Fated Mates

Chapter A Dinner of Unspoken Dynamics

Sabastian mentioned we’re invited for dinner. "I’m ready whenever you are,” I said, sensing the need to break the lingering tension in the room.

He smiled and joined me outside the room. I quickly combed my hair, pulling it into a high ponytail, and slipped into comfortable slacks and a hoodie. Ready to join the dinner table, we made our way to the hall, where our troop was already gathered, enjoying the meal.

Sabastian’s Beta, along with Alpha Ethan and Stephanie, came forward to welcome us. I noticed the silent communication between Sabastian and his Beta as they mind-linked. With a respectful bow from the Beta, we were led toward the spread. From the corner of my eye, I observed Stephanie’s every move, seizing every chance to be close to Sabastian, her touches too deliberate. My wolf stirred within me, expressing displeasure at the sight. I had promised Sabastian to spare him from any awkward situations with Stephanie.

After a while, I took the lead, positioning myself between Sabastian and his Beta as we sat down. On the opposite side of the table were Ethan and his sister, Stephanie. The scent of jealousy emanated from Stephanie, and I couldn’t help but enjoy the role play. Taking a bite of pancake from my plate, I extended it toward Sabastian, offering it to him. There was a momentary hesitation in him, but then his eyes smiled, and he ate from my fork.

The seemingly simple act felt charged with unspoken dynamics. It twisted something within me, igniting a desire to taste the honey on his lips. Sabastian, as if reading my thoughts, locked eyes with me, his gaze darkening. His Beta cleared his throat, breaking the trance, and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Sabastian, under the table, held my hand, making soothing patterns. He mouthed a word of reassurance, and the warmth of his touch eased my unease. I found myself smiling, comforted by the silent understanding that passed between us.

Stephanie persisted in her attempts to keep Sabastian away from our shared space, suggesting various activities to occupy our time. Despite the persistent efforts, I politely declined each proposal, sensing her underlying motives. Finally, she suggested a bonfire gathering in the garden for everyone. Sabastian, though tired, hesitated to decline outright, not wanting to appear rude.

Taking the lead, I addressed Stephanie, expressing gratitude for her hospitality. I acknowledged the efforts put into the arrangements but explained that our troop, weary from the recent conflict, needed rest. With an early morning journey ahead, I proposed that we retire to our rooms for a well-deserved rest. Ethan supported the idea, and Stephanie’s protests were quelled.

Entering our room, Sabastian looked at me with amusement, acknowledging my unexpected protective stance. He expressed gratitude for keeping Stephanie at bay, and I laughed, appreciating the lightness in our exchange.

As we settled into the room, Sabastian effortlessly separated the beds, signaling for me to take one. His understanding and respectful gesture were a relief, demonstrating a side of him that defied the stereotypical image of a dominant and eager alpha. I had heard rumors about Sabastian’s rough demeanor, particularly in his approach to relationships, but encountering him firsthand revealed a different side—a side that contradicted the misconceptions that had preceded him.

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