Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 17

Jax looked at me with a smile on his face as he put his cell back into his pocket.

‘Seems your girl boarded the 4:15 flight to JFK, amigo.’

‘Fuck!’ I hissed. I hoped she wasn’t going to see her snake of a father. I didn’t think she would, but there was always a possibility. I hated that man with a passion.

‘Samuel!’ I shouted to my employee who was waiting in the other room. He came running into my office.

‘Yes, Boss?’

‘Call the airport hand have the jet ready to go to New York as soon as possible.’

He nodded. ‘I’ll get right on it.’

‘And call Hugo too. Tell him to meet us there. He helped get us into this fucking mess, he can help me fix it.’

Samuel nodded before walking back out of the room.

I looked at Jax again. ‘You think you can find out who Kelsey is and get me her address by the time we land?’

He frowned at me. ‘Of course I can. This is me you’re talking to.’

I chewed my lip in frustration and Jax stood up and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. ‘She’s safe, amigo. She’ll be back in your arms in about eight hours.’

I nodded at him but I wouldn’t relax until she was back by my side where she belonged. She must have overheard my father and I talking earlier. There was no other explanation for why she’d just take off like that, at least none that I wanted to think about right now.

Fuck! She obviously hadn’t stuck around to hear me throwing him out of my office. What the hell must she think of me now?

A pain shot through my jaw and I realised I was grinding my teeth. No matter what she had heard, nothing justified her flying off to the other side of the country without so much as a goodbye.

‘Shall I get the car brought round out front?’ Jax asked, interrupting my thoughts.

‘Yeah,’ I nodded absent-mindedly.

‘Okay. Meet us out front in five,’ he said before disappearing out of my office.

I took my cell out of my pocket and called Lucia.

‘Have you found her?’ she asked.

‘Yes. She’s gone to New York.’

‘Told you.’

‘I’m flying there myself soon. We’ll be back tomorrow morning. Don’t leave the house while I’m gone.’

‘Can’t I come with you?’ she asked.

‘No,’ I said and she sighed on the other end of the phone. I knew she would be worried about Alana too, but I had no idea of the reception I’d get when I found her. She would need handling, one way or another, and I didn’t need Lucia around while I did that.

‘I’ll bring her back before you even wake up tomorrow,’ I said.

‘Fine. But, you’d better not hurt her,’ she snapped.

‘What the fuck, Lucia! You honestly think I’d do that?’

‘I mean her heart, dumbass! I didn’t think you were going to beat her up!’ she snapped.

God, this kid was infuriating. ‘I won’t do that either,’ I said with a sigh.

‘Good. Then I’ll see you both tomorrow.’

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