Finding Destiny


“Get Gakada now” I direct one of my guards to fetch my head warrior. It is time to prepare for a planet’s feast. I am reviewing the pages of the coordinates, and the calculations tell me that if I leave from my location, it will take my men 10,067,152,964 kilometers, equivalent to 67.294762 astronomical units. Crystoria, you have no idea what is heading your way. The doors to the throne Braka open, and my head warrior greets me as he quickly slithers toward me. “My King, I was told you need my assistance immediately.”

“Greetings, Gakada! Yes, I have a mission for you, and you will be leaving effective immediately. First, you should know that we have a new Queen who you will meet in a few days.”

“That is wonderful news, my King. Should we be seeing little Klystronian children soon?” Gakada says with a slight slimy smile on his face. “Hopefully soon, my warrior. But that is a topic for another time. The second part is that the Queen’s father gave us the coordinates of his species’ location.” He raises an eyebrow in confusion.

“I know you are wondering why. He is a human who was turned Bampire. He fell in love with the Bampire Queen who turned him. He wanted her to love him how he loved her, but she did not. The shorter version is that he killed her, hating his kind and daughter. He sold her to me, and I am glad I bought her. With that transaction came the planet of his species. You will be heading to a place called Crystoria. The Bampires have different parts spread across their Bampire world. However, the maps show that part of the planet as a priority; therefore, we will start there. We would depart from Klystron, making the journey in half the time it would take us if we left from the earth. The coordinates from the earth are too long. And it will take us about five to six months to arrive.”

“King Gladius, may I ask how long in kilometers to astronomical units it will take from earth?” I nod and break it down for him.

“It will be 20,134,305,928 kilometers which is equivalent to 134.589524 astronomical units. Here are all the maps and documents you will need for this mission.” I hand him the papers so he can review them before he leaves. “It will take us double the time to arrive, and that is why you will leave from here.” I sigh, wanting to hurry this up so I can return to my Braka. Just thinking about her has me fucking hard. “One more thing before I dismiss you. I will be leaving tomorrow, not today. I need you to ensure your second in command is set up with the other spacecraft. He will go with me. And I will only be a day behind you. Take the Klystronian army with you and leave me with just ten of your warriors.”

“My king, what if something were to occur while I am gone? I know it won’t, but what if? I must leave you at least fifty of the warriors, my king. I will leave you the bigger spacecraft and use the smaller one to depart. We have plenty of those. Your safety is more important. I insist and will not take no for an answer, my king.” I give him a smirk and nod. “Very well, Gakada, I will listen to you this once.” He bows before addressing me one more time.

“My King, I will let Brunegard know he will be in charge of you and the fifty warriors I will leave behind for your journey tomorrow. I should embark in half an hour. I know I will not see you when I depart since you will be with the Queen. Goodbye, King Gladius, and I will see you in the world of Bampires in the Crite of Crystoria.”

“Wait one more important thing I must give you. You will take two of these vials filled with Royal Bampire blood with you and leave me with one. Since you will have most of the army by your side, you will need this before landing on that planet. Without this, we have no chance of survival in that world. This will help our bodies regulate our temperature to their climate. We only have three days to attack and depart their planet. So, make sure you all have taken a drop at least thirty minutes prior to landing on Bampire territory. Also make sure when you depart that you are on turbo lightning speed with all our ships. It is the only way to arrive within the time period that the coordinates are showing us.”

“Yes my King, I will do as you say.”

“Now you may leave.” With that, Gakada slithered his way out of the throne Braka and left me by myself. That is my cue to get up and return to my Queen, my new addiction. “Guards, open the doors and let me out.” Here I come to unleash my heart to you because I have already fallen hard for her. I will be dammed if anyone thinks they can take you away from me. I enter my Braka to see her peacefully sleeping. I know that as soon as I near her, she will be stirring in her sleep, looking for me and my scent. I will gladly give her exactly what she wants; that is me, her fucking King. Except for this time, my aura will be even stronger. I will take her in my Klystronian flesh, making my pheromones consistently seep out at all times, leaving a cloud of fog around me until I make her mine for good. If you think she is crazy for me in this human form, you have not seen anything yet.



“Everyone move. Let’s go. Get into your spacecraft. Secure the fuel and get ready to embark. We leave in two minutes.” All the warriors are slithering their way into the aircraft. They are so excited about our mission. The food chain is more brutal now to take than we used to but knowing we will have a whole planet to devour is something different and on a whole other level for us. Our powers will be unstoppable once we have taken so many souls and drained them of their blood. I heard that blue blood is like an aphrodisiac to us creatures. The thought alone gives me a rush. “I am sorry you will not fly with me, but the King has asked for you Brunegard to accompany him while I go ahead.”

“I am honored to serve by king Gladius’s side for you, Gakada. Do not worry; I will make you proud and deliver our King safely.” I place a tentacle on his leathery, shiny, slimed shoulder, pressing it against his flesh. “I know you will, Brunegard.” I made my way to the craft slithering inside as the doors closed behind me. I turned on the radio frequency that allowed me to speak to all the space crafts. “Ignite the engines, my Klystronian warriors, and lift off.”

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