
Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

Harry flushed red with anger but restrained himself from retaliating, aware of the high stakes. While he held some sway in the Rhys family, he wasn’t the one running the show. Meanwhile, behind Ella stood the entire Willow Group, and worse yet, he was clearly in the wrong. 

“Fine, Ella, I’ve wanted to break up for a while. You’re the one who couldn’t let go, Harry snapped, trying to save face. He turned to Jaden, jabbing a finger at him. “And you, settling for this moron? Just wait, you’ll regret it. No one else will have you as I do. Leave me, and you’ll end up with an 

Jaden scowled, his eyes flashing with anger. Being called an idiot to his face was maddening–he nearly felt like punching Harry. 

But before he could react, Ella stepped in front of him, squeezing his hand tightly. Her touch calmed him instantly, soothing his rage. It felt strangely comforting to have his wife defend him, so he opted to remain silent. 

Ella seethed at Harry’s insults towards Jaden. “Stop pointing at Jaden.” 

“Humph Harry huffed and tried to walk away, but the bodyguards blocked his path. 

“Are you gonna pay up or what? Ella asked. 

“Fine” Harry spat out

“Good. If we seule this outside court, you need to pay me ten times the amount. Otherwise, I’ll sue you, not for money, but to trash your reputation and make you a public disgrace, Ella declared. 

Harry was boiling with anger, feeling completely duped by her. She had once been sweet and compliant, but now her true, ruthless nature was exposed, 

He had no choice but to concede. Going to court would only bring more shame, and upsetting the Rhys family would worsen his situation. 

Reluctantly signing the papers, he muttered, “You’re a wicked woman, I knew I made the right call not picking you” 

Just as Harry was about to storm out, there was a commotion outside. Several cars pulled up to the church, and people began unloading. The leader stepped forward and said, “Congratulations. Ms. Willow, We’re from Denison Group.” 

“Denison Group? Isn’t their boss a bit of a mystery? He’s never really in the spotlight. How did he get so close to the Willows 

“I heard they chose Willow Group over other top–notch companies. There might be something to it.” 

“Is it true their boss is a hideous freak?” 

“But others say he’s a handsome, young, capable guy. 

The guests buzzed with speculation. Ella was surprised too. 

Marcus, always aloof and mysterious, never attended social events. His presence today, despite their business ties, was unexpected. Yet, he remained inside the car. 

A man approached politely. “Hello, Ms. Willow, I’m Hank Donovan, Mr. White’s assistant,” he said calmly. “Mr. White thinks highly of Mr. Willow, so he dropped by with some gifts, uninvited. We hope Ms. Willow doesn’t mind.” 

People were stunned by the lavish gifts: jewelry, antique paintings, a resort, and even a limited edition Maybach. These weren’t just expensive; they were extraordinarily valuable. 

What had seemed like a superficial connection now appeared to be a deep and meaningful relationship. Those who had considered distancing themselves from the Willow family were having second thoughts. 

“All these for me?” Ella was completely overwhelmed. She had experienced luxury before, but this was on another level 

“Yes, here are Mr. White’s gifts for your wedding” Hank said, shooting a quick look at Jaden. 

Just thirty minutes earlier, Jaden had instructed him to deliver these gifts on behalf of Denison Group. Hank had hurriedly gathered everything at the last minute. If he’d had more time, the gifts could have been even möre impressive. He hoped his boss would be satisfied. 

“Did Mr. White mention anything else?” Ella asked, her voice shaking

“Nope. Gilis delivered, so I’ll be on my way.” Hank declared, stealing the show with those lavish gifts before making a swift exit, leaving everyone astonished. 

Even Harry was stunned, forgetting all about Grace and their unborn child. His mind raced. 

He had believed he was done using the Willow family for his own gain and no longer needed to please Ella Opting for Grace, whom he deemed 

Chapter 12 

inferior to Ella, would boost his brussed ego. 

“But now, seeing Ella’s strong connections with the Denison Group, he was shaken. It was clear Ella could still offer him advantages. Pride didn’t matter when there were gains to be had. 

“Ella… His voice softened. 

Noticing Harry was still around. Ella snapped, “Get lost!” 

Harry left, face flushed with humiliation. He tried to push the incident aside, focusing on Grace and their baby. Yet, the stinging pain on his cheek was a constant reminder of the slap and the shame. 

Harry was in turmoil as Ella’s confident and stunning demeanor crossed his mind. He was attracted to her beauty, but his pride suffered from the mockery of relying on the Willow family 

Even though Ella never mentioned their differences or her family’s support, it bothered him. Belittling her genuine feelings and seeing her beg for his love made him feel superior 

Ella, the heiress of Willow Group, never lacked suitors, while Grace, inferior in Ella in almost every way, was nothing without him. He savored the feeling of being utterly indispensable. 

Just as conflicting thoughts core at him, his phone rang. It was his mother, Lury Miller 

“Mom, what’s up?” he asked, sounding a bit impatient. 

“Your… your dad is dead” Lucy’s voice trembled. 

“What?” Harry was shocked. 

“Not just your dad, but your brother too. They died in a car accident, the car went off a mountain road. By the time the police found them, their bodies were cold. Harry, you and I have finally made it. You’re the only male heir now. The inheritance is all yours. We’ve finally made it Lucy said 


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