Finding Destiny


“Wait a minute, did you just say Klystron?” Okay, why does my uncle sound like he knows something I do not? “Yes, Uncle, I said Klystron.”

“You need to tread carefully on that planet. The ruler is King Gladius, and those Creatures are dangerous like us. They are called Soul suckers. They blind you with the light from their eyes, making you fall into a hypnotizing mindset before sucking your soul out of you and draining you of all your blood. This is their way of survival and how they feed themselves to sustain energy and power, Marcus. You are lucky that you are a Hybrid because a regular Bampire without Royal blood would not be able to survive their planet. Just like ours is freezing theirs is extremely hot.”

Fuck, this is not good. I did not expect to hear some shit like this, especially from my uncle.

“Uncle, we have a fucking crisis that is heading your way. That motherfucker Trey gave this King Gladius our coordinates, and he sent an army out to our planet to take us all out of extinction. You have over five hundred ships heading in your direction. I am not sure how long it will take them to arrive, but I need you all to be ready when the time comes. You need to warn aunt JessBlue to secure the kingdom in Crystoria because this is where they will be landing.”

“Fuck Marcus, this could not all be happening at an unperfect time. The first concerning thing you mentioned is that they are heading here, which means that they found a way to enter our planet without putting their lives in danger. The only way that can happen is if they have my blood or your mother’s to drink Marcus. The only thing that comes to my mind is that somehow Trey knew this piece of information and when he killed her he also took some of her blood with him.” This was a lot of information for me to take in right now. Trey thought all of this out strategically. He hates us this bad that he had a plan all along if my mother did not love him.

“Secondly your aunt is pregnant, Marcus.” She and Chris sealed their Bond for good.” Well, I will be damned he did it. He was not lying when he said he was taking her back home and putting a baby inside her. Chris got my aunt to love again. That brings warmth to my heart. “So now Chris is not going to allow her to fight while carrying a child inside of her. Then we have your brother, Josh, causing havoc and destruction to the kingdom and Crystoria.”

“What do you mean my brother is causing destruction? How could he do this to our family?” I could hear my uncle sighing before speaking his next words.

“Marcus, that story is for another time. Right now, your only focus should be Finding Destiny as soon as possible.

“Uncle, I know I am so close, but I am not sure if Destiny is still here or on one of those space crafts. I only saw two left behind and about thirty to fifty Klystronian creatures on site. The rest are on spacecraft heading to you.”

“If she is on one of those space crafts, my nephew, we will find her and bring her back to you. Destiny will be rescued, but once this is over Marcus I need you to come home if she is not on that ship and you do find her on Klystron. “Now go find Destiny and get your as to Crystoria immediately.”

“Goodbye, Uncle, see you soon.”

“Goodbye, My King.”

“Wait... what did you just call me uncle?” Silence fell as the communication was cut off. I open my eyes to see Morpheus standing on all four paws in front of me, guarding with his gigantic body. “Welcome back. Took you long enough, Marcus. Were you able to speak to your uncle?”

“Yes, I did, and told me so much, but now it’s not the time to explain it to you. Instead, I need you to tap into my mind and feed the information to yourself. We have no time to spare, and we must be cautious with these Soul suckers, and whatever you do, Morpheus, do not stare into their eyes.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Just tap into my memory Morpheus and let’s go. It’s time to take these motherfuckers down and save our Queen because we have another job after this, and we are going home.” My wolf looks puzzled, but then I feel him entering my mind as I give him total control.

In a matter of seconds, all my memory of the last forty-five minutes flashed in my head, allowing Morpheus to see everything that transpired in my conversation with my uncle. Once he gathered all my thoughts, he finally understood what we were up against with these Klystronian monsters.

“Blood Draining soul suckers?” He questions with anger.

“How will we get past all those men and into one of those floating towers without setting any alarms that can backfire on us?” He wags his tail as he paces in a circle, thinking. His mane moving with the wind makes him look like the true Alpha version of me.

“We will have to take them out one by one. We will go after the first smaller group before attacking the rest. We need to be as stealthy as possible. You will stay invisible, so no one sees you coming from whichever direction I tell you to attack. From my observation, five men are in that crater by the two ships. We will focus on them first. Before we move on to the next set of creatures down to the right by that pole.” Morpheus follows my site of directions and sees the other group I have just mentioned.

“Let’s begin, shall we?”

“Yes, let’s begin. I have been waiting eagerly to rip some heads off and claw some hearts out.”

“Oh, and remember, do not stare into their eyes for more than five seconds, and be careful with their tails. They have claw spikes on them. They also grow tentacles, so pay attention to every move and try not to get hurt.” We began to move towards the aircraft in silence. Our movements were flawless, and you could not even hear a pin drop unless I allowed it to happen. I masked our scent once again, not to give away our presence. Morpheus and I made our way to the three creatures.

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