Forbidden by Fate

Chapter 13

Emersyn's POV

As I shut the door on my room, I burst into laughter as flashes of a stark white ass dancing through the corridors flood my memory. Liam Maxwell may be more than a pretty face and a nice body after all, I think to myself smiling. But as I get ready for a shower to wash the night’s run away, my mind drifts to another. Callum.

What the hell happened tonight? Why can’t I just do what has to be done?

Liam isn’t a bad man, in fact he seems to be quite the opposite, yet I am dreaming of another. I feel like the worst kind of person right now, but I can’t deny my true feelings. I can’t stop what began before I even truly knew what it was. Love shouldn’t be so complicated, I think to myself.

An abrupt knock on the door pulls me from my wandering thoughts. I glance around my room looking for something to throw on, since the dress I wore tonight is already placed in the wash bin.

“Just a sec,” I say through the door as I throw on a gown and robe quickly.

I open the door unsure of who I am expecting, but shocked when I see Callum’s green eyes anxiously looking at me. “Can we talk?”

I hesitate for a moment, glancing in the darkened corridor to see if anyone has seen him come. “Sure. You want me to get dressed and come down stairs?”

“No. Could I come in? I won’t stay long, but I have to talk to you. Tonight.” Worry is apparent on his face, and I can’t help but feel a flutter in my stomach of uneasiness, as I open the door.

“Come in,” I say nervously.

Callum’s eyes scan my robe pausing at the gap at the top of my breasts, sucking in a sharp breath. I can’t help but smirk as I watch him coming undone. He stammers, “Gah, this is going to be so much more complicated with you dressed like that.”

I don’t know what possesses me, maybe the thrill of the full moon, or the fact that we are alone in my room, but I tug at the knot that holds my robe closed. I allow it to fall to my shoulders, revealing the low cut gown beneath it, a smile spreading from the corner of my lips as I innocently flutter my lashes and ask, “Is this better?”

“Emersyn, I need you to listen,” he tries again.

I step closer to him, noting the quickening of his breath, as I softly place my hand on his chest. I immediately feel a shock of every sense of my body. I feel the smooth ridges of his chest muscle beneath the tips of my fingers inviting me to explore further. I hear the sharp intake of his breath as his heartbeat thumps in a perfect cadence with mine. I see his eyes full of uncertainty as he stares back into my soul.

I know why he is here. I am not a foolish girl. But I don’t care, not tonight. Tonight, I don’t want to think. I want to live. I want to feel this exact feeling over and over again. Tomorrow, I will deal with the fallout.

My voice quivers a bit as I say, “I don’t want to listen. I know and I don’t care. Don’t deny me this.”

“Please,” he almost begs as I lean closer to his lips. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“So don’t,” I say simply, knowing that it is anything but.

His lips quiver as he leans his head against mine, my skin feeling the prickle of his touch, before he allows his lips to barely graze mine. He pulls back, clearly fighting a war within himself.

“But tomorrow?” He barely whispers.

I don’t want to talk. I don’t want to reason. I need him more than he can imagine and right now that is all that matters. “For tonight, I’m yours.”

“This is a bad idea, Emersyn,” he pleads.

But it didn’t feel like it right now. It feels like the first good idea, I have ever had. His lips beckon to mine as I lean close pulling his face towards mine, kissing him with a fierce passion that I have never felt before. His mouth is warm, and so inviting, as his hands find the small of my back pulling me closer.

I force myself to pull back replying breathlessly, “Then tell me to stop.”

His green eyes search mine with a passionate fire dancing in their depths, “And if I can’t.”

“Then don’t,” I say as my hand slides to the buttons on his shirt, tugging gently as I keep my gaze level with his. “Just let me love you.”

He groans as his hands slide from my waist to the curve of my ass, before he lifts me, wrapping my legs around him, as he walks towards the bed. “No, Emersyn. Let me love you, because if its only for tonight. I don’t want you to ever forget it.”

I feel the hard length of his body against mine, and I know that I shouldn’t be doing this but for now all I want is more. More of him. More of this moment that I never want to end.

He gently lays me on the bed as he allows his hand to trail the curve of the top of my gown before he pauses, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

I slide my arms from the confines of the robe that was still draped across them and lean up grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him to me once more. I want this, and so much more. But for tonight I will take what I can have.

His eyes darken as he allows himself to relinquish control and let go of his reservations. He kisses me with such depth I am almost afraid of getting lost in this moment for an eternity. He pulls himself away from my lips finding my neck once more, and it is all I can do not to allow a moan to escape. His hands caress my body gently as they make their way to the hem of my gown pulling it up so that it only partially covers my breasts.

The black lace underwear I wore to match my dress is the only thing separating him from me as he leans down towards the aching spot between my legs, driving me wild, as he gently kisses the fabric. I am so close to coming undone and he has barely touched me. His eyes are full of heated passion as he locks his gaze with mine.

“For tonight, I’m yours,” he whispers as he slides one hand beneath the fabric that separates me from him, while he gently slides his other hand between the warmth of my legs and gently touches me in a way that no man has ever touched me before.

He groans as I lift my body to meet his hand, trying my best to suppress the gasp, that escapes as his fingers find a melodic rhythm between my legs. I can feel the eruption of satisfaction on the brink when I suddenly feel the warmth of his mouth on my clit. I can’t contain the excitement as he allows his tongue to replace the rhythm of his fingers.

I feel the explosion of euphoria envelope my body at the exact moment I hear Callum quietly moan to himself leaning his head against my legs.

“Did you just…” I start to question breathlessly when I see the obvious look of satisfaction cross his face.

“I couldn’t help it. I have never wanted to please anyone like that so bad.” He almost looks embarrassed. But I cant help but be turned on even more.

“I wanted to make you happy,” I say almost pouting.

He laughs as he sits on the bed, pulling my naked body on top of him. “I am happy.”

“You know what I meant,” I say blushing.

He grins as he takes his fingers and twists a fallen curl between his grasp, “That wasn’t enough for you,” he questions.

My body still feels the remnants of the orgasm that he gave me, but I am afraid to say what I am thinking. I want it all, I want everything, because this can’t happen again. Because tomorrow, we must pretend that this never happened. Because I want him to be my first.

He hesitates for a moment before he leans in kissing me again, “Emersyn, I don’t want to take what you cannot get back.”

I smile at him as I lean my head against his, “But what if that is what I want?”

Sadness pulls at the corners of his eyes as he eyes me with a deliberate look, “I won’t hurt you anymore than I already have. You know that we can’t.”

I know he is right. I feel it in my bones but that doesn’t lessen the ache of needing him any more than I do. I shake my head reluctantly agreeing.

“Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?” I ask bashfully.

The same deep-seated sadness I saw a moment before lingers, but he smiles at me as he leans me down on the bed, pulling the covers back and placing me under their warmth. “Of course, I will. Tonight, I’m yours.”

We both knew that we were denying our truth. Tomorrow would hold heartbreaks and unimaginable loss, but tonight we had one another. And for tonight that is all that matters.

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