Finding Rose

Chapter Dance with me.

After a long nights rest Sam got ready and went over to Mandy's room where Rose spent the night. He thought it would be best, since she's shifted that they sleep in seperate rooms. Not that he wanted too. He had been sharing a bed with a wolf for a couple months now, and seeing that she's shifted, he didn't want anything ackward to happen. He reached Mandy's room and knocked, before letting himself in. Just as he opened the door it slammed back in his face.

"Your not allowed in!" Yelled Mandy.

"What!? Don't be ridiculous, just let me in." Sam yelled back, trying to twist the door knob. But it was locked.

"No! We are getting ready for the dance, and you can't see her till she's ready." Again Mandy yelled.

"The dance doesn't even start till late tonight. Rose come on." He chuckled while fiddling with the door.

"No!" Yelled Mandy.

Sam stood back from the door and felt defeated.

"Well what am I supposed to do?" He asked.

"Who cares! go help mom or something." She yelled back.

"That's the last thing I want to do." Sam sighed.

His mother's voice popped in his head.

"Oh Saaaaam! Your sister just told me you had nothing to do and you were looking to help out!"

Sam looked back at the door.

"Hate you!" He said.

"Love you!" Replied Mandy.

He sighed and made his way to his mother. While on his way, his phone rang and it was his father. It was just an update, but he said he couldn't really find anything at the records office, so he would be travelling to where the River Court Pack was located. Sam also took the time to let Henry know that Rosalie shifted back to her human form two nights ago. Henry was over the moon happy for her, and couldn't wait to see her when he got home. He also told Sam that he wanted to get down to the bottom of what happened, and that he might be a few more days.

"I'll keep you posted son." Henry said before ending the call.

Sam spotted his mother back in the banquet hall. He told her dad was gonna be gone for a few more days, but by the looks of it she was going to be busy cleaning up the place, so it really didn't matter to her. She made Sam in charge of setting up more lights, and adding more speakers. This was the last night of the celebration, and she converted the extravagant hall into an epic rave epicentre.

Mandy and Rosalie were still in the bedroom by the afternoon. Sam tried a couple more times to come in, but Mandy was persistent. She took the time to bond with Rosalie. She showed Rose how to straighten and curl her hair. How to apply make up, and she even went through her wardrobe and let Rosalie select a few outfits.

"Are you sure about giving me all these clothes? I don't mind going shopping for some." Said Rose.

"Oh no worries. There's lots to choose from so just pick what you like." Mandy told her.

Rosalie opened a few more closets, and they were jammed packed with all sorts of selections. She ran her finger along the clothes, not sure what she was supposed to look for.

"Ugh, I have no clue what I'm looking for." She told Mandy.

Mandy just looked at her with absolute disappointment. Com'on it can't be that hard. What's your style? She asked.

"Mmmmmmmmm............wolf ahah." Rose laughed.

Mandy had a horrified look, and jumped up to help her.

"Okay, so it's a rave, so we don't have to dress up elegant, something fitting for the occasion." Mandy started skimming through the clothes.

"What's a rave?" Rose asked.

"Girl there is alot I need to fill you in on-aha! You can wear this!" Mandy held up a black lace mini pencil skirt. "Now all you need to complete the look is some cool looking tights and a shirt."

Rosalie went back to searching for the perfect shirt that would accompany the small piece of fabric that Mandy picked out. She looked piece by piece until she came across a dark grey T- shirt with what looked to be a band logo on it. She pulled it out from the closet to take a better look.

"Where did you get that?" Mandy asked.

"Here, in your closet. Why? should I put it back?" Rose asked worryingly.

"No.....Its perfect, it's just weird out of all the shirts you could have chose that one." Mandy reassured.

"Why is that?" Rose asked.

"That's one of Sam's old t-shirts from when he was a kid. He thought he was cool, when he wore old band shirts. Funny how it made it in there." She smiled.

Rosalie looked at the shirt and held it up to her nose. She took in a deep breath and inhaled Sam's scent. It was perfect she thought. She looked over at Mandy who had a big smile on her face. She quickly turned red and instantly felt warm. She went to the window and opened it a crack. It was dusk now and she couldn't believe that they had spent the whole day getting ready. Was this how all woman do it? It takes all day? She thought to her self. She took in the fresh air, and watched her breath form a cloud as she exhaled. She could feel the temperature change, and knew soon there would be snowfall.

"Alright!" Said Mandy. "Time for your hair."

Rosalie moaned.


After Sam was finished with all the final details, he went back to his room and got ready. His mom made him work hard today so he worked up quite a sweat. He went with a plain white high collar t-shirt and black jeans accompanied by his leather wrist band and gold chain. Just as he was about to head out the door, he could feel the bass kick on, and the rave had officially started. He made his way to the foyer to meet up with Jesse and the girls.


"Okay! what do you think?" Mandy brought Rose to the mirror.

Rosalie looked at her appearance. Even though she was covered head to toe, the fabric of the tights made her feel naked.

Her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, that fell past her mid back and her white locks framed her face. The makeup that Mandy put on her was used to accentuate her eyes and lips. Everything else was naturally beautiful.

"Oh! and you have to wear these." Mandy held up a pair of ankle boot stiletto heels.

Rosalies eyes widened. " way! I don't even know how to dance and you want me to walk in those?"

Mandy looked at the shoes. "Ya your right. Ok hold on a sec then." She dove into her closet, throwing all sorts of boots and heels towards the middle of the room.

"Those!" Yelled Rose as she pointed to a pair of flat bottom black boots.

"Really!?" Said Mandy. "There so old."

"Those ones." Affirmed Rose.


Sam and Jesse were waiting by the foyer for some time now. Jesse was all figity for some reason, and Sam was pacing back and forth.

"Hey you know how it is." Jesse said. "Pff woman are always late." He was bouncing off the walls.

"What is going on with you man, your all figity." Sam asked.

"I may have drank a few to many espressos......I'm not gonna may have been a mistake. But hey! Gotta stay up and ...impress the ladies, and you can't be doin that when your asleep!" Jesse said.

"Well......could you have atleast picked a better shirt?" Said Sam

Jesse stopped bouncing in place. "How dare you! I kid you not, this is a head turner."

Sam looked at him, then his shirt then back to him. "Yep." He said sarcastically.

Jesse stood there disappointed. Sam turned back to him.

"We have an espresso machine?"

"Ya it's right by the fr-"

"You guys ready!" Mandy interrupted.

"Yes!" Jesse answered awfully quick.

"Where's Rose?" Sam asked.

"Oh she'll be right down Locklin stopped her in the stairwell." Mandy took Jesse's arm and started walking to the dance. "You ok?"

"Mhmm." Replied Jesse.

Sam stood there and waited for Rose. What was she discussing with Locklin? He quickly pushed the thought aside when he saw her coming around the corner. The first thing he noticed was his old band t shirt, which fit her perfectly. Her hair was up which revealed her neck and her two locks framing her face.

"Wow." He said. "You definitely look the part." He held out his hand. "Shall we?"

"We shall." She replied with a smile.


Mandy was placing the final touches on her outfit, before they heard the bass kick on.

"Shit! it's already started! We better get going, the guys will be waiting for us." She said as she quickly applied some gloss.

They made there way through the empty halls and down the winding stair wells. The music was getting louder as they approached closer.

"Oh hey Rosalie." Said Locklin.

Rose looked at Mandy and said she would be right down.

"Hi Locklin." Rose said.

"Hi.....I just wanted to congratulate you on winning the main event, and thought I'd ask if you thought about what we discussed at the bonfire." He asked.

"Oh..yes I'm sorry. J...just so much is happening so fast. If you don't mind I would like to talk to Sam about it first." She replied.

"Of course, of course." He looked her up and down. "You look like you have somewhere to be so I'll let you to it."

"Thank you." She said as she gave him a smile and made her way downstairs and around the corner. Waiting in the foyer was Sam. He looked like a tasty treat and flashed her a smile as she approached him.

" certainly look the part." He held put his hand. "Shall we?"

"We shall." She said.


The party was in full effect. The amount of bodies in the hall, amped up the atmosphere. Rosalie could feel every emotion, every thought, feeling and desire . It was so toxic it was literally buzzing off her skin. It was a whole new experience, to have so many shifters in one place. The music was so loud she could barely hear herself think, let alone others, and felt like she had to claw her way through the mass of bodies. She got tussled a couple times, but the warmth of Sam's hand found hers and he lead her to where Jesse and Mandy were.

"Yay! It's about time you got here!" Mandy yelled. "Come on, let's go dance." She grabbed Rosalies hand and pulled her to the middle of the dance floor.

Rose looked around, and saw people jumping, and grinding on eachother. She looked at Mandy. "I don't know what I'm doing!!" She yelled.

"Do as I do!" Mandy proceeded to jump up and down, fists pumping in the air.

Rosalie followed. She felt absolutely ridiculous, but after a few songs, she started getting the hang of it. Even Jesse, and Mandy were dancing with eachother at one point. It was a horrible sight to bare, mainly on Jesse's part.

She could feel the beat pulsate through her feet, and course through her body. The music didn't seem so loud anymore and she let her self open to the toxicity that filled the room. One guy made the mistake of grabbing her waist, but Jesse was quick to rush him outta there. She laughed, so hard, the heat on her face, felt like pins and needles. She let go of herself and let the music move her. The lights and fog machine were an added splender.

Then the beat changed. She closed her eyes and felt the energy in the room around her . She stood in the middle of the dance floor, and a wave of Sam's scent hit her nose. It was as if time was slowing down again as she scanned the room for him. Her breathing slowed down, and desire overcame her.

It was as if the sea parted ways. The crowd of people, opened up to reveal Sam standing at the side of the room. He could see her, and she could see him. She didn't say anything, she just kept her eyes on him. He wanted her, and she wanted him. He made his way over to her, and ran his hands along the side of her hips. They didn't say anything to eachother. They just moved together. He breathed in her scent, and her smell made him squeeze her hips closer to him. He could feel her breath on his neck. She was intoxicating.

She hooked her finger on his chain, and pulled herself up to her tip toes. Her face touching his. She could feel her heart racing along with the beat of the music. His hands slowly made there way up her back giving her shivers, and the heat generating from his hands where seductive. She took a deep breath and put her lips to his. He pulled her into him. They stayed there interlocked, feeling eachother. He cupped her face with his hands and drew her in deeper. He waited so long to be with her, and her touch was so overpowering, his instincts of wanting to turn away just washed away. Rosalie didn't stop, she didn't want to. The touch of his skin and lips sent shocks throughout her body. In this moment she let her mind and body submit to Sam and the dance floor.


A mind transfer. She quickly pulled back. She stepped away from Sam and was looking around at all the bodies. She looked at him.

"I need some fresh air...I..I'm sorry." She said.

She ran off through the crowd, Sam yelling after her. She ran down the stairs that led outside and leaned against the foundation of the pack house. Sam just behind her.

"Rosalie....I'm so sorry. It won't happen again." He regretted it, and was all over the place.

"Sam." She said.

She closed her eyes and breathed in the crisp air. She did it a couple times. Sam just stood there and waited...for something.

"It's not you Sam, I just needed some air." She reassured him. She looked up at the night sky and watched her breath dance before her.

"It's going to snow soon..I can feel it." She said under her breath.

He just watched her as she calmed herself. He wasnt sure what to say or do, he just looked.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

She looked at him, and didn't say anything.

"I'm Sorry...I shouldn't have kissed you. You just shifted for fuck sake.

What was I thinking." He uttered to himself.

"Sam, it's ok." Said Rose.

He was quite. But had something on his mind, and she could tell.

"What is it Sam?" She pushed.

He was scratching the back of his head again. "Sam! just tell me." She was getting upset.

" there someone else? I mean it's ok if there is." He stopped short as he didn't know how to recover from that.

"What? what are you talking about?" She asked confused.

"Locklin.........he there something I should be worried about, cus I saw you two talking and I do-"

"Samuel." Rose cut him off. She went to him and pressed him against the wall and layed another kiss on his lips.

"No, there's no one...but you...and about Locklin...he was just letting me know that if I have no where to go, that I'm welcome to join this pack." She said.

"Really?" He said.

"Really." She answered. "But I wanted to discuss it with you first."

He grabbed her again and kissed her. He had the biggest smile on his face, and there was absolutely nothing that could ruin this moment.

She pulled back and looked as if something was plaguing her thoughts.

"There's something else I need to tell you."

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