Forbidden by Fate

Chapter 9

Callum's POV

I cannot take my eyes off her flawless beauty as she dances in another man’s arms.

She’s not mine, I remind my incessant wolf, as a wave of possessive anger roars in the pit of my stomach. Her laughter carries across the courtyard like daggers stabbing my wounded ego. I did this. I pushed her into his arms. I fight with all that I am to regain composure over the beast within, but the full moon strengthens him more than normal.

She’s not the type of girl that waits on a man to make his mind up. She knows her value, her worth. I scowl at the realization that I have made this a reality. Girls like Emersyn O’ Connor deserve more than I have been willing, or able, to give her. But that doesn’t stop me from allowing the shame and regret to nearly swallow me whole.

Maverick clears his throat beside me with annoyance clear as he asks, “You going to get your head out of your ass and join me in finding a nice girl to distract us after the run, or you going to stare at the one girl who is off limits all night?”

“Shut the hell up,” I curse under my breath. “I was just thinking that he better be good to her.”

“Liam isn’t a bad guy. He will do right by Em.” Maverick says with certainty. “If he doesn’t, I will rip his beating heart from his chest. Just like I would do to anyone else that hurts her.”

I swallow hard at his warning tone before I reply, “I have no intentions of hurting your sister.”

Maverick looks between his sister and me before he says, “I have no doubts that you wouldn’t intentionally, but don’t confuse her. We both know she has had a thing for you since we were kids.”

I rub my temple as I allow his words to sink in. “She has not.”

“Callum, you are an idiot. You are my best friend and more like a brother to me, but if you hurt her,” he pauses as he looks me dead in the eye, “I won’t hesitate to show you the amount of damage an alpha heir can inflict.”

I shake my head in understanding as I answer, “I would never hurt her, Maverick.”

“Good, keep it that way! I am warning you to keep your distance from her, for both of your sakes.” Maverick warns.

“I hear you,” I say as I look back towards the beautiful girl who holds my heart.

Maverick shakes his head in aggravation. “I warned you. Don’t forget that.”

I have nothing but respect for Maverick, but he is asking me to do something that I physically cannot. I am drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I know deep down that I am playing with fire, but I can’t stop myself from craving the burn of what she offers.

“I need a drink,” I say, motioning my head towards the bar. “You want something?”

He holds my gaze for a moment before shaking his head, “No, I have ladies to impress. I suggest you find a distraction as well.”

I know he is right. I cannot have her, but I refuse to allow myself the temporary pleasure of another woman. I have tried it and it did nothing to dull the ache of the desire that consumes me for her.

I change the subject. “Better find someone that can nurse your wounded pride after I leave you in the back of the pack tonight.”

He rolls his eyes laughing, “Yeah, right.”

I reluctantly pull my eyes from the seemingly happy couple. I fake a smile, walking towards the bar, hoping to ease the sting of the unwavering jealousy that consumes me as the song draws to its end. The bartender gives me a knowing look as I tap the bar.

“Something strong?” He states as he turns to the top shelf.

“That obvious, huh?” I ask as I glumly reach for the shot of whiskey he pours.

The older man smiles as he says, “I have been doing this a long time. I know a broken man when I see him.”

I nod, downing the burning alcohol, shaking my head. “Another.”

“You got it,” he says pouring the shot. “You trying to forget something or someone?”

I glance towards the courtyard and wince as I reply, “I suppose a little of both.”

I want to forget the last six months. I want to undo the stupidity of pushing her away when all I really want is to hold her. I want to go back to when life was simple, and I could have asked my dad for advice and he wouldn’t have judged. I want to hear my mother’s laughter once more. I want to be someone I am not because I know that is who she deserves.

The bartender frowns as he pours another and says, “The worst kind, the type that you never truly forget.”

“What are we trying to forget?” I hear her familiar voice as she flashes a brilliant smile at me that makes me go weak in the knees.

Emersyn is the kind of girl that is beautiful without even trying, but tonight she is breathtaking. She is stunning in the blue dress that only accentuates her assets. I reluctantly pull my gaze from her mesmerizing body, hoping that she doesn’t notice my lingering stare.

I swallow hard as her blue eyes meet mine with genuine curiosity playing in their depths. “Nothing that you need to worry about!”

Her brow furrows as she says, “Are you okay?”

I lie. “I’m fine.”

Emersyn hesitates for a moment before she continues, “So what would you say if I offered a distraction?”

My mind races with the possibilities as a mischievous grin makes its way to the corner of my eyes. “I’d ask if I was dreaming.”

Her cheeks flushed red as she smacked my arm. “That is not what I meant!”

“It’s a shame,” I say with a devilish smile. “What do you need?”

“I need to remind a certain visitor that I never forget a promise,” she says with a twinkling glint in her eyes. “Thought that you may want to help a damsel in distress.”

I laugh as I reply, “Of course, I am a sucker for a lady in trouble.”

I am a damn fool. A fool that would do anything she asks me to. She leans down dangerously close to my ear as she whispers, “Good, I knew I could count on you.”

She vividly describes her plan to me with the glee of a child on Christmas morning as I hang on her every word. Her smile is as bright as the moon hanging above our heads. I can’t help but laugh at her perfectly laid out plan.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I ask seriously.

“Um, yeah. He asked for this,” she says with determination. “And we both know that I forget nothing and forgive even less.”

Poor sap, I thought to myself. Liam had bitten off more than he could chew when he messed with her. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

She nearly shrieks as she throws her arms around my neck, “Thank you! You are the best!”

I watch her walk away with a longing look in my eye. I turn back towards the bar and see the graying man give me a knowing smile as he says, “Ah, the unforgettable one.”

“You have no idea,” I say as I down the last shot, laying a tip on the bar, before I walk away. “Have a good night.”

I hear the bartender speak up, “Hey Kid, life’s too short to have regrets. Some things are just worth the risk.”

I stop for a moment before I respond, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

The full moon has almost reached her peak, signaling the time for the pack to gather. I walk towards the open field that leads into the forest. I am ready to allow my wolf free and to feel the rush of adrenaline that he offers. But first, I made a promise to a dark-haired beauty. I silently make my way through the shadows to the spot Emersyn chose. I perch behind the edge of the trees, anticipation nipping at my nerves. I see them approaching and lean against the rough bark, hoping that it masks my scent.

Liam is blissfully unaware of my presence, completely enthralled by Emersyn. She is laughing at something he says when she loses her footing nearly falling. He reaches out quickly, catching her in his arms before she tumbles to the ground. I hold my breath as I watch him hesitate before he pulls away from her. Even in the moonlight, I can see that he has unnerved her, and I feel my wolf growling from deep within.

I internally groan. Watching them together is nothing short of torment. Liam keeps her hand in his as they walk closer to my hidden oasis.

Emersyn pauses as she spots the large rock that we used as a fort when we were children. “Here it is,” she says smiling. “We can leave our things here and come back when we shift.”

Liam shuffles his feet anxiously as he looks at her from the corner of his eye. “Are you nervous?”

“About?” Emersyn says arching a brow playfully.

“I know some people are nervous to undress in front of others for the change.” He states looking away from her vivid blue eyes bashfully.

She laughs as she flutters her lashes at him flirtatiously, “I’ll turn around if you are shy!”

“I didn’t say that,” Liam says grinning.

“I hope not,” she says with a hint of amusement playing in the depths of her eyes. “It would be a shame if you were.”

My wolf is irate and threatening to take control. I take in a staggered breath calming the both of us. The rest of the pack begins to take their places in the field, preparing for the run.

I quietly slip out of my clothes, hiding them next to the tree for safe keeping, as I keep my eyes glued to Emersyn. She glances around the field before taking a deep breath and looking at Liam.

“Could you help me with my dress?” She looks at him with an innocent look as she moves her long dark locks of hair from the back. “I just need you to loosen the laces.”

Liam swallows hard shaking his head as his hands shake as he nervously tugs at the knot. Emersyn turns towards the tree I am standing behind as she allows a smirk to reach the corner of her eyes. I swear she is looking straight at me as she steps out of her dress revealing the most pristine body I have ever laid eyes upon. I lean my head back against the tree as I fight to still the lust that threatens to take control of my every action. She stands there for a moment longer than necessary before turning to Liam.

Liam allows a shallow breath to escape as he stares at her with amazement, and it takes all that I am to force myself to stay hidden. I watch her as she keeps her eyes locked with his as she smiles broadly, “Don’t be bashful, now.”

His mouth gaps open as she turns to begin running, “Hey, wait for me!”

He throws his clothes down as he takes off behind her. I wait until I know they are far enough away before stepping from the shadows with a maniacal grin planted on my face. I glance around to be sure no one is looking before scooping the remnants of his clothing from the ground and running towards the pond. Tossing them as far as I can, I can’t help but laugh at Emersyn’s sense of irony.

Liam Maxwell has no idea that he has bitten off more than he can chew. But as I run to join the rest of the pack I can’t help but envy the asshole. Because right now he has everything I could ever want in his grasp and he doesn’t even realize it. Because right now I would give anything to be running through the night with the girl that he is destined to call his own.

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