Finding Destiny


“How dare you talk to me that way. Do you know what you have put me through?” My stomach started to turn as the bile burned the back of my throat, giving me the feeling that I was going to vomit any second. I choked it back in disgust at his presence, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much this affects me—his indifference toward me, his daughter, now the enemy.

“I hate you! The father I once knew would have never done this to me. You used to love me with your entire being. What happened to you? Oh, I know, you decided to let love blind you and possession take over your mind that you do not care who you destroy in the process. Even your daughter. I no longer consider you my father.” He begins to laugh while walking towards the empty chair directly across from me and takes a seat.

“My dear daughter. You decided to intervene in a matter you had no reason to interfere with and therefore had to be punished.”

“What did you do to them? You better have not hurt them, Trey.”

“Alright, since you are eager to know what happened, I will tell you.” Cristina did not choose me, so I killed her with a knife holding her in my hands. Then I left her there, bleeding on the ground, lifeless. If I could not have her, no one would have her.”

“No… How could you… You sick bastard. You do not know the first thing about love, father. If you did, you would not have done what you did. You are a disgrace to me and all Bampires. I will make sure you pay for this when I am free. What would mother have said if she was here, Trey? Let me go, you sick fuck! Release me so I can kill you myself.” He gets up from the chair, walks directly in front of me, and grabs my jaw aggressively, holding me in place so I can look at him.

In a demonic voice that sends chills down my spine, his following words are, “ I need you to listen very closely to what I am about to say. Soon you will be released into the hands of your new owner and mate. Yes, you heard me correctly. Destiny, I am selling you and ridding you of my life for good.” My eyes open wide as his words stab me deep in my chest. The bastard Howard was telling me the truth. My father is selling me.

“Once I finalize the deal in the next few days, no one will be able to find you, and I mean no one. Not even Boy. As for your mate, he is on a mission to find you, and I do not have much time before he figures out where you are. But, by that time, you will be long gone, and he would have no way of finding you.”

He let go of my jaw and straightened his body before turning towards the door to leave. When he grabs the handle, he tells me, “ you should be healed by tomorrow. I would not want your new mate to see you damaged the way Howard, had you. Oh, by the way, welcome home, even if it’s for a short time.”



I closed the door and went back upstairs. Entering my office, I pull out my phone and start to make some calls. ( Ring… Ring..) “Hello.”

“Viktor, meet me in my office.”

“Yes, Trey, on my way.” I hang up the phone and dial another number. (Ring..ring..) “It took you long enough to contact me. When are we meeting so I can collect the rest of my payment?”

“Well, hello Howard, I called to notify you that I am not arriving for another two days. Something has occurred and is delaying my arrival. But don’t worry, you will be compensated for all your troubles when I arrive. Plus, I have accommodated you well. Am I not correct, considering you have used my daughter as your fuck toy for the last couple of months?”

I hear him grunting on the other side of the phone. The prick has no words and knows I am telling the truth. He has no other choice but to wait. “Alright, I guess I have no choice but to wait, Trey. Just hurry so I can get back on my ship and leave. Trey, are you sure you do not want to negotiate a price for Destiny? I would love to keep her.”

“I bet you would, but the answer is no.”

“But Trey I…”

“No, Howard, and that is my final answer.” (click) I hang up the phone, not giving him another second to respond to me. I know he has fallen for Destiny. I mean, anyone would. She is beautiful and has a character like no other girl. She also does not take shit from anyone. she is a challenge, and men love women who can give them a challenge. He is lucky I allowed him to have his way with her. I could have killed him once I found out, but I don’t give a shit. I place my hands through my hair while sitting in my chair; I sigh from the day I am already enduring. (Knock… Knock..)

That must be Viktor. “Come in, lock the door behind you and take a seat.” He closes the door and walks to the chair, and sits. “Is everything ready for tonight’s meeting with Slogan?”

“No, not precisely, Trey. He called and rescheduled for tomorrow night instead. Slogan said something came up, and he will not be able to entertain you tonight. However, tomorrow night at eleven pm he expects you to be at the Tower lounge and not to be late. When you arrive, tell the bouncer that you are here to see Slogan, and the person will direct you to his table.”

“The bastard is making me wait. Huh, alright, what is one more day? I deserve it after I left things the way I did with Slogan. No worries. That will be all, Viktor. You are dismissed.”

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