Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 15


The next day, Skye wakes up, and prepares herself to meet her psychiatrist. When her psychiatrist first enters the room, Skye tenses up. “Skylar,” Dr. Graylen reminds her, “it’s okay.”

“Hello,” the psychiatrist says, “I’m Dr. Patel.”

“H…hi,” Skye whispers.

“From what Dr. Graylen has told me I understand that you’ve had quite the life.” Skye nods stiffly in response. “We don’t have to talk about that today though. Why don’t you tell me about yourself.”


“Yes, what are your likes and dislikes, hobbies, passions, whatever you’d like to tell me.”

“D….don’t like n….noise o…or c…crowds. L…like d…drawing and a….animals..”

Dr. Patel nods and writes something down on her notepad. This alarms Skye. She looks at Dr. Graylen, then back at Dr. Patel and her notepad.

Dr. Patel smiles and says, “Don’t worry, Skye. I’m just writing some notes down. Nothing bad. I admittedly have a hard time remembering things about my clients, so it helps to write things down.”

“O…oh.” She looks relieved.

“You can continue, if you’d like.”

“Erm, I l…like f…flowers.”

“Flowers? Do you have a favorite flower?”

She nods and whispers, “O…orchids.”

“Ah, orchids are beautiful flowers.”


They sit in silence for a few minutes. “Skye,” Dr. Patel asks, “is there anything else that you would like to tell me?”


“Alright, I think that’s enough for today. Tomorrow, we’ll have to start on the hard stuff.” Skye pales, looking away from Dr. Patel. “We’ll go at a pace that you’re comfortable with. If you’re unable to answer the questions I ask, tell me.”

Skye whimpers softly in response before nodding slowly. Dr. Patel leaves the room. “That wasn’t too bad, was it?” Dr. Graylen asks.

“N…no,” Skye mumbles, “A…Angela?”

“Yes, Skye?”

“I h…have t…to g…go to t…the b…bathroom.”

“Alright, let me help you. I don’t want you walking around on your own, just yet. It’s not safe.”

Dr. Graylen gently helps Skye stand up and they walk, a bit wobbly, to the bathroom that’s attached to the hospital room. Once Dr. Graylen is sure that Skye is okay, she leaves the room.

A few minutes later, Skye softly calls out, “D….doctor?”

Dr. Graylen comes back into the room and helps her to the sink, where she washes her hands. Afterwards, they slowly make their way back to the bed.

Shortly after returning to her hospital bed, she falls asleep due to exhaustion.


Sebastian finishes his paperwork before rushing back to the hospital to check on Skye. “Angela?” he says upon entering Skye’s hospital room.

“Alpha,” Angela answers, “you’re back.”

“I got here as soon as I could. How is she?”

“She’s doing well. She met Dr. Patel.”

“How’d it go?”

“Okay, they didn’t talk too much about her trauma today.”

“Isn’t that the whole reason why she’s seeing her?”

“Well, yes, but it’s important for Skye to be comfortable around Dr. Patel before they start talking about more serious topics.”

“I suppose that makes sense.”

“Yes, it does. Once Skye is more comfortable around Dr. Patel, she may introduce her to other people who have gone through similar traumas.”

“That would be good for her. She hasn’t really made any friends yet.”

“Yes, it would be good for her to make some friends. She’d be able to go out more.”

Skye stirs in her sleep and rolls over to her other side. Sebastian looks at her fondly before asking, “Angela, has she eaten today?”

“She ate a little for breakfast and a little after seeing Dr. Patel. Her appetite isn’t the best right now. Unfortunately going back to the place that inflicted her trauma wasn’t good for her, so we’re back at square one in trying to get her to eat more.”

“That sucks. She was doing so well too.”

“She’ll get back to where she was eventually.”

He nods in agreement, his eyes on his mate. Skye moves around in her sleep, kicking the blankets of her body in the process. He looks worriedly at her body. “Angela? Shouldn’t….shouldn’t she be….”

Angela looks at him expectedly. “Larger in her abdomen area?” He nods. “Not necessarily, each woman carries their pregnancies differently. I would like to see her put some weight on though. She unfortunately backtracked when she was with Alpha Nathan.”

“That’s because that bastard didn’t feed her!”

Skye whimpers. “Sebastian, please keep your voice down. Remember my patient is asleep.”

“Sorry, Angela. It’s just anything that involves that slimy bastard makes me so angry!”

“As it does for me as well. It won’t help her if people are angry around her.”

He deflates. “You’re right. It’s more likely to scare her more than anything else.”

“Speaking of that bastard, is he still in our dungeon?”

“Yeah, I don’t want to kill him, well I do, but I thought that maybe Skye should have a say in his punishment. I just need to ask her at a more appropriate time.”

“That may take some time for her to decide what to do with him, even after you ask her.”

“I know, he’s not going anywhere soon. He can sit in the dungeon and rot until she decides.

Sebastian and Angela continue to speak quietly to one another until Skye wakes up again.


When Skye wakes up, Sebastian is in the room with her. “S…Sebby,” she whispers.

He looks startled. “What did you just call me?”


He grins at her, “You didn’t call me Alpha.”

Skye looks uncertainty at him. “I…is that okay?”

“Normally I hate being called “Sebby,” but with you it’s okay.”

“O…oh, s…should I c…call you something d…different?”

“No! Sebby is fine, as long as it’s you.”

Skye smiles shyly at him “O…okay, w….where did A…Angela go?”

“She has some charts she needs to finish. She’ll be back to check on you soon.”

“O…okay.” She slowly sits up.

“Is it okay for you to sit up?”

She nods, leaning on the pillows for support. “S…Sebby?”

“What’s wrong?”

“My l…leg hurts.”

“Er, let me mindlink Angela.” A few minutes later, she comes into the room with Anne.

“Skye, tell Anne where it hurts the most. She’ll be able to help you with pain management.”

Skye nods and slowly swings her legs over the bedside. “Ooh,” Anne says, wincing when she sees Skye’s swollen ankle. “No wonder you’re in pain. Let’s see what I can do for you.”

Anne walks over to her and gently begins to massage her ankle. Skye winces in pain as Anne continues to gently massage the kinks out of her ankle.

After several minutes, Anne stops. “There,” she says, “did that help?”

“Y…yes,” Skye answers.

“It would be good for you to get up and walk around a bit. Don’t push yourself though.”

“O…okay, thank y…you.”

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