Forbidden by Fate

Chapter 7

Emersyn’s POV

The glow of the morning sun shines brightly through the iridescent curtains welcoming a new day. I groan, pushing my unruly hair from my face, as I toss myself onto my back staring at the ceiling. I am not ready to conquer this day, I think to myself, as the door opens revealing my mother’s smiling face.

“Well, good morning, Sunshine!” She says with far too much excitement for this time of the day.

I grumble a barely audible, “Morning Mother.”

She comes sitting upon the edge of my bed as she looks at me with expectant eyes, “Aren’t you excited?”

“Of course,” I lie. I am feeling an array of emotions, but excitement is not on that list.

My mother gives me a knowing look as she says, “Are you nervous? That’s completely normal, Dear.”

I smile back at her and shake my head answering honestly this time, “I know. I just hate being the center of attention. I always feel like I am on display to mess up.”

She laughs as she rolls her eyes, “Emersyn, my sweet child, we all mess up. It’s how you handle it that makes you or breaks you.”

“What if he doesn’t like me?” I question with worry creasing my forehead. “What if I am not what he expects?”

My mother’s blue eyes soften as she cups my face between her hands, “Then he would have to be blind. You, my gorgeous girl, are a treasure and Liam Maxwell will know that from the moment he lays eyes on you.”

I smile at her as she allows her hands to drop to mine squeezing them in reassurance. “I hope you are right, Mother.”

“Emersyn, you are a beautiful girl who doesn’t realize all that she has to offer just yet. But when you do, you are going to be unstoppable,” she says with a knowing look. “Now let’s get you ready for tonight’s celebration. I have cleared my day to spend it with you!”

I grin broadly at her as I reluctantly pull myself from the warmth of my blankets, “Well, don’t I feel special?”

“That’s the idea,” Mother says. “I have invited Luna Maxwell to join us as well.”

My eyes grow wide with disbelief as I groan, “Mother! This was supposed to be just us!”

Mother’s brow arches in warning as she replies, “Well, what would you have me do? They arrived earlier than expected. I could always talk to your father about allowing you to spend the day with Liam instead?”

I swallow hard, biting my tongue as I reply, “No ma’am, that won’t be necessary. It would be lovely to have the company.”

“I thought you may feel that way,” she says smirking at me.

I subtly roll my eyes at her sarcasm as I turn towards the wardrobe looking for an outfit that says, ‘Hi, I am the girl intended to marry your son. Love me!’ Nothing quite screams that sentiment as I groan out in frustration. This was already going to be a stressful enough day and now I had to impress my future mother-in-law.

As if reading my mind I hear my mother’s encouraging voice, “Wear the light blue, it accentuates your eyes!”

I sigh as my fingers find the plush fabric of the blue sweater, tugging it free from the stack. “Thanks,” I mutter.

She smiles as she walks to the door hesitating before she leaves, “Emersyn, they are lucky to have the honor of calling you their future Luna. They will love you because they won’t be able to help themselves.”

“What can I say to follow that?” I scoff at her with an adoring look. “Thank you, Mother.”

She winks at me as she pulls the door closed behind her, “Take your time, we will be waiting when you are ready.”

I allow my eyes to trail my reflection in the vanity mirror, surveying what needs to be done to make myself presentable. Today will be spent pampering myself. Mother had gone to work making the arrangements as soon as she heard Liam would be coming. In her words, ‘We must show him the very best you have to offer!’

I would just assume wear sweatpants and a tee but that would be absolutely forbidden. I was being completely honest; I hate to be the center of attention. But tonight, would be my debut to the pack as the future Luna of the Silent Saints, and that meant all eyes would be on me.

I get dressed, allowing the warmth of the sweater to envelope me in it’s soft folds as I slide a pair of leggings on. My curls are in dire need of attention, and I did not wash yesterday’s make up off. I sit down on the vanity’s stool as I begin the tedious task of taming the beastly curls. It takes me a bit longer than I would like so I rush to wash my face and apply a fresh layer of make-up before doing one last check.

“As good as it’s getting,” I grumble to myself as I heave a sigh grabbing my slides as I head for the door to face the firing squad.

I hear the familiar laughter of my mother carry up the stairwell as I make my way to the parlor. I take a deep breath as I reach the doorway before planting a smile on my face. My mother’s face lightens as her eyes catch mine, “And here she is!”

Luna Maxwell turns in her seat with a pleasant expression that reaches her golden eyes as she exclaims, “Oh my! You, my dear, have turned into quite the beauty!”

My cheeks flush a crimson shade as I bashfully reply, “Thank you, ma’am.”

“There is no need to thank me for speaking the truth,” she says smiling broadly at me. “Liam is going to be smitten with you! And there is no need to call me ma’am. You may call me Athena.”

I return a meek smile as I bow my head graciously to her. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Athena.”

Her face lights with amusement as she responds, “Let’s hope my son behaves a bit better this visit than last.”

I grin at her as I reply with a little white lie, “I had almost forgotten his antics.”

I had not. In fact, I had made a promise to get even with him for his last debacle and I fully intended to act on it. However, somethings were simply meant for me to know. I was no longer the little girl whom he spent the week tormenting. I had grown into a strong willed, unforgiving, and witty opponent who had years to come up with a payback scheme. A plan that I was certain would make him think twice before tempting fate again.

“Well, you are a better woman than me,” she says with a wink that says she is my kind of people.

“Oh, I highly doubt that,” my mother says arching a knowing brow at me.

I sheepishly grin at her with the most innocent flutter of my long lashes. They both erupt in laughter as Athena replies, “Let’s just hope no one gets hurt.”

I wrinkle my nose laughing as I reply, “I make no promises.”

“Emersyn, you better not do anything that I wouldn’t do,” my mother warns with a bemused look.

“Absolutely, not.” I say slyly grinning between the two of them. “Well, let’s get this day started so I can shock and awe at tonight’s festivities.”

My mother’s eyes twinkle with joy as she replies, “That’s my girl!”


The day passes by with surprising ease, and I find myself rather enjoying the company of my mother and Athena. It is not often that I am able to truly relax and enjoy my mother’s company, but today has been a lovely change of circumstances. We are at the last stop before we return to the packhouse. The stylist concentrates on my abundance of hair as she tugs a few curls free of the pins holding them in place.

I hear my mother take in a sharp burst of air as she exclaims, “Oh my! Jolee, you did an amazing job! Emersyn, love, you look stunning!”

I haven’t seen my self yet. Jolee wanted to finish before she would allow me to see my reflection, but as she turns the chair towards the hanging mirror my mouth drops open in amazement. My hair is braided intricately in the front with a few curls cupping my face perfectly as the remainder of my hair falls in ringlets down my back.

My make-up is much more dramatic than I usually do it but even I must admit that I am impressed. The smoky eye shadow is accented with a wisp of eye liner that makes the blue of my eyes look like the bluest of skies. My lips look plump and inviting lined in a crimson red and topped with a glossy coat. I hardly recognize my reflection as the same girl who loves to dress down and pull her hair up in a messy bun.

Athena’s eyes are wide with wonder as I turn towards them. “My son is one lucky man.”

I feel my cheeks warm with embarrassment as I ask, “It’s not too much?”

“No!” They both exclaim in unison.

Relief washes over me as I smile broadly at them, “Well, someone is going to have to help me get dressed so I don’t mess up all of this hard work.”

My mother proudly looks at me as tears well in her eyes, “I can’t believe my baby is growing up so fast.”

I laugh as I reply, “Mother, it’s not as if we will be wed tomorrow. We have time.”

“I know,” she mutters dabbing her eyes with a tissue. “But it will be here before we know it.”

Fear grapples at me as her words sink in. She is right. Tonight, signifies the beginning of the end. I know that the time has come to let Callum go and open my heart to Liam, but how. How do I make my heart accept what my mind knows must happen? My chest aches at the thought and my pulse races. But I could never prepare for what was to come and how much harder that things were going to be because neither Callum, nor Liam were going to make this easy.

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