Forbidden: Part One (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 1)

Forbidden: Part One – Chapter 46

I tried not to stare too intently at Josie while she ate breakfast, contenting myself to sit pressed up against her, but my mind whirled. I hated myself for hurting her. I had never wanted to suggest she wasn’t capable when the reality was, she was braver and stronger than I would ever be. My inner alpha’s need to protect her was all-consuming, and I wasn’t sure how I would get through this fucking day. Why should she be pulled into the Alliance? She had been through enough.

When I’d held her earlier, I had been so close to saying I love you but had been too chicken-shit to do it. She had told Ben and Theo she loved them and had sex with both of them. Insecurity bubbled up in me. What if she didn’t love me or want me like the other two?

Josie leaned into me, her bright green eyes meeting mine. “You okay?”

I nodded and pressed my face to her hair, pulling her in tightly. There was nothing more endearing than her messy morning waves. I couldn’t get enough of her, needed to touch her at all times. I thought of all the people who would be at the event tonight, and rage washed through me. None of them deserved to breathe the same air as my mate.

Josie placed her hand on mine, and I realized I was shaking.

“We’ll be careful. I know you’ll keep me safe,” Josie murmured in my ear.

I plucked her up from her chair and sat her on my lap. No reason for her to have her own seat if I had anything to say about it. I let her scent soothe me and reminded myself I wasn’t alone in protecting her. Ben and Theo would also do anything to keep her safe.

After breakfast, I reluctantly let Josie out of my embrace so she could finish getting ready while we picked up the kitchen.

“She’s worried about not finding a dress that will fit,” I muttered, turning towards the guys once I heard the quiet click of her bedroom door.

Ben grimaced. “That doesn’t surprise me. She was really upset last night when I found her downstairs.”

“What happened?” Theo asked, joining our tight huddle by the kitchen island. “Besides the obvious. The whole fucking kitchen smells like sex.”

Ben grinned, his hand caressing the island. “Yeah, that part was great. I heard her in the kitchen, and I came in to check on her.” His smile fell. “She was standing here, eating some cake. She thought I would be mad at her for it,” he said, adjusting his glasses.

“Mad for eating cake?” I asked, my brows furrowing.

“Is it that hard to believe after hearing how her parents talked to her? After seeing the DA meal plan?” Ben spit out, disdain coloring his tone.

“How could she think we’re like the DA or her fucking parents?” I growled.

“I don’t think she believes that,” Theo said. “It takes a long time to heal from those wounds.”

I was not feeling patient. I wanted my girl to know how fucking hot and beautiful she was right now.

“I’m going to call Jewel and make sure she has plenty of shit in her size,” I said, pulling out my phone.

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