Finding Destiny

Chapter Four months Later The arrival at Bucharest


After months of being at sea and dealing with harsh weather and storms that delayed our arrival, we finally made it to the southeastern part of Europe. Destiny is entirely unconscious and is ready to be moved quickly. We only have a two-hour window to get her to Trey’s home before she can wake and gain her full strength. Trey should be arriving sometime tonight or tomorrow. This means I only have a few hours to enjoy myself with Destiny. She has been something else since we have been on my ship. My cock will miss her dearly when we part ways.

“Excuse me, Howard, but the car is ready for us to leave.” One of my men approaches me with urgency. “Alright, grab the girl, and let’s go. We do not have time to prolong the journey anymore. We need to get her into Trey’s Basement quickly.” We all get into the car and begin our hour-and-a-half ride to the address that Trey has given us.

As we are driving, I see that this place looks almost deserted. Where are all the people? The area gives off some dark energy. I look through the car window and find myself glancing at old houses and towns with the image of a twelve-hundred-century feel or aura. It’s like living in the past instead of the present. Then I noticed that we were no longer in the town area and were now deep in the woods heading towards the mountains. After about an hour and twenty-minute drive up the mountain, we finally made it to Trey’s address, but instead of a house, it was more like a mini castle.

Now, this was a beauty to look at. It was perfectly placed between two Mountains and a long bridge that connected the castle to the main road. My men and I get out of the car. I grabbed his daughter and walked toward the entrance. I was about to enter the code Trey had given me when a pale older man in a suit opened the door. “Hello, we have been expecting you for quite some time. Who is Howard, and where is his daughter?”

“I am Howard, and the girl is asleep, but my orders are to bring her to the room in the basement.”

“Yes, I know. Please follow me and hurry to bring the girl before she awakes and causes havoc on all of us. My master would not be happy if that were to occur.” The butler or help, whatever he may be leading the way, and we follow him. He opened a door, and we went down a pair of spiral steps that led us to the room we had to put Trey’s daughter in. Once we reached the bottom of the staircase, there was a room to the left; the older man opened the door, so I could place the girl in the bed and leave the room.

“Master Trey has left me instructions for you to leave. He told me to give you this paper. Here you will find the name of the inn you will all be staying at in town. All expenses are paid for, of course. He will call you once he is settled in.” I gave him a foul look. I was angry that I was not staying and won’t even get my way, not even one more time with my little whore. “What do you mean we are leaving?”

“As I said, you must leave immediately and wait for Master Trey’s call. Now let’s go.” He locked the door behind us, and we began to walk up the stairs that led us into the main hall by the entrance. He opened the door, and out we all went. Once the last of my men were out the door, the older man closed it, and we were left there with no choice but to get in our cars and head back into town and wait for Trey’s arrival or call.



“Get rid of her body Viktor. Make sure she is shark bait.”

“Right away, Trey.” He grabs the dead whores body that I have fucked and feasted on for the last four months. “I told you she would not live to see us arrive.” Viktor shakes his head and walks out of my sleeping quarters, carrying her away.

In less than twenty-four hours, I should be home. It’s been so long since I was last here. My land is so mysterious but dark at the same time. It is at night that you must fear the unknown of this place. It makes you skeptical of your surroundings if you were someone not from here.

Howard should have arrived by now with my soon-to-be-sold daughter of mine. Rogorio should have already sent them to the inn. Howard thought he was staying in my home with my daughter. I already know what he has done to her. Not my problem; however, it will be his situation when her mate shows up. And that will be one less headache for me to clean up. Let Howard kill Boy. I am just using Howard to buy me more time so I can sell Destiny off and I can disappear. I do not want anything do to with Cristina’s son. So I will spear him from dying by my hands and I will disappear, but If he finds me I will kill him like I did his mother. He is a teenage Bampire after all that could never out beat me.

I already have set a trap that once Boy steps foot on my land, he will be led to the inn where Howard will be staying. Howard thinks he is waiting for me. Instead, he will be killing my daughter's mate to his death. He will be coming soon. I laugh as I am a step ahead of the situation. Especially when it comes to these Bampire, you must be, or you will fail in any task you want to accomplish. I learned that from the Queen herself before I killed her.


Trey’s Arrival

Thirteen hours later and we finally landed at the port in Bucharest. The rust and misty sea smell matched the fogginess of the cool, breezy air I inhaled. I knew I was home. The feeling was nostalgic and almost calming. We loaded the van already waiting for us when we docked the ship.

Closing the van door, my driver pulls out of the port, onto the path leading to the mountains, and heading to my home. I wonder How Rogorio has been keeping the place in my absence. An hour later and I finally arrived home. It felt good to get out of the van and admire my family home which has been here for generations and centuries. The castle looks the same. Dark and breathtakingly deadly. I start to laugh hard as I think of the memories here. It sure is perfect to be back. Rogorio opens the door sensing my presence.

“Welcome back, master Trey!” Bowing in front of me. “Please, no need to bow, Rogorio. I am so happy to see you after so many years. Thank you for keeping the place in order while I was gone. You have always been the family’s favored house caretaker.”

“Thank you, Master Trey!” My smile disappears as I fall into my serious self. “Now, where is she, Rogorio?”

“Your daughter is downstairs asleep, locked, and safe where you wanted her. She should be waking up any minute now. The first spell is completed and should be wearing off soon, master. By the way, the Bampire named Howard and his men were unhappy that you sent him away.”

“I bet they were, and I do not give a shit. Now, prepare me a meal. I am starved and thirsty. I will go freshen up before going to see my sweet daughter of mine.”



I slowly began to open my eyes, and once my vision cleared, I noticed that I was no longer in the ship’s cabin but inside another gloomy and dark room. Yet I knew I was somewhere my father was since I was still under his control. The dark magic is seeping out of every wall and crevice in this place. The smell of the site feels familiar, but I cannot yet decipher why just quite yet. I went to stand up when I felt a sharp pain between my legs. That damn monster has injured me so severely that standing or walking is painful. I cannot catch a break from this Bampire.

I hear footsteps coming outside the door as I try to gather my strength and compose myself from this pain. I now am sure that I am no longer on a ship. The knob begins to turn, and the door starts to open. When I see who has entered, my anger shoots through my entire body, and the pain in my heart multiplies. “Hello, Destiny, have you been a good girl and behaved for me? You would not want to disappoint your old man now, would you?”

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