Forbidden by Fate

Chapter 23


I can’t sleep. I roll over and stare at the glaringly bright screen of my phone, wincing as I focus on the time. Four a.m. I groan as I flip the bedside lamp’s switch on allowing the light to fill my room, before throwing the blanket above my head and growling. I should just get up, but I don’t.

Liam walked me to my room nearly six hours ago, leaving me with the sweetest kiss upon my cheek. I knew he wanted more, but he didn’t push me knowing that I was as fragile as the vase that sat upon the table in the hallway. He was a gentleman, that was for certain.

But as I lay, tossing about in my bed, my mind was filled with too many thoughts to rest. Callum’s admission weighs heavy on my heart, while I realize that Liam has done nothing to warrant an apology. They are the very epitome of opposites, and yet I find myself to clearly have feelings for both of them.

Callum was reckless, but deep down he had a good heart. He was just a bit bent from what life had given him. He had a lot of growing up to do, but I got the feeling that he was trying to change. His apology wasn’t perfect, but it was honest and that is all I really wanted. I wanted him to admit that he hadn’t just fallen prey to the vindictive plan, but orchestrated it himself. I wanted him to be a man. And for the first time, he had done that.

But Liam was different. He had given me no reason to believe he was being anything but honest. He wasn’t trying to play games. He simply wanted me for me. He knew what to say and do to make me realize what I would be giving up if I didn’t choose him. He was gentle, kind, and the type of man that any woman would be fortunate to call their own.

My phone vibrates in my hand startling me back to reality, as I glance to see who would be messaging me at such an hour. My heart beat quickens when I see the text from Callum.

Callum: I saw a light on in your room. Going for a run, couldn’t sleep either. Are you okay?

I hesitate, knowing that I should be giving us the distance that we desperately need, but reply before I think to much of it.

Me: I’m fine. How do you know I am alone? I need space.

My heart races as the dots on the screen blink as he types his response. Leave him alone, I warn myself, but when my phone vibrates again I don’t make myself ignore it.

Callum: If you can’t sleep because of what I have done, then just know I will do whatever it takes to prove to you that I am sorry. Even if that means space. I will never forgive myself for hurting you.

I want to reply with an angered response, but I am too tired to fight. So I simply respond with the truth.

Me: I need time. I gave it to you when you needed it, now it’s my turn.

He responds with lightning speed as I glance back at the screen.

Callum: Then I will give it to you. Get some rest, Emersyn.

I sigh as I sit my phone on the night stand, before burrowing back under the warmth of my comforter. I clench my eyes closed, begging for the rest I desire to consume me. I must finally drift off to sleep, because when I hear the faint knock on my door the room is filled with the sun’s brightest rays. I grumble under my breath as I roll over to the door and see it crack open revealing an unexpected grinning face.

Maverick smiles down at me as he teases, “Long night?”

I growl at him as I pull the comforter tightly over my head firmly saying, “Go away, Mav.”

“Can’t do that, precious,” he says pulling the cocoon of warmth away from my body as I kick and scream. “Liam is only here a few more days and apparently he wants to make the most of all of them. He requests that you meet him at the sparring range.”

I sit up with surprise apparent in my tone, “The what?”

Maverick laughs as he says, “You heard me. He says to tell you that he wants to show you the world through his eyes today.”

“He sent you to deliver a message, and you did it?” I counter confused by his sudden change of heart towards Liam.

Maverick’s flawless grin spreads across his face as he responds, “He told me that he wanted to teach you some sparring techniques, and as your brother I couldn’t help but to imagine that meant that somebody was going to get hurt today. My bet is that it’s Liam, but I’m willing to be proven wrong.”

The realization of why my brother is so amused settles upon me, as I shake my head. “You didn’t mention that father has taught me how to spar since I was a pup?”

“Now, why would I have done that?” he says laughing to himself. “This is going to be so much more entertaining.”

I grin at him, tossing a pillow at his head that he barely dodges. “You are a jerk, Maverick.”

He smiles as he responds, “You could always tell him.”

A confidant smile spreads across my face and I respond, “Now, where would be the fun in that?”

Maverick grins. “That’s my girl. Don’t go easy on him, he should know that his future bride is a badass.”

I laugh as I point to the door, “Out. I have to get ready.”

Maverick is still smiling as he closes the door tightly behind him, leaving me to my own thoughts again. I sigh, forcing myself to get up and get dressed in proper clothes, before heading down to breakfast. I don’t want Liam having to wait on me for the second day in a row.

I don’t look like a runway model, by far, so when I walk downstairs and find myself to be quite literally eyed like a piece of candy, it unnerves me. Liam can’t pull the honey hazel tint of his eyes from me as his mouth falls slightly open.

I laugh nervously as I reply, “Should I have worn something else?”

He snaps his mouth shut as he stammers, “Not at all, I just didn’t realize that you would look so damn gorgeous to go workout with me.”

I stutter out, “I just threw something on!”

His eyes light with a devilish glint as he says, “Well, we may have to make this a habit because you look like I could just eat you.”

My cheeks flash red as I smack his arm playfully, “Stop that! Someone is going to hear!”

“Let them,” he says grinning broadly. “Speaking of eating, are you hungry?”

My brow arches playfully as I consider how I answer his question. “I feel like this is a trap, but yes I am starving.”

Liam’s eyes dance with lust as he says, “Me too.”

What has gotten into him? I laugh as I try to change the subject, “So, you want to show me what a day in your life looks like, huh?”

He smiles as he responds, “That only seems fair!”

I grin knowing that today is going to be entertaining to say the least. “You want to teach me how to spar, huh?”

“I’m not going to lie, the thought of being close to you, and showing you what I can do with my hands, does sound appealing?” He counters as he winks at me.

I have to contain the laughter threatening to erupt from within, “This should be fun!”

His excitement is almost childlike as he responds, “My thoughts exactly!”

But as I watch him walk towards the table, I catch a glimpse of two emerald eyes watching me from across the room. I allow my eyes to meet his gaze, for a moment longer lingering, before I force myself to look away. Not today, Callum. I know he watches me as I make my way across the room, I feel his eyes. But today I just can’t. Today I make a promise to myself to allow the distance to give me some clarity.

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