaming, and washed my face with cold water. I cleaned up the bathroom and rinsed my mouth with mouthwash before opening the door. Ben looked me over with concern.

“What’s wrong, precious?” he asked, tenderly pulling me in for a hug.

“Nothing,” I said, the lie feeling like ash in my mouth. “I think I ate too much.”

“You don’t feel good?” he asked.

I shook my head, soaking up his body heat.

“I’m so sorry. Let’s get you to bed.”

Ben led me upstairs and stripped off all my clothes before tucking me in under a pile of blankets. I raised my eyebrow at him questioningly when he took off his shirt.

“Not for sexy time,” he said with a little smirk. “Just skin to skin.”

He got me medicine from the bathroom, tenderly holding me upright as I drank some water. I shuddered in relief when he slipped in next to me, his skin soothing against mine.

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