Flying Without Wings

Chapter Chapter Thirty Four

I woke with a start, I felt like I had only been asleep a few restless minutes and turned over to see Bastian was wide awake too. “I can’t sleep,” I whispered frustrated, it had always been one of my greatest issues, being able to fall asleep. Such a natural, easy process that was a nightly battle.

“Me either, my mind is racing.” He said, at the end of the bed Marvillo was kicking and huffing, he couldn’t sleep either.

“It is very quiet.” I breathed looking at the alarm clock, just 3:37. I couldn’t hear the snore of Monty or the even louder snore of Harry. “I don’t think anyone can sleep tonight.” It was warm inside the house for a winters night, must have been all the bodies that had taken up residence. I wasn’t sure if everyone had decided to stay to protect us or because they felt a part of something again. Either way as much as I hated them taking up every spare pillow, blanket and towel, as much as it annoyed me they ate all the toast and drank all the milk, I was glad they were here. It was good for Marvillo to be around other Angha as well, we could never take him to the dog park or anywhere to public where people would see his wings, even when they were strapped to his back, the leathery skin shone against his matte fur and he always received glances.

“I wonder who Audrey has shacked up with.” Bastian mumbled, “as grumpy, wrinkly and whisky soaked as he is. I think she should be with Monty, they balance each other out.”

“I don’t think she is going to choose either, she was pretty adamant this morning the Gomez had done her wrong, but is probably so confused now, shh shh, did you hear something?” Marvillo let out low a rumbling growl. I looked down the end of the bed and his fur was sticking up, he had heard something. Slowly I slipped out of bed and tiptoed across the cold wooden floor in my nightgown. Each creak was deafening. Slowly I lifted the lace curtain and peaked down at the garden below. “Bastian,” I hissed “There are people outside, I can see flashes of silver, a lot of them.”

He jumped out of bed and ran over, I urged him to be quiet. He swore quietly under his breathe “I’m waking the others.” Bastian ran out into the hall and started to wake the Angha Soldiers. I slipped on a sloppy joe and grabbed the white gun that had become mine from my bedside table, the scroll fell onto the floor and I looked at the drawings that could have been portraits. Bear came into my room with Gomez and Harry. They all were already dressed and each carrying a weapon. The three huge men popped their heads under the little lace curtain, barely fitting next to each other. I would have found it comical if I wasn’t so scared

“Spread out, wake everyone and spread out, someone get on every door and window. They are going to still get in though.” Gomez ordered, Bear scuttled out of the room quickly and started to spread the plan. “Bea take Marvillo and hide, get Bastian too.” Gomez said pushing me towards the door.

“No way,” Bastian hissed from the hallway, “this is my bloody house you know.”

“You have been stabbed, you’re not ready to fight and you three need to stay alive.” Harry growled, his gapped teeth looking like dominoes in the light. Marvillo snarled again, he didn’t want to be shoved into the basement either.

“Gomez,” Audrey hissed coming down the hallway, “everyone is up and spread over the house, is it Dr Salem?” she was in her nightgown too, for once she wasn’t covered in chains, just her pocket watch hung down. Matilda was at her feet snuffing at the noises outside.

“No one has time to hide anywhere, we need all the help we can get, there is at least 20 of them out there.” Humphrey whispered tiptoeing across the room. “They are going to come in slow they will think we are all sleeping, so at least we can surprise them there. Hopefully we can quietly knock them off one by one as they enter.” That was very wishful thinking, I knew this was going to be loud and messy, Humphrey did too.

“Where is Pete? We don’t have all the entrances covered.” Pat whispered her deep voice not matching her small frame.

Gomez ran his hands through his thick hair. “I don’t know he was here a few hours ago, he has probably gone to find Lydia and Evelyn, they are not back either. Shit we are really outnumbered.” Gomez went to the other window and looked at the ensuing silver wave.

A shot rang out from downstairs. “Noooo” Gomez “you’re going to give us away!” he bolted downstairs but it was too late, once the first shot had been fired hundreds were fired. The bottom of the house lit up like fireworks and the smell of gunpowder quickly rose upstairs. I could hear the smashing of windows as Saviors started coming into our house. Bear, Harry and Pat all raced out of the room, knives and guns drawn. They didn’t make it far and I could hear them fighting in the stairway.

“They are coming up.” Audrey breathed “there are too many of them, Bea you got to hide, take Marvillo with you.” She pleaded, I looked around the bedroom but Bastian and Marvillo were both gone, I could hear barking from downstairs and looked at Audrey in horror. It was only then she realised Matilda was no longer at her feet either, too she looked down at her pocket watch, it wasn’t ticking as loudly as it had been. “No,” she breathed. “I just got you back.” She turned and ran out of the room too. I stood there alone rooted to the floor, the fighting below was getting louder as it got closer. I had to move but I couldn’t. Bastian came running into the room and slammed the door shut.

“Bea! They are in the stairway, there are Zimrugh Saviors everywhere and I can’t see Zenasia, I don’t know who Dr Salem is but I don’t think they are here yet. You gotta get to the basement, I’ll find Marvillo and meet you in there OK.” He grabbed my face, “you have to go now, the stairway is clear. Harry just jumped down taking all the Zimrugh Saviors with him. We gotta move now.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. He put his slender finger to his lips and listened. I couldn’t hear anything besides gunshots and didn’t know how he possible could. “Let’s go he whispered and slowly pushed the door open. He stuck his head out the door, his topknot moving this way than that. He grabbed my arm and pulled me through the door, we ran down the narrow hallway that was covered in photos frames and down the crooked stairs. They were riddled with bullet holes and one of the steps was completely caved in. “Look for Marvillo and take your gun out of your jumped you are gonna need it!” he was shouting over the sound of bullets. All I could see was flashes of silver, bits of pajamas and fists flying this way and that. The sound of bullets were becoming more sporadic as people abandoned their weapons and started to brawl head on. Pat was on the ground pounding a bloodied Zimrugh Savior, Wendy was in a headlock against the wall and Matilda was biting the neck of a Zimrugh Savior that had Audrey on the ground. I wanted to stop and help all of them but Bastian kept pushing me through. I saw Marvillo trapped in the corner snapping at the silver haired Zimrugh Savior who was slashing at him with a knife. I lifted my gun and squeezed the tiny trigger hitting the man in the back. He feel to the ground and a spray of red hit the wall behind him, letting go of Bastian I ran across the room and grabbed Marvillo. Holding him tight I headed for the basement, hands grabbed at my clothes and hair and my ears rang with shouting. Marvillo was twisting in my arms trying to escape and fight too. I reached the door to the basement but it was locked, who would lock this my mind screamed.

“Bear” I shouted over the battle in the house. I spotted him wrestling just down the hall with a young Zimrugh Savior, the boy would have been shy of 20 and I wondered how he ended up here. Our eyes met for just a second then I heard a sickening crunch as Bear snapped the boy’s neck and dropped his limp body on the floor. I called his name again and pointed at the basement door. He ran straight past me and dropped his shoulder charging at the door, it splintered open and he flew through it. Climbing back through bloodied but fine he shouted at me.

“Don’t come out unless I come and get you.” He pushed Marvillo and I inside and lifted the kitchen table, he barred it across the door and the sound of the fighting became muffled. I fell down the short ladder and into a pile of cushions. It was quiet down here but I could still here thumping, screaming and the occasional gun shot. A thin hand touched me on the shoulder and I spun around in fear. Of course someone was down here, why else would it be locked? I knew that hand, it was milky white with painted black nails and covered in rings. I turned around and let out a scream.

“No shh, I’m not going to hurt you, I never wanted any of this. He is a murderer a cold hearted killer. A part of me thought he would never get out of prison.” Zenasia said cowering.

“Dr Salem? Is he here?” I exclaimed. “I have to tell them.” I made for the door again.

“No you must stay here, he is here for you, Marvillo and Bastian. He will kill you all, even me.” She covered her face with her thin fingers. “They will know he is here soon enough. The noises upstairs had turned from fighting to shouting. “You are losing.” Zenasia moaned. The shouting was that of the Angha Soldiers being tied up. Audrey, Bear, Harry, Gomez and Humphrey were all already tied to the kitchen chairs, well the ones that weren’t broken. Suddenly all the noise ceased, even Marvillo who had been barking at the door retreated back down into the cushions. “He is here.” Zenasia breathed. I could hear the heavy sound of boots walking down the hallway. Little specks of dust feel down upon us with every step. An evil cackle rang out.

“This is not an uprising” the voice sneered. “This is a bunch of has-beens with guns, you are no match for my slaves, if this is all my son had to face, he really did deserve to die.” His voice sent chills down my spine.

“Who have we got here, Harry it’s been a while, Monty looking very grey, Audrey as beautiful as ever.” He was slowly walking around the room, taking his time. “But where are the three. Let me see the prophecy,” he spat the word, “says a descendent of Chao, none of you look Asian.” The heavy boots were circling the room. “Ahh Cole who have we got tied up here, yes you have the same face as your grandfather.” I heard a rip and a slight struggle. “Ahh it seems my son did have a stab at you after all, let’s see if can add to this wound, hand my knife!” he ordered and I knew he must be standing over Bastian.

I heard a scream, “leave him alone.” It was Audrey’s husky voice, “the other two aren’t here.”

“Oh I think they are.” Dr Salem hissed, “I know you Angha Soldiers, you stick together no matter the cost.” I heard the grunt of Bastian as Dr Salem sliced into his torso. He was taking his time, enjoying the fear. “Tell me, now, you won’t die for at least 50 more cuts, and they don’t get easier each time.” Dr Salem was looking at the red blood on the knife. “They say you will save those who wore the AS pin, but you are just a man, you bleed, you will die.” He laughed and licked the blood of the knife. Even the Zimrugh Saviors seem shocked, he turned to them. “Kill the soldiers in the other room, we don’t need them.” Dr Salem ordered. Most of the Zimrugh Saviors left the kitchen and went to the lounge room where the reaming Angha Soldiers were tied up. I tried to get free, but Zenasia’s skinny hands held me firmly.

“There is nothing you can do,” she hissed you will just get yourself killed as well.

“I will not hide like a coward, like you.” A sneered wrenching myself free and running to the ladder, I climbed the few wooden steps and Marvillo flew up with me, his beating wings gave me strength. I slowly opened pushed the table, it was heavy. I could hear the grunts of Bastian much clearer from up here and it gave me strength. The table was leant against the doorway at an angle and if I could just push it an inch or two I would be able to crouch down and crawl out from the bottom. No one would see me, but once I was in the hallway then what. I’d only used one bullet so far but didn’t have enough to take on all the ZS. I heard Bastian grunt again and moved heaved the table, I quietly crawled down the hallway towards the lounge room. Marvillo had stopped flying and was quietly creeping along behind me, he was a smart dog. Bastian let out another loud cry and I could hear Bears thick voice trying to yell, but he was muffled. A sat in the hallway not sure what to do now if I ran into the kitchen we all really would be killed, I tried to calm my racing mind and think. I peeped into the lounge room to see if I could help there. The Angha Soldiers in there hadn’t been killed yet but were all tied up. I had a feeling these men wearing ZS weren’t like Dr Salem, they wanted the win and would fight in battle, but slitting the throats of those tied up was harder said the done. One of the Zimrugh Saviors was staring at a vile in his hand, poison I thought, it would be easier to open a lid and leave the room, which I’m sure these men could do. I needed the set the Angha Soldiers free, so they could save Bastian, I couldn’t do it on my own. I started to crawl towards the lounge room when a head caught my eye. What was once a beautiful stained glass window was now a shattered hole. Through it I could see a crouching head, not more Zimrugh Saviors I thought. I could only just make out a pile of red hair against the dark light. Evelyn? It was I was so happy to see her ruddy cheeks I almost squealed, she saw the excitement in my eyes and held her finger to her lips. I suddenly remembered that Evelyn and Lydia had left to find the other Angha Soldiers, I hoped they have found sine. Quick I mouthed to her, she nodded and slowly swung the smashed front door open, it didn’t make a sound. She dropped to the ground and crawled along the corridor, I could see eyes glinting in the door way, she had brought more than ten Angha Soldiers with her, I was so happy I could have kissed her flushed face.

“We are here, we are all here.” She whispered when she was close enough, ’half are going around the back. Where is everyone?”

“Kitchen and lounge.” I hissed back. Evelyn turned and signalled the group outside. I saw a nod and then the group stormed the house. I could hear shouting in the kitchen and hoped it was those wearing ZS not AS that were shouting. Angha Soldiers burst through the windows in the lounge room and quickly grabbed the Zimrugh Saviors that were still standing around, evidently fighting their own inner battles. Lydia ran in too and started to untie everyone. “Hold Marvillo” I shouted over the screams and thrust him into Evelyn’s arms, I have to go to Bastian” I ran into the kitchen where there were more than twenty Angha Soldiers now fighting, the few Zimrugh Saviors that were in there were kicking, punching and stabbing, but for once there was 2 many Angha Soldiers and we were winning. Clementine was quickly running around the house checking on the injured Angha Soldiers, she ran back in the kitchen her face pale, Bastian was gone and so was Gomez.

“Where is he?” I shouted to anyone that would listen.

“The idiot, he ran after Dr Salem! They went out the back.” Audrey cried back kneeling beside Pat who was bleeding from her neck. I ran out the back door and found Bastian on the back steps in the arms of Pete.

“He is gone, Dr Salem is gone, we gotta get you to the hospital mate.” Pete said, Bastian’s chest was covered in blood and I grabbed at him.

“I’m ok Bea.” He tried to say but he fell every time he tried to walk.

“Don’t take him to the hospital, bring him in here,” Zenasia cried from the basement, “I have a potion that will heal him!” Pete’s eyes showed instant mistrust.

“Do it.” I said “she is not on his their anymore.” I kissed Bastian’s hot mouth then helped carry him to the basement. “Bear move the table.” I screamed. He lifted it away with ease helped carry Bastian down to the cushioned floor. Bastian winced with pain as we laid him down.

“Why do I keep getting stabbed?” He tried to laugh but his face as pale as Zenasia’s. Zenasia pulled a red vile from her bag and poured it over Bastian’s chest and torso, the potion was as red as his blood was, almost the same colour, actually the exact same colour. A part of me felt it was Bastian’s blood that had been tampered with. The potion swirled across his chest like it had a life of its own, it ran towards the wounds and went inside his body. “It burns” he cried out and writhed in pain.

“It’s supposed to, it’s working but stop moving.” Zenasia exclaimed trying to grab Bastian’s big arm with her thin fingers. Pete still didn’t trust her and grabbed her as Bastian rolled around.

“If this kills him, I’ll kill you.” He looked menacing and gripped her arms tightly. I could almost see the bruises forming on her arms under his pressed finger tips. But then, the red liquid, or blood, started to run off Bastian’s chest and onto the floor, all of the red, leaving behind nothing but tanned, smooth skin. Faint white lines shined on his chest, like someone had drawn on him with a silver pen.

“I told you.” Zenasia hissed coldly wrenching her arms free from Pete. “He is fine.” Bastian was fine, he sat up and the colour returned to his face.

“I am, even my other stab.” He exclaimed examining his torso. “How is everyone else?”

“Fine I think, Dr Salem got away but I think we are ok.” I said kissing his face all over. But my joy was short lived.

“HELP!” Monty’s gruff voice shouted from outside.

“Someone help me!” Audrey screamed as well, her scream was terrifying, I had never heard such a sound. On the front lawn Gomez laid, motionless. The knife Dr Salem has used to slash Bastian was sticking out of his heart and his eyes were glazed over.

“No, save him.” Humphrey shouted, “Someone help him.” He ran over the lawn and fell to the ground beside his brother.

Clementine leant down and placed her head on his chest. “We can’t,” tears filled her eyes, “he is gone.” She closed his lifeless eyes and raised her hands to her trembling lips. Beside her Audrey and Humphrey were rocking together on the grass.

“Let’s bring him inside.” Monty growled wiping blood from his own ear. The sun was starting to rise and an eerie haze hung over the street. The rising sun painted the sky pink and as the birds started to chirp I knew there was no bringing Gomez back. We sat around what was left of the kitchen table. Pete was out-front calming down a policeman who had been called by one of the neighbours who said there was a domestic dispute going on inside. The Police of Cullen really were useless, as were the other people.

Audrey sat silently crying in the corner of the kitchen on her own, she wouldn’t let anyone touch her, only Matilda. Humphrey was pacing the room, his long legs took him across it in just a few steps, he would turn manically and walk back across, he was making me dizzy but I dare not tell him to stop. He was running his fingers through his hair and muttering under his breathe. Gomez’ body was in the lounge room, covered in a black sheet. No one was really sure what to do with him. Zenasia was sitting in there with him, she really had cared for him and wasn’t sure were to go or what to do now.

Bear and Pete silently came back into the kitchen with their heads bowed, they had returned from dumping the Zimrugh Savior bodies. All the men that wore the ZS pin besides Dr Salem had been killed in the mornings fight. “Good news.” Harry exclaimed coming into the kitchen as well, he wiped his hands on hit big coat and pulled a carrot from his pocket. “We have the screams.” He said crunching on the bright orange stick.

“What? How?” Bastian said rising from the floor. He still had his shirt off and was fingering each pale stab wound.

“Why do you think I was so late to the party?” Pete said winking, he was trying not to look happy after the death of Gomez, but he was clearly pleased with himself. “I knew it would be risky but as soon as the alarm was raised I figured all the Zimrugh Saviors would be here and I knew where the screams were held in Zenasia’s house. So I went there, and got em. They’re in the truck out the front.” He gave a charming smile and nodded towards the front yard.

“What?” Zenasia breathed from the doorway, “what are you going to do with them? You can control, anyone, everyone.”

“Yea I know, I figured we should set em free, that way Dr Salem, and anyone else for that matter can never use them.” He eyed off Zenasia, his revulsion for her was clear.

“If we set them free it should bring peace to the Angha’s, they were taken from and their owners. If those screams no longer exist, I feel their pain will start to diminish too, or maybe I’m just being romantic.” He put his arm around Lydia and kissed a bump on her forehead

“The prophecy,” Audrey sobbed not looking up. “Bring peace to the world of Angha’s. You two need to do it.” She glanced at Bastian and I, mascara tears were smudged across her face and her lips quivered as she breathed. Monty carefully pulled Audrey off the floor and led her outside. Bastian and I climbed into the truck that was parked askew on our front yard, I hadn’t even noticed it before, it seemed ludicrous now. It was massive and had coloured balloons printed across the sides. Inside there were barrels and barrels or screams.

“You could control anyone with that.” Zenasia said, greed in her eyes. “Keep it.” She whispered.

“No creature should be controlled, animal or human.” I said and lifted the lid of the barrel closest to me. Sound burst out of the barrel and filled the truck. It wasn’t a scream, it more sounded like the tune of the saddest lullaby you have ever heard. I stood mesmerised listening to it, the sad song sang for a few minutes then slowly died away. Bastian took my hand.

“Let’s do them all together.” He whispered kissing my fingers. We walked through the truck undoing all the lids. The truck cried a sad, sad sung. The Angha Soldiers crowded around the truck and listened to the noise, even the neighbours came out into the street drawn to the beautifully sad song. The sound was so enchanting, I didn’t know how it could ever be used for evil. I noticed Marvillo was sitting on the first barrel I had emptied, his head was bent low, like he was paying his obeisance. I looked outside the truck and all the other Angha had their heads down and their wings up to. It was as though they were saluting their fallen brothers and sisters. Once the song had finished, the Angha Soldiers and Zenasia went back inside our home. The sun had now risen high in the sky and a new day was here, it was time to try and save our house.

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