Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 12


The next morning, Skye comes downstairs, knowing that Sebastian would not be at home. “Good morning, Skylar,” Alice greets her.

“G…good m…morning, A…Alice,” she whispers.

Alice places a plate of food in front of her. “Eat,” she says.

Skye quietly begins to eat the food. “When will the Alpha be back?”

Alice looks startled by her question. “Well, he has some paperwork to finish, and then he told me this morning that he’s going to see his mom.”

Skye pales. “Oh…”

“Not for anything bad!” Alice tries to reassure her, “He…he just needs some advice about what’s going on between the two of you. He’s trying, Skylar, he is.”



After finishing his paperwork for the day, Sebastian heads over to his mother’s house. “Mom!” he calls out, upon entering the house, “Are you home?”

“Sebastian?” his mother answers, sounding confused, “What are you doing here?”

“I need…need to talk to you about something.”

“About what?”

“Well, actually I need some advice about…about Skye.”

“What did you do?”

“I messed up. I didn’t reply to a question she asked when I should’ve and now I don’t know what to do to make it up to her.”

“What was her question?”

“She asked me if I was going to reject her.”

“What did you answer?”

“I didn’t.”

“Sebastian, are you stupid?”

“Mom, I couldn’t…I…I don’t know how to feel about any of this still!”

His mother sighs. “Sebestian, Skylar isn’t like that woman who killed your father and it isn’t her fault that she’s pregnant.”

“I know that! I just…”

“You’re going to end up pushing her away from you.”

He looks startled. “I…I hadn’t thought about that.”

“Of course, you didn’t. Your brain is telling you one thing, what is your heart telling you to do?”

“My heart? I don’t know.”

“What does Kai want?”

“He wants her. He doesn’t care if she’s part witch, or if she’s pregnant.”

“Let me ask you this, do you want her at all?”

He closes his eyes and whispers, “Yes, yes I do.”

“Then do right by her. Show her that you want her. Show her that she can trust you. Sebastian, you aren’t the only one who has complicated feelings about this relationship. How do you think she feels? Have you ever considered her feelings at this point?”

He freezes up, realizing that he hasn’t considered her at all. “No.”

“I bet she knows it too.”

“Why wouldn’t she say anything?”

His mother sighs again. “You need to remember that her entire life until this point has been abusive. She’s probably afraid that you might do something to her if she says anything to you about how she’s feeling. Have you noticed what she’s been calling you since you brought her into your home?”

He pauses, thinking back to when he was talking to Skye. “N…no…”

“She still calls you Alpha, not once has she called you by your name.”

He looks startled. “You…you’re right! How could I not notice that?”

“You have a tendency to not pay attention to details.”

“I have to go mom! I have to go talk to her!” He runs out of his mother’s house and back to his car.


Skye and Alice are entertaining Gray and Theo in the living room when Sebastian suddenly runs into the room. “Skye!” he blurts out, “I have to talk to you!”

Skye looks startled. “O…okay,” she answers softly. She lets Alice take the boys upstairs, allowing Sebastian and her to speak in private.

He sits down on the couch. “I’m sorry, Skye. I’ve been so inconsiderate of your feelings. I want you as my mate and partner, I just didn’t understand how I was feeling. My mother put me into your perspective and I realize how terrible my behavior must have made you feel.”

“I…it’s o…okay. I d…don’t know h…how to f…feel about t…this e…either. I f…feel safe with y…you. I’ve n…never felt t…that w…way with a…anyone b…before and i…it s…scares me.”

“That’s understandable, considering what you’ve got through, what you’re still going through.”

“Y…your feelings a…are v…valid t…too. It’s n…normal for y…you t…to resent t…the species that killed your father and I u….understand t…that you a…aren’t t…thrilled a…about my p…pregnancy e…either. I….I’d feel the s…same w…way if I w…were in y…your s…shoes.”

“That doesn’t excuse my behavior towards you. I’m going to try to treat you better, the way that you deserve to be treated. I’ll show you that I’m not anything like him.”

“I k…know you’re not h…him. I c…can’t h…help the w…way I r…react when you’re…angry. I k…know you w…won’t h…hit m…me.”

“It’s a reflex, it’ll get better the longer you’re away from him.”

“Yes, I h…hope s…so.” She finally looks up at him, and he realizes how tired she looks.

“Skye?” he whispers, “Have you been sleeping at all?”

“Not really, I h…have n…nightmares. It s….seems I s…sleep b…better w…when you’re w…with me.”

He looks horrified. He’d been so consumed in his anger that he hadn’t realized that his behavior was negatively affecting his mate. “Come with me. Let’s go to your room, so you can rest. I’ll stay with you until you wake up.”

“W…what if s…something h…happens?”

“Kade can deal with it. He’s good at his job, even though it might seem like he’s not.”

She looks nervously around the room. “O…okay.” She takes his hand and he guides her up to her bedroom, where she lays down and tries to sleep.

“Rest,” he whispers to her, “you’re safe, I promise.”

It takes a while, but eventually she falls into a peaceful sleep.


Sebastian watches Skye as she sleeps, reflecting on how he’s treated her so far and how he can make things better. About two hours after she’d fallen asleep, Skye begins to whimper softly in her sleep. “Shh, it’s okay,” he whispers to her, “I’m here. You’re safe.”

Skye mumbles incoherently in her sleep before setting down a few minutes later. She rolls over to him in her sleep and curls up against his body. He reaches out and gently holds her in his arms. He stays like this until she wakes up.


When Skye wakes Sebastian is holding her gently. “A…Alpha?” she whispers.

He looks at her and whispers, “You’re awake. Did you sleep okay?”

“Y…yes, t…thank you.”

Before he can say anything else her stomach rumbles, indicating that she’s hungry. She blushes and looks away from him in embarrassment. “You’re hungry. Let’s get you something to eat.” She nods and slowly stands up, wobbling a little due to her leg being stiff. Sebastian reaches out and steadies her before taking her hand and guiding her downstairs to the kitchen. “What do you want to eat?” he asks.

“I d…don’t k…know.”

He opens the fridge and finds a sticky note that says “For Skye” “Looks like Alice made you something already.”

She nods. “S…she’s been m…making s…sure I eat.”

He takes the container out of the fridge, takes the lid off and puts it in the microwave. A minute and a half later the microwave beeps and he takes out the food. “Do you want a plate?”

“N…no, I n…need a fork.”

He sets the container of food in front of her and passes her a fork. She nibbles at the food quietly, managing to eat about half of the food inside the container before pushing it away.

He looks worriedly at her. “Are you finished?”

“Y…yes, I’m f…full.”

“You should eat more, you’re too skinny.”

“I k…know, D…Dr. G…Graylen told me t…to e…eat s…small meals e…every couple of hours, s…so I d…don’t m…make myself s…sick.”

“Oh, okay. Come with me.”

He walks into the living room, with her following him. He sits down on the couch and motions for her to sit too. She does, but not before looking around the room nervously. “A…Alpha…”

“Sebastian,” he corrects, “call me Sebastian.”

Her eyes widen and she looks away from him. “S…S…Sebastian.” She blushes and continues to look away from him.

He begins to ask her questions about herself. She answers quietly, still avoiding eye contact with him. They spend the next few hours like this.

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