Forbidden: Part One (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 1)

Forbidden: Part One – Chapter 50

I took a minute to observe my mate from the office doorway. Josie was in the study, her back to me as she peered at Theo’s book collection. Fuck, she was gorgeous. She was running a finger lightly over the book spines, and I almost groaned at the memory of her fingers trailing down my bare skin last night.

The light streamed through the window, making her brown hair shine like gold. She was wearing one of my sweatshirts with nothing underneath. It came down to her thighs, but my cock hardened at the reminder that if I slipped my hand underneath the fabric, I would feel her bare ass and pussy.

Josie turned towards me, her nostrils flaring as she scented my arousal. I stalked towards her, my excitement rising as she backed away from me until her back hit the wall. I kept going until I was inches from her. Before she realized what I was doing, I grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with one hand, placing my other possessively on her hip. She let out a disgruntled noise. My little omega had been irritable all morning. My guess was it was due to a combination of her hormones trying to stabilize after her heat was cut short, along with everything else that had happened the past couple of weeks. I almost purred, realizing that next heat, she would have us to care for her and satisfy her. My cock strained against my sweatpants, and my hips gave a small involuntary thrust.

“My sweet mate, you’ve been in a bad mood all day.”

“Is this how you charm the ladies? Because if that’s the case, I’m not surprised it’s taken you this long to find an omega,” she bit out.

My insides danced in delight at her fiery snark. “Mmm, you saying you don’t find me charming?”

Josie scowled and tried to pull her hands from my grip. Her struggle barely registered.

“I know there have been so many changes lately. It’s a lot to cope with,” I murmured in her ear, running my nose down the side of her neck so I could breathe in her heady scent. “What do you need, sweetheart?”

I heard a little sniffle and pulled back to see a few tears fall down her face.

“I don’t know,” she whimpered. “I felt so good waking up with you this morning, but now I just feel all messed up.”

“Oh, baby girl, you should have told me. You know you little omegas need the guidance of us big, strong alphas,” I teased, but a twinge of insecurity rolled through me. Maybe I had been too much last night, too alpha.

She choked out a surprised laugh. “I hate you,” she said, but her lips twitched into an almost smile.

Relief rushed through me at the sound of her laugh. “I don’t think you do. In fact, I heard a rumor that you love me.” I kissed her forehead and then each cheek. “You know what else I think?”

Josie made a noncommittal noise, but her breathing sped up.

“I think you need a good fuck.” I pressed my cock firmly against her. “Your hormones are still unregulated after your heat.”

Josie snorted. “Your idea of dirty talk is terrible. Yeah, let me stick this big cock in you to regulate your hormones,” she said in a terrible impression of my voice.

I snorted. “Is that what you think I sound like? No wonder I’m not scoring.”

“You scored three times last night and twice this morning, so I think you’re fine,” she said primly, her cheeks flushing that delicious pink I couldn’t get enough of.

Fuck, how was it possible she was even cuter when grumpy? 

I hid my smile in her hair. “Maybe you didn’t come enough last night? I thought a dozen orgasms was enough, but apparently not.” Yeah, I’d kept count.

Josie’s hip rolled against mine, and she whimpered as she strained against my grasp. I’d forgotten I still had her hands pinned above her head and quickly released them, gently rubbing her arms. She melted against me and her eyes fluttered shut. My heart clenched as I realized my omega was fucking exhausted.

My brothers had left earlier for a company meeting we couldn’t get out of. I knew they were jealous that I stayed home with Josie, but after our intense play session, I needed to stay close to her. She’d been clingier than usual, growing distressed if I left her side. I wasn’t sure if it made me a bastard to admit I loved it. I was thrilled to give her lots of reassurance and aftercare, wanted any excuse to touch her at all times. This kind of connection is what I’d been missing when I went to clubs. There, I’d scene with a sub and spend a few minutes on aftercare, making sure they were alright before sending them away. I didn’t realize how much I craved being needed and how strongly I wanted to nurture my partner.

“You hungry, baby girl?” I asked as I moved my attention to massaging the back of her neck. As much as I wanted to fuck her, making sure she was taken care of was my number one priority.

She shook her head and leaned more of her weight on me. I grabbed her by her thighs and picked her up, reveling in the feel of her soft legs wrapped around my waist.

“Theo and Ben will be home soon. How about we wait for them in the nest? Then you can be surrounded by all your alphas.”

Skin-to-skin should help regulate her hormones and reduce the restlessness she was feeling.

“You’re not going to leave, right?” she asked, her voice cracking.

“Course not, baby girl. You can’t get rid of me even if you want to. Ben and Theo only left because they had to, and they’re coming back as fast as they can.”

Most of the time, Josie was practically stoic for an omega. I’d seen little glimpses of her inner omega during her heat, when she nested, and in her lightning-quick jealousy at the cocktail party. But most of the time, she seemed uncomfortable with her designation. I hoped this vulnerability meant she was getting more comfortable showing us her omega.

“You just let it out, baby girl,” I said as she sniffled again. “I’m right here. You can fall apart if you need to, because I’ll never let you go.”

She didn’t say anything but tightened her hold around me, her lips pressing against my neck in a soft kiss.

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