Fight (The Aurora Marelup Saga Book 3)

Fight: Chapter 5


I arrive in the dining hall, right in the middle of a party that the boys apparently decided to throw. The party itself could be for one of a million things. The first reason could be that my daughter has decided to make her presence known.

The second reason could be finally completing the bond with Dimitri. The third reason, it’s been almost two weeks since the last time that we’ve had to kill somebody for attempting to try to kill me—doubtful, but it’s a nice thought.

I watch the guys as they pass out their bro hugs, back claps, and steins of beer. Silently, I walk into the room and lean against the closest wall, watching them and their funny antics. Wouldn’t you know, my father is the one that notices me first. Slowly, I shake my head, trying to signal him not to reveal that I’m here. He gives me a quick wink of his eye, then goes and refills his stein.

The guys are having pep talks with Klaus, trying to reassure him that his time will come. He seems somewhat dejected because I had chosen to take Dimitri before him, even though I had bitten him first.

Klaus really doesn’t understand the history that Dimitri and I have and how long we have been denied our bond. I’ll have to speak with him one-on-one later and let him know that he does matter greatly to me. Eventually, I feel Alaric reach out through the bond, trying to sense where I am. Dammit, I’m busted. He finds me in a matter of seconds. A smile creeps slowly across his perfectly plump lips as he looks at me. His right-hand raises and he gradually does the come here signal with his index finger.

I roll my eyes at him while shaking my head no. I’m feeling a little defiant at the moment, so I stomp my right foot and use my left hand with my index finger pointing directly at the ground, demanding he comes to me.

The other guys all look shocked as their eyes move quickly between myself and Alaric. He’s definitely more Alpha than the rest of them, but he’s not more Alpha than I am. My father forewarned us that there will be times we would test each other’s dominance. Apparently, now is one of those times.

Jayce and Klaus both look panicked as their eyes move between Alaric and me. They huddle up tight, obviously trying to decide what to do to help diffuse the situation. Dimitri starts laughing, almost hysterically, over what’s going on. He claps Alaric on the back and tells him good luck, that once I’ve made up my mind, there’s no changing it. I just smile, ever so sweetly, looking at Dimitri, and I lightly bow my head to him for acknowledging the fact that I am one stubborn bitch.

I feel the scale on my chest getting too warm. Alaric is pushing his dominance through it. Smart male, he’s not blanketing the entire room with it, just me. I start to laugh that maniacal laugh of mine when I know I can gain the upper hand.

I draw in a deep breath, ever so slowly, finding my center. In my mind’s eye, I reach out through time and space, feeling my dragon family. I start to draw upon my father, as well as Alaric himself.

The moment the guys catch on, they turn to stare at Nicodeamus and Alaric as to what I’m doing. My eyes begin to take on a very haunting look; frost begins to spread out around me, surrounding me almost in a mini storm. The boys can feel me pulling. Alaric starts to move, not of his own volition but of my desire. My father stares, watching in an almost horrified shock over what I am capable of doing.

Several knocks occur at the double doors that are not far from me. The doors open, and eight more male dragons come in, almost zombified at my call. Apparently, thanks to Alaric, my dragon side has become ten times stronger than it was before.

When I realize what I have done, I release my grip on the power that I’ve tapped into. The eight males who have found their way into the room look around, confused about how they got there. I’m as strong as ever and this time, my use of power did not exhaust me. Perhaps my body is changing along with the growth of my baby. I can’t wait until my little angel, Tia, is born. Oh, there are so many things I can’t wait to show her.

Alaric comes over to me and drops to his knees before me. He carefully grabs both of my hands and kisses my knuckles. ‘There has only ever been one dragoness able to pull dragons to her from far and wide. That dragoness just so happens to be your great-grandmother, the Blood Queen.’

I pull Alaric to his feet and gently kiss his lips. I take only one of his hands and take him with me back towards the other guys. My eyes land on my father, and I look at him, studying as he is studying me. ‘By the way you’re looking at me, Father, I can only assume that you have never seen this done before.’

Nicodeamus begins to stroke his beard as he looks at me. He tilts his head left, then slowly back to the right again, then back left again. He bites his lower lip before speaking. ‘It’s like your mate has said, the last time I have seen anyone summon other dragons like that was the Blood Queen. Apparently, my bloodline was much stronger than your mother’s and is obviously the dominant side of you. This would also explain why you carry Alaric’s child before the twins. A dragoness will always pick the strongest male to reproduce with. So in the future, if you wish for children with your other mates, before going into heat Alaric must leave.’

I watch the twins share looks of confusion between them. Their eyes move over to Dimitri and Klaus next, then over to Alaric last. Alaric slowly nods, acknowledging what my father has said is true.

All I can do is blink because of the information that is given to me. It doesn’t matter which of the guys I had sex with during my heat, it was always going to be Alaric’s child. Well, isn’t that just a curious turn of events? It’s quite interesting how genetics plays a huge role in the survival of the species. For example, what we have here today, even though I have spent time with Dominik and Jayce far before Alaric, it’s Alaric’s child that I now carry.

I understand in the wild the need for the strong to survive and the weak to perish; those more diluted bloodlines no longer carry on. But all of these males that I have gathered, each are the strongest of their species, by rights.

Gently, I rub my stomach, feeling my daughter’s movements within. Oh! I go to Jayce and place his hands on my belly. A slow smile creeps across his face as he feels my child moving. He seems just as enamored with the situation as I am. We smile ever so softly at each other, and he lightly kisses my lips before he moves away.

I look over at his brother, Dominik, next; I can see the anticipation and excitement in his eyes as he looks at me. Slowly, I toddle my happy ass over towards Dominik and sit on his lap. I wait until I start to feel my daughter’s movements within me before taking Dominik’s hand and placing it in the proper place. Several seconds pass before I see his eyes light up and a smile move across his lips.

One by one, I moved to each of my mates, making sure that they feel the babe within me. The look of wonder and happiness, the feeling that a miracle has occurred for us warms my heart. This is one of the few days that I can honestly say the entire day has been happy.

We retire to bed this night, exhausted yet happy. I find myself, tonight, between Alaric and Klaus. If you ask me, they’re absolute polar opposites in their personalities. Alaric is your typical dominant male, wanting to make sure everything is in its proper place and order. Even though he’s an Alpha, Klaus is more concerned about my well-being and the well-being of those around us.

I’m guessing it’s partially a species difference versus how they both individually were raised. From what Klaus had told me, his father was very hands-on and very affectionate. Alaric’s father defined the word rat bastard. He couldn’t give two shits less how anybody felt or what their thoughts were if they were outside of what he wanted. I’m thankful to the gods that Alaric is not his father’s son in the sense that other people’s feelings matter to him.

I think back to the night that my mate ripped his own father’s heart out for his transgressions against me. I stood there and tolerated it, his father belittling me and treating me like nothing more than a broodmare and property. It warmed my heart and comforted my soul that Alaric sought vengeance in my name.

I look between Alaric and Klaus while they sleep curled up around me. I definitely think I hit the mate lottery when I ended up with these five guys. I am so thankful that no matter what I’ve already been through, each man handled it in his own way. Therefore, I can seek out the mate that I feel I need at that time. I know on the schedule somewhere out there, I need to finish and complete the bond with Klaus. My eyes move over to Alaric then back to Klaus as an idea forms in the back of my mind. I wonder if these two will play as nicely together as the twins do.

Carefully, I lean over and kiss Klaus on the lips, then I turn and kiss Alaric on the lips. No mate above the other, no favorites, and most of all, all are equal in my eyes. It doesn’t take long for me to drift off to sleep. Tonight, visions of the daughter that I carry in my womb are dancing in my head. That, and of her future.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I’m awakened. My body is drenched in sweat, all because of the dream I just had. In that dream, the daughter that I carry now has long, light blond hair, steel-grey eyes like mine, and her father’s stare back at me. A man I’ve yet to meet, covered in tattoos, hugging her, embracing her like she is the greatest treasure that he has ever found. Whomever this man is, he is pivotal in her future. Unlike my daughter, from what I can sense, he has already been born.

I sit here panting from how real the dream had felt to me. Are these the future dreams that my father warned me about? Is this strictly a dragon thing, and since taking Alaric as a mate, it has become more substantial? I’ll speak to my father about this in the morning after I’ve adequately rested. For now, I wiggle myself between Klaus and Alaric, trying to get comfortable again so I can slip back into a nice deep slumber.

Early the next morning, I’m awakened by a pair of hard cocks getting ground into my thighs from either side. I double-blink my eyes, then slowly rub them to free them from sleep. Alaric is wide awake, smiling at me. I turn to look at Klaus, and he’s sleep-humping my leg. I raise an eyebrow looking over at Alaric, and he just smirks. Apparently, Klaus’s subconscious has taken over. Alaric gives me a nod, so I turn and back my ass up to Alaric. I’m facing Klaus, and I reach forward to grip his hard cock in my hand.

A soft moaning growl escapes Klaus’s lips as he begins to thrust into my hand. I feel Alaric move and reach into the side table. I hear him pop the top to the lube, and I know what’s coming next. In the middle of him massaging my rosette, he turns on the MP3 player, Ginuwine’s “Pony” comes on. Excellent mood music. I move onto all fours and push Klaus onto his back. He rolls over without a fight, still in his dreamlike state. I manage to shift a finger into a talon and cut his boxers free from his body. My eyes travel up his body, and he’s still sleeping.

Ever so slowly, I move to kneel beside him. My eyes drift over his body once more before I run my tongue from the base of his cock up to the tip. More precum spills out onto Klaus’s lower stomach. Greedily, I lap it up before licking him again. Klaus is somehow still sleeping through all of this. Wow! Without warning, I take his cock in my hand and deep throat him in one shot. I hear him gasp awake as I start sucking his cock for all that it’s worth.

Alaric uses his alpha tone and tells Klaus to lie there and enjoy what I’m doing. I can see where this morning’s antics are going to go. Alaric is on a power trip, Klaus is mostly submissive, and here I am in the middle of a man sandwich.

Klaus comes hard, and I devour every single drop his body offers me. I feel my canines descend as I crawl my way up Klaus’s body. I look at Klaus through my shifted eyes, and he’s just as beautiful as he is when my eyes are human. Klaus’s eyes turn to that of his wolf as he stares back at me. Alaric moves to my side, takes Klaus’s hands and places them on my full, heavy breasts. Klaus looks at me shocked, then over to Alaric, then back to me again.

“Alaric likes being dominant, and with me being heavily pregnant with his child, he’s going to be protective of us. We need to complete our bond Klaus, now seems just as good as any other time.” I speak to him softly as I run a hand up his chest. Alaric helps me move to straddle Klaus’s abdomen to not injure myself or my baby. Gently, Alaric grips my hips and slides me back till my dripping wet core touches the tip of Klaus’s cock. Several careful rocks of my hips and I finally get Klaus’s cock to line up the way I need him.

Alaric slowly pulls me back, further impaling me on Klaus’s cock. I breathe in deeply, feeling quite full at the moment. I know what Alaric is planning on doing; part of it is for Klaus’s comfort. I know I’m very Alpha at times, and Alaric believes that because of it Klaus may be hesitant to finish the bond. Alaric instructs Klaus to start moving, and almost instantly he does.

Hmm, Klaus likes being controlled. This could get very interesting, indeed. I move Klaus’s hands to rest on my hips as we start to move together. Alaric is right behind me, and he grabs ahold of my breasts, stimulating my nipples. My moans begin to mingle with Klaus’s as we continue to move. I’m absolutely soaked, drenching Klaus with every single move. Alaric cheats, leaning forward, and bites my shoulder, instantly sending me crashing over the edge. My screams fill the air as a burst of frost coats the room.

Several seconds later, my other mates enter the room, having heard me. I lunge forward, without warning and bite Klaus, sending him over the edge with me. I feel every single pulse of his cock as he fills my womb up with his hot seed. I stay latched onto Klaus as his movements slowly even out. I carefully release his shoulder as I feel the bond fully snap into place.

It’s only then do I feel Alaric slowly begin to press his cock against my rosette. I slowly roll my neck as I now look to find both twins on the bed with us and Dimitri in a chair nearby with his cock in his hand. Holy shit, this just got really interesting.

Dominik and Jayce come forward, and each latch onto a nipple and start to tease it with their tongues. If I weren’t already pregnant, I’d swear to the gods it would happen tonight with all these dominant males. Alaric carefully sinks deeply into my ass; I feel overfull, like to the point of bursting. Eventually, Klaus and Alaric begin to move. Every nerve fiber in my body feels like it has been set alight. Every move, every touch feels a thousand times more intense.

Eventually, Dimitri comes over, and I look at him shocked—I didn’t think the group play would be his thing. Dimitri’s eyes follow the movement of my other mates, then he looks back down at me. Dimitri grips the back of my neck roughly and kisses me deeply. I come almost instantly the minute Dimitri begins to kiss me. He swallows my screams of pleasure and helps to hold me up as I writhe from every powerful contraction of my pussy.

Light bursts explode behind my eyelids as the guys fuck me furiously, their movements beginning to become erratic as they climb the precipice. First Klaus, then Alaric, go over the edge, both of them screaming as they come hard while seated deep within me. I feel their cocks pulsing and throbbing against my very sensitive nerves. I have to admit, pregnancy sex is fucking amazing.

Alaric slowly and carefully withdraws from my ass, then collapses at the foot of the bed. I start to laugh as I look at Alaric lying there dead to the world. The next thing I know, Dimitri has scooped me up and is carrying me around the bed to the other side. The twins look on, puzzled as to what the big guy is doing.

Dimitri maneuvers me with an incredible show of strength, then slides me down his body to his waiting cock. My legs rest over the tops of his forearms as his hands cup my ass cheeks. Dimitri moves so that his back rests against the wall for support. Ever so slowly, he begins to rock his hips, thrusting that huge, thick, throbbing cock up and into me. I gasp at every thrust; he’s hitting all the right places every single time. My hands are buried deeply into his thick locks, my fingertips applying pressure to help me hold on.

I look over to see Jayce and Dominik stroking their cocks, watching Dimitri slowly torturing me with his precise strokes. Klaus and Alaric lie on their sides, watching my big bear work me over with his deliberately slow movements. My juices start to drip onto the floor as I feel another orgasm approaching. Every attempt at moving is met by Dimitri stopping his movements and him growling at me, baring his canines. I narrow my eyes and growl back at Dimitri after the third time he decides to stop. Out of nowhere, my ass cheek starts stinging; I look back and see Alaric standing there smiling at me.

“Behave, or no more dick for you,” Alaric says in that dominant tone of his.

I bare my canines at Alaric for interrupting my fun, and he smacks my ass yet again. I keep my eyes narrowed on him till Dimitri thrusts up hard into me. I whip my head around to face Dimitri; I’m shocked, to say the least.

“I’m the one fucking you, not him. Eyes on me, baby girl.” Dimitri says, his voice thick with desire and the growl of his beast.

I barely open my mouth, my canines easily visible. I’m horny and too fucking close to the edge for us to be having an in-depth conversation right now. I decide it’s in my best interest to behave. I’m aching in all the right places and want more. Finally, Dimitri starts to move again with a renewed sense of purpose. Holy fuck, can the big guy move when he wants to. I eventually succumb to my orgasm and tilt my head back, screaming as Dimitri picks up the pace, slamming that long, thick cock deep within me. Our soaking wet flesh slaps together as my muscles milk his length rhythmically.

Dimitri’s eyes glow as his bear comes to the surface; his voice is a mix of man and bear as he screams his orgasm. His grip on my ass tightens as he grinds down, milking himself of every ounce of seed. Eventually, we both rest forehead to forehead, panting, trying to catch our breath from some of the most intense sex I’ve ever had. Our mixed fluids begin to drip onto the floor as his erection slowly softens.

Dimitri’s still impressive flaccid cock falls free from me, taking with it an extensive gushing of fluids. Dimitri kisses me tenderly, then carries me back over to the bed and hands me off to Jayce and Dominik. I giggle as Jayce proceeds to kiss my poor hand-printed ass cheeks. Dominik holds a juice out to me and a cookie. I sit there happily snacking and drinking when I notice that Alaric and Klaus are missing.

I look around the room to find Klaus bent over the tabletop and Alaric fucking his ass. I had my suspicions that Klaus may have been bi, but I never would have pegged Alaric for being a switch hitter. I sit there and watch them for several moments; I can see the scales rippling up and down Alaric’s spine as he dominates Klaus.

Wow, I knew watching the Jayce sandwich back in the day was hot, but fuck, this is hotter, by far. I push Jayce down on the bed so that his head hangs over the edge so he can watch Klaus and Alaric. I straddle Jayce slightly off-balance for a moment. I look back over my shoulder to find Dominik hypnotized by Alaric and Klaus.

“Dominik! Twin sammich. Now!” I practically growl out the now, and he jumps into action. He finds the lube on the bed and makes his cock nice and slick before sliding deep in me. I moan softly, feeling the fullness from the twins within me. We start moving together, perfectly in time with each other.

Dimitri walks past us and grabs a chair and drags it over. Dimitri proceeds to stand on the chair and sticks his cock in my face. Well, alrighty then, I guess I know what I’m doing now, don’t I? Dimitri’s cock is the largest out of the five, so trying to give him a blowjob is a project all by itself. Jayce and Dominik slow their motions down so that the four of us can find a suitable rhythm.

Several moments pass, and we finally figure it out. I can only take about half of Dimitri’s cock into my mouth, so I use a hand to stroke him as I suck. I feel that familiar tightness in my lower stomach starting to build. Jayce’s movements have begun to get more erratic in time with Klaus’s increased moaning. Dominik adjusts himself to support my ribcage as I move to caress Dimitri’s balls while I suck and stroke his cock.

The visual was more than poor Jayce could take; he screams out his orgasm as he suddenly thrusts up into me, knotting himself deep within me. Dominik, I can tell, isn’t that far behind his brother. I focus on sucking and licking Dimitri’s cock till he spills every ounce of seed down my throat. I gulp it down as fast as I can, being careful not to waste a drop. My own orgasm rips through me the minute Dimitri roughly grabs both nipples and squeezes hard. I scream loudly, my voice a mix between mine and my beast’s. Dominik can’t hold out any longer. I feel his cock begin to pulse and throb deep within my ass as he dumps his seed.

Klaus and Alaric are standing there watching our little party over here. Both guys pleasantly spent, Klaus with a new bite on his shoulder from Alaric. Hmm, I guess it’s a dominance thing in the group.

I yawn softly and cover my mouth. Jayce is still locked deep within me, so he lays us down on our sides so my head can be cradled in his arm. “I’m hungry and tired,” I say softly, then yawn again as I close my eyes, listening to Jayce’s heartbeat.

Hopefully, tonight will be different than every other night. I miss sleeping with my mates in their human forms. I understand why my animal needs them shifted; we’re practically defenseless. I just have to make it through this month and next month, then my daughter will be here. For now, hopefully, I’ll sleep well. This little hellion of mine is super active and feels like she’s running laps around my stomach most of the time now.

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