Fated for Two

Chapter 23

Everard gave a sad-sounding sigh that had both Brenton and Farrah turning their attention to him. So, he asked, “That reminded me of something I have been meaning to ask. Brenton, have you come up with any thoughts on Mason?”

Farrah’s brow furrowed in puzzlement as she asked, “What about Mason?”

“I have been having some doubts about his loyalty to me. So, I asked Brenton to keep an eye on him, feel him out a bit,” Everard informed her. “I never really felt he was as loyal as he should be and lately some of his actions concern me. Especially in light of what has been going on.”

Farrah nodded as she agreed, “Yeah, something about him bothers me also, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Something in the way he looks at you, and sometimes at Brenton.”

Brenton gave a heavy sigh and leaned his head back on the couch once more. Closing his eyes, he told them, “I’ve watched him, but I still don’t know. Nothing I’ve seen him do leads me to believe he’s the mole, but neither do I see any loyalty toward Everard either. Now, I do know he likes to talk trash to anyone who will listen about Everard, which isn’t good. He’s told Owen plenty, and Owen relays it back to me.”

“What does he say?” Everard asked softly.

“It would seem he doesn’t think you should have ever become alpha, Everard, but he says he’s trying to make the best of it,” Brenton admitted with a heavy sigh. “In fact, I don’t think he likes you at all and almost seems to blame him for Warren’s death.”

“How is my brother’s death my fault?” Everard whispered in dismay at Brenton’s words. “I mean, I know Mason never liked me, but then, neither did Warren. They were the best of friends, so Mason’s dislike of me came as no surprise to me. However, I don’t see how I caused Warren’s death. I didn’t call for that pack to come and attack us, or point Warren out to them and say, “kill him first”. No, we didn’t get along most of the time, but he was my brother, and it tore my heart out that I didn’t get to him in time to save him when those three wolves ganged up on him.”

Brenton turned his head to look at Everard and saw the hurt on his face.

Farrah rubbed at Everard’s chest trying to soothe him, giving him soft kisses on his neck.

Brenton reached out his hand and ran it through Everard’s hair as Brenton’s wolf whined within, feeling his wolf brother’s pain. “I didn’t say it made any sense, I’m just telling you how Mason feels. Owen doesn’t like the man much and thinks you’d be better off replacing him with someone else. He thinks Mason will undermine your authority any way he possibly can, he thinks he may already have. He’s found a few sympathizers in my pack and talks to them often. Owen worries about what he may be telling them.”

“Oh, trust me, he does undermine me,” Everard muttered dragging a hand down his face before rubbing at his eyes. “He never lets me forget what a wonderful alpha my brother was. He tells me what Warren would have done in any given situation. The thing is, I had no one else I could make beta and he was already in place. Not only that, but when I tried to get people to leave, he stayed.”

Farrah laughed lightly and asked, “Were you hoping he’d leave?”

“I felt like begging him to,” Everard muttered in disgust. “I knew he never really had my back, never really accepted me as alpha, but what could I really do? At least he doesn’t seem to be the mole, I guess.”

Farrah huffed, “Yeah, but that just makes it much worse in some ways. At least he would have been an easy answer.”

“True,” Everard agreed.

“I wouldn’t rule him out though, not just yet,” Brenton cautioned. “He still isn’t trustworthy no matter how you look at it.”

Everard nodded, still looking depressed about the whole mess.

“So, tomorrow, Brenton’s childhood home?” Farrah asked then to change the subject.

Brenton gave a heavy sigh and nodded. “Yes, tomorrow.”

“Um, I have to work tomorrow,” Everard reminded them.

Brenton frowned at Everard and muttered, “You need to just quit that job. I could use some help with some of my businesses and you have the smarts to do it.”

“I can’t, at least not yet, but I promise, I will soon,” Everard said.

“No arguing, boys,” Farrah said as she stood up. “We’ll just plan to go on Saturday, that’s only two days from now. For now, let’s go get a bite to eat before we head home.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Everard agreed, and Brenton nodded.

So, they all stood up and headed for the Pack's dining room for dinner.

The next morning Brenton woke up first, as he usually did. Also, as usual, Farrah was laying half on him and half on the edge of the bed. The three of them always started out the same way when they went to bed, Everard on the left, Farrah in the middle, and Brenton on the right. Yet every morning when he woke up, he was the one sandwiched between the other two. He grunted as her leg pushed up against his morning wood, made harder now that he was awake and feeling her curves pressed against him.

Unfortunately, there was no room on her side to roll her over and make love to her. He smirked though, remembering how he had done exactly that on more than one occasion, and it had been an awesome way to start the day.

On those occasions, he’d come out of the bathroom later, showered and ready to dress to find Everard on the receiving end of Farrah’s love. So, he’d ended up leaving the bedroom in a towel to have his coffee instead of dressing first because he knew Everard was a bit shy about things still.

Heaving a sigh of regret that it wouldn’t happen this morning, he managed to shove Everard over enough to get out from between the two. Everard whined and began patting the bed as if looking for something.

Brenton watched as Everard’s eyes fluttered open, a confused look on his face, and chuckled. This drew Everard’s attention and he blinked slowly. “Time to rise and shine, my wolf brother, we have a lot to do today. I’ll leave you to awaken sleeping beauty while I go shower.”

Everard gave a nod, his eyes moving toward Farrah.

Brenton shook his head, leaving the room. Well, at least Everard will get some love this morning.

Once Brenton had left the room, Everard moved closer to where Farrah lay. Realizing how close she was to the edge of the bed, he pulled her to him and nuzzled his nose in her hair.

Farrah moaned, slightly awakening as she muttered, “Everard.”

He chuckled and asked, “How did you know it was me?”

She blinked her eyes open and told him, “You have mine and Brenton’s scent mixed in with yours. Brenton has mine and yours mixed with his, but each of you still has a unique scent to me. You smell like fresh-cut pine whereas Brenton smells more like spice cake.”

Everard laughed and said, “So, Brenton smells like dessert?”

Farrah hummed as her hands began to move over his body. Her own body began to heat up as she found him aroused and ready to pleasure her. Kissing him along his chest and nipping at the first nipple she found, she answered, “Perhaps he does, but to me, both of you taste better than the sweetest of desserts.”

Everard groaned at the picture she put in his head of her mouth on his swollen shaft. With that thought in mind, he pushed her onto her back and put one hand between her legs as his mouth moved over her chest. He licked and nipped his way over her breasts before moving lower to her belly.

Farrah whimpered and whined as her head tossed back and forth on the pillow. Her hips bucked at the things his fingers were doing to her as she cried out his name, begging him to take her.

When Everard knew she was good and ready, he quickly rolled on a condom and moved between her thighs. Raising up on his elbows, he murmured, “Put me inside you, baby.”

One of her hands slipped between them, taking a moment to caress his balls lightly before doing as he’d ask. She moaned, arching her back as he slid in, filling and stretching her. She whispered, “So good, you feel so good.”

Everard leaned in to suck at his mark on her shoulder as he began to slowly move inside her. In and out, his hips slowly picking up speed as she moved with him. Flesh against flesh could be heard filling the room as their passion grew. Soft cries and whimpers came from them until they reached the moon, both giving a cry of satisfaction as their release was found.

When they came down off their passion high, they found Brenton standing next to the bed. He held his hard shaft in his hand, his eyes shining, and had a look of need on his face.

Everard’s face heated at the realization that Brenton had been watching them.

Brenton growled low, “I was going to wait but the sounds coming from this room was too much. Now, my turn.”

Everard moved off Farrah, throwing his condom away as he rolled off the bed. As he went to leave the room, he saw Brenton pull Farrah to the edge of the bed on all fours. He grinned. Brenton’s wolf is out and has come to mount his mate, go brother wolf.

Brenton pulled up in front of his childhood home and shut his truck off. He sat staring at the house long after Farrah and Everard had gotten out. He breathed deeply, trying to find calm when there was only a storm in his heart and in his head.

He stared at the wooden front door his mom had insisted on painting hunter green, expecting it to open at any moment and for his mother to come rushing out. There would be tears of joy in her eyes as she took in her “two boys” and their mate for the first time. She would look over Farrah and tell her how she was so happy to now have a daughter-in-law. His dad would come out and stand next to her, chuckle about not scaring the girl away before they got to know her.

Of course, they’d ask Everard how he was. They’d ask if his parents were as thrilled as they were about him finding his mate. They’d talk about how the packs needed to get together and celebrate. They’d talk about how their sharing a mate would change so many things. They’d ponder over why the moon goddess had chosen to do it among other things. Then they’d pull the three of them inside and mom would feed them whatever she had cooking.

Brenton’s truck door opened, and he found Farrah standing there, waiting. He gave a sob and she wrapped her arms around him, cooing that everything would be okay. She ran her hands through his hair, over his back, calming him with her gentle touch.

“They’re gone and never coming back, Farrah,” Brenton cried. “I’ll never see them again and it hurts so much. This is the reason why I couldn’t be here. It hurts that they will never walk out that door to greet me ever again.”

“I know it does, Sweetheart,” Farrah murmured. “Trust me, I know the feeling very well. Until the day I left home, I still expected my dad to come in and kiss me goodnight. I expected my brothers to tease me every morning about how ugly my bedhead was but say they loved me anyway. However, those memories, those good memories are the reason Mom refuses to leave her home. She needed them to survive her loss.” She took a deep breath, kissing the top of his head before adding, “The agony of death is something we all have to go through at some point in our lives, but we also have to somehow learn to pick up the pieces of our hearts and live no matter how much it hurts.”

Everard stepped in and put his hand on Brenton’s shoulder as he whispered, “It never completely stops, but knowing I have you back and now I also have Farrah… well, it helps that I’m not alone in it anymore.”

Brenton looked up at Everard and saw tear streaks down his face and gave another sob.

Farrah stepped back, knowing that right now the two men needed to lean on each other. They needed to share their grief for the ones they had lost.

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