Forbidden: Part One (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 1)

Forbidden: Part One – Chapter 47

I stared at myself in the full-length bathroom mirror, my stomach in knots. How could I go out wearing this? I’d felt so confident in the shop with Jewel, but that confidence quickly fizzled out once I put the dress back on in the privacy of my room.

Jewel had already pulled several outfit options for me by the time I got to her shop. All were more revealing than anything I’d worn before, and I was hesitant to leave the dressing room to show the guys. I should have known I had nothing to worry about—my confidence built every time I emerged from the room and took in their stunned expressions and arousal-filled scents. Jewel had complained about needing to air out the shop.

When I had tried on this dress, a floor-length blue-gray gown with a plunging V-neck and voluminous skirt with layers of gauzy fabric, Jewel told me in no uncertain terms that this was the dress and that I should wait to show my alphas until right before the cocktail party.

“I’m pretty sure I won’t ever get those toxic fumes out of my shop if they see you,” she said, rolling her eyes. I just smiled and twirled again. I was getting more used to Jewel’s prickly exterior, but she couldn’t hide her inner sweetness.

But now, uncertainty seeped in. Was the front too revealing? Were my boobs sagging? The tiny straps did nothing to hide my arms, my scar prominently displayed. When I asked Jewel if she had any long-sleeved dresses, she scoffed.

“Wear your scars proudly, omega. They’re the proof you survived.” I didn’t argue with her after that.

I started at the knock on the bathroom door.

“You okay in there, precious? It’s almost time to go,” Ben said.

Well, if they thought I was hideous in this dress, it was too late to do anything about it. I opened the door, and my brain stuttered as I took in Ben’s black tux. The suit fit him perfectly, clinging to his muscular arms and thighs. My eyes slowly raked over his body, stopping at the tightness in his crotch. A burst of slick trickled into my underwear, and I had to reign in the urge to throw myself at him.

Ben cleared his throat and adjusted himself.

“You look… wow. I mean… so hot.”

My cheeks pinkened. “You like it?” I asked, my voice soft.

He cleared his throat again, his eyes landing on my cleavage. “Understatement, precious.”

“We’ve got to go,” Theo said, looking at his watch as he stalked into the room. He did a double-take when he saw me. Theo’s suit was also black, but the jacket was freaking velvet. I wanted to rub myself on it like a kitten before I pushed him down to the floor. Maybe I could lie on top of the jacket while he fucked me. Then he would never be able to get the scent out, and everyone would know he was mine.

Ben’s laughter jolted me out of my fantasy, and I realized Theo and I had been staring at each other in silence for an awkwardly long amount of time.

Theo ran his hand through his hair and choked out a laugh. “Fuck, angel. Just… fuck.”

Heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs before Cam stormed into the room.

“What is taking so long?” he growled. His gaze landed on me, hot and heavy, as he raked his eyes down my body.

“What are you wearing?” he gritted out, his eyes fixed on my cleavage. “That’s not one you showed us in the shop.”

“Jewel said I should keep it a surprise. Don’t you like it?” I bit my lip, my earlier insecurity coming back in full force with his almost angry reaction.

“What? No, I hate it. You look too fucking hot in that. Take it off,” he said, prowling towards me.

It took my brain a minute to catch up to what he’d said.

“I look… too hot?” I asked.

“Too. Fucking. Hot,” he gritted out. “We need to get something that covers you.” He looked around as if searching for a parka to materialize.

I closed the small gap between us and ran my hands down Cam’s chest. He was dressed the most casually, wearing a black jacket over a white button-down shirt. The first few buttons were open so I could see the beginnings of his chest tattoos.

I leaned forward and licked them.

Cam choked, a purr roaring through his chest.

“Did you just lick me?” he asked, grasping my chin.

“No, I would never,” I said, keeping a straight face.

Cam growled, pulling me flush to his body. His hardness pressed against me, and I whimpered as more slick gushed into my underwear.

“Sorry you hate the dress,” I murmured as I scent-marked his neck.

“I fucking hate it so much,” he whispered back, his breath hot on my ear.

I smiled, extricating myself from his grasp. “I need one more minute, and I’ll be ready.”

“What do you need, gorgeous?” Ben asked.

“To put on scent-blocking underwear,” I responded, cheeks heating.

I may have added an extra swing in my hips as I walked into my closet, enjoying the groans from my alphas.

“Let me hear the plan again,” Cam said, his body pressed close to mine in the backseat. His arm was around my shoulders, and his eyes kept flitting to my cleavage.

Ben and I both groaned.

“Are you worried about my short-term memory?” I asked, elbowing Cam’s side.

He responded by wrapping both arms around me, pulling me as close as my seatbelt would allow. “Please humor me, baby girl.”

His body vibrated with tension. Cam was making an effort and I wanted to do what I could to put him at ease. It’s called compromise, not that I’ve experienced that before.

“We’ll all go in together,” I started to say before the view out the window distracted me. Icy cold tendrils gripped my chest as we drove past Glen Jacoby’s home. Many wealthy packs lived in Forestside, where I’d grown up, but I hadn’t expected us to pass by his mansion on the way to Pack Turro’s.

“Josie?” Cam prompted, running his finger down the side of my face.

I blinked, turning back towards him with a smile I hoped was convincing.

“After we have eyes on the contact, Theo and I will look at the paintings,” I continued. “I’m going to pretend to be interested in buying one. The contact will move to either get drinks or food. Cam will go to the food station, and Ben will get drinks. One of you will do the handoff, and then both will return with food and drinks for me.”

“You will not—”

“Go anywhere without one of us by your side,” Ben and I finished in unison.

Cam growled, pulling me closer. “Brat,” he murmured in my ear.

A delicious shiver went through me and goosebumps broke out across my skin.

“Fuck,” Theo said as we turned into Pack Turro’s long, circular driveway. “Whatever you just said to her, say it again when we’re home.”

I giggled, realizing I wasn’t embarrassed by my arousal. I wanted Cam to know I was aroused because maybe he would finally do something about it. I thought having sex would quiet down my desire, but all it had done was stoke the flames. I felt hot and needy.

My cheeks heated as memories of last night flashed before my eyes—Ben’s face between my thighs, the feeling of his knot inside me. Ben turned from the front seat and winked at me as if he could hear my thoughts.

“Baby girl, whatever you’re thinking right now, you need to stop. I don’t want anyone else to scent how fucking delicious you smell when you’re turned on,” Cam said with a groan, burying his face in my hair and breathing in deeply.

“I told you I should wear de-scenter,” I said.

“No,” Theo said firmly. “Hate smelling that shit on you.”

I pressed my smile into Cam’s shoulder. I loved how much they loved my scent. I was anxious being around other people without de-scenter, but having my guys with me helped. I wouldn’t want them to cover up their scents, either.

We pulled up to the front of the house, and Theo handed the keys to the valet. After a graceless exit from the car, my alphas escorted me inside. We were met by a beta butler at the door, an older man with gray hair and a kind smile. He ushered us into the foyer and gently helped me out of my coat, winking at me when Cam growled at his closeness.

I turned around, already in awe of Pack Turro’s home. The foyer alone was stunning, with its herringbone floors, tall ceilings, and dark wood wainscoting on the walls. The butler gestured for us to enter the main room, but the second we entered, my breath caught.

“What’s the matter?” Cam asked, gripping me so tightly it almost hurt.

“Too many scents,” I said. It had been so long since I’d been around other people, let alone a party with alphas in attendance, and all the scents hit me like a truck.

“Shit,” Theo said. “I didn’t even think about that.”

“It’s okay,” I said, breathing through my mouth. “Just caught me off guard. But I need all your scents on me.”

Any worries about being too whiny or demanding vanished at the readiness with which my alphas responded to my request. They pulled me to a quiet corner and boxed me in, each scent marking me in turn. My omega settled once I was covered in their scents, and I could take in the room. We were in what could only be described as a grand hall. Party-goers dressed in finery mingled in the space as servers passed champagne and hors d’oeuvres. I quickly scanned the room, making sure I didn’t see any familiar faces.

“Okay, sweetheart. Ben and I have to go. Stick with Theo. We’ll be back in just a moment,” Cam said, his hands cupping my face.

I bit my lip, suddenly feeling very stressed about my alphas leaving me. But I wanted to prove that I could do this, that I was capable. Theo gathered me to his side, guiding me into one of the quieter rooms. I barely took in my surroundings, my anxiety about Cam and Ben almost dizzying. We stopped in front of one of Donovan’s massive paintings so I could pretend to be interested in it.

“Everything is going to be okay, angel. Take a deep breath,” Theo murmured. I forced myself to breathe in his scent, allowing it to fill my lungs and ease some of the tension I was feeling. I rested my head on his chest, taking deep, calming breaths.

Theo stiffened. I pulled back, alarmed at what caused his reaction. An older man walked towards us. His black hair was streaked with silver, his skin a deep golden brown. As he got closer, I caught a faint hint of caramel. Omega. This must be Donovan Turro. He stopped in front of us, and his gaze softened as he took me in.

“I heard we had a special guest attending tonight and I had to introduce myself. I’m Donovan Turro,” he said, holding his hand first to me and then to Theo.

“I’m not a special guest,” I said, furrowing my brow.

“Having a bright, beautiful, young omega like yourself in my home is an honor, Josie,” Donovan responded. “I’d love to have the honor of showing you around.”

I smiled shyly, appreciating that he asked me directly. I turned towards Theo, who nodded.

Donovan led me to the corner of the room and then winked at me before pulling out one of the books on the shelf. I heard a soft clunk and Donovan pushed the wall, which swung open, revealing a hidden room.

“Oh my god,” I gasped as Donovan gestured for Theo and me to enter the secret room. “This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Donovan chuckled. “Now, that’s the kind of reaction I love to see. I thought you might like it here. It’s quieter and there are fewer scents.”

I was a little awed by how smoothly Donovan had ensured my omega was comfortable without making me feel like a nuisance. I smiled as I twirled to take in the room. Cozy lamps cast a warm glow on rows and rows of built-in bookcases with sliding ladders. A picture light shone down on a large abstract art piece.

“This room is magical,” I said. “Feels like something out of Beauty and the Beast.

Donovan chuckled. “I certainly know which one I am in that equation.”

I threw him an incredulous look. Donovan was the textbook definition of a silver fox.

He laughed good-naturedly at my expression. “You look truly radiant tonight, Josie. How is your new pack treating you?”

“Good,” I said, my eyes automatically drawn to where Theo was standing near the secret entrance. I jolted when I saw two surly-looking alphas standing next to him, their gazes fixed on Donovan.

“Are those your alphas?” I asked.

Donovan snorted. “Yep. We also have a beta in our pack, Jackson, but he’s out of town. Close to thirty-five years bonded, and they’re still as overprotective as ever. Puts them on edge having all these alphas in our home.”

I was surprised that Donovan’s pack had a beta. These days, bonded pack status was only reserved for alphas and omegas, but things had been different thirty-five years ago. They’d certainly been different since Donovan had been allowed to openly bond with male alphas. Although, I supposed he couldn’t have been expected to bond with a pack of female alphas. I felt slightly bitter when I thought of everything Sam had gone through to be with Gerald, but none of that was Donovan’s fault. I just wished things had been different. Wished this government had never taken over.

“I guess age doesn’t mellow them out,” I muttered.

“I hate to break it to you. I wouldn’t expect any of your alphas to ever relax when it comes to your safety.”

I glanced up at him, taking in his radiant smile.

“But you don’t mind?”

“No, I don’t. And if it gets to be too much, I just put them in their place,” he said with a wink.

I hesitated before asking him the question that had been ping-ponging around my mind the past couple of weeks. “You don’t think it makes me weak? To want them to take care of me?”

Donovan’s brow furrowed. “Not at all. All of this designation bullshit has fucked everything up. Things were different when I revealed as an omega. Fewer anti-omega laws, no Designation Academy. I can’t imagine what it’s like to try to grow into yourself and come to terms with your inner omega when everyone is trying to punish you for just being yourself.”

My eyes watered and I blinked quickly to prevent tears from spilling over.

“Everyone underestimates omegas. Even our alphas to some extent. Early on, when I first bonded with my pack, there were a few attempts to kidnap me. People were obsessed with getting access to a rare male omega. It took a long time before they let me out of their sight. I knew they wanted to protect me, and I loved them for it, but it also made me feel weak. I wish I had pushed back against them more those first few years.”

“But things changed?”

I changed,” he responded, his eyes crinkling. “I became more confident in who I was. I started pursuing my art and giving my alphas shit when they drove me out of my mind. You’ll find your rhythm with your pack. But don’t ever believe that you’re weak.”

“Thank you,” I said softly.

I stared at the art piece before me, taking it in for the first time. Layers of soothing blues and greens surrounded the edge of the canvas. But at the bottom left corner, there was a splash of red and orange, an almost aggressive contrast to the serenity of the rest of the piece. I’d never studied art, couldn’t pretend to understand anything about it, but it touched me and made me feel… something.

“This is incredible,” I said after a long silence, looking back at Donovan.

“This is actually one of my earlier works. I was trying to process what it meant to be an omega.”

My eyes returned to the painting. “I’ve never met a male omega.”

“Few have,” he said. “It can be lonely.” His jaw clenched and his caramel scent took on a slightly bitter edge.

I jumped as one of Donovan’s alphas, a tall Black man who was almost as massive as Cam, seemed to materialize out of thin air. He wrapped his arm around his omega’s shoulder and pressed a kiss to the side of his face.

“What’s wrong, baby?” he asked, his voice low and soothing.

Donovan looked at me, his lips twitching as he rolled his eyes.

“They never grow out of it,” he said, shaking his head as Theo wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Everything’s fine, Ter. Just talking to beautiful Josie here.”

The alpha kept his firm grip on Donovan but smiled as he looked at Theo and me.

“You okay, angel?” Theo murmured.

I shifted to look at him. I knew Pack Turro was part of the Alliance, but I still didn’t want to say anything that could jeopardize our safety.

“Everything went to plan,” Theo whispered in my ear.

“They’re done?” I asked, feeling dizzy with relief.

“Yes, love. They’re getting you something to eat and drink.” Theo kissed my forehead.

“Not hungry,” I responded. My stomach still felt tangled up in anxiety.

Theo frowned. “You haven’t eaten much today.”

“I know, I just… Can we go home?”

“Shh, don’t stress. Okay, we’ll get something at home.”

“It was so lovely to meet you, Josie,” Donovan said, kissing my hand. “I hope we find each other again soon.”

I blushed at his kindness and gave the secret library one final longing glance before pressing myself to Theo as he led me back to the main room.

“I need to use the restroom,” I said, looking around.

“I’ll wait here for you.”

The bathroom was located through a large dressing room with vanities and mirrors. As much as I loved this house, it was definitely too grand for me.

I stared at the toilet and then down at my dress. How was I supposed to pee? I realized I would have to unzip it and sit naked on the toilet before pulling it back up. Talk about losing your dignity when wearing fancy dresses.

As I was finally maneuvering the dress back on, I heard voices outside the bathroom. When I opened the door, I saw three beta women touching up their makeup. I gave them a tight smile and tried to walk past them quickly, intimidated by how stunning they looked. They were all tall and thin with perfectly curled blonde hair.

“You’re with Pack Ashwood, right?” one of the betas asked, looking me up and down. “I saw you walk in with them.” Her lips curled into a sneer, her hand resting on her perfectly tiny waist.

“Cam is here?” another one of the betas asked. “He is so dreamy. We fucked all summer a while back.” She giggled, causing her hand to shake and smear the eyeliner she was applying. “Wait,” she gasped, finally looking at me. “You’re their new omega? You’re not Cam’s type at all.”

I knew I should walk away, but I couldn’t stop myself. “What does that mean?”

“Oh well, you have this sweet, innocent thing going for you, don’t you?” she said with a smirk. “Cam likes a woman who can handle him in the bedroom. He likes it rough, as you know.” Then, taking in my blank expression, she continued, “Or maybe you don’t,” she giggled. “Cam’s into BDSM, but I guess he holds that back with you.”

“Or maybe this is just some sort of business arrangement,” the first beta added. “It’s not like Pack Ashwood needs to slum it with fat bitches.”

My face burned with anger and shame. I opened my mouth, willing the perfect snarky retort to come out, but nothing did. I was rooted to my spot in the corner, frozen.

“Ben is such a hottie, too,” the third beta said as she adjusted her corset top. “He was so sweet when we were dating. He bought me these,” she said, gesturing at her diamond earrings as she touched up her already flawless makeup.

“You dated Ben?” I choked out.

The room felt like it was closing in on me, and I finally unfroze my legs and bolted towards the exit before I could hear anything else. I entered the main hall again, breathing heavily. I needed to hide, to nest. I needed my alphas. Except right now, I wasn’t sure I wanted them around me.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment, but anger quickly flooded me. How dare those bitches speak to me like that? How dare they touch my mates? I looked around the room, trying to spot my alphas. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to punch them or kiss them. I guess I’ll just fucking see how I feel when I see them.

I spotted Theo coming towards me. He was smiling and holding a glass of champagne. I was momentarily distracted by how handsome he looked in his tux. As he got closer, I shook myself out of my lust-filled stupor and scowled. His face filled with concern as he took me in.

“What’s wrong, love?”

I reached out and snatched the champagne out of his hand and chugged it. Immediately bubbles went up my nose, which had me sneezing and sputtering. Champagne, not the best beverage to chug. Duly noted. 

Before Theo could say anything, I snarled, “Do you have any ex-girlfriends here I should know about? Maybe you should just go ahead and introduce us so she can give me pointers on how not to disappoint you in bed.”

Shock flashed across Theo’s face for a moment before it was replaced with understanding. He glanced around the room and I growled.

“Are you fucking looking for her right now? That’s fine, fine. You know what, I’m just going to leave. That way, you three selfish, cheating assholes can go off and have your orgy without me being in the way.”

I turned on my heels and took a single step before Theo’s hard body pressed against my back. One of his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and the other gently grasped my throat.

“You know you’re the only one I have ever been with, love,” he growled in my ear. “I’ve only ever sunk my cock into your sweet cunt, only heard your breathy moans and whimpers.”

He tilted my head to the side and kissed my neck, gently scraping his teeth against my skin. My anger melted away—at least my anger at Theo—as the jealous fog I’d been in started to lift.

“Are you ready to tell me what happened?”

I leaned back into his chest, his scent grounding my wild emotions. I nodded and he rotated me to face him. Suddenly, embarrassment at my outburst washed over me and I felt myself getting teary.

“I’m sorry for what I said,” I whispered, tears spilling out.

“Oh, my love, you don’t have to apologize.”

He crushed me to him, one hand firmly on my ass and the other running soothingly up and down my back.

“Is you holding me by the butt supposed to relax me?” I asked dryly.

“Mmm, no, that’s for me. Seeing you all riled up and jealous was fucking hot, except that you were upset. Also, I just like holding your ass. I should do it more.”

I grinned. “If you did it anymore, I think you’d have to surgically remove your hand.”

“I’ll risk it,” he said with a smile, pulling away so he could wipe away my tears and give me a kiss.

I nuzzled into Theo’s chest, melting into him as he held me. I sensed someone behind me and caught Ben’s spiced apple scent. The tension returned to my body as my inner omega bristled at his presence. I pulled out of Theo’s arms and whipped around to face Ben, whose smile fell when he saw my expression.

“What happened?” he asked, his gaze flickering between Theo and me.

I felt a pang in my chest, hating that he was unhappy, but for once, my omega held firm, driven by her rage and insecurity.

“Precious, what’s wrong?” Ben asked tenderly.

Tears pricked my eyes as I looked away from him. Having him close, looking so sexy and smelling comforting and arousing at the same time, started to break down my resolve. I loved Ben. I trusted him. I knew he hadn’t done anything wrong, but I couldn’t silence that voice that said he would be happier with someone else, someone skinnier and more attractive.

Ben made a distressed noise in the back of his throat, and I was horrified to see that he had tears glistening in his eyes. I couldn’t stop from launching myself into his embrace. Startled, he quickly wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m mad at you,” I said, my voice lacking any conviction as I pressed myself closer to him.

“I’m sorry for whatever I did,” he murmured in my ear, his voice achingly sad.

 I took deep gulps of his scent and was reminded of how tender he was with me last night, how it had felt to make both of us come just by laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. Ben was my sunshine.

“Why don’t the two of you go out to the courtyard?” Theo suggested, running his hand down my back and kissing my cheek.

Ben wordlessly moved to the back exit, not allowing an inch of space between us as he pulled me into the courtyard.

“I’ll make sure no one interrupts,” Theo said.

With the quiet click of the door, Ben and I were alone. I was momentarily distracted by the courtyard, which could only be described as magical. Twinkling string lights lit up the space, illuminating the ivy climbing over the brick walls.

“Will you tell me what I did to make you upset, beautiful?” Ben asked, sadness seeping into his scent.

“You didn’t do anything,” I said, lifting my gaze to his face and running my fingers down the stubble on his chin.

“Obviously, I did,” he said.

“I feel like I’m going crazy,” I said, tears spilling down my cheeks. “I know you haven’t done anything wrong, but my omega is so upset.”

“What happened, precious?” he asked, kissing away my tears.

“I went to the bathroom and there was a group of betas in there. It seemed like all of them knew you guys and had had sex with you or Cam. And, of course, they all looked perfect and thin and beautiful, and you’d probably be happier with them,” I blurted out. My cheeks heated at my confession. Suddenly, I was overcome with the need to hide, but Ben wouldn’t let me pull away.

“God, precious, you have to know we don’t want anyone but you. I don’t want anyone but you. No one could be more perfect or beautiful, no one.”

His intensity startled me. I was used to Ben being laid back, but there was nothing relaxed about the determined, heated look in his eyes.

“Do you miss being with betas?” I asked, chewing my bottom lip.

“Precious, I don’t miss being with anyone who is not you. It wouldn’t matter what designation you were; I would be just as obsessed with you.”

His words made me feel like a warm glow was emanating from within me, but the lingering insecurity wouldn’t let me drop it just yet.

“Omegas are a lot of work.”

Ben furrowed his eyebrows, an incredulous look on his face. “How are you a lot of work?”

“I’m all needy and hormonal,” I said, unable to meet his gaze.

“Josie, you’re allowed to have needs.”

I didn’t trust myself to speak, sure that I would burst into tears the second I opened my mouth. When had I been allowed to need anything? Ben’s hand cupped the side of my face and I leaned into his touch. He didn’t demand I say anything, content to hold me close and gently rock us back and forth.

“Besides,” he added, “Alphas are a lot of work. Don’t know how you put up with us.”

A smile tugged at my lips. “That’s a good point.”

Ben’s laughter rang through the space, his bright scent filling the air. “You’re trouble,” he said, twirling me around. I squealed, gripping him tighter as my feet left the ground.

He set me back down and beamed at me, pressing his face to my hair and breathing in my scent deeply. I’m sure it was much sweeter now than a few minutes ago.

“Sorry I freaked out,” I said, kissing him softly.

“I want you to always tell me when you’re upset. Anytime you’re feeling jealous or angry or sad. And, for what it’s worth, I’ve dreamed of bonding an omega since I was young. You have exceeded every single one of my desires.”

My insides went warm and gooey at his words, and slick drenched my underwear. I guess this was a test to see if the scent-proof underwear worked. Ben’s flared nose and expanding pupils told me it hadn’t.

“Why didn’t you want to bring an omega into your pack before now?” I asked. The guys had been a pack before the Designation Government took over. They would have had plenty of time to match with an omega during those years but hadn’t.

Ben sighed, and for a moment, his eyes held a haunted, faraway expression that took my breath away.

“I know Cam is planning on telling you what made us leave North Woods, so I’ll let him share that part of the story. It took us a long time to recover from the pain of what happened. After a couple of years, I was ready to find an omega. I worked hard to convince them. What they had experienced with their families was worse than anything I ever had, and I think they were scared and maybe feeling unworthy of bonding an omega.”

Ben grinned at my outraged expression and kissed my nose before continuing.

“You and I know they’re two of the best alphas in the world. But they’ve always struggled to see themselves that way. Anyway, I finally convinced them to sign us up for omega interviews. I wish we could have met you then. You can’t even imagine how different it was. The interviews were meant to be fun, with the omega’s wishes front and center. For one of them, we went to a local carnival. With another, we went to a bread-making class. That’s when I started baking. But it was never right. We never found the right match for us, and the guys were still too wounded to really consider bonding someone.

“As the years went by, I got lonely and I started dating betas. The relationships never lasted long. I wanted to share a mate with my brothers and they weren’t interested in any of the betas. I can guess who you met in the bathroom. We were together briefly last summer. Honestly, she was much more interested in being with Theo than me. It became clear pretty quickly that she was just hoping being with me would give her access to him.”

“What a bitch,” I snarled. How dare she treat Ben like that?

“Ahh, don’t judge her too harshly. I hear a British accent is almost impossible to resist,” he responded with his usual light-hearted bravado, but I wasn’t having it.

“Ben, you deserve someone who is totally obsessed with you and sees you for who you are.”

“I know,” he said tenderly. “You’ve taught me that. You see me like no one else has.”

He cupped the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, his hands digging into my backside.

“You smell so good, precious. So sweet, so perfect,” he said, pulling away. I whined, trying to pull him back to my lips.

“Gorgeous, believe me when I say there’s nothing I want more than to peel that dress off you and fuck you right here…”

“Yes, let’s do that,” I said, trying again to pull him in for a kiss.

Ben snorted. “I’ve learned my lesson on suitable locations,” he said with a wink. “But the main issue is I can feel Cam through the bond and he’s about three seconds away from losing his shit and breaking down the door.”

His words cut through my fog and I remembered what the betas told me about Cam. My chest tightened again, insecurity coursing through me.

“Whatever you’re thinking, I promise you’re wrong. But let’s get you home so you two can talk.”

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