Finding Destiny


“Sorry, like I was saying. Let me open the portal and return to earth while you stay here. Kill Trey, and then save your mate. How about I give you another piece of crucial information that is very important to save your species.”

“Shut up, Slogan, and stop talking. You have said enough.” My Jaw begins to twitch, and my nails start to enlarge as my claws grow sharp. “Morpheus now!” Morpheus leaped from my side in one quick stride knocking Trey down and holding him in place. “Remove invisible shield,” I tell him through our link. Then I bring my hands up and make this Slogan creature freeze in place with my powers, lifting him in mid-air.”

“Let me introduce you to my wolf, Trey. My other half.” Morpheus howls and growls on top of Trey, and I know he wants a taste of his blood so that I will give it to him. “Morpheus, break Trey’s left arm.”

With pleasure Marcus.” He bites down on his arm, ripping it from the socket before tossing it away. Trey is screaming while the blood from his arm is spraying out in all directions. Morpheus’s paws still hold Trey in place as blood drips from his mouth as he bares his teeth at Trey.

“You might have known a lot about my mother, but she was not stupid enough to let you in on all our secrets. I am a Hybrid, which means I have many powers Trey, and you will never be able to cross me again or your spiritual creature friend if he deifies me. All it takes is a simple command from my wolf or my Bampire demon. I am the devil that will find you and hunt you down. Burn you to ashes or feed you to my wolf. So, Slogan, make it quick whatever you need to tell me because this piece of shit needs to be punished for killing my mother, the Royal Queen of Bampires. As well as kidnapping his child to seek revenge on me and my mother. Whose heart belonged and loved someone else and never loved him.” I take this time to let this creature talk now.

“Alright, speak, and then I will allow you to open the portal and leave.”

“Trey did not just sell your mate. He also gave away where your planet is and sent a bunch of Klystronian soul-sucking blood-draining creatures to invade your planet and kill your people, leaving Bampires to extinction.” I am raw in anger and walk straight to Trey, on the floor under Morpheus.

“You son of a bitch! How could you do this? Did you not forget that you are a Bampire yourself? What have you done?”

“You do not deserve her. My daughter is now Queen of this planet.”

“But it is okay to have your daughter get raped night and day for the last four months, right, and then sell her to some animal who will do the fucking same! I killed Howard Trey, raped him, and fucked him with a thick piece of a tree branch. Once I ripped him apart and gutted him, I burned him into ashes, not leaving any trace of him behind to find. I will be doing the same to you, Trey. No one will know of your whereabouts. Once I get back, I will also go after Viktor. Don’t think I forgot about your loyal Bampire who helped you in kidnapping my mate.” I took my claw and sliced his stomach, making blue blood ooze out of him. Once the incision was big enough, I let Morpheus gut him. “Have fun, my wolf. Your dinner is ready for feasting.”

Morpheus licks his K Nine sharp teeth before letting out a raw and finishing Trey off by eating his organs until he has nothing left.

“Now that we have Trey almost dead, I will address you. Slogan is the name, am I right?”

“Yes, Boy.”

“You can call me Marcus instead,” I smirk at him to ease his mind, but I will finish him off also. I press my fingers to the side of his temple, paralyzing him and allowing my Bampire side to take over. If you thought I was a fool and stupid enough to let you go, you must be dumb. I would never let the animals that work with my enemies or hurt my loved ones go. So let me show you how it feels to die in my hands.

“Argh...” Is all that leaves his mouth as I begin to freeze him. His body is turning into a thick sheet of ice, stiffening him into an ice sculpture statue. After he was frozen completely, I did a three-hundred-sixty-degree spin lifting my leg and kicking Slogan until he shattered into tiny pieces. I am leaving him on the ground in a dust of ice particles. Now that that is over, I walk back to Morpheus.

“Hey, are you almost done so we can leave?” Morpheus stops chewing to look at me. He lets out a big loud burp letting me know he is full and content. “Yes, you can finish him off.”

“Thank you, even though you only left me a torso to burn.”

“Hey, I was hungry, and you told me to eat him. Do not become all judgmental of me after you permitted me.”

“You are so sensitive for being a ferocious Dire Wolf, and I am only messing with you.”

“Okay, nerd, keep it up.” I shake my head laughing before staring at the remains of Trey and zapping fire from my eyes to his torso; just like that, he no longer exists. Let’s get out of here. We have a mate to save.

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