Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 11


“Sebastian,” Charlotte asks, “has she always been this sick?”

“Yes,” he answers, “Angela can’t figure out why.”

“Perhaps, it’s because she’s a hybrid and the father is an alpha?”

“Yeah, she did say that that might be it. Skye says that it was just as bad with Gray and Theo.”

“Keep an eye on her. I’m worried she might get dehydrated due to how often she’s throwing up.”

“I know. Angela is worried about that too, plus her weight. She’s too skinny.”

“Yes, she does need to gain weight.”

“She’s trying to. It’s just hard for her. She barely got anything to eat when she was with Alpha Nathan.”

“What do you mean?”

“She told Angela and Angela told me that Alpha Nathan didn’t feed her. Sometimes the higher ranking wolves would sneak her some food, but she mostly had to forage in the woods.”


“Angela told me that she foraged in the forest most of the time. She has a journal of what’s safe and what’s not.”

Charlotte looks horrified. “No wonder the poor thing is struggling to keep food down.”

“Yeah, Angela is helping her figure out what foods are easier for her to keep down.”

“That’s good. Hopefully, there’s a few.”



A few hours later, Skye wakes up on the couch. “A…Alpha?” she calls out, softly.

“I’m here,” he answers, rushing into the room, “What do you need?”

She sits up and tries to stand. “O…ouch!”

“Lay back down!”

“A…Alpha! M…my leg is a…asleep!” She stumbles forward a bit. Sebastian reaches out and steadies her.

“You need to be more careful!”


He sighs. “You’re going to make me have a heart attack or something.”

“Erm, A…Alpha?”

“What is it?”

“Could we go outside for a while?”

“You need to rest, not wander outside!”

“A…Anne told me t…that w…walking w…would help my l…leg.”

“Oh…alright. We can go outside for a while. If you start to feel too tired, let me know.”


Skye begins to hobble towards a door that leads outside. Sebastian follows her quietly. They walk outside for about thirty minutes before Sebastian begins to realize that Skye is beginning to become tired. “Come on,” he says softly, “Let’s get you back inside.”

The next day, she wakes up in her bedroom. She glances around the room confused. “How’d I get here?” she wonders. She slides off the bed and walks into the closet to change her clothes.

Afterwards she heads downstairs, looking for Sebastian. She finds Alice first. “A…Alice?” she asks, “H…have y…you s…seen the A…Alpha?”

“He left early in the morning,” she answers, “he seemed upset about something.”


“Are you hungry?”

Skye sighs. “N…not really, b…but I’m s…supposed to eat m…more.”

“Yes, what would you like to eat?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll make you something light, it shouldn’t upset your stomach too much.”

“T…thank you.” Skye sits down at the kitchen table, waiting for Alice to prepare her breakfast. “D…Do you n…need h…help?”

Alice smiles at her softly. “No, thank you.”

Ten minutes later, Alice places a plate of eggs and toast in front of Skye. Skye nibbles on it, eventually finishing about half the plate. “I’m going to play with the boys.”

She heads upstairs, where Gray and Theo are in their room, playing with each other. “Mama?” Gray blurts out upon seeing his mother.

“Hi, Gray,” Skye responds.

“Mama, play with us!” Theo exclaims.

“Okay.” She sits down next to her boys and begins to play with them.

An hour and a half later, the sound of a slamming door comes from downstairs. Skye excuses herself from the room and heads downstairs again.

“...ish that I could just reject her…”

Skye freezes as she enters the living room. “A…Alpha?” she whispers, sounding hurt.


Sebastian enters his house and slams the door. He walks to the living room, where Alice is cleaning.

“Alpha,” she says, “is something a matter?”

“It’s Skye!” he answers, “She’s a half witch and I still don’t know how to feel about that! She’s also pregnant and of course the father has to be the Alpha I hate more than anything else in the world! Our mate bond just makes things even more complicated!”

“With all due respect, Alpha, Skye isn’t like the other witches that you know of and it really isn’t her fault that she’s pregnant.”

“I know! Why do you think I feel so guilty for feeling like this? I wish I could just reject her, so I’m not angry all the time!”

Alice pales and doesn’t respond to his ranting. When he looks at what Alice is staring at he sees Skye, who had just entered the room.

“A…Alpha,” she whispers softly, “y…you a…are g…going t…to r…reject m…me, a…aren’t y…you?”

He looks startled. “I…I…” he stammers, unable to answer.

She looks towards the floor, hiding her disappointment and sadness from him. “I…it’s o…okay, I u…understand. I r…realized a l…long t…time ago t…that m…my m…mate w…would r…reject m…me. E…excuse m…me…” She leaves the room and walks back up to the bedroom.


Once she’s in the safety of her bedroom, she flops onto the bed and begins to cry. “Winter?” she says, talking to her wolf, “He’s going to reject us.” Winter whimpers softly in response. “I’m sorry, Winter. You deserve a better human…”

“No!” Winter replies, sounding upset, “This isn’t your fault! If only that disgusting alpha didn’t put his hands on us.”

“I wish I was a full wolf, maybe he’d have an easier time accepting us if…if I was. I understand though, I wouldn’t be thrilled if my mate was half of what killed one of my parents, not that I even remember my parents. I wish he’d just reject us, so we could just get it over with.”

There’s a knock on the door. “Skye?” Alice’s voice comes through the door, “May I come in?”

“O…okay,” Skye answers softly.

Alice comes into the room and sits on the bed. “Skye, he isn’t going to reject you,” she says, trying to comfort her.

“Y…yes, he i…is!” Skye argues, “h…he w…would’ve…”

“Skylar, he’s confused right now. His wolf wants your wolf. The Alpha has some complicated feelings regarding you though. I’m sure you understand why. He just needs time.” She looks at Alice, still unconvinced that Sebestian would not reject her. “Just think about what I’ve said to you, okay? I’ll leave you alone for now. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” She leaves the room.

Skye stays in her room for the remainder of the day. When she doesn’t come down for dinner, Alice brings her dinner up to her and leaves it outside of her room. “Skylar?” Alice says softly, “Please eat something, you aren’t going to feel well if you don’t.”

Skye waits for Alice’s footsteps to fade before getting up and opening the door. Outside, there’s a tray of food for her. She picks it up and takes it inside her room, where she tries to eat.

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