Fight (The Aurora Marelup Saga Book 3)

Fight: Chapter 6


Is it wrong that I’m attempting to hide in my own castle? Aurora’s sexual appetite has gone through the roof. On a good night, she goes through all five of us in any way she can have us. I’m tired; I honestly don’t know how much more I can take. I know the other guys are in the same boat I am.

I move out onto the balcony and look out over the frozen gardens, watching Aurora walk around escorted by Dominik in his Dire Wolf form. She’s laughing as she waddles around the different statues looking at some of mine and her father’s ancestors.

In the distance, I see bodies moving in fast, closing in on Aurora’s position. Without a second thought, I leap from the balcony, shift to my dragon, and bellow out my warning to my mate. Dominik lowers to the ground, and Aurora climbs onto his back without any prodding. He takes off towards the castle with our precious cargo on his back. My bellows summoned my guards, and we close in quickly on the intruders.

It’s more warriors from a rogue Lycan pack that, apparently, Sebastian and his mother had teamed up with. They are attacking a dragon fortress. What the actual fuck are they thinking? We rain fire down upon the assault force, burning them to ash. We circle the castle several times before I feel a burning pain in my shoulder, and fall from the sky.

Fuck! Aurora!

My body impacts the ground hard, and I send my guards back to the castle to search for my mate. I hear the guys panicking as they try to break into the throne room where Aurora is being held. She’s hurt, and we all know it. I scramble to my feet and fly towards my balcony again. Quickly, I shift and run through the halls, heading towards the throne room.

Nicodeamus is attempting to get in through the secret passageway to no avail. Bastards know the castle too fucking well; this seriously isn’t good. I feel a faint tug at my dragon’s power, and I know it’s Aurora. I look to my guards and have them form a chain. I focus on my bond with Aurora and the power she’s seeking; she’s weak from blood loss.

Through the bond, I reach out to Nicodeamus and tell him what I’m about to do. I begin to draw on all the dragon’s power that I am directly connected to. I hold it tight in my chest and begin to send it through the bond to Aurora.

Several moments pass, and I feel her strength begin to return. Then it happens, the sudden burst of permafrost that coats the door and probably the entire inside of the throne room. “Dimitri, now, break down the door!” I shout as I strain to maintain the connection with Aurora.

Dimitri shifts instantly; his Great Bear rears up onto his hind paws and comes forward with the force of almost a ton of angry bear. The door splinters and falls apart from the strength of the impact. Aurora stands there, in the middle of a slaughter. Her right hand is holding her left shoulder; blood has drenched her top, making it stick to her body.

Twelve dead bodies are on the floor, two of them I am shocked to see. My mother and sister lay at Aurora’s feet; my mate’s eyes look hollow, haunted, and empty as she stares at those who have fallen around her. I sprint over to Aurora and scoop her up into my arms, checking her over. The wound appears to have been healed by the power gifted to her through the connection.

“They came to kill me… Your mom and sister, I’m so sorry, love. They gave me no choice.” Aurora sobs and sniffles as she explains what has happened.

Klaus removes the barricades from the hidden door and lets Nicodeamus into the throne room. Aurora was so distraught over what she had to do to save herself and our child. I honestly don’t think it is the killing that bothers her. I think the fear she felt that she had almost died carrying our child is what’s really bothering her. Dimitri’s bear comes up alongside of us and nuzzles Aurora’s side. Gently, Aurora kisses me, then moves to hug Dimitri’s bear’s neck. That gentle giant sits down on his rump and wraps a clawed paw carefully around her.

Nicodeamus moves around the room, looking at the destruction that Aurora managed to cause, even unable to shift. “Boys, take Aurora and get her cleaned up and fed. I need to have a discussion with Alaric and Klaus.”

Nicodeamus’s word is final, leaving no room for argument or discussion. Dominik helps Aurora climb up onto Dimitri’s back. Jayce and Dominik walk in silence, each with a hand on her thigh as they leave the room. Nicodeamus turns to look at us. I can see the fear and pain in his eyes. “They came for my granddaughter, my daughter. The cowards strike when she’s most vulnerable. No more!” Frost shoots out in several directions at once from where Nicodeamus stands. Klaus and I look at each other and nod slowly.

“What will you have us do, Father?” I figure I may as well ask the question now rather than later. Me, personally, I’d like to burn the place to the ground. Nicodeamus strokes his beard, then walks around looking at the bodies.

Nicodeamus looks to me, then back to the bodies and the thick layer of permafrost that Aurora had covered the room in. “Smart move, supplying Aurora with more dragon magic. She’s almost become an energy vampire, in a sense. The amount of power I felt you move to her probably saved her and your daughter.”

Nicodeamus stops before my mother’s and sister’s bodies then looks up at me. “You know Aurora never trusted them. I’m surprised they lived this long.” Nicodeamus moves around, checking the other bodies. All are dragons from lesser houses, except my mother and sister. A female of any species is rare these days. To lose so many in one night is a crushing blow to dragonkind.

“I know, Father, I just hoped that my mother wouldn’t do anything this stupid. I know she didn’t love my father. I think it was more because Aurora is the rightful queen and not her.” I look down upon my mother’s corpse, the remnants of an icicle protruding from her chest.

Apparently, my mate has new skills she’s acquired. As long as Aurora can protect herself when she can’t shift, I feel a tiny bit better. I move over to my sister and roll her over; I really wish I hadn’t. Apparently, Aurora ripped her throat out, froze the blood in her body, making every vessel explode from the pressure. My sister’s eyeballs dangle by their nerves from her skull, frozen in place, hanging down. I really need to talk to Dimitri and find out exactly which horror movies my mate has watched, so I’m not so shocked by what I find.

I spend the next two hours supervising the cleanup of the bodies and blood. The skulls are ordered to be harvested from the corpses and prepared. I know being king will never be an easy job, but to know my family is possibly being hunted, that makes my blood boil. Eventually, I leave the throne room, letting Nicodeamus finish overseeing the cleanup.

Carefully, I turn the doorknob entering the room in full stealth mode. The twins are sitting in their wolven forms, guarding the bathroom door. I nod to them, and they let me pass. Aurora is in the massive bathtub, floating around, using Dimitri’s lap as a pillow. Klaus is at Aurora’s feet, massaging her arches, trying to help her relax. I can see from here our daughter is quite active right now.

Silently, I back out of the room and close the door. I tell the twins I’m going for food, and I’ll return soon. I never made such a fast trip to the kitchen and back as I did tonight. After that display of power, I know Aurora is going to be starving. The bonds have been sealed with all five mates, all four species. I know she has received my scales and my magic. From the twins, I know that she has Jayce’s toxic bite; I’m not sure what she received from Dominik. From her false Lycan mate, she received his battle strategy and nothing else. Klaus, I’m not entirely sure what she could receive from him.

Dimitri is one scary mother fucker; I’m really concerned about what she could get from him. I mean, seriously, that man is a one-man wrecking crew. My cart from the kitchen is loaded to the brim with all kinds of different foods. The one old chef gave me a live lamb to bring to Aurora. So, here I am with this adorable little furball prancing along behind me.

I enter the suite, and the twins are back in their human form, sitting around the bed where Aurora is resting. I see her nostrils flare, and her eyes take on that ghostly glow of her beast as she stares at the lamb and me. For being pregnant, she crosses the room much faster than any of us expected. Even without being able to shift, her nails became talons, and her canines descend. Faster than I can blink, she has the lamb in her mouth, and her talons sink into its flesh. The poor thing didn’t even have time to scream before she ended its life. We watch our mate in horror as she feasts on the young animal’s still hot flesh.

Nicodeamus chooses to walk into the room. He pauses, looking at Aurora, and then goes to the bar for a drink. We look from Aurora to her father, then between each other, then back to Nicodeamus.

“Is this…” I wave at Aurora, eating the fresh lamb. “Normal? She killed it and just started eating it,” I say, exasperated. I’ve never witnessed a female dragon pregnant nor a female Lycan pregnant. This is probably one of the most fucked up Aurora moments I’ve seen to date.

“Perfectly normal, boys. The baby needs fresh blood and meat to grow to her potential. We must send out a hunting party for fresh, live meat for her as she comes into the home stretch. Cooked food may make her sick to her stomach.” Nicodeamus just shrugs his shoulders and sits down to sip at his brandy. I’m seriously in the middle of a horror movie gone wrong.

Dominik facepalms while his brother leaves the room to get a washcloth and towels to clean Aurora up. “This is normal? In what world is this normal?” I can’t help but shout my frustration. I’ve never witnessed anything remotely close to this in the last several hundred years.

“Aurora is a hybrid, first of her kind. She’s showing tendencies of the most primal of us. Her base animal instincts are much stronger than the rest of ours put together. She may not be able to shift, but she was still able to decimate a room without breaking a sweat.” Nicodeamus gets up and moves towards Aurora, who now is attacking the dinner cart.

“I’ll be honest, guys, I’m a bit frightened. Good luck and good night.” With that, Nicodeamus leaves quickly, locking the door behind him.

Nicodeamus being frightened is not very comforting to me in the least bit. Aurora finishes eating and moves to sit in front of the fireplace. Jayce cautiously approaches her, offering to help clean her up. Aurora smiles and nods, allowing Jayce to strip the blood-covered garments from her. Klaus approaches next, holding up his fuzzy sleep pants and her favorite shirt that happens to be mine.

Dimitri approaches me, offering a glass of brandy. ‘Her mother was like this towards the end. I’m just worried we may lose her like we did her mother. I think Aurora shifted because of the stress her mother was under. If we make sure she feels safe and secure, there’s no reason for the baby to shift.’ Dimitri looks down at his brandy. I can tell he is reliving that moment.

‘Want to tell me what happened? That way history doesn’t repeat itself.’ I rest a hand on Dimitri’s shoulder, and he nods in agreement. Quickly, I text Nicodeamus so he’s present for the story. Several minutes later, he unlocks the door and enters the room again. Aurora is curled up in her favorite chair, sleeping in front of the fire. We gather around Dimitri and wait for him to begin.

‘It was the Night of the Wolf. The yearly celebration of the wolf moon and the great hunt. Every clan minus the dragon clan was in attendance.’ Dimitri pauses, taking a sip of his brandy, and draws in a deep breath. You can tell the memory still haunts him to this day.

“Anca went into labor on her dias, so we escorted her to her chamber. We weren’t in her chamber for more than an hour before the attack happened. Vlad was with us as we prepared to protect Anca and Aurora at all costs.’ A single tear rolls down Dimitri’s cheek as he attempts to get himself under control.

“Anca started to scream and thrash suddenly. The Elder Dame was giving her herbs for pain, but it was too late. Tiny talons broke through the flesh of her stomach. Blood began to flow freely from the wounds. Anca’s ear-piercing screams were answered by Nicodeamus’s dragon. As fast as it had started, it was over. Aurora had cut herself free of her mother’s womb. That little hellion attempted to claw at anyone who came near her. Anca’s last words were to protect her baby.’ Dimitri begins to uncontrollably sob.

His distress wakes Aurora up from her slumber. Silently, she moves towards Dimitri and climbs into his lap. I’m not used to seeing this side of Aurora; perhaps we brought balance to her temperament. Aurora works her fingers through Dimitri’s hair, massaging his scalp. “My daughter and I are well. We will go somewhere far from here when I go into labor, so I don’t feel threatened. This birth is different; we have both parents’ species present. Alaric’s dragon can soothe my baby when she’s distressed in a way I can’t. You won’t lose me, too.’ Aurora’s words make all of us cry some. She somehow knew why her mother died.

Aurora gently kisses Dimitri, then looks back at us. ‘Father, dragons didn’t always give birth in buildings. Are there ancient birthing grounds near here that are isolated?’

Nicodeamus begins to pace, then stops suddenly. ‘Yes, high up in a mountain range not far from here. Alaric can fly there and make sure it’s safe. When the time comes, we can take you there.’ Nicodeamus smiles broadly. I swear he looks like a deranged serial killer at times.

“Let’s go under cover of night. I want to make sure that Aurora has a safe place to go when it’s time.” I move to Aurora’s side and kiss her temple. I close my eyes as I breathe in her scent. I will do everything within my power to protect her and provide for her. If it means I have to spend the next few weeks searching the mountain ranges for a cavern for her, I will.

Nicodeamus and I move swiftly through the castle, heading towards the gardens, I motion to four of my closest friends. Two I put on Aurora duty, which they cringe over. Well, there are two reasons for that. First, she hates having guards escort her everywhere. The second, she threatened to hang them by their testicles if they try to get too close. My other two friends leave with Nicodeamus and me.

We fly for about forty-five minutes before Nicodeamus starts telling me where to head towards. On one of the tallest peaks, there is a cavern on a cliff face in the most dangerous mountain range. I bank and fly past it three times before I decide I can fit.

On my final approach, I tuck my wings in and land in the mouth of the cavern. I guess it’s an advantage not being an overly huge dragon species. Carefully, I lie down and allow Nicodeamus to slide off before I shift back to my human form. Nicodeamus hands me clothing, and I dress before we go exploring.

Talon marks line the walls of the cavern as we move deeper into its depths. Eventually, we come to a large opening where stalactites and stalagmites line the room’s outer edge. In the center of the room, a hot spring has created a pool, as well as an island in the middle.

“It’s been almost eight hundred years since I was last here,” Nicodeamus says as he moves around the room. He bends over slowly and picks up a fragment of an eggshell. Nicodeamus moves the piece of white shell around in his hand before handing it to me.

“I was born here; my mother laid my egg instead of carrying me as a human. She felt she could protect me better as her dragoness than a weak human.” Nicodeamus sighs and looks to the island, then back over to me.

“I wish Aurora had a dragon form; I’m so scared for my daughter it’s not funny. I saw what was left of her mother, and I honestly don’t think I can survive that again.” Nicodeamus’s voice breaks raw with emotion. Tears roll freely down his cheek as he looks to me. I didn’t know fear till now. I’m blubbering right along with him.

My heart breaks for Nicodeamus, especially after the story Dimitri told. I’m scared of watching Aurora being ripped apart by my daughter. My chest tightens with fear. I look back over the water, trying to compose myself.

I draw in a deep breath, then turn around to Nicodeamus. “I’m sure Aurora will love it here, especially since you were born here.” I briefly embrace Nicodeamus, then smile.

“Let’s head back before she starts to worry. I’ll bring a couple of the guys here tomorrow night, and we’ll work on setting it up for her.” Nicodeamus nods and follows me to the entrance. I strip out of my clothing and put it back in the sack Nicodeamus was carrying for me. Quickly, I shift back to my dragon and lay down for him. He climbs back on and gets settled on my back.

I leap out of the cavern and go into freefall for a few moments before deciding to open my wings. We glide silently, just over the treetops, trying to remain out of sight if anyone is looking for my dragon. As we approach the mountain the castle is on, I decide to do laps around it, changing direction several times before landing. I can’t be too cautious these days.

The courtyard is vacant and silent. I’m concerned, so I refuse to lower myself to the ground. One of my guards send a plume of acid towards the corner of the courtyard. Screams erupt as a Lycan comes out of the corner, its flesh melting away from its skeleton. As a precaution, I breathe fire, lighting up the entire courtyard. No other intruders are present, other than the remains of the fifteen that were in the corner. I send out a small force of Black Dragons to scour the mountain and burn anything that moves to a puddle of flesh.

My guards land near me, watching my back during the vulnerable mid-shift time. I lie down and allow Nicodeamus to slide off my back. I shift back to my human form and slip on my clothes that Nicodeamus hands me. Once dressed, Nicodeamus moves off with my guards to investigate the bodies. My concern right now is that Aurora is in danger; I race through the halls and into the joint suites. Jayce meets me at the door and raises his finger to his lips, signaling for silence.

I follow Jayce into the room, and there’s Aurora, asleep, cradled in Dimitri’s arms. Dimitri looks at me and mouths help me and then looks down at Aurora. At least lately, she’s been allowing us to sleep as humans with her. I approach slowly and nuzzle Aurora’s cheek and let my dragon rumble to her. Almost instantly, she curls towards the sound and rolls right into my arms. Ever so carefully, I stand with my beautiful mate in my arms, I listen carefully, and I hear her beast rumbling back at mine. I walk slowly and carefully, heading to the massive bed we all have been sharing lately.

Ever so gently, I lay Aurora on the bed and tuck her in tightly. I feel like I’m defusing a nuclear bomb with every movement I make as I step away from the bed. Now, it is time for our nightly ritual: the rock, paper, scissors tournament for sleeping position. Dimitri and Dominik are out since last night they won.

I look between Jayce and Klaus; we nod that we are ready, and Dimitri starts the competition. ‘One, two, three, shoot!’ Dimitri says, and we each pick an object. My dumbass chose paper, of all freaking things. Klaus and Jayce picked scissors, an automatic win for both of them. They smile and high-five each other. Deep down, I think they ganged up on me. I laugh and motion to the bed, and they assume the positions closest to Aurora. Dimitri chooses the foot of the bed. I lie above where Aurora is, and Dominik takes first watch.

There have been too many attempts to let our guard down now. In four hours, Dominik will switch out with one of us, then the next swap will be four hours after that. The only two to get a full night’s sleep are the ones sleeping next to our beautiful mate. This next month coming up is going to be hell. Between having to sneak out to work on the cavern, pretending to make preparations here, and keeping Aurora fed is becoming a challenge. Oddly, cooked food is making her sick, but raw food she can stomach. I know they say each pregnancy is different. I hope the next four are easier on all of us.

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