Forbidden by Fate

Chapter 25


The sound of water rushing ahead of us makes my nerves tingle with excitement. Emersyn groans from behind me as she climbs down the embankment, “Where are we going?”

I laugh as I glance at her from the corner of my eye, “You’ll see.”

This is her territory, but Maverick assured me that this hidden gem was so perfectly hidden that Emersyn had never been before. When I had asked him for advice on somewhere private to spend the day with her, away from prying eyes, he had grinned and told me the perfect place. I was pleasantly surprised that he was willing to help me, but I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

The irony wasn’t beyond me that it just so happened to be at the bottom of the very ravine that Emersyn had left me standing above. Climbing down into it’s depths wasn’t on my bucket list, but I was promised it would be worth it.

Emersyn followed on my heels as we squeezed through the tight space between the rocks. As soon as I reached the tip of their jagged edges, it was all I could do to suppress the gasp of shock at the beauty before us. Emersyn pushes her way from behind me and her mouth falls open in awe.

We were standing at the bottom of the most brilliant waterfall I had ever seen. The water from the creek that ran through the midst of their land met in this one stunning spot, falling over the rock’s edges like a constant well of rain. The succulent flowers somehow protected by the walls of rock surrounding them, were a bright green giving them a distinct beauty. It was almost as breathtaking as the alluring woman that accompanied me.

Emersyn’s blue eyes dance across the hidden oasis as she looks at me with a bewildered look across her face. “How did you find this?”

I laugh as I admit, “I can’t take all the credit. I asked for help.”

“Maverick,” she states clearly impressed that he has kept this to himself.

I smile as I pull the bag from my back, sitting it down. “Apparently, there is a legend about these waters.”

She suspiciously smiles at me, “Another one of your stories, huh?”

I continue grinning broadly at her, “They say that if you swim in these waters, all your dreams come true.”

“Do they?” she says with a skeptical look.

“It’s true,” I state with an innocent flutter of my lashes.

She hesitates looking between me and the water before shrugging her shoulders and saying, “Well I guess there is only one way to know. You first.”

I laugh as the chill settles over me of the cool brisk air that surrounds us, “It is a bit cold to be testing my theory.”

She playfully arches a brow as she teases, “It’s okay to be scared.”

I fake a hurt look as I point at myself, “Me. I’m not scared, I was just concerned you would get cold up here by yourself.”

She pulls her zipper up as she mocks, “I’ll be fine. Besides if it makes all your dreams come true than you won’t be alone for long.”

I nearly come undone at the seductive way she flutters her lashes. Fuck it. You only live once I think to myself. I smile as I take my hand slowly and unzip my jacket as I watch her eyes fall to my fingers. I take my time as her eyes linger on my every movement, slowly sliding the shirt over my head and allowing her to get the full effect of my well worked body.

I swear she almost sighs, as she bites her bottom lip, driving me mad. I can feel her gaze on me as I turn tossing my pants down beside me before running to dive head first in the water.

I expect the shock of the cold water to overwhelm me, but as the water flows around my body I am pleasantly relieved by its warmth. I dive deeper enjoying the welcoming sensation before I surface and smile broadly at Emersyn.

“Join me. This is amazing!” I say as I watch her eye me with uncertainty.

“It’s not cold?” she questions suspiciously.

“Not at all,” I state honestly. “You’ll have to come see for yourself to believe it.”

She scrunches her nose up in a scowl as she threatens, “You better not be lying!”

I watch her intently as she tugs her pullover off, tossing it with my clothes as she shrugs out of her yoga pants. She keeps her gaze locked with mine as she slips her shirt over her head. She leaves the white bra and panties on as she tiptoes to the water’s edge, dipping her toes in first. A look of amazement passes over her features as she grins broadly before nearly running into the water, laughing with exhilaration as she splashes about the water.

I am enthralled by the innocence of her beauty as she dips beneath the water, allowing it to wash over her. She swims dangerously close to me, popping up from beneath the water, before I feel a wave come crashing across my face.

I cough as the water fills my lungs, before regaining control, and tossing myself towards her. She yelps in surprise as she tries to escape my grasp, but she isn’t as adapt at swimming as I am. Her laughter echoes in the canyon, bouncing off the rocks. I pull her towards me, wrapping my arms tight around her so that she can’t continue her assault.

Her gaze darkens as looks me in the eyes, hesitation playing in their depths, before she stills. I can feel the gentle kick of her feet below the water and she wades, to stay afloat. I can smell her sweet scent lingering in the air, enticing me to pull her even closer. I pull her against me, bridging the gap that had separated us.

I loosen my grip on her arms as she slides them over my neck, still unsure of herself and whispers, “Kiss me.”

My heart beats rapidly in my chest, and my wolf wants to claim what is ours, but I hesitate. She wants this, but I promised I wouldn’t hurt her. I was dangerously close to doing something I would regret, but as I fought the battle within myself, I feel her hand touch my cheek gently as she repeats, “Kiss me, dammit.”

I pull her face closer, allowing my lips to linger above hers, “Emersyn, are you sure?”

I feel the warmth of her breath against my lips as she pulls my face towards hers and kisses me with the flutter of her lips brushing mine. I lose all of my resolve as I allow my lips to push against hers pushing her mouth open so that I can explore its sweetness further. I have never felt such a pull towards another woman, and her taste invigorates me.

I allow my hands to fall around her hips exploring her body like it is a new world that only I am allowed to explore. She doesn’t hesitate to lean into my touch as my hands linger around her hips. She allows a whimper to escape as I bite her bottom lip gently, and it is all I can do not to scoop her up and carry her to the shore.

I force myself to pull back as I gruffly mutter, “If you do that again, I make no promises that I will still be the gentleman that you believe I am.”

Her blue eyes flash with a dark desire as she whispers back, “Who said I was looking for a gentleman?”

I arch a brow at her brazen antics as I pull her legs around me, allowing her to feel the length of my excitement before I stammer out, “I want you so bad.”

And as I felt her tremble in my arms, I knew that she too felt the pull of what I was feeling. But as I began to walk to the shore with her body wrapped tightly around mine, fitting like the perfect piece to my shattered existence, I knew that what I was doing was wrong. Because when she knew the truth, she may feel differently. When she knew the truth she may realize that I am not much different than Callum. And the thought of that terrifies me.

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