Fear The Reapers: A Dark Mafia Romance (Lovesick Villains Book 1)

Fear The Reapers: Chapter 37

After fifteen minutes of uncomfortable silence, we finally pulled up to the front of Maria’s Cantina. With its Spanish-styled architecture and stunning floral landscaping, the building itself was breath-taking. But that wasn’t the reason I was having trouble breathing.

This part of the city was like a ghost town, especially this early in the day. And apart from the few stranglers of people walking down the street, there was no one around. Not only was I about to go into this place blind, but if something were to go down, no one would be coming to my rescue.

I didn’t have time to linger on the ‘what-ifs’. It had been two days. Forty-eight entire fucking hours since she last called. Who knew if Alex would even still be there, let alone if she was still alive. But on the drive over, she didn’t answer any of my calls, and this place was the only genuine lead I had. I couldn’t afford to leave a single stone unturned.

After thanking Jacob for the ride and for letting me use his phone, I stepped out of the car on shaky knees and made my way inside. Passing through the bougainvillea wrapped archway, I followed the cobblestone path through the eerily quiet courtyard as my heart thundered in my chest.

Alex had to be here. She just fucking had to be.

Approaching the door with caution, I reached for the sleek metal handle and pulled, finding the door bolted shut. I peered into the tinted glass and saw nothing but empty tables shrouded in a dark room.

I tried knocking, seeing if that would help, but when no one answered the door, I knew something was wrong. I ran towards the side of the building, seeing if I could find another way in, but the back entrance was just as empty, with not a soul in sight.

Melanie had my sister and was doing god-knows-what to her, just to get to me. Alex was paying for my stupid mistakes and as I thought about what that could mean, tears came rushing to the surface. But I would not just wait here and let myself cry. I needed to take action. I needed to get Alex back, even if it was the last thing I ever did.

I stormed back to the front courtyard, refusing to take the silence for an answer. Melanie was in there and she was going to give Alex back right fucking now. I stomped up to the door and pounded on the glass as hard as I could.

“Where the fuck is she!” I screamed, slamming myself into the glass door. “Alex, if you’re in there, I’m going to get you out. I swear to god, she will rue the fucking day she stole you!”

I heard the loud crack before I felt it, and then the ringing in my ears started. As my body crumpled to the ground and my face smacked against the cobblestone walkway, my vision blurred and a bitter taste filled my mouth. My breathing became labored, and I blinked back tears as I tried to see my assailant. Blue patent-leather stilettos stepped into my line of sight just before my lids became too heavy and everything faded to darkness.

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