Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 18

It was almost 2am, and Kelsey and I had talked non stop since I’d arrived. My stomach growled noisily as she was telling me about her latest dating mishap and she burst out laughing.

‘Shit! I completely forgot to feed you,’ she said with a snort.

‘You don’t have to feed me. I’m not your house-pet,’ I giggled.

‘I know that, but you must be starving. I have literally no food in the place. Let’s order a pizza.’

‘It’s 2am!’

‘It’s New York, baby!’

‘Of course. I forgot about Tony’s on the corner.’

‘I’ll order one now. Shall we go ham and pineapple?’

‘Yes,’ I groaned. ‘And a side of fries. My stomach just realised I’m starving too.’

Twenty minutes later there was a knock at Kelsey’s apartment door.

‘Damn! Tony got way speedier since I left,’ I giggled.

Kelsey jumped up from the sofa. ‘Food!’ she half groaned, half growled as she grabbed her wallet and headed out into the hallway.

A moment later, I heard the front door closing and Kelsey padding back towards the room.

She popped her head through the open door. ‘Erm, I don’t mean to startle you, but I think your husband is here,’ she said with a flash of her eyebrows.


‘There are three, very serious and very stacked, men in suits standing in the hallway asking to see you.’

My heart lurched into my throat. ‘Did one of them look like he had steam coming from his ears?’

‘Yup,’ she nodded.

‘Then it’s him,’ I said with a groan.

‘I kinda got the impression he’s not gonna leave til he talks to you, honey. Shall I let them in?’

I chewed my lip as I thought about whether it was better to go out into the hallway and talk to him instead. But, what was the point when I knew there was not a chance in hell Alejandro would leave this apartment building without me.

‘I mean, I’m all for standing my ground and telling them to get lost, but I do like my front door. You know?’ Kelsey grinned.

‘Okay. Let them in,’ I said with a sigh.

‘It will be okay, I’m here,’ she said with a reassuring smile.

A few seconds later, I heard the door opening again and the sound of muffled voices filled the hallway. I stood up, wiping my hands on my jeans nervously. I looked up and swallowed as I watched Hugo and Jax walk into the room.


Alejandro had brought the big guns with him for this and suddenly I felt like a runaway teenager who was about to get the ass-whooping of my life. A second later, he walked into the room behind them, looking incredibly hot and incredibly angry in his tailored suit and his crisp white shirt. My heart almost pounded out of my chest with both fear and anticipation.

He glared at me, his eyes fierce and full of fire. ‘Hello, Alana,’ he growled.

‘How the hell did you find me so quickly?’ I asked. ‘You haven’t implanted a tracker in my ass, have you?’

He scowled at me but I saw Jax chuckling softly as he took a seat on Kelsey’s sofa.

Alejandro didn’t find it in the slightest bit amusing though and he continued to glare at me. ‘Is there somewhere we could talk in private?’

‘Sure! You can use my room,’ Kelsey offered.

I frowned at her and she shrugged apologetically.

‘Lead the way, princess,’ Alejandro said as he stepped back out into the hallway.

I walked out of the room and into Kelsey’s bedroom with him hot on my heels.

As soon as he had closed the door behind us, he grabbed hold of me, pushing me against the wall with the full weight of his body. One hand wrapping my hair around his fist and the other wrapped around my throat. He kissed me fiercely, full of passion and possessiveness, pushing his tongue inside my mouth and claiming me. I responded in kind. I couldn’t help it. My body craved him.

He pressed his semi-hard cock against my stomach and I groaned into his mouth. Every single one of my nerve endings were screaming for him. He rolled his hips against me as a growl vibrated through his entire body.

I ran my hands over his muscular back and down to his perfect ass and squeezed. His hand released its grip on my throat, sliding down my neck, over my breasts and stomach until he reached the waistband of my skinny jeans. He tugged the button open with one swift jerk of his hand before pulling the zipper down slowly and slipping his hand inside my panties. My legs trembled in anticipation and I felt a rush of cream as he slid his hand between my thighs.

I leaned into him. My body craved his touch, feeding on it like a fire consumed oxygen. He slid his fingers through my wet folds and onto my clit, rubbing in small circles and making me moan loudly into him. Without even thinking, I spread my thighs wider apart to allow him easier access, and felt the low rumble in his throat as he pushed two fingers inside me. I wasn’t quite ready for him and I felt the burn as he pumped them in an out of me, reaching deeper inside with each thrust until he was pressing against that sweet spot inside.

‘Alex!’ I gasped into his mouth, but he didn’t let up, devouring my mouth with his own and claiming my pussy with his skilled hands. He brought me to the edge quickly, rubbing against my walls until my cream was spilling over his fingers. When he brushed the knuckle of his thumb over my clit, I came apart around him, my legs trembling violently and my head spinning as the orgasm ripped through me. He kept a tight hold on my hair, and his mouth over mine, swallowing my scream with his kiss.

He rubbed the last of my climax from me, allowing my heart rate to return to normal before he broke our kiss. When he did, he glared at me, his eyes full of fire. ‘Who does this belong to?’ he growled as he palmed my pussy and squeezed possessively.

I stared into his eyes and realized how foolish I had been to run away from him. ‘You,’ I panted as I blinked back tears.

‘And who do you belong to, princess?’

I swallowed as my pulse started to race again. ‘You.’

He pulled his hand free from my panties and lifted it to my face, cupping my chin with his fingers. I sucked in a breath as I felt how wet with my own arousal they were.

‘Ciertamente! So, don’t you ever fucking run from me again.’

‘Okay,’ I whispered as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

He pressed his forehead against mine, our bodies molded together, hearts hammering in perfect sync and our breathing ragged.

‘What the hell were you thinking? Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been, Alana? How worried Lucia has been?’

I swallowed. At the time, I hadn’t thought about that. I had just wanted away from L.A – to be with someone who had always loved me just as I am. ‘I’m sorry,’ I whispered. ‘But I did say I’d be back in a couple of days. I just needed some space.’

His eyes searched mine. I felt the anger still radiating from him, but there was something else in his eyes too. ‘We had some bad news yesterday, princess. I know that. But you don’t just run away when things get hard. We face our problems together. You said you wanted a real marriage. That is what a real marriage is about.’

I shook my head. ‘The only reason you married me was so I could give you an heir, and now I can’t even do that. You should find someone who can.’

He let go of my hair and took a step back from me, his face so full of anger that I wondered if he was about to explode. ‘What did you just fucking say?’ he growled, his voice low and menacing.

I swallowed. That had been unfair, but I was still hurting. ‘I heard you and your father talking? I heard what he said about me, and he’s right. I am useless to you now.’

‘You really think I believe that?’ he snarled.

‘Well, you didn’t correct him. You let him say those awful things about me and you didn’t disagree,’ I said, my voice trembling as much as my knees.

‘If you’re going to eavesdrop, princess, you should make sure to listen to the whole conversation. My father has always had my unwavering respect. He is a man who isn’t used to being disagreed with, and so I let him have his say. But if you’d have hung around, you’d have heard me calling him an asshole and throwing him out of my office. But instead you ran away. You really think that your only worth to me is to give me a kid?’

‘But that is why you married me,’ I challenged him.

‘But that’s not why we’re still married, is it? I don’t give a fuck about kids, Alana, if I don’t have you by my side. You are everything to me and I don’t understand how you could think otherwise.’

I zipped up my jeans and walked across the room to sit on Kelsey’s bed. ‘I heard your dad saying those awful things, and I was upset and scared. The fact that I might never get to have a baby, Alejandro, it’s …’ I shook my head and started to cry.

He sat beside me on the bed with a sigh. ‘There are plenty of ways to have kids, princess. You need to stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect.’

I looked up at him and he reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. ‘I want to be perfect for you though. I want to be everything you need.’

‘You already are, princess. I swear I will die a happy man as long as you are by my side. Now, can we go home?’

I chewed on my lip and he sighed again, running a hand through his hair before shaking his head and frowning at me. ‘The fact that you think I would allow someone to talk about you like that, and not defend you, kills me. How could you think I would do that? Especially about something like this?’

‘Well, it wasn’t just anyone, was it? It was your father. And I know how much you love and respect him. I know how loyal you are to your family, Alejandro.’

He closed his eyes and took a breath. When he opened them again, they were full of fire and emotion. ‘What you say is true. And I would kill for my father, but I would die for you, Alana,’ he breathed and then he leaned closer to me, brushing his lips over mine.

My heart swelled in my chest. I felt like all of the air was being sucked from the room and I took shallow breaths to calm my racing heart. I had been such an idiot.

‘Te quiero, princess. You are everything to me,’ he said softly.

‘I love you too,’ I whispered.

‘I have a plane waiting at JFK, but if I need to, I will stick you in the trunk of the car and drive us all the way back to L.A. It’s your call, princess?’

‘The plane will do just fine,’ I said with a smile.

‘Good,’ he said as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

‘Are you going to punish me for running away?’ I whispered.

‘I should,’ he breathed into my hair. ‘I should take my belt to your ass and scar it for life. But, no, I’m not going to punish you, as long as you promise never to take off like this again, and never to assume that you are anything less to me than my whole fucking world. Can you do that?’

‘Yes,’ I whispered.

‘Do you think your friend would mind if I fucked you on her bed?’ he growled.

‘Yes. I think she’d mind a lot,’ I laughed.

‘Damn!’ he said with a grin.

A few moments later, we walked out of the bedroom and back towards the others in the lounge.

‘We may as well eat this food, Kelsey. Those two will be fucking like rabbits,’ I heard Jax saying as we entered the room.

‘Oi!’ Alejandro said as we walked into the room and gave Jax a friendly punch on the arm. ‘Come on. Let’s go.’

‘Hang on a minute,’ Kelsey said as she stood up. ‘You can’t just walk in here and take my best friend like that. It’s the middle of the night. Our food has just arrived. I haven’t seen her for months, and I’ve missed her.’

Alejandro checked his watch. ‘We have a delinquent seventeen year old at home who we need to get back to. And we only have two hours before we’ll miss our slot for take-off.’

‘Sorry, Kels,’ I said.

‘You sure you want to go back with him?’ she asked me. ‘Because I know you guys might be tough and all that, but I am not against kicking some ass or calling the cops if you’re taking my friend here against her will.’

I felt Alejandro tense beside me, unused to Kelsey’s particular brand of humor.

‘Yes, I’m sure,’ I said. ‘I’m sorry I’m running out on you though. I’ve missed you too.’

Alejandro looked between the two of us and rolled his eyes. ‘Why not come with us then, Kelsey?’ he offered.

‘What?’ Kelsey and I said at the same time.

‘We have plenty of room if you want to come stay with us for a couple of days?’ he replied.

‘But she has a job,’ I said.

‘Actually, I have some vacation time owing. And they owe me huge favor anyway after I helped them out of a tight spot today,’ Kelsey said with a shrug.

‘Why, what did you do?’ I asked.

‘Can you tell her on the plane?’ Jax said with a roll of his eyes. ‘I’ve got a hot date tonight.’

‘Please come then?’ I said to her.

‘Okay. I’ll come stay,’ Kelsey squealed as she ran off to her bedroom to grab some things.

‘Thank you,’ I said to Alejandro.

‘My pleasure, princess,’ he growled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

Twenty minutes later, we stepped into the street and the driver, Michael held open the doors of the car for us. Jax bypassed him and climbed into the front while Hugo and Kelsey got into the back seat, followed by Alejandro.

He held out his hand to me and patted his lap, as it was the only place left for me to sit. I climbed in. ‘So, I don’t even get my own seat?’ I said with a flash of my eyebrows.

‘Well, I wasn’t expecting we’d be bringing a guest home with us,’ Alejandro said with a smile. ‘So, either you sit on my lap, or Kelsey will have to sit on Hugo’s.’

‘I can certainly live with that,’ Kelsey said with a grin. ‘I’m all about teamwork,’ she winked at Hugo and he stifled a laugh.

‘I think Hugo has got himself into enough trouble for one day,’ Alejandro replied.

I looked up at him. I hadn’t even considered that Hugo would get into trouble for me giving him the slip at the hotel. ‘Sorry,’ I mouthed and he winked at me in response.

‘Alana, I had no idea you guys had a plane.’ Kelsey said as she took her seat and looked around.

‘Neither did I,’ I flashed my eyebrows at her.

‘Actually, we have two,’ Alejandro said in my ear as he wrapped an arm around me.

‘Two? Why on earth would anyone need two planes?’ I said.

He shrugged ‘In case one breaks down.’

‘Well, now that I know this piece of information, you can fly me to L.A any time I have a few days off, can’t you?’ Kelsey said with a grin.

‘If that’s what you ladies want,’ Alejandro replied smoothly as he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

We’d been in the air for half an hour when Alejandro took my hand and signaled his head to the back of the plane. I looked around and noticed that Jax had fallen asleep, and Hugo and Kelsey were deep in conversation.

I stood up and walked to the back with him. He opened a door to reveal a small, but fully functional bedroom.

‘You have a bedroom on your plane?’ I laughed as I stepped inside and he closed the door behind us.

‘Of course, princess,’ he said as he took a step towards me, causing me to step back so my legs bumped against the bed. ‘Can you think of any better way to spend the next few hours than to get naked under those covers with me?’

I bit my lip and tilted my head as though deep in thought.

He slipped his hands around my waist and onto my ass. ‘Well?’

‘What about everyone outside? They’ll know what we’re doing in here?’

‘Seems like Kelsey and Hugo might appreciate some time alone themselves,’ he grinned. ‘And Jax will sleep the whole way home. He always does. And even if they do know. So what? You’re my wife and that means I get to fuck you wherever and whenever I want, princess.’

‘Then no. I can’t think of anything better than getting naked with you then,’ I said as I snaked my arms around his neck.

He pulled my tank top over my head and tossed it onto the floor before dropping to his knees and pulling off my skinny jeans. I helped him by kicking them off my feet . Then his hands moved to my panties.

‘Don’t …’ I started to say but he’d already torn them off me. He tossed them over his shoulder with a wicked glint in his eye.

‘You have a very perverse aversion to panties,’ I told him.

He moved his head to my neck and began nuzzling my tender skin. ‘No. I have an aversion to you wearing panties, Alana,’ he mumbled against me. I wrapped my hands back around him and then I heard him unbuckling his belt. I shivered in anticipation and he looked at me, his forehead furrowed into a frown. ‘You want to feel my belt on your ass, princess?’ he growled.

‘Maybe,’ I sucked in a breath. ‘I don’t know.’

‘Why maybe? Are you worried about the noise? Because no-one will hear over the sound of the engines.’

‘Not just the noise.’

‘Oh?’ he said softly as he ran a hand over my ass. ‘You’re worried I’m going to punish you?’

‘Yes,’ I panted as his hand slipped between my thighs and through my wet folds.

‘But you know my bed isn’t for punishment, Alana. And I already told you I’m not going to punish you for running away, didn’t I?’

‘Yes. But why?’

‘Why what?’ he breathed against my ear as he slipped a finger inside me.

I shivered at the combination of his breath skittering softly over the delicate skin of my neck as his finger pressed against my walls. ‘Why aren’t you going to punish me?’ I panted.

He lifted his head and looked into my eyes. ‘Because we’ve both been through a lot in these past twenty-four hours. I don’t want any more distance between us, princess.’

I bit on my lip and nodded.

‘Do you want to be punished?’ he asked as he added a second finger to my channel. I held onto his forearm, feeling the muscles flexing as he worked me and I groaned out loud.

‘I just want us to be okay,’ I breathed.

He brushed his lips over mine while he continued slowly finger fucking me. ‘We are okay, princess. I don’t want to punish you, but I’m not sure you won’t think that I am anyway, so we’ll save the belt for another time. Okay?’


‘Now, get your ass onto that bed,’ he growled in my ear as he slid his fingers out of my slick channel.

I sat down and crawled back on the bed on my elbows as I watched him undress. Sliding his shirt over his muscular shoulders and forearms and letting it drop to the floor. I watched as all of his finely toned muscles flexed with every movement and felt a rush of cream as I pictured him holding himself over me in a few moments time. Licking my lips, I thought about how those muscles in his body would completely overpower me, and how easily I would let them, because I craved him being in control.

He slid his suit pants and boxer shorts down his thick thighs and kicked them off. When he stood back up, I couldn’t keep my eyes off his huge stiff cock as it glistened with his arousal.

‘You are so damn hot,’ I said as I bit on my lip.

He laughed softly as he crawled over me. ‘If I’m hot, princess, then you are fire.’

He bent his head and sucked one of my pebbled nipples into his mouth as he gently kneaded my other breast and I moaned out loud. Then his head was moving southwards as he kissed and nibbled his way down my stomach until he reached my thighs. He kissed each of my inner thighs in turn, right by where I wanted his mouth. I pushed my hips upwards and he smiled against my skin.

‘I can smell how much you’re creaming for me already, princess, and it’s making me so fucking hard I could come right now,’ he growled.

‘Alex, please?’ I begged him.

‘Tell me what you want, Alana,’ he said softly as he continued planting soft kisses all around my pussy but deliberately avoiding the spots where I wanted him most.

‘I want you to make me come,’ I gasped.

‘What with, princess?’

‘I want mouth and your fingers.’

‘Both? I’m not sure you’ve earned both, Alana,’ he growled.


‘Hmm,’ he hummed against my skin and the vibration rocketed around my body. ‘I always take care of you, don’t I?’

He pushed my thighs flat against the bed before he licked all the way from my hot opening to my clit. He settled his mouth there and started to suck gently before moving the fingers of his right hand to my hot entrance and sliding two fingers inside, curling them until he was hitting my G-Spot and my whole body was trembling with the impending orgasm. But he didn’t let me have one, he kept me there on the edge and every time I was about to fall over the cliff, he pulled back slightly before starting again.

‘Alex, please?’ I panted as I ran my fingers through his hair.

He stopped and looked up at me, his eyes full of fire and his face wet with my cream. My legs shook violently as my release ebbed away again and I threw my head back against the pillow in frustration. But, he didn’t go back to eating my pussy. He slid his fingers out of me and then he moved up the bed, nestling himself between my thighs until he was pressing at my opening.

‘You are dripping all over this bed, princesa. Your cream is fucking delicious. But it’s not enough,’ he growled as he pushed himself inside me and my eyes almost rolled into the back of my head. ‘Because I want every last drop from you.’

He lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist as he fucked me slowly. ‘I want you to soak these bedsheets with your cum. I want you to scream my name because I need you to remember how good we are together. I want to remind you how much our bodies were made for each other.’

‘Alex,’ I gasped as I opened my eyes and looked at him. God, he was so damn beautiful. And he made me feel beautiful too. ‘I love you so much.’

‘Te quiero,’ he breathed before sealing his mouth over mine. Then he fucked me so slowly and perfectly that I felt like I might have died and gone to heaven. When I finally climaxed, the rush of wet heat gushed out of me and soaked the sheets just like he’d wanted.

It was only then that he broke our kiss and smiled at me. ‘Jesus, Alana! You are fucking perfect, mi reina.’

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