Forbidden by Fate

Chapter 12

Callum's POV

I have to force myself to follow Maverick as we head towards the sound of our Alpha’s howl, leaving Emersyn once again. Maverick will no doubt have questions for me when we are in the safety of our human form. But I don’t even know how to explain what happened tonight. In one instant, I was heading to join the pack when suddenly I felt my wolf pulling me in another direction. I normally would have steered him in the right direction, but his determination piqued my interest.

Standing in the open field, staring into the depths of her ocean blue eyes, I knew we were both playing with fire. But yet there we were, both of us lead to one another by the very creatures that consumed us.

I wanted to talk to her, to ask her what she was doing, but in that moment all I could do was gape at the amazing creature before me. Her silver wolf was one of the most beautiful beings that I had ever laid my eyes upon. Her blue eyes even more inviting against the stark contrast of her glistening fur. But I could see it in her eyes, confusion and realization all at once.

My wolf didn’t hesitate before bridging the gap between us and laying his head protectively on hers. I felt her wolf tense slightly before relaxing and nuzzling against my neck with the slightest whimper escaping her muzzle. We stayed that way for what felt like a lifetime and only a moment at the same time, before we both heard the snap of a branch nearby.

I felt her reluctantly pull away from me, a pang of hurt yet understanding creeping in. We could not do this. No matter how much we both seemed to want it. She was promised to another. Dammit, Liam. Where was he? Was he the wolf approaching in the darkness?

No, it was worse. I caught Maverick’s scent almost as quickly as the thought crossed my mind.

My best friend’s eyes filled with anger as he directed a growl towards me, barring his teeth near centimeters from my face. I deserved this, I had thought to myself. He warned me.

But what surprised me was the silver wolf that pushed between us as she snapped her muzzle dangerously close to Maverick’s. She was taking a risk that I did not wish for her to take. If this became violent, Maverick would be bound to tell his father.

I whimpered behind her, begging her to calm down in my wolf form. I won’t be the reason that she is banished from her family. I won’t hurt her in that way.

Maverick and Emersyn stared into the depths of one another’s eyes for a moment longer than necessary before both slowly backing away.

Maverick hesitated, contemplating his word choice, before he asked through the link, “I see Liam can’t keep up with our pack. Let’s go get him before anything stupid happens.”

I understood what he was doing immediately and played my part, wanting to protect Emersyn from the wrath of her father. “Yes, your sister is quite the runner, poor guy didn’t have a chance.”

Emersyn’s wolf grumbled before she reluctantly replied, “Boys, always thinking they can outrun us girls. I can’t help he can’t jump.”

I almost laughed as I realized where she had left him, but I think better of it. Maverick growled at Emersyn once more before turning towards the ravine. “Lead the way, princess.”

Maverick and I both know that she despises that nickname, so it didn’t surprise me that he had used it to annoy her. But she didn’t bother to respond as she began running towards the opening in our land.

When we arrived, we found the alpha heir to quite literally look like a little lost puppy dog pacing the other side of the deep ravine. I couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride for Emersyn’s antics. She was a firecracker for certain, and Liam did not know how much worse she could be. Emersyn showed him the pup crossing and I would be a liar if I said that I didn’t find immense joy in watching him nearly crawl across the rocks.

We played our part through the mind link, putting on a stellar performance for the pack members that were sure to hear our conversation. Laughing when Liam nearly collapsed on the muddy patch of dirt that graced his paws. But I got the distinct impression that Maverick was only covering for us for now, and that we were both going to regret this later.

As we left Emersyn and Liam in the forest, I wanted nothing more than to go back to that magical moment with just her and I. I wanted to live in that moment for a lifetime, but I knew that was not an option.

We approached the packhouse in record time. Maverick and I shifted almost simultaneously as we approached where we had left our clothes. I had doubled back earlier and put mine where I knew Maverick always shifted. At the time, it had been a good idea to cover my ass, literally and figuratively. I was ready for the onslaught, but instead I was met with something I was unaccustomed to, silence. Maverick grabbed his clothes with anger apparent in his every action, pulling his clothes on without even a simple word.

I wasn’t sure what he had seen in the forest, but I knew that finding us alone was enough to anger him. I had to know how bad this was going to be for Emersyn, so I swallowed hard allowing the slightest bit of courage I had left from the full moon’s power to lead me as I asked, “Are you going to mention this to your father?”

Maverick huffed with disbelief as he pulled his jacket on, “What shall I tell him? That my best friend and my sister both are fools? Or that my future beta literally disobeyed an order to stay away from her?”

“Maverick, it wasn’t like that,” I try to reason with him. We didn’t plan what happened.

I barely see him move, but in an instant, he has his hands around my shirt and is nearly lifting me off the ground as he growls, “Really? Because that is exactly what it looked like. You are going to hurt her, Callum. She must marry Liam. End this before she gets hurt worse!”

I pause, knowing that if I say the wrong thing he will lose it. “I know. I will try.”

His grip tightens, “Don’t just try, do it. She cannot be in love with you when she is meant to marry someone else.”

I shake my head, knowing that he is right. I must end whatever this is, but I would a be a liar if I said that I knew how to stop it.

“Do what must be done. Tonight.” Maverick says coldly as he lowers me back down before turning to walk away. “Oh, and one more thing if you ever disobey me again I will personally banish you from our pack. I can’t have a beta that I don’t trust.”

I knew that he was right, and I understood where he was coming from, but I wasn’t sure that he understood what he was asking of me. Emersyn was never a fling, or a quest. She was the very first person I saw when my eyes opened every morning, and the last one that I thought about before I went to sleep. She was the air to my lungs and the reason for my existence. Denying her felt like denying my own soul.

But he was right. I was only hurting her by allowing this to continue. Because in the grand scheme of things, I was never going to be good enough for her. She was meant to be a Luna and I could never offer her that.

As I walked towards the packhouse, defeated by life and love, I knew what I had to do. But love is all about sacrifice and I would give anything, including my own life, for Emersyn O’ Connor to have all that she deserved in life. And tonight I was blatantly aware that I was not good enough for the girl that I would always love. Tonight, I was the one that would break her heart.

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