Flying Without Wings

Chapter Chapter Thirty Three

Zenasia was finally starting to feel like her self. She was in the gorgeous dress Dr Salem had picked for her and fluttering around the Secret Garden Party. She had discovered that she did still have control of the house and that the Zimrugh Saviors would do what she said. She had sent the silver haired man out the back with the trash and locked him out there for being so rude. The jingle of the door bell rung out, coming Zenasia sung out like she had hundreds of times before. She sauntered across the great hall feeling confident with Matilda hovering at her side and a glass of champagne in her ringed fingers. She had adorned Matilda with a matching black pearl collar and for the first time in a long time felt happy. She opened the door without a seconds thought, ready to welcome new comers and take their Angha’s. She dropped her glass of champagne when the dark, eagle like figure stepped into the light. Dr Salem stepped over the threshold and broken glass, he was hunched over just like in the prison. He had four Zimrugh Saviors standing around him, they were dressed from head to toe in bright silver. Dr Salem was also dressed in silver, but a dark metallic silver. “I thought I was coming to get you tomorrow.” Zenasia stammered smoothing out her dress. She called for an guard to come clean up the mess.

“I was going to.” Dr Salem hissed looking around the house. “But decided after seeing you that I might be needed here now.” He analysed the great hall and was clearly unimpressed by the coloured tapestries. “How many Angha are in there?” he asked, his bird like eyes glaring at the Secret Garden Party room.

“There are five.” Zenasia whispered, losing her ability to speak again.

“Only five? That’s better than nothing. Grab the Angha’s and kill everyone else in there.” He ordered the henchmen surrounding him. Without a moment’s hesitation they marched across the great hall and into the Secret Garden Party room. Zenasia heard the sound of screams before the great doors slammed shut. The fear she had felt in the prison was bubbling up in her throat again. She had never been a ruthless killer, she would never have killed a room full of innocent people, and Dr Salem knew it.

“Where are the three?” He hissed looking towards the roof, his bright eyes were moving quickly and resting on each room for just a second. It’s like he could see through the roof and walls. “They aren’t here like they should be.” His blue eyes rested on Zenasia.

“They will be at their house I’m sure; it has become an Angha Soldier headquarters of sort. It’s on the other side of the city.” She looked at her feet feeling incredible small.

“Well what are we waiting for? Call all the ZS we have and tell them to get there now! Why you haven’t done this before makes me wonder why I ever let you into this house.” He yelled. “No actually not now.” He looked at the great clock in the hall. Tell them to go there at 4 am, that way they will be sleeping, it will be easier then leading pigs to the slaughter.” His wrinkled face broke into a cruel sneer.

“Sir,” Zenasia winced. “I have the barrels of cries upstairs, the ones we saved from the caves, what are they for?”

“To dominate, if you have gathered enough, as you should have over the years I will be able to take not just Cullen into my power, but this pathetic country and then the world. The time of the Salem Slaves has truly come, we will kill every member of the Angha Soldiers and anyone else who stands in my way, any one, so you better hope that you have gathered enough sound or you should be in that room too.” He pointed a bony, arthritis ridden finger to the Secret Garden Party Room where the massacre had just taken place.

“Of course I have.” Zenasia tried to sound sure of herself, she grabbed Matilda who was still happily hovering around her and held her close. “I’ll prepare for tonight.”

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