Finding Rose

Chapter Blanket

It had been a few days since the celebration ended, only for a new one to begin. Since the house emptied of all it's patrons, the voices that tortured Rose came to a full stop. They took it as a good sign, that who ever was causing it left. However that did not stop Sam from keeping a close eye on her. Today was the first day she didn't flinch at every corner or mind transfer, and was getting back to her busy self, finding anything to keep her preoccupied. She thought it would be good, to keep distracted, and offered to help set up the banquet hall for the feast in honour of Locklins one year. And to make it more wonderus, they had snow.

It was the last day of the eclipse celebration when they had their first snowfall. Since then it hadn't stopped and the snow covered the landscape like a white blanket.

Sam was in charge of the fireworks. Something his mom organised for him. It was set up in the field and the outlook was set up on the roof. Others were busy shoveling the heavy snow, to make way for seats and firepits. If they were going to watch the fireworks, it was going to be from the best seats in the house.

The feast took place first in the evening, and the entire pack house was present including some out of town guests. It was like thanksgiving dinner. Something Rose appreciated when she was younger and appreciated even more now. Sam was happy to see her enjoying herself since that dreadful morning. He never felt so hopeless, and hoped to god it never happened again. He couldn't bare to see her suffer, not after what's she's already been through.

He was in a train of thought when Locklin got up to give a toast.

"Can I have everyone's attention please." Locklin said. All eyes were now on him. "I would like to thank everyone who came out of town to help celebrate this wonderful day with me. And of course my pack, who are my family."

Clinking of glasses filled the room.

"It has been a wonderful year, and what better time to celebrate with a little snow. I do owe alot of thanks to Henry Bishop! my mentor who unfortunately isn't with us today....but I'll make sure he knows it when he gets back. The room filled with laughter. We have had our fair share of problems. Some we were able to overcome, and some we haven't. But in doing so we have also gained new family. He looked over at Rose, who returned a smile. Everyone clapped in agreement.

So please raise your glass with me!" Ever one raised their glasses.

"To Family!" Said Locklin.

Everyone was talking with one another, filling the room with conversation and laughter. All but one. Sam looked over at Rosalie, who's head was down, but she looked concentrated. He waited for her to look up at him. It felt forever but lasted about 30 seconds. She then looked up to him and smiled. What he didn't know was she was waiting for the whisper to pop in her head. It always seemed to pop up when she would feel the most happiest. But it didn't, and she was thankful.

It was dark out, and everyone went up to the roof after the feast was over to watch the fireworks display. Rosalie was cozied up to Sam, and Mandy and Jesse fought over a spot by one of the firepits. They could see some of their pack in the field getting ready to set up the show. Rosalie was so excited. It had been a long time since she's got to see one up close. She looked over at Mandy and Jesse, who just happened to be making out in the very spot they fought over.

"Hmm..well that's new." She said.

"What is?" Asked Sam.

Rosalie nodded her head in the direction of Mandy. Sam looked.

"Ew." He said

She nudged him and told him to shut up.

"Ahah maybe we should show them how it's done." He proposed.

"You want to show your sister how to make-"

"Ya never mind...forget I said that." He interrupted.

"Oh look it's about to start." Sam said.

Rosalie was looking through the faces of the others on the roof and didn't see Locklin. "Oh shoot." She said.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Locklin isn't here...he's gonna miss it." She sounded disappointed. "I'll go get him..if I'm quick enough we won't miss it."

Just as she said it the first firework went airborne.

"Ok I'll be back." She said.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Sam asked as she walked away.

"No it's okay, I'll be quick." Then took off to search for Locklin.

She made her way to Henry's office, thinking he might be there, but no luck. "Hmm..perhaps he's in his study." She thought to herself.

It was a bit smaller then Henry's office but just as gorgeous. Shelves and shelves of books lined the walls and there was a desk that sat in front of a big bay window. He had old artifacts hanging on the walls and a painting of himself , which she always thought was funny.

She approached his office and could tell he was on the phone. He sounded upset with whoever was on the other line, but an alpha was always at work. She lightly knocked on the door, and heard him say come in. As she poked her head in the door he ended the phone call.

"Rosalie!" He smiled.

"Hey I was just looking for you. Everyone's up there and the fireworks have started." She said.

"Oh ok, just give me one minute I have to make one more phone call and then I'm all yours." He smiled. He got up and excused himself in the next room which was a private office.

She stayed in the study, and took to reading the names of the books that lined the shelves. She ran her finger over them one by one, until she saw one that looked out of place.

"The Count of Monte Cristo." She read out loud. She smiled as she remembered it was one her father used to read her. She pulled the book out and a bookmark fell out.

"Shit." She thought. The worst feeling is losing someone's page, so she quickly picked it up to place back in. As she picked it up she realised it was a photo. It was of a family pack. She scanned the faces and recognised a young man to be Locklin, with what looked to be his family. She could tell it was an old photo as it was warped around the edges. She turned it over and read what was transcribed.

O Brady family.

Sarah, Dominic, Locklin, Emma, John, and Lara.

2002 Ka-Luna Pack.

She felt her stomach drop. Then she heard the door shut, as Locklin turned the key.

He sighed. "Rose, Rose, Rose.....I really wish you didn't see that." He turned to her.

Sam was still on the roof waiting for Rosalie to return with Locklin. "Perhaps she cant find him." He thought to himself.

Jesse and Mandy were still up top, but now looked pissed off at eachother. The fireworks were in full effect at this point.

"Maybe I should go." He said outloud.

"Go where?" All of a sudden Jesse appeared beside him.

"Oh, umm, nah I just was thinking of going to look for Rose. She's looking for Locklin." He told him.

"Oh! well I'll go....I could kind of use an excuse to go aha." He looked back at Mandy who gave him a death stare.

"I'm gonna go, I'll be right back." Said Jesse.

Just then Sam's phone went off. It was his dad calling. He answered.

"Hello!?" He yelled.

His dad was trying to talk to him but the fireworks were to loud.

"Dad! I can't hear you hold on." Sam told him. He quickly made his way to the roof exit, to find somewhere quieter.

"Ok dad, say that again?"

It took all but 10 seconds, before Sam dropped his phone and took off.

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